Big Simple
Big Simple
Big Simple
Toronto cartoonist who likes roguelikes and indie games.


contact: ContactBigSimple[at]gmail.com
Working on The Housing Crisis - Rimworld
2 часа назад
Bring Him Home! - Rimworld
9 часов назад
A Sudden and Violent Spiral - Rimworld
14 часов назад
Picking Up After the Wreckage - Rimworld
19 часов назад
All is Quiet In House Limbus - Rimworld
День назад
Recouping Severe Loss - Rimworld
14 дней назад
Devestation On House Limbus - Rimworld
14 дней назад
Hello Modern Era! - Rimworld
14 дней назад
The Great Quest for Steel! - Rimworld
14 дней назад
Rapid Expansion - Rimworld
21 день назад
@Hybban 8 часов назад
Bought the game thanks to (because of?) you :) Got my first win on second try thanks to all of your great advice. A nice Fire and Thunder synergy with the prestige class associated. It was a lot of fun.
@eastonskeens9692 10 часов назад
If someone is bleeding out and being rescued, consider drafting someone with good med skills to have them wait in the hospital for their arrival. They can immediately start tending, with a bit of micromanaging, but it’s saved me some people here and there that had moments to left it live. Especially if someone has an infection that needs tending a lot. Also @10:50 the hospital was dirty and it beats out the sterile tiles, they still help but there was just too much dirt. I use a quality of life mod for zoning a cleaning area so they only clean where I want them to (inside). Paired with a high priority for all of em for cleaning so they clean up after themselves. P.S. hope you’re still having fun with the game! There’s a million and one ways to play and everyone should play how they like. I like micromanagement but others may not :) Plus there’s the new dlc 1.5 which adds so much more! I’d love to see you beat this ‘no dlc’ run and jump into the next run with all of them, learning the hard way again like this run! :)
@pendantblade6361 10 часов назад
You might want to hide your conduits in the wall. Open conduits give a beauty debuff there. Most defenses only have opening, with multiple doors exiting the base. Enemies don't often try to break down doors so it may be smart to dot some around your perimeter. I recommend shutting off one of your defenses, with a wall and doors, and keep just one pathway open.
@eastonskeens9692 11 часов назад
Love your content brother 😎
@jeremylackey6587 15 часов назад
Really takes me back to my firat base... that was burned down by raiders on like day 10 because i didn't realize they could just set fires, and wooden walls are highly flammable.
@neilharper1858 18 часов назад
I decided to buy this after watching this I'd be happy if you played more, but understand if you don't have the time for it
@neilharper1858 День назад
Ohh I want to try astroid miner Take me back to my eve online days Thanks for the video
@pendantblade6361 3 дня назад
Also, please get a dedicated janitor lol
@pendantblade6361 3 дня назад
Turrets won't aim if you're covered in smoke. A very easy way to deal with em is to shoot at yourself with the smoke launcher and use NORMAL grenades to blow em up. A mini turret will be one shorted. The upside of grenades is they do so much damage on ALL turrets is they don't have a chance to blow up. That's very good if you're ever playing the Royalty DLC.
@pendantblade6361 3 дня назад
Damn, shoulda mentioned this ages ago: End tables only work if placed next to the head of the bed. As is, it does nothing. Dressers are fine tho. I personally go for 5*6 bedrooms but I like to pamper my pawns.
@ubertuna1 3 дня назад
Awwwww hell yeah brother. Severed Steel was SO GOOD and so underrated, this promises all the same goodness with open environments and a freaking hoverboard on top. I second the below, you gotta play Severed Steel too!
@praticle 4 дня назад
this looks really cool! you should also check out severed steel if you havent yet
@BigSimple 3 дня назад
That's the other one by the same devs I'll Definitely be checking it out
@UnleashTheGiraffe 4 дня назад
Thanks a bunch for giving our demo a try. Super good comments as well. We have a bunch more events planned. That's definitely an area that will be expanded before release. We also hope to add rearrange of character portraits. For now you can change the key-binding, but being able to group certain roles makes sense. Positioning can make a huge difference. For instance with roller snails you can sometimes place healers outside of their range to avoid that initial burst damage. Glad you enjoyed playing. Can't wait to show you everything we have in store for the full launch. :)
@pendantblade6361 5 дней назад
You best put slag chunks nearest to your smelter. Just set a stockpile outside the room. Steel, plasteel, slag chunks, stone blocks don't deteriorate while outside so you can just chuck them on the ground though you may want to have dedicated shelves for them later on. When you set up a pool table you can safely deconstruct the horseshoe as they have the same recreation type (dexterity). Pawns will want a varied set of recreation or they'll get bored and their recreation will fill slower.
@horstrudiger4091 5 дней назад
Sweet, sweet summer child, you havnt seen the endgame yet^^ Shallow water (light blue water tiles) can be drained with a moisture pump, or build water proof conduits on. Deep water (dark blue tiles) on the other hand, cant be drained or build on and enemies/colonists cant cross it.
@BigSimple 4 дня назад
did you know that "sweet summer child" is a game of thrones reference?
@horstrudiger4091 5 дней назад
When it comes to room sizes 11x11 seem to be the magic number for a lot of people, but i think your rooms look good. Some more art will make this places look nicer for your colonists. In the button right corner, next to the "Room display stats" is another tool, that can show you the beautifulness of an object in a room. The only room i would recommend to expand is your kitchen. In order to avoid food poisoning you need a skilled cook and clean kitchen. The cleanliness of a room is calculated by "total room tiles" divided by "dirty tiles". So a small room like 4x4 with 5 tiles of dirt would be considered more dirty than a big room like 7x7 with 9 dirty tiles.
@malkavian6 5 дней назад
Hello! I commented a little while ago on one of your videos and decided to jump in. I started watching this one and couldnt get the itch to play it out of my head. So i bought it. I decided to try out this build. My first run, ended the second i entered the joppa crack. I cannot remember what killed me but it was so quick. I am really liking the build you detail here. I could not find the proboscis thing - so I think i took the sensing mutation. I am not sure how the mental armor thing works really - and I think i accidentally spec'd into things I should not have... But I am now some where past level 8 and being way more careful about my exploration so i do not run into something that one hits me before i realize there is something to worry about! I am having a lot of fun with this game. Thanks for all the content :)
@zankthegreat4291 4 дня назад
I just got the game a couple days ago too, and that's about how my first run went too
@crane2419 5 дней назад
Is Knytt the other game you were thinking of that was made by this dev?
@RoraxPlays 5 дней назад
Came to the comments to mention this
@BigSimple 4 дня назад
yes! Knytt was the original and Knytt Underground was the one available on steam, but there was also "Within a Deep Forest" which I have enjoyed a few times! I'll cover it at some point :)
@pendantblade6361 6 дней назад
I know this happened because of a recording error but I just wanna say I actually really enjoy post play narration! I know some LPers do it and your style isn't, but I reckon you might wanna give, if not this specific run a try, a later Quds run.
@BigSimple 4 дня назад
I'll think about it, might be fun for some stuff!
@pendantblade6361 7 дней назад
By this point of the game you should consider making uranium maces and plasteel longswords. The plasteel is pricey but well worth it.
@BigSimple 7 дней назад
that is good advice! I'm letting the backlog of recordings catch up a bit so you'll see me take this around episode 45 hahah
@horstrudiger4091 7 дней назад
Not all animals can be fully trained, its limited by thier intelligence and size. Dogs like huskies and labradors are the best hauling animals in vanilla rimworld, with elefants and mega sloths beeing also good fighters. Your lizzards are too small for hauling and your sheeps/dromedary to stupid. If you wanna deal with less raids you can switch the storyteller in the game options. Phoebe chillax sends raids less frequent than randy or cassandra does. At around 8-10 pawns the game stops giving you "colonist join events" and tries to kill off people more actively. Right now with a colony at this size cassandra is out for blood.
@BigSimple 7 дней назад
this is good to know!
@chillgames823 8 дней назад
you need a video editor? id be willing to edit this video for you and show you if you like it i can do it for free
@JazzyFunkaHolic 9 дней назад
Amazing game
@pendantblade6361 10 дней назад
Remember, a colony that got wiped out is not a 'game over', it's just the end and start of a new story. Is what I wanna say. 1.5 adds a mechanic that, after about 18 hours after everyone dies, you can start a new game with new characters, who will inhabit the ruins of your colony. I dont blame you if you wanna restart, could be nice if you had the same pawns even (you'll need some mod shennanigans to transfer pawns from one save to the next). OR you could stay and rebuild. As the other guy said, it IS weird how there's so few fighters in the colony. Turrets may not help much but a LOT of turrets and traps could have. Let's see how this goes.
@ozgurerguney8924 10 дней назад
Excellent video, thanks for the coverage!
@denizk5387 10 дней назад
Many thanks for the coverage!
@horstrudiger4091 10 дней назад
I dont think the turret would have changed much in this situation, it would have been simply overrun and destroyed. The main issue are your pawns that cannot fight, normaly every single colonist should be able to help defend the colony.
@ulfsire1845 10 дней назад
awesome coverage on this one, the devs are really great
@BigSimple 10 дней назад
Its a great game!
@rcube33 11 дней назад
Heroes of Might and Magic Successor??1?
@phillipmitchell2254 11 дней назад
This looks sick as fuck
@ubertuna1 11 дней назад
Oh man I love the art style for this! Reminds me a lot of the open source classic Battle for Wesnoth (and heroes ofc). Nice find.
@Ericshadowblade 11 дней назад
"I thought i had already unlocked this no wait. It's a different room," Leaves without comphereding what the games trying to show him
@XxZigonxX 11 дней назад
i like that there are 8 different ideas of what this reminds people of, fantastic, ill add mine. "wow it sort of looks like a mad max remix???"
@TehRaegls 11 дней назад
Been longing for a homm-like that doesnt grind out any interest i had with lots of gripes just big enough to not ignore, this looks promising! Frog friends big plus.
@ArmyOfThree1000 11 дней назад
Looks like a 3d version of convoy
@pendantblade6361 12 дней назад
Steel for days. Now all you need is the long range mineral scanner for components and you're good. Best way to deal with direct drop pod raids is to park your melee fighters next to pods before they exit. That'll shut down any one of em. Be careful, some will carry doomsdays and triple rocket launchers.
@Ry852 12 дней назад
This is like Auto Assault, very small, old, car based MMO
@horstrudiger4091 12 дней назад
You can smelt flak pants/ flak/vest for some extra steel at the smelter. At the smithy you can craft heavy armor, wich has a higher protection value than light armor, like flak jackets. You can use different materials like wood, steel or plasteel to make heavy plate armor, with plasteel having the best stats. Different materials do matter for crafting and you guest it right, camel hide does provide good heat isolation and works well for desert clothes. The most valuable leather for crafting clothes is thrumbo fur, with an armor rating similar to flak jackets and insane high heat and cold isolation.
@redshoehart 12 дней назад
This looks really cool, thanks for sharing
@cuddlyscorpion 12 дней назад
Vigilante 8 vibes? looks dope.
@jbp4532 12 дней назад
@54:52 BEHOLD!!!!! 🦅🤣
@varbingoda 12 дней назад
It's actually pretty boring to watch optimal play. They end up jacking up the difficulty and hordes of enemies attack. It becomes a different game. I do like watching newer players but it's hard to draw a line between optimizing and just telling people game mechanics.
@pendantblade6361 13 дней назад
You can write an entire thesis on making a good killbox, though perhaps one that cannot fit into one YT comment. Also should mention confers a noticeable movement penalty. Flooring all that sand by the entrance may be overkill but you should at least consider like a three tile walkway!
@samward343 13 дней назад
are you going to play path of Achra again? I really enjoyed those vids. Liking the Rimworld vids too though
@BigSimple 12 дней назад
I'm going to record a batch today!
@samward343 12 дней назад
@@BigSimple Yay!!!!
@horstrudiger4091 13 дней назад
A dining room is simply a room with chairs and a table for colonist to eat. Having it near the kitchen does make sense. Same with the rec room, a room that has recreational stuff in it, like a chess tables or tv. Tables and chairs can also be used for recreation, so if you wanna seperate both rooms, you have to disable the dining room table as "gathering spot". However there is no reason why a dining room cant be also the rec room. Building a large dining/rec room with high quality furniture and art will provide your pawns with a all time big mood boost. You can burry animals in sarcophagus, there is a checkmark at the grave to allow animal corpses.
@ZacHawkins42 13 дней назад
Neat! I appreciate the Evil Dead reference in the chainsaw flavor text. Gonna have to check this one out 👍
@ubertuna1 13 дней назад
Don't get discouraged when people click off your vids, I think that's always going to happen to EVERYONE who posts on YT and especially for gaming content. Just because people have different taste in games and there is so much content out there, it's inevitable people surf around a bit, click off of vids for games they aren't really drawn to, and I wouldn't take that personally. I really enjoy your style, because it's relaxed, down to earth, and real. You're not trying to overhype the games or play some kind of super exaggerated character like many streamers do, and I love that about you man. Now I might not watch and comment on every single vid you put out just because I don't have infinite time, but I really appreciate the videos I do get the time to watch. So please keep making them and keep on being yourself. <3
@chrissloan7740 13 дней назад
You sorta picked up on this, but the reason your colonists aren't eating at the table is because it's so far away from your food. Room designations aren't a thing like they are in Dwarf Fortress, room types don't have discrete effects and colonists will use any furniture in a room regardless of what the room type is classified as by the game.
@Delassa 14 дней назад
Just picked this up, really good gem id missed out on when it came out. Would totally watch a playthrough.
@pendantblade6361 14 дней назад
Fun fact, assuming my info isn't out of date, even if you have the best armor available (Marine Armor for vanilla, Cataphract with Royalty) and they're of Legendary quality, Lancers STILL have a 2% chance to insta kill you. Beware.