Sir Freelancealot
Sir Freelancealot
Sir Freelancealot
Programming comedy
10 simple tips to (un)optimize your code
2 месяца назад
How to (not) get hired by Google
2 месяца назад
Software Development Explained By An Idiot
2 месяца назад
Programming Languages Explained By An Idiot
2 месяца назад
@TheUltimateD00mer День назад
woooo! i use manjaro! woooooooooooooooooooooooo!
@plutoz1152 День назад
This is awesome! Can you make a similar video but it's Desktop environments
@mohammednajl5950 День назад
Pretty cool video.
@Silentguy_ День назад
Parrot Users: You want to look like a hacker but you’re too much of a hipster to use Kali but too much of a skiddy to use BlackArch
@JvztlConta День назад
not mentionint FREEBSD should be a crime
@markwiering 2 дня назад
Zero mention of MX Linux, despite it being the number one hit on DistroWatch for several years, now. Disappointing. 😞
@ehfoiwehfowjedioheoih4829 2 дня назад
Mint just werks
@akale2620 3 дня назад
Yes but what about just plain linux?
@BeefIngot 4 дня назад
2 4k monitors lamdscape but in a vertical orientation for the win.
@ashleyrose. 4 дня назад
I personally love Nobara Linux, it’s built off of Fedora, and has more gaming software than even Pop!_OS
@Hyperpixel-xs3op 5 дней назад
Nah, Android + Kali Linux is superior
@pidojaspdpaidipashdisao572 5 дней назад
Arch Linux is the only distro that actually works and exists, all else is just unusable tryhard bullshit. Stop using shit and use a real operating system.
@downloadableram2666 5 дней назад
I use arch btw. But I really want to like NixOS but it acts weird on my laptop...
@quarduroy1 6 дней назад
False on Manjaro users getting the right to say I use arch btw
@laszenow4101 7 дней назад
openSUSE mentioned 👍👍👍
@CamAlert2 7 дней назад
For me, replace "monster energy" with "wasted on alcohol".
@jedahn 7 дней назад
@derekfurst6233 7 дней назад
Why not opensuse
@codingmickey 7 дней назад
This was wayy to funny!!! Keep at it subscribed :)
@user-ym4bq9ow7t 8 дней назад
If you want to put life on your old 64-bit cpu based PC, like a Pentium D or Core 2 D, get Q4OS TDE instead of Lubuntu. It is a nightmare if your pc doesn't support UEFI these days. Q4OS is based directly off of debian. Look it up at distrowatch. You could use Bodhi too if you like to torture yourself to attain enlightenment. If you are on an old 32-bit PC, like Pentium 3 or older, I suggest you use Win 98 or XP on it and never connect to the internet. They have stopped the support on 32bit linux distros, so if you still want to use that old pc with internet, probably but hopefully not, and don't have working disc for 98 or XP, use them.
@ScriptCatz 8 дней назад
As a trans woman who uses iOS, accurate. I love linux an foss software it’s just iOS is the most intuitive for me
@rogercruz1547 8 дней назад
Don't worry, DOTA2 runs natively
@MthaMenMon 8 дней назад
There is always software binaries for Debian, always. Arch AUR is crazily good as well. It just compiles whatever you need. Fedora thought... I might give it a try, just to see why people consider it as good as Debian.
@Sirfreelancealot 8 дней назад
Honestly. If fedora didn't have a few super annoying bugs (drag and drop files often not working, scroll behaving funny when switching apps, major updates basically requiring a reinstall) it would be the best OS I've ever used.
@ianspy1 8 дней назад
I was a bit surprised you said popOS and not nobara. As someone who likes fedora :D
@NiklasAndersson7 9 дней назад
"Linux From Scratch"
@szerwigi1410 9 дней назад
Linux mint is my fav distro
@catriona_drummond 9 дней назад
Do me a favor and have a coffee before you read your scripts into the microphone. You sound as if you are falling asleep any second and i certainly did, somewhere like 8 minutes in. It's such a waste because I think this could have been a funny video if it hadn't been told by a valium pill. Also, Nobara is where it's at.
@Sirfreelancealot 8 дней назад
If I didn't have a coffee (or 6) i would of actually been asleep. I'm also not sure how you watched a 5 minute video for 8 minutes but ok
@catriona_drummond 8 дней назад
@@Sirfreelancealot See I got so tired I actually thought it's 15:37 minutes. Put a bit of spunk in your voice. your content deserves it.
@pohodovejrybar5918 9 дней назад
that lubuntu one was personal edit: the android one is even more personal than ubuntu
@IconOfSin24148 9 дней назад
With u there. I felt always lost by the sudden embrace of Ubuntu. I thought Fedora Core was perfectly fine.
@eccodreams 9 дней назад
Man, that trans joke was really shitty. Do better.
@Yellowredstone 10 дней назад
I hopped from Mint over to Fedora thinking I'm ready for an advantaged distro. Not that I don't know how to uset Fedora, but hopping distros has been a pain in the *ss. Maybe i did it wrong, but I probably won't change distros just for how bad my experience has been.
@sirbrokkoli5309 10 дней назад
FYI Pop OS has gotten a bit stale since they're busy working on their own IDE and default apps. I'm excited for what's to come, but for now, I'm using Tuxedo OS, another distribution that's also built by a manufacturer for their own devices (just like Pop OS). Also I think AntiX deserves an honorary mention. It runs smooth even on the oldest of potatoes where the modern installers literally panic and is the only distro I know of that has on-board tools for using it as a persistent system on a stick.
@EmilieDuTurfu 11 дней назад
im using a phone
@kirishima638 11 дней назад
The only thing Linux is good at is reproducing itself.
@user-vb1kj9bm6f 10 дней назад
while true do fork=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 228 | head -n 1) cp linux linux_${fork} done
@experticus9901 11 дней назад
meh. I finally got Hyprland to work on fedora40, idk why he won't lower the f**kin pistol
@aptminer9531 12 дней назад
Just recently switched from Windows to Bazzite, been a learning curve thus far. But, I don't regret my choice.
@samthehacker93 12 дней назад
I use arch btw
@folkloristofthefuture8152 12 дней назад
Ah, but have you considered that NixOS is best?
@TranquilSeaOfMath 12 дней назад
This makes sense 🙂.
@einargs 12 дней назад
Wooooooo nixos accurately described
@dvast4942 12 дней назад
hey that's mean having 3 monitors doesn't make me a villain
@yaygya 13 дней назад
Loved the Elementary joke. Danielle Foré shall rule us all
@loadingsolate 13 дней назад
2:44 No, Arch users like me like to RTFM™
@yarharyar 13 дней назад
Fuckin' hilarious through and through.
@Bob-bs9ok 13 дней назад
Having only ever used vim (aside from the couple of weeks I used atom and the one time I opened emacs) it is very easy to learn and you will be able to figure out another IDE (once you make vim an IDE)
@chickenthrower 13 дней назад
And if you are a narcissist you use FreeBSD because linux sucks.
@user-vb1kj9bm6f 10 дней назад
No, if you're a narcissist, you use OpenBSD because: 1. FreeBSD is too mainstream to consider as an option 2. It's BaSeD. No more reasons needed.
@Basement_crusader 13 дней назад
My favorite distro is wsl -install
@szajbus977 13 дней назад
Asking: What distro should I install on HP Chromebook x360 11 g3?
@lowcake2030 13 дней назад
linux from scratch is basically the equievalent to building a car from engine parts
@mikekrow 13 дней назад
Sarted on manjaro but made the move to Arch. Life is good.