How to play Nozdormu
9 лет назад
@user-nj5kn9uv3x 3 года назад
@touhoutristy 5 лет назад
@greenbananarn 7 лет назад
Does this still work?
@02370 8 лет назад
What a cheater, dude get some skill.. I love it.
@SusanBoots 8 лет назад
0:48 misplay, shouldve used the Brewmaster to kill taunt since it will get healed anyways.
@aaron6087 7 лет назад
I mean you got 15 seconds, when I played Nozdormu I just wanted to troll and at that point i dont even remember what I did.
@user-ze2ie9nl1q 8 лет назад
Пока зигующие пандарены бухали, уже ход закончился.
@chupee7 8 лет назад
Does this still work?
@omg0.083 8 лет назад
@RvnOps 8 лет назад
Like how his name is NewMeta :D
@TheChopstixman 8 лет назад
This got fixed now right? Does anyone know?
@bryanweber9854 8 лет назад
it would be funny if he was playing against a druid and the druid played tree of life before he got to the brewmasters. the tree of life animation would gomthrough his turn then he would be able to kill the nozdormu on his turn.
@andyliu3465 8 лет назад
這才是真正不講道理,不給交流的玩法。太酷了! It is the genuine Unreasonable Unlinked sologame!! So cool!!
@megalaxmax9979 9 лет назад
Just happened to me in Arena, got Nozdormu (against fuegen [the 7-4]) and another trash legendary so I picked him up. Got to my turn, played Nozdormu and the opponent mage had the new legendary with 3 arcane missiles in hand deathrattle. Comes to their turn, they do their shit and play a sorceror's apprentice, throw out all 3 missiles for 9 hits total, comes to my turn and surprise surprise it's their turn already. Blizz needs to fix this.
@EvertvanIngen 9 лет назад
Does this still work?
@flomix75 9 лет назад
3 years ago, Blizzard banned my 7 years old WOW account forever just because I duplicated a poor plant just to test a shity bug exploit.. for sure with this card exploit you could be banned. Blizzard uses to ban thousands players even for little things like that and they don't care if it was the first time you did something wrong. Hopefully as it was said, it has been fixed.
@rjcripe 8 лет назад
+Flomix No, it won't get you banned. What you did was dupe an item. That fucks with the game's economy and, in large amounts, can have disastrous, permanent effects on the community at large. Unchecked duping can force rollbacks for a entire servers. They have to police that stuff closely or it can ruin the experience of every player in a server. Also, bugs like duping are well known and have been around since the earliest MMOs and, as their existence is common knowledge, are usually expressly forbidden in a game's Terms of Service. An exploit like this one is contained in a single game won't have any significant, drastic consequences. It would be like using an exploit in WoW arena that allowed you to trigger a skill multiple times while ignoring a cooldown. You wouldn't get banned for an infraction like that as the effect it has is so small and completely temporary. Maybe a warning or slap on the wrist but what is more likely is that the developers would just try and patch it out as quickly as possible. If, however, this was an exploit that let the player get free gold or essence then yes, you could easily get banned for it. Moral of the story? Don't dupe items.
@alfredwinchesterjr 9 лет назад
Card animations should not take turn time and they want this shit to be competative XD.
@msms47 9 лет назад
IT GOT FIXED !!!!!!!
@xsnow1e 9 лет назад
Nope had it happen earlier in tavern brawl
@MyronMGains 9 лет назад
"working as intended"
@tdreamgmail 9 лет назад
I need a shower after that
@OoxAlejandroxoO 9 лет назад
la wea trolaza xD
@bator222 9 лет назад
OMG Dat's what I call troll :D good job
@MyViolador 9 лет назад
Look at the positive side, Nozdormu works in this deck, and the other guy was a mage sooo, *"he asked for it"*.
@electricsheep4313 9 лет назад
+MyViolador Dat chin.
@angelgodplace 9 лет назад
you'll be able to reliably do this when gadgetzan jouster is released + an emperor activation. You go nozdormu gadgetzan brew master gadgetzan. Next turn you can just do brew master brew master
@Draffut2003 9 лет назад
anyone who does this should be immediately and forever banned.
@Aether_Aurora 9 лет назад
Now that's what I call a tempo play.
@moebro5903 9 лет назад
Decklist plz?
@qtsucksqt 9 лет назад
"NewMeta" - best name!
@Akirathedon92 9 лет назад
lol, i love the name "new meta"
@Jyosua 9 лет назад
Did anyone report this to Blizzard? I mean, surely they must know about it... right?
@Zureiyaa 9 лет назад
Jyosua It has been reported about 10000 times.
@JoshRioTeixeira 9 лет назад
So does this just not work against the Inn Keeper? I tried like five times but could never target one Brewmaster with the other.
@johnmarkallen0986 9 лет назад
So, it's a high-mana cost combo you have to set up for that is non-interactive, and kills you before you can play anything? Totally balanced and fair, for sure.
@MfingChristonya 9 лет назад
@smeh73 9 лет назад
Is it fixed already? Don't work for me today.
@Sarubotai 9 лет назад
Should get insta ban for bug exploit.
@archdemon001 9 лет назад
That is shady as shit. I love it.
@madzell001 9 лет назад
Theres an easy fix for this. Just make it so the timer doesnt start until the enemys animation is done. Dont know why blizzard hasnt coded that yet.
@zorkornable 9 лет назад
Rank 25 comments FailFish
@proplayer682 9 лет назад
When someone finds hes own way to success, THen comes the Sheeps NURF!
@ratchetclan3 9 лет назад
Polymorph Nozdormu, gg.
@iKoyyy 9 лет назад
@Whateverx9993 9 лет назад
Anyone else miss back in the day? When shit didn't get nerded and we all had to find counters or DEAL with it? THOSE counters were found always... there was worse shut period that wasn't an issue.
@santiagomartinez5699 9 лет назад
Ejercito pajero de duxa presente ahre viejo
@mawhulk 9 лет назад
if this got nerfed, that dragon card would be completely worthless
@418chema 9 лет назад
Con razón duxa es bueno en hearstone Kappa
@Crateria 9 лет назад
This shit is godlike.
@mafordukGaming 9 лет назад
That sucks
@Rekettyelovag 9 лет назад
Drink with me friend!
@ShovelShovel 9 лет назад
this really has no real affect to the game. i mean he got the exact two cards he needs double brew master and got noz on an empty board. let alone got to the late game in constructed... lolwut. there are just as broken combos in the game that require very specific cards and setups.
@decross20 9 лет назад
flanker22 It's not just brewmaster. I went up against a player with Nozdormu in a Tavern Brawl, and he used animations on other cards to cut away at my time, leaving me with around 5 seconds to play out my turn.