Abdullah Qumper
Abdullah Qumper
Abdullah Qumper
@jamesmontana6999 4 дня назад
I only have 138/140 with ventus but I have all the stickers and got 7 points with all of them what's going on lol
@AbdullahQumper 4 дня назад
@jamesmontana6999 watch the video again carefully... there must be a stickers that you miss
@AbdullahQumper 4 дня назад
@jamesmontana6999 and try to place 'em in correct position. like this video
@bow_service6664 7 дней назад
I still can't delete my account
@user-oi7mj1nb5t 16 дней назад
Thank you this video was every helpful 😊
@AbdullahQumper 16 дней назад
you welcome, make sure you watch my other vidoes
@nieeel676 18 дней назад
Will I lose materials if I delete the turret?
@AbdullahQumper 18 дней назад
@@nieeel676 no
@annatincy7773 19 дней назад
@AbdullahQumper 17 дней назад
@voiceoversmiff Месяц назад
Had a nightmare when I did this mission. Great video!
@avaşarkızı38-x9d Месяц назад
part1 转发-对于近期热传《拼图战斗》习近平等人转世信息的补充阐述 作者:(无名) 来源:澳洲佛教协会 2024上半年,全球各地的高僧,邀请了一些西藏的专家针对共产党是「人间佛教(humanity fake buddhism」和尚转世这件事进行了一些私下专门的座谈。 宗教都是保右(right)不保左(wrong)的,密宗佛教更是保右杀左的。所以共产党属于绝对的「人魔」。 为了避免外界人士对共产党上辈子的故事产生误判,所以有必要向各位做一个简单详尽的阐述。 在清朝以后,民国开始,大陆地区高次元宇宙的法主,也就是我们所说的人天师,佛法的继承人,是六祖慧能。是他在执法。 在他的说法范围内,也就是大陆地区,人智慧必须接近他,或者超过他,你的未来世才会有好报,才能升官发财。他是正确的正法。 part2 然后太虚(习近平),圆瑛(李克强)这班人,近代搞了一个抄捷径的偏门出来,把佛教解释成人道主义,自立门户,把人说成是佛,修完今生不再修了,就是人间佛教。 (什么叫做高次元,欧美人现在都吃了DMT,那就是一种形式的高次元,据说对天人来说还是是比较低层次的次元宇宙。欧美由于普及了DMT,基本上是推翻了了爱因斯坦唯物论,所以整体全部在动乱,搞合法盗抢零元购,警察政府也做暗中推手,就是目前世界的动乱形势。) 看到这里,各位还不能判断他们太虚圆瑛等人的好坏,所以要顺着六祖慧能的案件,就可以对他们的犯罪定性。 西藏的法师在04年圆寂的时候,利用多年的修行稳住了临终定境(稳定),中阴身达到了真实的涅槃,当时就找到了六祖慧能的转世,他就是主持人白岩松。大师进入涅槃境界以后,将这些信息从其他空间陆续缓慢的传输到地球上并且保密起来。 这些秘密一旦不合时宜的公开,耶稣和共产党都会派人来害你,耶稣会过来敬酒强制你堕落道世俗,玛利亚会派人过来脱衣。 所以这些都是特别的机密,并且不用人类的语言文字传输,使用的心电进行传输,类似香港电影《卫斯理蓝血人》这样。 part3 大家看到白岩松这里,仿佛还是和太虚大师以及文革扯不上关系,所以这就是我们外行看门道,做题的时候看了答案也是知其然不知其所以然。 西藏印度的首座们在甚深三摩地里观察到,白岩松除了今生叫做白岩松,他还有上一世,就是作家老舍(舒庆春)。共产党害他的事就在这里。 慧能法师(老舍)属于显宗人,有谋无勇,不能还击饿鬼,所以他在毛泽东恐吓威胁下自杀身亡。 这里就是人间佛教未来立足政治的重要事件点。 他们自己模仿了一个特殊佛教,换取官位,官位到手以后,再发动文革,毁掉佛教加入科学,中央电视台的logo就是科学。 我们现在看完了整个故事,仿佛以为是共产党闭门造车修行人间佛教成功了,从而产生了共产党,并且现在成功成名。 其实,非也非也。最终还是需要专家才能得到圆满解释。 part4 人转世一个段落,讲述一个寓言故事,不是两世,通常是三世。转生三世说一个哲理,提升一级智慧。所以转世完成3世通常是200年到300年。有的久一些,修大的功德,要修5世,一次完整轮回投胎3世甚至五世,时间会达到500年。 所以,在修行上真正权威有建树的专家,观察了太虚圆瑛等人的案件以后,做出的结论是,这是佛祖对他们弱智行为的包容与讽刺。 再有高深一些的菩萨,还可以观察到他们的过去世,可以看到一些更加不可思议的事。比如菩萨清晰的观察到,印光大师,今生除了转生为温家宝,但是他在金朝的时候,实际上就是全真教祖师王重阳。他们是道化佛,体内有内脏感受,产生了佛教过敏。共产党这一班人,基本上都是属于全真教,也就是农民。全真教所到之处自然是有口皆碑。 这就是简单一件事,一个难题,我们虽然看了答案,也还是知其然不知所以然。所以,要攻克难题,必须通过自己的因明断证,看答案只是助缘。 part5 佛学院的专家堪布明确表示了,只要和共产党对立,你就和左道对立,站在对的一边,你修行任何法门,人生做任何抉择都不会走错路。 所以法轮功以及其团体,虽然出世间见地有限度,但是他们是右翼的,只会救人不会害人。他们面对的受众层次有限,但是方向不会错。李洪志早期出生在共产党,他受了共产主义强烈洗脑,曾经认为印度佛是捏造的,自己跟着造一个,歪打正着形成了法轮功。所以他曾经带有这种意识,在宇宙里留了不好的种子,背负骂名。但是据说他到达美国以后,解脱了脑控,已经认识到自己的问题,并且重新整改。所以我们必须支持他们。他们是大陆仅有的勇士,其他大陆人都被公安和解放军威胁着,过着紧张焦虑的生活。 共产党的人,都是他们全真宗师,得了权利从北斗七星星群陆续呼唤繁殖的,如果灵魂自身的星光体没有牌位,没有星位,那么普通市民的灵魂不具有明确意义,是可以直接杀掉的,没有任何罪,这也就是人道主义制造人群压力的秘密重点。 (共产党绝对不可以承认外国是存在的,也不可以承认有比自己更强的国家存在,一旦承认,那么左道理论就破灭,人就容易失控崩溃。) part6 附加: 来自tg群组 《牙疼不是病》 美国政府正面讽刺抨击了「一带一路」计划,中共科学院恼羞成怒,利用特殊手段对人辐射一种新型电波,让人的牙齿在没有病理的情况下疼痛,请大家尤其名人注意防护,常备止疼药。这种情况可能持续到习近平下台。 习近平据说被中科院和李克强打造成人体貔貅,为国家招财。李克强下属对他使用特殊手段,西餐给他无限吃,但是禁止他上厕所,至今长达8年,非常惨。2017年中科院先对他进行的实验,实验成功后,covid19开始才对全球名人进行大规模投放这种扰乱人消化系统的电波武器。 港台的朋友请注意: 共产党一直在影响干扰你们的世间政治,人间佛教一直在干扰你们的正常佛教,他们是一体的害人。直到星云大师临终,甚至选择同意了人间佛教,可想而知多么可怕可悲。 爱因斯坦鼓励所有人怀疑宗教和出世间法,除非神以实体出现,不然他们绝对不投降。人不停的撸,就是刺激大脑,帮助犹太人维持大脑的感受,然后玛利亚用一切办法帮周围的人撸,都是在做维持大脑活动的工作。 现代人,尤其是无神论信徒,一旦听到神假设存在的时候,会想到同样的事。那就是偷情(玛利亚),手*(爱因斯坦),口*(玛利亚),鸡尖(耶稣),洗澡(玛利亚),上厕所(耶稣),这类事是否会被神知道看到。所以你仔细看看,这些事都是怎样一回事,都是同一件事,就是基督,都是谁在引导我们,带有什么目的,引导我们去哪里。 (完)
@luthfiman3431 Месяц назад
up arthur lvl brapa bang?
@misterWAHI Месяц назад
will tablet work too?
@AbdullahQumper Месяц назад
no... you need to use elements ON him. just use Lv.1 and you are fine
@jarethduke9291 Месяц назад
what skill is that?
@AbdullahQumper Месяц назад
thanks for your comment
@AbdullahQumper Месяц назад
I don't remember... didn't play this game for ages
@joelvos643 2 месяца назад
Where is this dungeon
@AbdullahQumper 2 месяца назад
north of town... make progress in this game and farm alot of Fallen Ember to rest your skill points as well
@wapodelacruz 2 месяца назад
Give me your account 🥺 please 🙏🥺
@Game.clash63 2 месяца назад
I need ur account😢
@sandraflynn5357 2 месяца назад
Dont like your guide. You dont EVEN SHOW WHERE YOU ARE? What WORLDS YOU ARE ON...DUH...
@AbdullahQumper 2 месяца назад
if you just listen to the music, you can figure out what world you are in! and if you just clear a world at least once you can know where you are! DUH!
@a_user4 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the tutorial
@shadowhearts2blanca 2 месяца назад
love that they're all absolutely whalloping this old man xD
@ifuckthedeadislidemycockth1477 3 месяца назад
imo it's so bad comparing to OG one.
@olegd3860 3 месяца назад
@shyonae 3 месяца назад
Thx for this :)
@AbdullahQumper 3 месяца назад
you welcome... make sure you watch my other videos
@shyonae 3 месяца назад
Thank you very much for these videos
@AbdullahQumper 3 месяца назад
you welcome, make sure you watch my other vidoes
@AceAlex. 3 месяца назад
How do you get that second dash ability
@AbdullahQumper 3 месяца назад
I don't remember, I didn't play this game for ages... but I usual open every chest when I visit the towns
@shyonae 3 месяца назад
Thanks for this!!
@AbdullahQumper 3 месяца назад
you welcome, make sure you watch my other videos
@RancorousSea 3 месяца назад
This makes so much sense. I hated how hard they made putting static defense at the bridges when you use the tech lab and pentagon as your centralized base.
@AbdullahQumper 3 месяца назад
well... I try different attacks...this is best 1. defend your bridge 2.air attack 3. strike from right/north screen
@user-yl6ky2ey6p 3 месяца назад
Bro my Terra didn't jump that high, why?
@AbdullahQumper 3 месяца назад
you have to level up his skills
@G1Grimlock94 4 месяца назад
@G1Grimlock94 4 месяца назад
Ada with Chinese dress
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Black Plate Lynx/Serge Riddel is pure CRAP and should NEVER equip it.
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
BUT FIRST beat Dario/Crisosphinx NOW.
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
and DO steal the White Plate off of it Ultra Nova Trap not needed in this version of the game this dragon boss NEVER actually uses IT.
@snaker1137 4 месяца назад
I'll be damned! The mighty assassin slain by a jackal! Grab his bike and get the hell outta there!
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
a great game... worth a sequel
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
and do still steal the green plate off of it.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
yeah of course
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Sure MORE then 1 Blue innate user here bad idea but always steal from all the dragon bosses in this case AFTER the MINI Red dragon BECOMES the FULLY GROWN Red Dragon is when the Red Plate MUST be stolen BEFORE that set a Inferno Trap IMMEDIATELY.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
yeah, was bit hard, but I need to steal
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Steal all the armors off all 6 dragon bosses.
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
You MUST steal all those armors off all 6 Dragon bosses so never fight them WITHOUT Fargo in the party.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
@asasipogi 4 месяца назад
Nice! Thank you! this dude was easier compared to the first one! His HP is ridiculously high though! but god damn how did you get 15k gems! thats a lot. mine only got 9k
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
np, I don't play this game as it's boring... but enjoy
@shaunmartinell5825 3 месяца назад
It’s possible to get 15k. You gotta clear out every single room and cut down every single tree and vine. And buy all of the treasure chests. Hope you’re enjoying the game, I love it!!
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Steal from ALL 6 Dragon bosses.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
plates is a must, flee from battle if you didn't miss it
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Correct and normally I'd have Starky fight all 6 but without the God mode cheat on the BLACK Dragon will kill him/any white innate users instantly.
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
STEAL the YELLOW plate off of that dragon boss FiRST equip it to Lynx and you'll NEVER die against them.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
yeah, you can do the dragon quests before this one... thanks for the tips
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Janice/Irenes are PURE CRAP so use Norris/Starky here and REMOVE ALL elements/accessories off of Harlie NOW.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
I already did, this is not my 1st time I play this game... I play it since 2000s
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
I know but even when I played the PS1 version I still removed everything off of Harlie while still using Starky and Norris here.
@contact420trainers8 4 месяца назад
Well, you did select a specific game and only hit 25 seconds. My best is 23 seconds now, and I never get to choose which game, because on IPad, unlike a Microsoft version, every new game is random.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
I think 'they' know! ... but old is gold
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Janice/Irenes they are BOTH crap I used Norris and Starky here.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
as I replay on other comment, Norris and Starky are strong... I like to play rough :)
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
thanks for watching am comments , I will upload more later
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
And on a NG+ run even if you ABSORB Black hole's damage the instant kill part of it can STILL work but those 3 traps are the only ones it never actually uses Deluge/Iceburg/Earthquake/Thundastorm EVER. To beat Miguel easily trap at least 3 to 4 Black holes during a SINGLE encounter if you can and try to use them all before Miguel kills Lynx in 1 hit.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
I don't know if die even if you absorb the black
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
YOU DO those stolen armors only absorb the attack they won't actually NULL ANY of the status ailments so Tornado/Carnivore can still POISON a Green Plate user, in fact when using the Yellow Plate Crisosphinx 1 of its attacks causes the Sprain status so your Yellow Plate user Must actually equip the Star Fragment/Yellow Brooch BEFORE you fight it. But on a first run you won't even HAVE the plate armors since Fargo isn't in the party at this point and you only fight the 6 Dragon bosses way after Miguel is beaten.
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Radius is crap I used Norris + Starky here against him.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
yeah me too, but they make the game easy, that's why I don't use 'em often
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Spirgg is CRAP and sucks for the entire game though its RISKY to use a White innate user like Starky here use him anyways and once this boss is killed remove Harlie from the party Miguel the next boss can already kill Lynx in 1 hit 350+ damage so use Starky and Norris against him.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
Starky is so powerful with his game that you can take at Arni Village
@WeAreTheDraiken 4 месяца назад
Honestly this brings back memories as the laser room from the movies was somthing I watched as a kid and stuck with me for my whole life.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
yeah... resident evil 1 the movie... was great moment
@caelona 3 месяца назад
@ThePontiffofPonWolf 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the guidance
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
you welcome, make sure you watch other of my videos...
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
However Sprigg is still pure CRAP and will still NEVER be in my party EVER even to use this one ON Garai/Miguel at all.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
I could not agree more... she is crap, but to be honest I use her doppelgang when boss fight... I mean did you use WightKnight? you need healer though!
@ApolloStarfallen 4 месяца назад
i used lagoonate a lot, it was really strong and lots of crits. later i used lynx, grobyc and zoah
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
@ApolloStarfallen doppelganger usually have low def. that's why they not useful in boss battles
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
I can't this exact one IS UNDEAD so its still useless since at this point the ONLY healing elements worth using for the REST of the game are Heal All and Recover all's and BOTH with work on all 3 party members OR KILL a UNDEAD form Sprigg becomes instantly. No she SUCKS because her damage rate if NOT using any dopplegang forms is PURE CRAP.
@arthurdias73 4 месяца назад
how i get the trap ???
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
Marbule [another world] there is 2 shops there... it's called Trap elements
@arthurdias73 4 месяца назад
thanks for helping me@@AbdullahQumper
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
@@arthurdias73 np, check out more of my vids. for more help
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Correct but since you can't ACCESS that shop until you beat Miguel POST Fort Dragonia BUY the Ultra Nova trap BEFORE fighting BOTH Viper and Lynx IN Fort Dragonia itself and yes I beat Starky as a boss before fighting the Sage of Marbule/Garai and NOT after beating Miguel.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
you can leave Starky very late game@@veghesther3204
@veghesther3204 4 месяца назад
Leena is still CRAP and will never be in my party ever by now I used Kid + Guile or Nikki here.
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
she have great magic damage for early part of the game. but crap with physical attacks
@derronwright1390 4 месяца назад
Chrono cross is crap! If only they had done the battle system correctly it would have been so mu ch better!
@AbdullahQumper 4 месяца назад
they never will... they already made this crap version of it... of only didn't make the remake, it was better