Routerology Blog
Routerology Blog
Routerology Blog
Periodic tutorials on various technical topics, with focus on infrastructure and security.
Docker Network Option - Ep3 - Hands On Routing
5 месяцев назад
Docker Networking PortPublish Hands ON
5 месяцев назад
NetLab Tweaking (with Adrian Roata)
2 года назад
How to build a networking lab
2 года назад
Linux Graphical Environment
2 года назад
Linux Distro Choices part III
2 года назад
Linux Distros Choices part II
2 года назад
Linux IPVLAN Revisited
2 года назад
Docker IpVLAN layer 2
2 года назад
Docker MacVLAN Networking
2 года назад
Docker Network Types WhiteBoard
2 года назад
Docker Bridge Networking
2 года назад
Linux Network Interface Renaming
2 года назад
VLAN filtering and routing
2 года назад
Linux VLAN Filtering
2 года назад
Linux Bridging (part 2)
2 года назад
Linux Bridging (part 1)
2 года назад
IPVLAN Networks
3 года назад
MACVlan Network
3 года назад
FTP Protocol Mechanics
3 года назад
OpenVAS - Part 3 (Configuring Scans)
3 года назад
@vanhussen 7 дней назад
On 22:05 what are you doing sir? I can't see on your screen video, so i can't test my configuration like you. please help, thank you
@vanhussen 7 дней назад
Thank you, good tutorial. Awesome!
@vojtechstoklasa3417 Месяц назад
this looks like my budget-friendly homelab will finally work properly network-wise! Thanks, great work!
@redwoodri7819 2 месяца назад
Thank you~
@sailingalcanzar 2 месяца назад
I'm trying to set up docker macvlan on a hyper v Linux host and it's not working. Do you know of any issues with that? Do you need physical interfaces?
@luckbeforeleap 2 месяца назад
Well explained. Thanks
@christophercahall3092 3 месяца назад
oh my I am actually starting to understand this
@vrbadarla1 4 месяца назад
very nice.. excellent
@andreigiubleanu 4 месяца назад
Interesting, but experimental, kind of... For the under the hood n3rds this is recommended.
@andreigiubleanu 4 месяца назад
I think the explanation can be improved by adding more on what's happening on the container's host os. I will take an example. Let's suppose I have a container running named `minikube`. To find out the ip of the container, I can issue the following command: `docker inspect minikube --format="{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.minikube.IPAMConfig.IPv4Address}}"`, and the output is: `` To find out what ports it has published via DNAT, I can issue the following command: `docker port minikube`, and the output is: ` 22/tcp -> 2376/tcp -> 5000/tcp -> 8443/tcp -> 32443/tcp -> ` The ports on the left are the ports running inside the container, the port on the right are the ports on the host. But which processes is responsible for creating the iptables rules? That one is called docker-proxy, and we can see it by issuing the following command: `ps auxf | egrep -i docker-proxy | egrep -iv grep`, and the output is: `root 8530 0.0 0.0 1230004 3128 ? Sl Feb26 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 32768 -container-ip -container-port 32443 root 8544 0.0 0.0 1303480 3332 ? Sl Feb26 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 32769 -container-ip -container-port 8443 root 8559 0.0 0.0 1303480 3244 ? Sl Feb26 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 32770 -container-ip -container-port 5000 root 8574 0.0 0.0 1156272 3476 ? Sl Feb26 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 32771 -container-ip -container-port 2376 root 8589 0.0 0.0 1230004 3324 ? Sl Feb26 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 32772 -container-ip -container-port 22` As we can see we have a perfect match on the 5 container exposed ports and the 5 docker-proxy commands that are generating the iptables rules. This will solidify your explanation, if you accept it.
@peterg91 5 месяцев назад
Hello, really good presentation even after I almost read papers on this then managed to stumble upon your video... Thumbs up! Im still uncertain about that self vs master, as even the manpage is not much descriptive about this, but now its not a obstacle for me to use VLANs. Regarding homework I truly dont have a clue for usecase you questioned :)
@danielgomez2503 5 месяцев назад
This was very informative, I enjoyed seeing you work through the issues and not editing them out
@routerologyblog1111 5 месяцев назад
Thanks. I don't have time for postproduction with these videos, so I try to deal right away with small issues that might arrise. And on another note I thought a couple of times that people will be more interested in seeing a troubleshooting session, and I am thinking of a format where I should pick a use case from the viewers and treat it in a lab session.
@MrBrownpotato 5 месяцев назад
This may sound silly but for a long time I thought of "br0" as being some kind of "bridge interface". And that always confused me and made no sense - for example why would a bridge port have MAC and IP address? Physical bridges don't. And then the lightning struck - "br0" is not a "bridge interface" - it is a *host interface* through which the host is connected to the bridge. It belongs to the host, not to the bridge (but, somewhat confusingly, it is also used to represent and control the bridge).
@PouriyaJamshidi 5 месяцев назад
If you're familiar with the network world, think of br0 as an SVI in Cisco or IRB in Juniper
@routerologyblog1111 5 месяцев назад
@@PouriyaJamshidi Yes, you can think of br0 as an SVI, but an even closer analogy would be with the irb interface also from CiSCO, where you take a couple of routing interfaces and make them bridge interfaces, but you still need an ip routed interface into that bridge, so that would be the irb interface.
@routerologyblog1111 5 месяцев назад
look for the other video parts of this series, as I will upload them, and you will understand even better how these things are working under the hood.
@MrBrownpotato 6 месяцев назад
hands down best tutorials on youtube, thank you!
@routerologyblog1111 5 месяцев назад
Thanks. It really means a lot to me, and motivates me to find more time to produce these videos.
@fernandovalenzuela1966 6 месяцев назад
Hello again. For me is too much information in a video. Of course I have to watch it again and again because I am only a simple Linux user but a user who loves very much GNU Linux and from some months Tiny Core. Thanks
@fernandovalenzuela1966 6 месяцев назад
Hello. Thanks for this video. I'm trying this distro in a very old Laptop and looking information about it I found your channel.
@routerologyblog1111 5 месяцев назад
If you are interested about a specific topic, let me know and I will try to aproach that in a video.
@fabianoslack4269 7 месяцев назад
Are you alive?
@routerologyblog1111 7 месяцев назад
Yes I am. Been really busy all year, but I am planning to release new material soon.
@fabianoslack4269 7 месяцев назад
@@routerologyblog1111 i work with it since 1997. When i found your channel i can say you have the right dna to teach. Hope whatever u are doing, is better than all the positive messages you receive when u are teaching here for us. Enjoy life! ✨❤️
@giganticyufka 7 месяцев назад
wow thanks
@jiillescas 8 месяцев назад
thanks!, it helps me to understand better this networking mode.
@iosifnicolae2 10 месяцев назад
When a packet of 5000 bytes is tagged with vlan id, will the packet be fragmented when pushed to the bridge interface? (in our case, this generates a bug because in the bridge interface we have a Hetzner vSwitch which must have the MTU = 1400). Do you know how could we instruct veth to fragment the packages? (I've already set MTU 1400 on veth but it's not working..)
@routerologyblog1111 5 месяцев назад
The thing with fragmentation is that it happens at multiple layers, but the one that can become problematic is IP or Layer3; that's why is also called packet fragmentation, and usually is better to not have excesive packet fragmentation, especially with VoIP and realtime streaming protocols. There are two ways to control this. Either you increase the MTU to allow bigger packets without fragmentation, or you decrease the MSS which will segment the data in smaller chunks at the TCP level, so when it is encapsulated in IP is under the MTU size. To answer on point to your question, yes you can set MTU for a veth interface. Here is an example using the ip link command: ip link set dev my_veth mtu 1501
@longtran12345678 10 месяцев назад
accidentally found your channel today, interesting. By the way, what is the app that you use to draw in the video? Thanks
@routerologyblog1111 7 месяцев назад
It is a GNOME extension called Draw on your screen. Here's the link to it: extensions.gnome.org/extension/4937/draw-on-you-screen-2/
@user-wm5lw1xf3m 10 месяцев назад
Good stuffs. Q: how to configure br0 to reach the outside network (a host in the same network or the gateway of the home network and vice versa)?
@samre3006 10 месяцев назад
@IndrajeetDevre 11 месяцев назад
I am running ubuntu-VM on MacHost in bridge adapter mode. On ubuntu VM, I am running docker containers using macvlan network. I have enabled promisc mode on parent interface of VM. The containers are reachable from macHost, but not from ubuntu-VM. How ? Also containers can ping machost, but cannot ping Ubuntu-VM. How is this possible ?
@edgarlip2 Год назад
this was very cool mate !!! awesome job !
@edgarlip2 Год назад
this was awesome man !!! no fancy shmency stuff ... way to go !!! and thank you so much !!!
@express-bz Год назад
Hi, thank you for this video. I have a question: For example I create Ipvlan L3 network on my enp6s0 with external ip address, and start nginx container, how to map port 80 from external IP to nginx container?
@naveenkumarshukla Год назад
@eugenesmirnov252 Год назад
All is perfectly clear. Thanks! In my view, ip a add # would be very much acceptable, according to target audience. I understand, that is your (perfect) way to nail a things, but it takes a long time. and I'm waiting for a word from you about macvlan let say. It would be admirable. Thanks again Daniel(?)
@iceice7498 Год назад
much cleaer video than other i've found so far. And i see, ipvlan is a tricky stuff. Would like to see 'under the hood' ipvlan l2 802.1q tagged from you
@octaviandobre Год назад
Hello, this is a very nice tutorial. Really appreciate it. Would it be possible to also do one tutorial on a L3 network with IPV6? More specifically I am interested in how to make the containers be able to reach the outside from such a network over ipv6.
@andrewklajman Год назад
Why has Routerology Blog not released a video in a year?!
@francocastilloAR Год назад
It hasn't worked for me. I still can't connect to the containers from the host.
@williankevenis6574 Год назад
Me either . I run everything right. I don't get any error messages, but my docker doesn't create the interface with my IP.
@RebeliousSapien Год назад
what is veth? ... is this different from when i use virsh attach-interface ... ? i'm having a really hard time understanding what this KVM, QEMU stuff are ? .. is this veth you created the same thing created in a VM by virsh when setting a bridge interface? are the namespaces the same as a LAN? is that what they're for .. creating a LAN and adding domains to it ?
Hi, thanks for your video, it was very helpful for me. A question: Do you know how to configure the screen resolution in command line only? I installed tiny core with no GUI, only CLI and, like you, I use virtual box, but the screen is very reduced small, just like you were working in the video.
@routerologyblog1111 Год назад
I don't remember well how I recorded this, but I am pretty sure the CLI is normal terminal window that I had on my debian host, and in that terminal window I did ssh into the tinybox host, so this way I can have good control over the font size. If you want to change the resolution of the console window right from the vm I think you have to look at kernel support for different console resolutions. I haven't done that in years but there were some options that you could compile in the kernel (some vesa drivers and stuff), that you can call with linux boot parameters. I wouldn't go this route but if you want to, have a look at the following boot line from grub: linux /boot/vmlinuz-xxx root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet vga=791 Mode codes: +--------------+---------+---------+----------+-----------+-----------+ | Colour depth | 640x480 | 800x600 | 1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1600x1200 | +--------------+---------+---------+----------+-----------+-----------+ | 8 bit | 769 | 771 | 773 | 775 | 796 | | 15 bit | 784 | 787 | 790 | 793 | 797 | | 16 bit | 785 | 788 | 791 | 794 | 798 | | 24 bit | 786 | 789 | 792 | 795 | 799 | +--------------+---------+---------+----------+-----------+-----------+
@SuganthanRaj Год назад
For me, container to container is pingable.. i cant ping container to physical network even i have enabled promicuous mode on.. how to solve this? need your help
@gunasekar7788 Год назад
Can we use gre tunnel with macvlan??
@nagendra3610 Год назад
Thank you so much
@rouabahoussama Год назад
Very good video, thank you for sharing!
@zyzzyva303 Год назад
Great overview. Explained many subtleties. Thank you Routerology Blog.
@thulasiramteja8581 Год назад
hello, i am using centos7 in vmbox i turned on the promisc mode on in vmbox by bridge mode and in centos in followed the command that you have used but it didnt worked for me when i ping host and it can ping the colleage container but it cannot ping host. could you please help me !
@routerologyblog1111 Год назад
In order to ping localhost on a macvlan address you need a macvlan on the localhost.
@lordariusgrufendius1553 Год назад
Thanks alot for this informative vid! Can U tell me how to set up the ipvlan l3 mode in docker-compose? E.g. how does command 3:14 and 4:06 looks like in the .yaml file? Would be AWESOME!
@fotismpouraimis3192 Год назад
Hey man, great video. One question, are you doing this on wsl2 and if not is it possible to create an ipvlan on Docker under WSL2 engine. Thank you in advance!
@Awcator Год назад
Great resource. Thanks
@intuneknight9681 Год назад
It is good the problem is the Promiscue option 1 that creates problems with the real network.
@lardism3211 Год назад
sorry im a bit new to this. When you specify what gateway to use, are you specifying the host machine or are you specifying the actual, physical gateway on the LAN?
@kamilbaradziej8638 Год назад
this should be gateway on LAN, for example yours router
@robertphillips124714 Год назад
I am SO upset that you put your 1s and 2s the opposite way around for the namespaces on the diagram!!! 😂 great explanation though, thanks very much!
@bibingeorge7822 Год назад
Hey can you tell me what are the Methods and Standards used in OpenVAS
@JuanFlores-il4yv Год назад
Hmm... what is alpinet?
@Bluek309 Год назад
i wish i saw this video 2 days ago, i have been struggling to add a docker container to a specific network to deploy DVWA and play around with kali as a suspicious machine , thanks for the video keep it rocking!!