LIVESTREAMS & TRI-WEEKLY UPLOADS - aiming to go full time here on RU-vid and I am extremely grateful for all your support. I dream of doing this to create a better life for myself and my two young kids. I hope to build a supportive community around this channel, providing a fun and healthy place for people to hang out and make connections with positive, inspired and supportive minds. This channel is one of the trinity of Chills Channels, details below.

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@LoSDockForBoats 11 дней назад
Hey! Good work with this Wildlander playthrough; I’m playing through Wildlander myself. After a few days of concentration, I have gotten to Lvl 41 as a Two-Handed Nord Warrior named “Yhara”. A few tips about stuff you might find helpful. - If you get a horse, I recommend making it invincible in its mod menu. It’s a significant investment early game, and it dying just sucks. You can find this option in >Mod Configuration >Immersive Horses >Protect Claimed Horses. - I recommend training at a dummy to level up your one-Handed or Magics (or both). If you join the Companions in Whiterun (The Big upside down boat next to the guy screaming about Talos all day), you can access a dummy in the living quarters (basement area) near a bed. The dummy is in Vilkas’ quarters. This is convenient because training reduces your maximum stamina/magicka until you sleep it off (2 hrs rest needed per hour trained). With a couple hours of concentration, you could easily get your One-Handed up to lvl 100. - You can create a Wooden Chest with five wood with the Survivalist’s Toolkit. The wooden chest has infinite storage, weighs only 15 lbs, and can be placed in any non-residential area, including inside caves. This should help your weight management. - Pray at a shrine! There are three shrines in Whiterun: Talos, Arkay, and Kynareth. So long as you have not committed a crime, the blessings give free bonuses, such as Fortify Melee (Talos), Fortify Health (Arkay), and Fortify Stamina (Kynareth). - If additional stamina interests you, I STRONGLY recommend looking into the Eldergleam Tree and its quest. If you make the right choice, Kynareth will bless you with +100 stamina every time you pray at her shrine. P.s. re Training Dummy: this process can pass weeks in-game depending on how long you take. If you do, I recommend not eating/drinking between training sessions, as the amount of food consumed can be astronomical if you do so. I look forward to the next episode! Good luck
@LoSDockForBoats 11 дней назад
Holy moly, you fighting the Redguard warriors was hilarious XD I have never seen someone just ATTACK them immediately instead of following up on the quest.
@jayl5032 12 дней назад
Hey Chill. Do you plan on doing the College of Winterhold questline? I think you could have access to some powerful spells that way.
@LoSDockForBoats 13 дней назад
The Black Door has something to do with [a significant faction] in the game. Edit: 16:18 Yisir attempted to cast Flame Cloak, but burned themself to death.
@thienpham911 17 дней назад
the craftman book allow you to put a perk in smithing skill. which then allow you to improve gear. but i believe that wildlander set up that you don't need any book to get the perk. so...
@thienpham911 17 дней назад
7:34 pretty smooth transition blocking there
@Takyon4520 18 дней назад
Another big tip for stamina management is to make engraved bones of hircine. They are a consumable item and requires the first smithing perk, a large bone, and a survivalists toolkit to craft. Large bones can be harvested from wolves pretty commonly so it’s not hard to stockpile a bunch of them. Stews provide 1 point of stamina per second for anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours but engraved bones of hircine give 2 stamina per second for 1 hour. You can stack these two things together and completely eliminate stamina issues.
@jayl5032 19 дней назад
Our little necromancer is growing up. 😌
@Rays_K 21 день назад
There's an actual book that you can read in Skyrim that give tips on how to fight Trolls (Any kind of Trolls). It recommend people to use weapons that have been enhanced with fire damage, you probably can use fire magic too. iirc fire damage actually slowdown or negate the Trolls' health regen ability.
@soundyea94 23 дня назад
im suprised you only got 50 subscribers
@BrunsyOSRS 26 дней назад
Great seeing you make progress! Wildlander combat, although punishing feels extremely rewarding once you get the hang of it. This week's info tidbit is on armor. Not all armor is created equal. Armor that goes on your chest can have different traits or have none at all. These can be viewed in the magical active effects page when they're equipped. They'll be things like slash, blunt, piercing or ranged resist and then a level (1,2,3,etc) These provide additional armor against those type of attacks. If you decide you want to stick with light armor (evasion) keep an eye out for ranged resist as it'll save you from getting one shot by archers. If armor isn't your thing and you want to use robes, the illusion spell blur can be purchased from the soul trapped horker (in Whiterun, next to breeze home) this provides a similar effect to having the ranged trait on a chest piece but has an upkeep cost and will drain your magic until you cast it again or you run out of mana. Just keep in mind that wearing any armor at all makes all of your spells more expensive to cast until you have the relevant perks from the skill trees.
@emionyt 26 дней назад
Very fun to watch :) A little tip, as it seems you didn't know: if a food gives an effect 'out of combat', you'll still get the effect as long as you consume it *before* entering combat. A lot of people eat a soup just before entering combat to get the stamina buff! :) Also about healing self spell. You can just sleep an hour or two to make the healing faster :)
@lifeonretreat 26 дней назад
ding dong
@Takyon4520 28 дней назад
Can't emphasize enough how important eating the right foods in this list is. Before heading out into the wilds stop at any inn and stock up on some stews. The Whiterun inn probably has the best stock with beef stews giving a health and carry weight buff and some mammoth stews that provide passive stamina regeneration for up to 2 hours. As long as you're not in heavy armor this will take a massive edge off in terms of managing your stamina.
@emionyt 29 дней назад
Just discovered your channel and I am enjoying the series! :) I love that you don't rush the experience and slowly figure out how the world works in wildlander. However, I just wanted to leave some things for you which might be very helpful: * Buy a hunting knife! Processing animals is so slow and yields bad quality because you don't have a hunting knife in your inventory. * Buy a iron lantern! Instead of using a torch, you can use a iron lantern. Toggle the light by pressing e for a second or so * Refill your water at the city well. Often you can click on the bucket at a well to fetch yourself some water instead of buying it. * Buy or cook soups/stews! They are not to expensive and often give stamina regeneration for 10 minutes. They are great if you are traveling and fighting. * You can break down items to their primary material by pressing '/' * You can craft items by pressing RightShift. It will consider all crafting stations nearby For the immersion: * A tent is a nice way to camp/sleep outside on your journeys. * You can also create campfires to cook food and warm up in the wild (don't know the keybind but it is in the graphic)
@lifeonretreat 29 дней назад
"See the problem is, and this is probably my own personal problem, and you may find that I have difficulty with this for the duration of this series, is the desire to get side tracked with all of the quests and missions with all of the people we are going to be encountering so........ what's up there????" hahaha
@shifteeninjee9641 29 дней назад
Do you have a list of the mods your using somewhere?
@emionyt 29 дней назад
This is the Wildlander mod list
@emionyt Месяц назад
I don't know your channel but I like Wildlander and you seem nice. Let me follow your journey! Also funny to see all these obvious mistakes everyone does as they play this modlist for the first time :D
@BrunsyOSRS Месяц назад
Spent the afternoon getting caught up on your Wildlander series! I figured you wouldn't mind a few knowledge tidbits. - Prepared meals, with multiple ingredients will help you with stamina in combat, should always want to keep a meal buff rolling at all times even while running from place to place to keep your stamina up. You can either buy the meals from a tavern or buy a chef's tool kit from a tavern to make your own meals. - Locked chests like the one in the ransacked hunters camp can be bashed open if your health and stamina are high enough (it uses a calculation to determine if you bash them open. Max health, Maximum stamina +Current Health, Current stamina) having higher of those two stats allows you to bash open higher tier locked chests. Just need to swing your weapon. if it doesn't open to you're not strong enough. Drinking alcohol can be a good way to temporarily raise your health but with the side effect of reducing your stamina and magicka this can help you bash open chests) - Buy an iron lantern from a general store. Will be Hands free unlimited light source (will be in the misc section) L key by default to turn it on and off or you can press and hold E to turn it on and off. - Check out your survivalist tool kit there are lots of useful items you can craft with animal bones to help with the early game, some don't require a forge. Make sure to buy a proper skinning knife - if you need some early game storage before you own a home you can use a wardrobe, sacks, or barrel in the companions "welp" bedroom after joining them. Denoted with an * to show its safe storage. Just make sure it doesn't say steal. I believe the mages college also has safe containers in the bedroom they assign you. Edit: 1 more tip haha - Skill books are amazing for early game, if you see one grab it and hold on to it. You can reread the book to study it to gain experience. This works similar to part of the spell research mod.
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
OOOOOoooo so I just need to concentrateeeeeeeeee
@jayl5032 Месяц назад
Chill the legend, continuing these great playthroughs.
@jayl5032 Месяц назад
10 Septims for a bath?! Damn this economy!
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
Excited for more of this series :)
@Takyon4520 Месяц назад
Really loving the series so far! To answer some of your questions from playing, evasion is an armor skill which means it gains xp just by moving around as well as getting hit. Also the bath was located in the area behind the bar of the inn. They're always accessed through a trapdoor somewhere indoors.
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
awesome, thanks Takyon - I appreciate your input and support ;)
@Rays_K Месяц назад
Damn this makes me want to play Skyrim again but I got so many other games that I haven't finish yet xD.
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
haha - you're speaking my mind there Rays!! So many games to play, I really don't know how I'll get around to playing to some of these huge games. Such big worlds to explore, my backlog is growing to insurmountable heights!!!
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
I want a little cabin like Anise!
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
you would - wait to you see who or what she really is !! ;)
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
I wish you could make friends with the wolves :)
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
But those wolves are very naughty!!!
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
@@ChillNPlayMoreGames Naughty things need love too.... you should know
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
That was stressful :)
@hrtlvhihrtlvhi7626 Месяц назад
Keep up the series, Wildlander is a gem of a modlist, it perfected so many tiny details. You're on the curve of progress.
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
Appreciate it, thank you 😊
@THEPRIME29 Месяц назад
A few tips I can give from watching, I don't have that muuuuch experience with Wildlander, but a couple yours of adventuring: - Your evasion keeps increasing because you keep running everywhere. Wildlander changed the light armor from vanilla with evasion, so technically you get faster by running and jumping everywhere, and that translates to being harder to hit in combat. By the way, running drains your stamina, unlike vanilla. So walk by pressing Tab when you can. That's why your stamina was being drained before you saw the wolves. - Great thing you bought that backpack, items in Wildlander had weight reworked, now even money weighs, so bigger backpaks = more loot. - If you press F11, you can see the control scheme of Wildlander. The modlist is basically a survivor simulator, so check the keys to create a campfire and warm yourself in need (the ,< key I believe), there is also the survival instinct (the Right Alt key) that highlights the lootable stuff around, such as flowers, living creatures and dead bodies (one color for each so you can see at a distance what is what). Also, there is a key to drink water from a stream/river and fill your waterskins and also one for taking a bath in the river. The dirtier you are, the less likely people are going to like you, even vendors might increase prices or refuse to sell to you if you are dirty and bloody. Check your clean state in the active effects tab in the magic section. - Perks are king, as I mentioned above, you have been improving your evasion by running everywhere, but if you don't put the perks on evasion, you will never be good at it. I recommend putting a point in craftsmanship inside the blacksmith perk tree, so you can craft even more items on the wild (press the Right Shift key to see what you can create). You can't even pick a lock if you don't have a perk for lock picking, so beware of that and the build you aim to be, because perks are limited. 80 or so, I believe. You bought a sword, but without the perk in one-handed combat, don't expect to be hitting that hard. - Buy a tent, leather or fur, but buy one, so you can camp outside, for free on your journey. Also always create campfires with ,< (you will need an axe to chop wood, equip it and hit a tree a few times to get wood), after that, stand next to the fire and open the craft menu with Right Shift to create meals, you don't need salt for some recipes, just grill a stake or mudcrab on the fire. More recipes can be unlocked by buying or creating a cook kit, or something like that, don't remember the kit name. - Speaking of kits, you have a few on yourself such as the alchemy kit, you need to create or buy more to get more recipes. - I recommend going into the Sunhelm menu in the mod menu, going to display and change the icons for hunger, thirst and speep to "color mode" instead of alpha mode, so you can always have in your screen those icons instead of having to go to the active effects to see if you are hungry. - And last thing, you can read the missive letter by pressing left shift to change the mode, the keybinds are shown on the lower left side of the screen. Reading a missive before taking the quest gives more information about it. Some quests are time-sensitive, as we saw on the first episode, so always check before taking a quest. "May you walk on warm sands."
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
That's wonderful - thank you for all the tips. I've been checking out some Wildlander content to try and get a little more familiar with things, but this breakdown you have offered will be a tremendous help. Thanks again 😊👍
@THEPRIME29 Месяц назад
The red eye on the backpack you bought means it has an "enchantment" that you cannot learn (increased carry capacity). If items have a blue eye it means you can learn the enchanted by destroying the item in an enchantment table
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
So that's what that means! Thank you for your help.
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
I love thissssssssssssssssss
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
Much more to come. Will be returning to 1hr episodes from episode 5 😉❤️
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
@@ChillNPlayMoreGames Can't wait... hurry up and get your van back so you can start making them... all for me.... lol
@THEPRIME29 Месяц назад
Nice! Really excited to see her journey
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
Thanks Prime. Much more of this to come on the channel.
@lifeonretreat Месяц назад
This cleaner you speak of.. i think she has retired...
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
haha she probably deserves to relax after all the cobwebs and dungeons she's cleaned 😉
@hrtlvhihrtlvhi7626 Месяц назад
Love Wildlander, hope you keep the series going!
@ChillNPlayMoreGames Месяц назад
thanks! I definitely will. I've been waiting years to get around to this - and it's gonna be a mainstay on the channel for a good while ;)
@hrtlvhihrtlvhi7626 Месяц назад
@@ChillNPlayMoreGames I must say the progression you've done in this episode feels so natural and the learning curve is unfolding in front of you beautifully. Truly a remarkable host you are with such high conscience of roleplay.
@lifeonretreat 2 месяца назад
I am super jealous of the mushroom foraging!
@ChillNPlayMoreGames 2 месяца назад
I thought of you imediately!! ;)
@lifeonretreat 2 месяца назад
I'm excited for this series! Also super excited for the psychological depth in your other new series. Bring it onnnn :)
@ChillNPlayGames 2 месяца назад
Rock and roll - the other character is a wannabe sorceress skeleton conjurer who likes to pick flowers in the icey rain, while butchering crabs!!. And she's hott!!!
@lifeonretreat 2 месяца назад
@@ChillNPlayGames doesn't sound like a wannabe to meeeeeee