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Roe vs Wade Overruled: One Year On
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@dickybannister5192 Месяц назад
it is a well researched book. the style veers around a bit between first-person retelling (which is, I suppose, as valid as any other, if the source is the horses mouth) and a lot of distilling academic-style stuff which is a bit dense for me. I'm glad it is showing, not telling, or, rather, not proselytizing cherry-picking leading-on. I just watched A Perfect Crime. for those saying on here about the "youngers" mouthing off about things they know nothing about. The whole thing is not so much about the crime, as little is acutally known, but interviews about the times. i did spit my tea out quite a lot at that.
@ketugrahagraha3673 Месяц назад
Great video, very informative, thank you. Unfortunatley, undestandding what you were talking about requires thinking while the idea "this is all because of immigrants" does not. I am not saying people are stupid, because they are not. They are incredibly intellectually lazy.
@amandaashmead5770 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this. I, too, found Donne through Howl, and, honestly, my whole English degree was just building on the novels of Diana Wynne Jones: Keats hit different after Fire and Hemlock: I understood Aeschylus because of Homeward Bounders (my personal vote for best novel not often mentioned). More profoundly, my writing voice was shaped endlessly rereading these books. Every time I reread any of them as an adult, I see phrasings and cadences that I think of as mine, and I feel like a fraud.
@NewsHistorian Месяц назад
Prisons have security and cheap rent too. Yeesh.
@dschoene57 14 дней назад
East Germany was in some regards much more progressive than its Western counterpart. For instance, in West Germany - up to the 1970s - a woman needed permission from her husband to open a bank account or take up a job,and the husband could at any time terminate her employment contract if he thought she was 'neglecting her household duties'. Meanwhile in East Germany every child was entitled to free child care from age 1 to age 6, and every woman was free to set up her own bank account or take up a job, in fact she was entitled to it. Also, abortions in West Germany were illegal. They were legal in the East. Homosexuality was illegal in West Germany until the reunification. It was decriminalized in the GDR in 1968.
@NewsHistorian 14 дней назад
@@dschoene57 Yeah - prisons offer free food, healthcare and security too. I wonder what the catch is.
@coopsnz1 Месяц назад
more taxes & regulations today how uk neoliberlism
@kikolatulipe Месяц назад
Did the guy heard of. 2007 global financial crisis!? Free market 😂
@kikolatulipe Месяц назад
@33:34 yes s indeed , media , fox and Murdoch are doing a great job for promoting democracy
@kikolatulipe Месяц назад
This scholar is big fun of Regan , he is very biased toward this former President!
@dereksewkumar07 2 месяца назад
"Neoliberalism ..=basically Screw the small people🙃=💀. And keep the screw-On💀like right -wing Stink-tank💩 ..Full on stink💩=💀=tory🙃-crap💩! Fact💀.. d🤕🇪🇺
@patrickvernon4766 2 месяца назад
Climate legislation is worthless give white people benefits directly from the state. Send checks and don’t stop. Stop means testing away benefits for whites
@andyeasy3320 2 месяца назад
For any kids watching I should point out that Roy Jenkins who championed 'social change' eg divorce and homosexuality laws during the 1960s, was not 'of the left' at all. Jenkins was quite the toff who liked his high living and was as far right as one could get in the Labour Party and remain in it. And yes Tony Benn did 'ask awkward questions about power'; one of those questions was about the prospect of joining the Common Market, in the 1960's and the referendum, promised by Wilson in the 1970's. It was 'the left' who asked questions about loss of sovereignty, enforced disconnection from the Commonwealth countries and democratic accountability of the distant Eurocrats and 'radical champion' Roy Jenkins, and Big Business Conservatives, who were waving the EEC flag. Andy also has a bit nerve stating that Corbyn avoided BBC's Today because he felt it was 'not sympathetic'. Andy is right in this assertion and yet he isn't able to remove the beam from hs own eye. Some of the 'brutal press treatment' Corbyn got from the press came from his own newspaper, The Guardian; the hit pieces on him were glaring. The last thing I would have thought about Corbyn was that he was an anti-semite. Also this conversation contains much yak from Andy and Andrew about this thing called 'the left' but I don't think the words 'democratic socialism' were mentioned once aside from a quote from Oscar Wilde. I must conclude that being left no longer means being wed to anything of the post-war consensus eg full employment, tax and spend, nationalisation or democratic socialism but instead means the cultish adherance to gender identity politics or climate alarmism. I do concur with other points Andy made about 'the left' and its perpetually clenched fist and the belief that anyone who isn't on 'the left' must, of course be right-wing. In my experience - I'm shocked to find that I'm older than Andy - that most people who are 'small c conservative' also like a little bit of 'small s socialism'. As it is, I wish Corbyn had won his General Election, it might have been a disaster, or it might not. I can't say I thought much of his shadow cabinet except for John McDonnell. A victory would have at least saved us the spectacle of the shambolic rule of the Conservative party. I now look forward to how 'the left' still remaining in the Labour Party goes about its business with a Labour government barely discernable from the Conservatives. I have just learned that Sir Keir has welcomed Natalie Elphick into the Labour Party. Let us take a moment and think about that. I look forward to reading Andy's book.
@Basia675 2 месяца назад
Please try to include context of many Eastern European countries being under colonialism from Austrian - Hungarian , Prussia and Russian powers. It is important. What is saying is excluding that context
@fredm5245 3 месяца назад
Just started her book so came here first. I lived in China for three years spanning the year 2000 and have a huge interest in this topic…
@tobaidi 3 месяца назад
One of the best conversations I've watched! Thank you for sharing this. Just incredible analysis by Andy!
@eric144144 3 месяца назад
Beckett works for The Guardian a purveyor of anti working class policies like global warming, mass immigration, EU membership which I utterly reject. As for antisemitism in the Labour Party. I absolutely don't believe it is in any way significant. Remembering that Corbyn's pal Lansman who helped him con his way onto the leadership ballot (by claiming Corbyn didn't want to be leader) is a very strong Zionist. Corbyn' leadership campaign was very dodgy. George Galloway claims not to have a liberal cell in his body. Corporate liberalism (BBC, Guardian) is the real enemy not the Tories.
@jackiejones209 3 месяца назад
Diana Souhami❤
@ElizabethBull-kq6sy 3 месяца назад
Interesting discussion.
@peterdollins3610 3 месяца назад
Walked & bussed through Albania in 1993 with a friend. At least 80% of people in the south were stick-thin suffering malnutrition. I went mainly to see how the Greek population were doing & the Albanians. The place was hell in burning acid. A dentist was telling us how he had been learning English through the programmes on BBC. One in four Albanians were spies for the Communist State. The police came to him asking why he was learning English. He said 'I want to be able to speak to all the world.' They said 'You are a bad man' & locked him into what sounded like a mining concentration/work camp for twenty years. He told us terrible stories of people murdered in his camp for disagreeing with communism. Fortunately the regime fell so he came out early. People were so desperate they were swimming to Corfu. They did not even have rowing boats or fishing tackle so they were using dynamite for fish. We were invited to five funerals of men on the coast who had died from the inadequate dynamite in one week. The Government had built 600,000 concrete bunkers against invasion telling their people 'The West wants our good water & bread.' The place was a nightmare. We met hundreds of people telling us horror stories. The people had been so enraged when the regime fell they tore down their excellent public buildings. What Lea says here is nonsense. My parents began the Taunton Communist Branch before the War. What finished me emotionally with Communism--I was finished intellectually a long time ago--was Albania in 93. Compared to Albania the West has good freedoms. We go through a crisis now but that is because the Extreme Right have managed to fool people & take over traditional Conservative Parties. Kick them out & find leaders to tackle the grave problems facing us.
@user-tu4rn8ui9u 3 месяца назад
Her book led me here. It's exceptional and very unique. Thank you for posting this talk.
@tsenotanev 3 месяца назад
did he really somehow jump over who took over latin america's economy after all the coups in the 70s and instead drew attention to reagan ... instant classic say financial times ... what a joke ..
@ellakingsman9328 3 месяца назад
Hi, I’m making a documentary for my third year dissertation on the north-south divide, could I use part of this clip, particularly 5.36-6.02
@andreakoch7689 4 месяца назад
what did really bring the wall down was the desire of the east germanz for western consumer goods. they saw it on west german telly ads every day and this was the driving force behind it - not the desire for freedom. i still remember, one east german summarised it in a talk show after the fall of the wall: "i want l,marlboro, marble jeans, a ghetto blaster and a golf GTI.". that was the driving force which brought the berlin wall down. the primitve desire for western consumer goods. these days it is, of course, shown in a different light. - this woman here is far too young in order to be able to report properly about the ddr. anybody who is younger than 50 has no clue and should not lecture about the topic, particularly not abroad. imagine an english native at the age of 25 trying to teach germanz about the thatcher times. that is as absurd as what this woman here is doing with her gdr-lecturing.
@abcdeshole 29 дней назад
This “young woman” (40 next year) was born in the GDR to a GDR family and is a professional historian and member of the Royal Historical Society. History would be a very poor field of scholarship indeed if we forbade it to people who did not personally experience the subjects they research. I presume that you yourself just have grown up to adulthood in der DDR to pontificate to the effect that you know more about GDR history than Dr Hoyer does. Or apparently you saw something on a talk show once, and that’s how you know?
@brianjacob8728 4 месяца назад
it's just the tired old recycling of laissez faire economics, which everyone knows does NOT WORK. So they slapped a new, misleading (it's not liberal) label on it and resold it to the public. This is how the right always operates. with deception.
@F--B 4 месяца назад
It's always necessary to parse a speaker's political bias when listening to a talk like this. Gerstle may at first appear to be an impartial analyst, but that's clealry not the case.
@garyjohnstone6422 4 месяца назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WZFx2TuEVw4.html “With someone else’s ass we’re all whores” -Professor Javier Milei Argentine President Mieli said: “The state is a criminal organization that finances itself through taxes levied on people by force. We are returning the money that the political caste stole.” “You can’t give s**t leftards an inch. All collectivists, all kinds of collectivists. [...] They are s**t!,’” he thundered. “If you think differently from them they will kill you. This is the point. You can’t give s**t leftists an inch, if you give them an inch they will use it to destroy you. “You can’t negotiate with leftards. You don’t negotiate with trash because they will end you! If you are on the other side, they will ruin you. They will kill you, they will throw you everything, they don’t care if they ruin your whole life. Why? Only because you don’t think like them.” The sh***y, silly, parasitic and useless political caste, he denounced “useless, parasitic politicians who have never worked”. “I’m here to kick these criminals out”, he said. “Leftist sons of b*tches, be afraid!” “Do you know the years of the Great Depression?” asked Milei wryly. “It was between 1929 and 1933,” and he continued, “And do you know in what year the General Theory was published? In 1936.” “It would be good for you to study it if you want to ask questions about Keynesianism”; “You’re saying something stupid”; “It seems to me that you even have comprehension problems”; “Your problem is arrogance because you don’t know a damn thing and you give your opinion about what you don’t know,” I’m not a totalitarian, I’m just saying you’re a don^key. You start giving your opinion on things you don’t know the fu^ck about,” he said, sparing her all diplomacy. The state does not create wealth, the state destroys it. The state can give you nothing, because it produces nothing. - Javier Milei
@garyjohnstone6422 4 месяца назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WZFx2TuEVw4.html What does Argentina`s President Prof. Milei have on his mind? Well, he thinks that politicians are “rats” that form a “parasitic caste” that only think about getting rich. The state should only dedicate itself to security and justice. “He combines a kind of ultraliberal orthodoxy, from [Milton] Friedman and [Friedrich] Von Hayek… he sees himself as a warrior against the state. “People realize that we’re getting poorer and that the only ones making progress are the politicians, the parasites.”
@garyjohnstone6422 4 месяца назад
Mariana Mazzucato argues that the United States' economic success is a result of public and state-funded investments in innovation and technology, rather than a result of the small state, free market doctrine that often receives credit for the country's strong economy. She wants to change the perception of the government from a bureaucratic machine that stands in the way of innovation, to government being the lead risk taker in terms of investing in innovations.” Clearly she is a Democratic Socialist then. Seemed to be rather well hidden that fact. What about Gates, Job, Musk, Larry Page, Bezos? Demonstrably the polar opposite is true. Typical socialist rubbish that gets an audience because governments want justification to spend more of your money competing with the private sector, the socialist road to ruin.
@garyjohnstone6422 4 месяца назад
Soft capitalism becomes plain, rotten to the core socialism sooner or later. The principles of free enterprise capitalism are immutable.
@Johnconno 5 месяцев назад
It was exactly the same as 1980's Liverpool. 🗜️
@briandelaney9710 3 месяца назад
But with the Stasi
@Johnconno 3 месяца назад
@@briandelaney9710 We had Merseyside Police.
@Felipesnac 5 месяцев назад
This is amazing. I’ve been reading her books with my wife and we are having such a great time together. It’s so nice to hear a little bit about the author behind the books and the woman behind this fantastic imagination. The stories and perspectives you shared were brilliant.
@davidmcclenaghan6603 5 месяцев назад
Loved her book
@Dutch_Uncle 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for this insight from someone who was there at the transition, and had the patience ot talk to the participants. My comments are below. Disclosure: I was in both Berlins as a tourist in the 60s, 70s, 90s, and 00s. I also lived in East Berlin for two years in the 1980s, before the unexpected change in management. I was not there for the fall of the Wall. I request thoughts on the absence of personal revenge by those who were reported on by the Stasi, against those who did the reporting. First the comments: BRISTOL GUILT: Take it easy on this. Can a city be guilty of what was done on the real estate hundreds of years ago? Have the Scandinavians and Italians paid anything as compensation for the outrages of the Vikings and Romans on the English? Any recent appologies or public rending of garments by ambassadors? ANPASSUNGSFAEHIGKEIT: This is the ability to adjust to a situation, and the DDR population did this in a range of degrees. Proverbs such as "You can't fight city hall," Don't try to p*ss against the wind," and "Bend with the wind" all seem to reflect the prevailing attitude. I know that an East German associate was a member of the Socialist Unity Party and the German-Soviet Friendship Whatever. She marched on Unter den Linden carrying whatever photos or slogans were required. I am confident that, if the Vegetarians came to power, she would not have had any problems marching with a poster of a turnip. Do as needed to perhaps get a better apartment, chances for your kids in school, or the goodies that dribble down to party members. Play the cards you are dealt, play the golf ball as it lies, don't try to swim against the tide, "Mitmachen!" RENDER UNTO CAESAR THE THINGS THAT ARE CAESAR'S: In German it is more specific, "Dem Kaiser geben was dem Kaiser gehoert." POPULATION DECLINE: In modern times there have only been two absolute population declines in peacetime. Ireland during the potato famine and East Germany before the Wall was built. MUTI GEHT ANS WERK: (Mommie goes to work) That is a song sung by DDR children. A woman's place is on the shop floor. SLIGHTLY MORE THAN EQUAL FOR REASONS OF PHYSIOLOGY AND TRADITION: Women received an extra day off each month due their monthly biological needs. However, the days off could be accumulated, with the result that females got 12 more days off each year than their male colleagues. DER STAAT ALS KINDERGAERTNERIN: This was Stefan Heym's characterization of the GDR, of which he was a citizen and resident. Respected but a pain in the rear at times for the government. The kindergarten teacher could discipline with a stern look, a rap on the knuckles, or time in Bautzen, a prison in the remote southeast of the country. She had an oblligation to care for all her chidren becuse she knew best. Likewise the government knew best and enforced the SED views on the population, which remained a mass of children. THE YEAR OF BOTH MARX AND LUTHER: Yes, these two Germans were celebrated in the same year, but not together. - - - - - - -NOW MY QUESTION:- - - - - Why no revenge against the ex-Sasi by those that they reported on? People had their personal and professional lives messed up by Stasi spies, but I have never read about the spied upon taking revenge, as in 9 mm pistol revenge, against the person who reported on them. Possible explanations: -The Germans are peace-loving and all forgiving in non-military affairs. They have short memories and do not carry grudges. This is another case of you looking at the world through your John Wayne-Rambo-cowboy eyes. I don't think that this is a satisfactory explanation. -The joy of unification cleansed the country of all anger. -There is an attitude of "everyone was doing it," reporting on everyone else. There must be something to this. This was indeed reflected in the film "Gundermann," when Gundermann confesses to a colleague that he was the subject of a report by Gunderman to the Stasi. The colleague laughs and says that he had also reported on Gunderman. Another Bibical thought, "Let him who is without sin (or this sin) cast the first stone." -There is residual resentment at the de-Nazifiction process conduced by the WWII Allies, and especially the Americans, after WWII. I attended a National Party of Germany rally, which was just on the border of being make illegal, when the question came up. The speaker asked the wildly hypothetical and fantasy-like question, "Would there be de-Socialist Unification Parytification in the unlikely event of German unification?" The audience sentiment was clearly that this insult would not be appropriate or necessary. I sincerely (really) would like some enlightening views on this.- thanks, Dutch_Uncle
@SuspendedLogic 6 месяцев назад
Gary is great with history, but his political biases are giving him a blind spot to the democrats being extremely authoritarian today. Think of big tech, the FBI, and the propaganda of the press.
@ericrobinson7184 6 месяцев назад
Excellent visionary outlook...I concern myself with many of the same insights...as do others, so its nice to get confirmation of the need to outline infrastructures.
@AlternativeMediaJointCenter 6 месяцев назад
I wonder if he still thinks the same. To see the scene as so-called progressivism vs authoritarian is in itself so NEOLIBERALIZED that I doubt if he understood neoliberal globalism and that there is establishment vs at least 2 alternatives of which one is a real socialist one!
@mzncjdkslakpd 6 месяцев назад
The neoliberals are social darwinists with an Austrian school gloss, all afraid of workers ...
@mzncjdkslakpd 6 месяцев назад
Neoliberalism refuses to recognize public goods or the attendant problem of collective action, so the private market solves all problems and what the market does not solve cannot be solved or the problem is imaginary. No such thing as society said Margaret Thatcher. These principles don't extend to foreign policy where these people have a touching faith in aliances and promises
@karigrandii 6 месяцев назад
19:55 the neoliberals don’t want fully free markets and ”destruction” of the regularory state. They want a free market for the large corporations to function ”freely” and a state that bails them put whenever they fail. The neoliberal ideology deeply depends on a strong state that helps out the big corporations and thus the wealthy individuals to stay in power. That is the whole point of neoliberalism and how it differs from conventional classical liberalism.
@shannonm.townsend1232 6 месяцев назад
Perhaps "Sisyphiusian patience"
@mesolithicman164 6 месяцев назад
He talks about Trump as the 'Strongman' and implies policies of racism and dictatorship. Meanwhile, Biden wields the security state to try to jail Trump and his middle American supporters. Colleges now have separate Black graduation ceremonies and East Asian students are discriminated against by University faculties. Those all look like the hallmarks of racism and dictatorial power. And yet Trump is the threat? However smart the pundit is they can't get past their visceral fear of Donald Trump and the disadvantaged Americans he represents.
@nthperson 6 месяцев назад
From a scholar born in Britain I would expect at least some reference to the inherited role Americans retained from life under British law that secured and protected landed privilege. From Turgot, Adam Smith captured the essence of how an immediate redistribution of wealth from producers to rentier interests was institutionalized. This systemic level of entrenched privilege has never been addressed. I have recently read the first two volumes of a trilogy written by Fred Harrison, director of the Land Research Trust in London, titled "#WeAreRent," in which he documents the history of the how this wealth confiscation occurred.
@rwakelin2006 6 месяцев назад
Stop immigration, start repatriation, problem solved.
@lonecandle5786 6 месяцев назад
How does the earned income tax credit fit into the liberal versus neo-liberal orders? Its goal seems to be to give everyone a fair income for their work, but it is supported by many neo-liberal advocates.
@cyberpunkalphamale 2 месяца назад
it's a corporate subsidy so they can avoid paying a higher wage. see the debate over the 1986 tax reform act
@lonecandle5786 6 месяцев назад
Could Clinton have stuck with the neo-liberal model because he actually believed in it? At least believed it to an extent?
@marsmotion 6 месяцев назад
biden is a dictator run by wall st bankers. this man cant see it or wont. biden betrayed workers in the rail strike and every other time he was called to stand for them. biden is a neolib neo con war monger and war criminal now. seeing trump as some enemy of democracy when bidens uniparty stole the 2020 election and is busy attacking him with the legal system for 2024 is amazing. this man is why america is so screwed. a typical older lib who cant see the forrest for the trees and loves his fascist warmongers over anything populist. but then what does one expect for the oxford trained? certainly no questioner of the establishment. sad.
@TheRichardSpearman 7 месяцев назад
A revealing interview. Not mentioned (it never is) is the fact that after 1945 three countries were divided, Germany, Korea and Vietnam. The USA had a role in all three cases.
@capitalist4life 6 месяцев назад
USSR had a role too…
@Dutch_Uncle 6 месяцев назад
Austria was also divided. Remember "The Third Man."
@klauskinski5969 4 месяца назад
@@capitalist4life lol ussr wanted a united but demilitarized germany. usa allowed electings in korea and vietnam and as soon it was clear who wins blocked it and supported dictators.
@petebondurant58 3 месяца назад
So did the USSR.
@petebondurant58 2 месяца назад
@TheRichardSpearman So did the Soviet Union.
@carlosgohn6835 7 месяцев назад
Expresses himself in a delightful way. Greetings from Brazil.
@garypowell1540 7 месяцев назад
This is a perfectly true story and I hope interesting one, so please try to read it all. What is perhaps not so well known is that not just fascists existed in East Germany but very real Nazis. You know the whole 10 yards. There were groups of young Nazis in every East German college including the very top ones in Berlin. I know because I met with around 20 of them shortly after the wall fell in 1994-95. They were extremely polite and welcoming and could all speak perfect English, but avoided doing so if at all possible. I met them through an X girlfriend of their top leader who was a concert pianist in the Berlin Youth Orchestra and his X girlfriend was a clarinetist in the same. I lost contact with them shortly afterward, for reasons that will become self-evident. When I first met them they were playing what they called party games. These were like intellectual circle jerks, where they all strived to outdo each other with their mathematical or knowledge-based prowess. Not something that was ever done at English Universities, not to my knowledge anyway, we were all far too stoned for that sort of thing. After this and they all having a great laugh at my massively inadequate German, all of the guys earnestly gathered around a large oak table in the center of the apartment. A large detailed map was rolled out and they began planning something using markers. It took me some time to work out exactly what they were doing while I sat in the corner sipping my flat East German lemonade with the incredibly attractive blond girls. Eventually, I got the gist of what they were doing. This was because "Töte die türkischen Schweinehunde," I could understand even with my highly limited command of the German language. They were meticulously planning attacks on Turkish immigrant workers during a visit from the Turkish head of state. This was just before the announcement of the venue for the next Olympic games, which went to Sydney. The Brandenberg gate area was all set up to celebrate Berlin getting them, so it was all a bit of an anticlimax that weekend. I don't personally go in for beating people up so politely decided not to participate, not that any of them seriously expected me to, I am sure. These were just the leaders, none of them personally got up to any violence themselves to my knowledge, they left that sort of grubby thing to others as these kinds always do. She took me to some other very strange places that weekend that still existed in many parts of East Berlin at that time. I still have a video of my few days there. Many of the streets were still cobbled and many of the buildings were still covered in bullet holes. She took me to Potsdamer and several large bomb sites that looked very dystopian indeed. These were decorated with very weird satanic-looking graffiti and artistic constructions made from pieces of scrap metal and parts of Russian or German military equipment. One of them even had a bar, and was clearly where many East German youth liked to spend a romantic evening with friends. I could go into some of this young lady's sexual preferences, but it is best, I don't do so. I imagine that she wanted to show me these kinds of places as she had no doubt that they were soon going to be demolished by those 'nasty' West Germans. She did take the time to explain to me that he had dumped her because she was not so keen on some of his political leanings. However, to me, there was still a Nazi in there somewhere and this Germanic archetype combined with a communist atheist indoctrination had done none of them any good. She seemed to have little understanding of how Western minds thought by then. She could not understand that the vast majority of Westerners had long since forgotten and forgiven the Germans and moved on, even British Jews were all but over it by then. She and her friends reminded me that we may have gotten over it, but they had not, as East German youth had not been allowed to forget it or forgive themselves. It was very clear to me that even 4 years after the wall had fallen much of East Germany had not changed at all, very much including many East Germans. None of these particular young Germans were at all happy about the fall of the Wall, quite the contrary they were pissed right off. They seemed worried about their future prospects having once been part of the elite of East German youth. I reassured them that they had nothing to worry about and would likely end up becoming ministers or even Chancellors one day with such a work ethic, smart dress sense, high intelligence, socialist leanings, obvious talent, and self-discipline. I met up with this girl 20 years later when she visited London. I still don't understand what she saw in me especially as I was 15 years older than her and Jewish, but what can I say she must have liked something about me? She had gone on to become a music teacher like her mother. Not surprisingly her X boyfriend went on to become an MP for the German Green Party in 2002. You can't keep a 'good' Nazi down, it seems.
@andreakoch7689 4 месяца назад
hello gary. thanks for sharing your very own, exotic and personal berlin story of the 1990's. i bet you had a wonderful learning experience and loads of adventures in the crazy place berlin was in the first years after the fall of the wall which will stay with you for the rest of your life. things have moved on meanwhile and you can be happy to have seen places which are now long gone or have changed beyond recognition. - by the way, i like the end of your story. and the smart english sense of humour with which you close your story...
@garypowell1540 4 месяца назад
@@andreakoch7689 Very much so although I could write an entire book about my many 'exotic' experiences in many parts of the world. I had a glorious ten years between marriages packing in an incredible amount at that time in one's life when a man could be said to be at his prime. I am still paying the price but you can't have your cake and eat it, as they say. Young women seem to go a bit crazy when they meet an older and more experienced man. They seem to greatly appreciate the extra maturity they hardly ever find in a man of a similar age. Someone who actually bothers to listen to what they say and responds appropriately even if they don't like it, which is more often than not. Intelligent women must find males of their own age and intelligence incredibly arrogant and frustrating. I greatly sympathize with their problem. I am sure I was no better when I was 19. When I traveled in those days a woman invariably became part of the story sometimes before I even left the airport and once before I left the aircraft. The latter was a Russian Tennis Coach traveling with a Russian Mafia Family to Mauritius, another interesting one. Whatever hormones they had been giving her when young had some interesting effects on her body and libido. 28 years old with the body of a 14-year-old, that went like an overheated steam train with no breaks or the slightest desire to ever use them. East Berlin was like a Dystopian Hollywood Movie at that time, it was like the war had only ended a few years previously. They were still selling Russian and German war memorabilia in the street markets and driving Trabants. You could taste the pollution eating away at your nostrils. I failed to mention we also visited the Sachsenhausen concentration camp which was an unforgettable experience. Yep, I used to let myself in for it back then. I spent most of the 3 hours with tears in my eyes but it was worth the visit. It was constructed in the middle of one of the nicest and most affluent parts of Berlin. Large middle-class houses on tree-lined roads. Then you arrive at the entrance of what could be a large state school, walk through the unassuming entrance, and arrive in hell. The birds singing in the trees and the sun shining in the sky, but hell all the same. It is difficult to imagine how the local residents at the time could not have known what was going on only a few yards away, but if they insisted, I would not call them liars. Human beings are like this. Their innate capacity to ignore what they subconsciously wish to ignore is legendary and is happening today every bit as much if not more as it was then. We ignored the worst possible horrors then and we are ignoring them now, nothing ever really changes. Human beings are notoriously awful at living in the real world. They can't even deal with their own inevitable deaths never mind anyone else's. We all live in a constant state of denial. The truth is, life is a bitch then you marry one, then you die, and that is if you are lucky. Everything else is a bonus so make the best of every second as however bad it may seem it could be so much worse. Always be grateful even if you can't think of anything to be grateful about. Always live this mortal experience as if there is far more to come even if there is not. God will look after you, indeed He is looking after you whether you know it or not or have worked out how or why he does so. What nastiness or ill intent you bring into this world will come straight back at you usually sooner and sometimes later. You may be judged when you die but your punishment often comes far sooner. Comfort yourself, with the real possibility that this is nothing more than a punishment for past failures in character and resolve to be a better person this time. Why not? Being of good intent is more fun and you always end up with better friends or friends worth having. Stubbornly remain of good intent, as evil will either ignore you or swiftly move on. Evil always goes for the easy victim or soft option.
@2msvalkyrie529 7 месяцев назад
Classic example of the vastly over rated modern " writer ".....churned out a deluge of instantly forgettable literary blancmange.
@ianw1962 6 месяцев назад
And you can do better?.
@benjamingeorgecoles8060 4 месяца назад
Hi. I'm just curious to know, a) if that's your opinion of Toibin, why you're here? And b) what motivated you to share that opinion with the rest of us?
@AY-ln1mk 7 месяцев назад
What a brilliant interview. I read about Mr Bullough’s book in the Economist, and have been hooked. I hope to hear him speaking live, thank you for all the work!