Account from the Synod of the Bishops
Official Vatican Organization.
El Sínodo en un minuto | 22-10-2024
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The Synod in One minute - 22.10.2024
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Third Week Recap : Synod 2024
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The Synod in One minute - 10.21.24
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El Sinodo en un minuto - 21.10.24
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Io Capitano at the Synod Assembly
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The Synod in One minute
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The Synod in One minutes
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A family at the Synod
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Sínodo en un minuto | 14-10-2024
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@joseantoniojimenez2016 2 дня назад
No comprendo nada
@joepereira2630 2 дня назад
Thank you Holy Father. To the Vatican media team, can you please revisit the English translation? I think His Holiness is making the distinction between flowing water and stagnant water, rather than the literal translation of walking water and water that stops.
@Sevilegm 3 дня назад
Good luck with the last week of the Synod!
@Sevilegm 3 дня назад
Such a complex topic! Good luck.
@Abraham-uk4xy 3 дня назад
Besides shaking her hand what did the Pope say? Why was she brought forward? Her life will never be the same again. This Pope reminds me of John XXIiI whom my father called, "Good Pope John".
@Sevilegm 5 дней назад
What an amazing week! Especially the surprise for the one lucky girl!
@Sevilegm 5 дней назад
Huge challenge. Good luck!
@Sevilegm 5 дней назад
Great work!
@josefpampalk4440 9 дней назад
I'm quite disappointed by this 'interim report' of groupe 2. This vague way of talking about the poor is typical for the wrong spiritualistic way of seeing/listening of the priests and the Levites passing by on the opposite side (Lk10,31s); and not at all concretely listening to the poor, but paternalistically taking over their voice!
@soniabatagin2293 11 дней назад
Grazie mille.
@Marin_Spox 13 дней назад
@benwhitworth8881 21 день назад
Since you forgot to turn off comments on this video, allow me to put to you again the questions I asked of the Synod Secretariat in April 2023, to which I have still had no reply: 1. Who is the protagonist of the Synod on Synodality? Pope Francis says that it is the Holy Spirit (Address, 9 October 2021); the Secretary General of the Synod, Mario Cardinal Grech says that it is the people of God (Speech, 3 March 2023). Since there can, by definition, be only one protagonist, which of these statements is erroneous? 2. It has become a common motif in writings by those promoting or defending the Synod on Synodality, to attribute the work of the Synod to the Holy Spirit, and - conversely - to characterise any opposition to, or questioning of, the synodal process as resistance to the Holy Spirit. The most extreme formulation of this idea is found in a tweet by Mr Austen Ivereigh, co-author of the Continental Phase Document, who accused the Synod’s critics of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - the unforgivable sin (Twitter, 22 November 2022). Is there any reason for supposing that the current Synod is either directly inspired, or protected from error, by the Holy Spirit? 3. In one of the official press conferences of the Synod Secretariat, in September 2021, it was asserted that synodality was such a novel concept that it would be an “injustice” even to define the word (Myriam Wijlens, 7 September 2021); yet as early as 2015, Pope Francis stated that synodality is “a constitutive element of the Church” (“dimensione costitutiva della Chiesa”; Address, 17 October 2015). Who is correct? Is synodality a constitutive element of our 2000-year-old Church, or is it a new concept that evades definition by its very novelty? [The Pope’s statement was later questioned in published dubia from Cardinals Burke, Zen, &c. His response reveals that he understands “synodality” to mean simply participation, in a very broad sense. It seems extraordinary that this is made clear only a private letter to some cardinals, published in a hurry two days before the 2023 Synod started!] 4. Pope Francis has condemned “the scandal of ‘airport bishops’” (Speech, 19 September 2013), and in his encyclical Laudato si’ he warned against the dangers of excessive carbon dioxide emissions (such as those produced in air travel; LS 23-26). Nevertheless, the everyday modus operandi of the Synod has consisted of high-level, international, in-person meetings - that is to say, bishops and other Synod functionaries travelling internationally, normally by aeroplane, in order to speak to one another. Is the carbon footprint of the Synod being measured, and if so, how big is it, currently? What measures are being taken to mitigate the environmental damage that the Synod has caused? Who is paying the travel and accommodation expenses entailed by these meetings - for example, who paid for Mr Ivereigh to visit Frascati, Luxembourg, California and Iowa on synodal business? 5. Pope Francis said that the consultation phase of the Synod “must” reach more than “3 or 4 percent” of the faithful (Address, 18 September 2021). Yet in most countries the participation rate fell far short even of this modest minimum, not even reaching 1% in some countries. Is it not the case that the Synod has, therefore, been a failure according the criterion established for it by Pope Francis? [I was able to put this question to Sr Nathalie Becquart, the assistant general secretary of the Synod, in June 2023. In reply she acknowledged that the turnout was very low (“What you say is true”), but went on to argue that the numbers participating in the Synod were of no consequence, as “we can be certain that the Spirit speaks through the assembly.” She offered no evidence for this claim.] 6. Despite the disappointing participation rates, the responses to the public consultation phase of the Synod represent a unique set of qualitative data, capturing the attitudes of tens of thousands of Catholics. However, at the launch of the Continental Phase, it was announced that the data would not be analysed according to any of the methodologies developed by the social sciences. One advantage of such methodologies is that they acknowledge and minimise bias. The refusal to use such a methodology leaves the Synod wide open to the charge of bias. (See Mark Regnerus, ‘Census Fidei? Methodological Missteps Are Undermining the Catholic Church’s Synod on Synodality’, Public Discourse, 8 January 2023). Who decided that the Synod should not use a scientific methodology in handling the dataset, and why? 7. According to Cardinal Grech, “Truth in the Church does not depend on the tone and volume of statements, but on the consensus it [sc. the Church?] is able to create precisely from listening to each other” (Speech, 3 March 2023). What grounds are there for saying that mutual listening, rather than divine revelation, is the basis of “truth in the Church”? 8. During a Mass celebrated as part of a South American assembly of the Synod in its “continental phase”, in the diocese of San José de Mayo, Uruguay in early March 2023, the pagan idol Pachamama was displayed in the sanctuary. Photographs of this scene were shared on the Facebook pages of the diocese, and of the Secretariat of the Synod. Was the Secretariat thereby signalling its approval of the cult of Pachamama? 9. Artworks by the sexual predator Marko Rupnik have been and (as of April 2023) remain displayed on official social media channels of the Synod, some even being designated as official ‘icons of the Synod’. Who chose to associate the Synod with the artworks of this abuser? 10. I spent several months trying to engage with the Secretariat’s official Facebook page. After failing to reply to a single one of my questions and comments, the moderators of the page interacted with me only once: by blocking me from viewing the page and deleting all my contributions, during Lent 2023. No warning or explanation was given. Who decides which members of the People of God should be blocked from the Synod’s social media pages, and what criteria do they use in making such decisions?
@rh1673 22 дня назад
False church. The Holy Spirit came 2,000 years ago. We don't need anything new from you people who are no longer Catholic but full of self righteous pride over and above God.
@Sion-wm3zq 10 месяцев назад
. 🕊 🌿 🕊 🕊 🕊 🌿 Venga 🌿 🕊 il Tuo 🕊 🌿 Regno 🌿 🕊 🕊 🕊 🌿 🕊
@benwhitworth8881 10 месяцев назад
Nice to hear everyone struggling along with the Italian, but just imagine if the Church had a common liturgical language, and a common musical setting of the creed that everyone could sing together! 🤔
@juliegreen9000 Год назад
Are these two actually married or are they paid actors?
@cameronohearn 2 года назад
Young people want the Latin mass
@jeffbenzos4426 2 года назад
democracy is stupid and the Church is not a democracy. stop this modernist heresy
@danielsteele8073 2 года назад
This is all fluff to cover up the actual pure evil and destruction that is being done to the Catholic Faith from the inside. This Synod is evil.
@evafernandez8282 2 года назад
Gracias Julio!! Por tu labor en este sínodo.Un sínodo que llevas poniendo en práctica con años de antelación y me siento feliz de formar parte de este proyecto .😘😘😘
@jeffjohnson1055 2 года назад
Thank you for this. Would you consider releasing a longer version that allows the words to stay on the screen longer? They disappear too quickly to read prayerfully. And the words, images and music are too moving to rush through. Thank you
@hyperdulia5967 2 года назад
I watched this but I do not believe they said anything of any meaning.