Golden State Salmon Association
Golden State Salmon Association
Golden State Salmon Association
GSSA’s mission is to restore California salmon for their economic, recreational, commercial, environmental, cultural and health values.
GSSA EOY Giving Video
10 месяцев назад
GSSA Crab Feed 2023
Год назад
Unloading California Salmon
3 года назад
Dennis Herrera/SFPUC Press Conference
3 года назад
Nimbus Hatchery Salmon Release
3 года назад
@martyure 5 месяцев назад
I have been using this exact brine for over 50 years. It works!
@jimedwards4973 6 месяцев назад
Excellent work. Combined with this years higher flows from mother nature, this could make a significant difference in upstream returns. In the early to mid eighties, on years of good returns, I have seen salmon redds as far downstream the the highway 32 bridge near Hamilton City and occasionally below. I remain hopeful for the future IF agencies would work together instead of antagonistically jim
@jimedwards4973 6 месяцев назад
The net savings of water by reducing flows at this time in minimal compared to the average usage during irrigation season. However the impact on juvenile salmon is high. In years past I have seen dozens of dead smolts on a single gravel bar just outside chico after similar flow reductions. They are all gone by morning as they are eaten at night and this was pre cell phone camera days so I could not document. If the agencies would cooperate and coordinate, much could be done for the salmon with minimal impact to agriculture instead to the antagonistic approach we see now. jim
@RichardDaly51 6 месяцев назад
Thank you
@paulmarney7467 7 месяцев назад
Thanks my brain forgot the how to
@OntheHook55 8 месяцев назад
Grewsome is himself, smoke and mirrors….hes in the pockets of the corporate ag interests….people need to realize that
@toditron 8 месяцев назад
Let me guess, Bears will only be prosecuted if they take more than $950 in Salmon from a river at a time, but they can still go on to other rivers as long as they only take $950 worth per visit.
@RacerX1971 8 месяцев назад
Since Nuisance got caught not wearing a mask 2x then playing it off, i cant take him seriously anymore. He actually reminds me of a used car salesman 😂😂😂
@TheWallforUsefulidiots 8 месяцев назад
Newsom is a communist so what do you think?
@michaelmiddleton2977 8 месяцев назад
The problem with the rivers is that they are packed with sediment. Instead of the required deep cold water salmon need the water is shallow and too warm to sustain them.
@CryptoInsights550 8 месяцев назад
Newsom lies like he breathes
@bryanitdoesntmatter8451 8 месяцев назад
Gavin is a fucking fool, nothing from him, Pelosi, Feinstein, or any other public official has brought forth a plan that comes to positive fruition.
@highplainsdrifter9995 8 месяцев назад
@visualverbs 8 месяцев назад
The NEXT time Gavin Nuisance has a "strategy" will be the FIRST time...
@mrbaab5932 8 месяцев назад
@briancummings9122 8 месяцев назад
Newsome's entire existence is smoke & mirrors. Like 45 said everything Democrats touch turns into S..T
@SHC713 8 месяцев назад
Check out the results of the dam removal on the Klamath, basically the river is now dead.
@joeystellmacher8041 8 месяцев назад
Fukushima killed the salmon, not warm water
@garyssimo 8 месяцев назад
I have hope that our new president who has supported comm. fishermen for decades, will do some amazing salmon work. One almond takes 1.1 gallon of water to produce. I boycot all Ca. almonds. Walnuts are much healthier Go Bobby Kennedy!
@lag9765 8 месяцев назад
Get real, Gavin Newsom is a puppet of Big Ag and West Land Water District and he could give a rats ass about the health of our rivers, creeks, stream and wetlands. Lies and deception is the rule in state government and there is nothing we can do about it. Say goodbye to the day of yesteryear and welcome to the era of rivers that are void of salmon and other migratory marine species. Hey mom, what's for dinner, fresh roasted almonds children. Painful but true...
@demetriokelly27 Год назад
@constantine5 Год назад
What species?
@brittekrem9708 Год назад
@pauljohnson2386 Год назад
Would love to see a double hook setup on the FBR. My only issue with them right out of the package is the single hook. Interesting hootchie serup
@whackmanandbobbin Год назад
Thanks for such a great video explaining how to brine
@johnnyguerra1038 Год назад
will this work for surf perch?
@BruceSakai Год назад
Have you done a video using hoops or nets
@OntheHook55 2 года назад
Thosediscards make xlnt Dungeness bait..btw…nice Salmon!
@freddiegonz4113 2 года назад
After brining can you vacuum seal it and use as needed? Thanks
@Robert-wz7jw 2 года назад
when you say you should "keep it on ice", do you mean that you should keep it frozen? if it's frozen, why would it matter how long you keep it? if you don't mean that it should be frozen, how do you keep it on ice without it freezing? do you actually mean that it should be refrigerated?
@martyure 5 месяцев назад
Not frozen, refrigerator temperature..
@bobjohnson7207 2 года назад
Best trick I learned that from a commercial fishermen in the 70's. Tight line's tide lines fine lines to ya from Vancouver Island BC or as I call it Northern California.
@SkateSurfSnowFly 2 года назад
Getting excited for 2022, what colors of flashers and hoochies do you like in early season?
@pernamore4224 2 года назад
What's go id?
@FishinLunkers 2 года назад
GO ID is listed on your fishing license
@mrvanable 2 года назад
@@FishinLunkers What if your fishing off a pier/jetty with out a license? Can you still use a crab pot, cage style one?
@danieldponte1715 2 года назад
@@mrvanable yeah, can do almost whatever you want on a pier
@markketello5757 2 года назад
Ya I was kind of wondering the same, video was posted nine months into the Biden admin. Biden reversed almost all of Trump's policies, why aren't they on his ass about this, and Newsom too?
@markketello5757 2 года назад
Won't that hootchie kill the spin on a cut-plug herring?
@MrFatcat1957 2 года назад
Back in the early 2000's, they would release the salmon at Selby/Crokett 4 or 5 truckloads a day at 11:30am Mon-Fri May-June it was 5 of my friends and a few of the DFG truck drivers fishing for stripers after they released the Salmon not uncommon to catch and release 50 stripers in 2 1/2 hours then someone caught wind of it posted it on a fishing forum then place got overrun with harvesters leaving garbage behind and poaching fish the owners of the property closed it down to everyone that is why I never post online my fishing spots.
@TiredAmerican247 2 года назад
You mean an intelligent decision was made? Note this date!
@slamsshenanigans2296 2 года назад
God bless em!
@GMH0973 2 года назад
The bullet shape is to allow the kelp a way to slide over the buoy.
@bigwaynebigwayne3576 3 года назад
Despite what the big guy says in the video, the new rules do not allow you to have a second large buoy. You can only have one buoy of 5x11 (or larger), plus the 3x5 red buoy.
@sergiomichel9904 3 года назад
Can your red 3x5 float be tied directly to the bottom of the main float Instead having 3’ line in between the two?
@bigwaynebigwayne3576 3 года назад
It can be adjacent to the main buoy, but it needs to be on top.
@samperez4984 3 года назад
Do the traps themselves need the go id on them or is the bouy being marked sufficient?If so what are you using to mark the traps?
@bigwaynebigwayne3576 3 года назад
The ID needs to be on the main buoy.
@OntheHook55 3 года назад
But, the SFPUC is completely invested in environmental preservation…don’t judge them on their actions, just ask them……typical for Liberal bureaucrats..they’re hypocrites
@scotthammond9913 3 года назад
Nice that you don’t like trump but now why don’t you call out politicians that are currently in charge. You heard of Gavin newsom? How about riding with Biden?
@noeltb 3 года назад
that is a choked herring
@mech5810 3 года назад
Great video. Covered all bases. Now show us catching some chinook with it. 🐟
@pitchpocket 3 года назад
Curious. Why the egg loop? It seems it would be a lot easier and quicker to just snell the hooks unless you're adding eggs. I also can't figure out the tag going through the front hook. Looks strong, but it's not tied to the front hook so if the actual line between the hooks gets nicked and breaks, the tag will just slide out. Am I missing something?
@peterconsulter9903 3 года назад
Very nice of you to take the time to share your methods Hunt!
@mezzie12 3 года назад
So awesome! Roger still putting good energy out in the world. He left a legacy. Some good fish.
@cjimmer4877 3 года назад
I would have liked to have seen the final product. Compared to an anchovy not brined.
@vancestaplin 3 года назад
There is a good chance that you wouldn't be able to see a difference on camera. Where the brined bait really excels is durability while trolling and the brining extends the life of the bait for days as long as it is kept on ice.
@mezzie12 3 года назад
Love seeing this! The next generation of healthy, tasty California King Salmon.