Just some guy.
@GlacierMoonDragon 9 дней назад
Do think smaller Key Words can be added to Yu-Gi-Oh. Like "(Quick Effect)", and "banish". And even smaller wording choices like "This card is unaffected by the effects of Trap Cards" to "Unaffected by Trap Effects".
@kainsuna 11 дней назад
underrated vid
@hermannhand4557 Месяц назад
The problem is that Magic is becoming YugiOh because of needing to create new keywords every set.
@water2770 Месяц назад
I disagree that Flying or Trample can be intuitively understood. So when you think of trampling you think of something massive bulldozing something small or maybe clearing an area... So obviously Trample means that you can attack a land right? or anything with a stat total low enough or mana cost low enough instantly dies right? No... Somehow a giant elephant stepping on a squirrel means some wizard somewhere just gets a massive nosebleed for some reason. Flying to be understood properly needs you to know an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT KEYWORD. hearthstone uses keywords, but at least they have the decency/ability to tell you what those keywords do if you hover over the card.
@ildathet Месяц назад
one insteresting thing is that yugiho player have made generally agreed upon keyword, same for hexproof in magic if i recon correctly You could technically do the inverse you did with adult gold dragon for a yugiho card using those keyword, acronym (NSu, SSu) remove redundant limitations or reminder text
@Bingoyoutuber01 Месяц назад
Fart Town 💀
@peter8367 Месяц назад
great video
@CelticMTG Месяц назад
Damn i didn't expect the three of you to go red/green.
@fragniz Месяц назад
So, with many of the examples you gave for keywords that are rarely used, I agree that without reminder text they can become convoluted and confusing. However, ability words like Landfall and Threshold actually DON'T fall into that category. Read the Landfall cards you brought up. Both Omnath and Obuun read: "Landfall - Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, [effect]" So, those ability words actually specify what they do without reducing it to ONLY a keyword, whereas Trample just says Trample (except in Core Sets where they add reminder text to evergreen keywords), and so the player has to understand that means "When assigning combat damage, this creature may assign excess damage to defending player (or permanent being attacked)"
@AxelWedstar411 Месяц назад
If I were in charge of Yu-Gi-Oh, I'd make it a hard rule that if a card effect can't be explained in 50 words, it doesn't get printed.
@four-en-tee Месяц назад
There's a few things this video misses in the way of Yugioh. 1) A big reason as to why keywords probably would be difficult to implement in Yugioh is because Konami is very fluid about the rules of its game and often builds many cards that'll just completely circumvent or ignore certain restrictions in the games rules. An easy example of this is the concept of "sending cards", which is basically just a generic form of removal that bypasses any other sorts of protections aside from cards that aren't affected by card effects (and those cards can also be circumvented by forcing your opponent to do an action, such as with Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon [which that card is its own can of worms]). Much like EDH, Yugioh would also have a million different keywords you would have to memorize because there's no set rotation in this game. But beyond that, most text on a Yugioh card is basically just costs and restrictions. When you know what text to look for during a match, reading a card becomes simple. You can generally just ignore 75% of what your opponent's card says when you're looking for an effect. Its just a skill issue. Most of the text on a Yugioh card is important to the player using it as opposed to the opponent since it keeps them from spamming multiple copies during a turn. Otherwise, every deck would have the capacity to become an FTK deck. Like, Yugioh is a game where if a card has less text, it may be more powerful because its spammable. 2) Yugioh cards do more than what they say on the card because they're combo pieces, so their text doesn't do a good job of intuiting to the opponent what their deck is meant to do. Special summon combos are just a staple of all types of decks in this game, they aren't only inherent to actual combo decks. The reason for this is because Yugioh archetypes are designed to play like MOBA champions or fighting game characters. The game is incredibly swingy more often than not, and you generally have to look for certain extenders in the middle of their combos to intuit the sort of shenanigans that your opponent may be on if they're playing anything toxic. This just means that Yugioh is a game where you have to memorize a lot of different match-ups each format so that you can understand during a match when a deck is deviating from a standard list, which is generally just something you'll learn as you expand your card knowledge. And in a competitive setting, a pro player is going to be very careful not to reveal their entire strategy from the onset. The only saving grace usually is that there's generally only 6-18 archetypes that are considered "meta-relevant" at a time in the competitive space aside from tier 0 formats. Figuring out what those archetypes are though can sometimes be difficult, and in those situations, certain archetypes can just come in and completely blindside everyone (such as the Labrynth deck that took second place at YCS Indy). Whenever a new set releases, Yugioh players are expected to re-evaluate the whole competitive landscape and determine what archetypes they're likely to run into at a YCS or a regional or whatever. And locals are a whole other story since people are going to bring what they like to play, which means you gotta get used to what the people there are running (whether its meta-relevant or not). Magic decks are (generally) not designed like this because Magic is a game designed to be played throughout multiple turns. You have beaters, you have blowout cards, you have some draw/mill/self-mill/whatever engines that help to speed up your game plan, and you have cards like sol ring or what have you that allow you to get into those cards sooner over the course of a game. And typically, your deck has an overall end board they're trying to reach towards the late game. So you have a lot of time to figure out what a Magic deck is trying to do and determine what cards in your deck could be used to stop them. By comparison, Modern Yugioh especially is basically a game of king of the hill. You're just constantly trying to deny your opponent the board, because failing to do so usually means that taking back the board becomes that much harder. If you're facing a deck like Centur-Ion in a competitive setting for example and you're going second, you either stop them from reaching Calamity or you don't get to play the game. And nothing about the archetype tells you that's what they're trying to do because Calamity has nothing to do with the Centur-Ion archetype, its part of the Resonator archetype and the deck is just able to extend into it using a generic synchro monster called Crimson Dragon. 3) Even if Yugioh card text were more brief, it wouldn't really tell you what a deck does at a glance because very few Yugioh archetypes are alike. If you sit down to play a game of magic and your opponent is playing some green mana deck, you can generally intuit that they're most likely playing some sort of ramp deck or what have you. If they're playing black blue, i'm basically facing your average Yugioh deck. If its white, i can expect stuff like massive life gain shenanigans. And if its mono red, then they're bad at the game. By comparison, attributes in Yugioh (the seven elements that can be on a monster card) don't really intuit shit about what a deck does. You can have a deck with monsters of all sorts of different elements, and it could play similarly to a deck made up of all dark monsters for example. But even if we were to look at a single card like Branded Fusion for example, that could lead into, like, 8 different outcomes which each have their own set of combo lines. Maybe i'm trying to end on Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon? Maybe i'm trying to end on Millennium-Eyes Restrict? Maybe i'm trying to summon a Gimmick Puppet onto your field and lock you out of your next turn (please god, just ban Sanctifire Dragon :painpeko:), or maybe i'm running some other supplemental package in my deck (like Chimeras) and i'm trying to extend into those extra deck monsters. Yugioh is basically a game where card knowledge is a literal skill issue. Its why perfect knowledge is just incredibly OP in the hands of a good player (especially in the context of the modern game where going first is just so fucking oppressive), which is why many cards in this game that do grant you that knowledge either have heavy restrictions (meaning they're usually unviable), are designed to be retaliation cards (like Triple Tactics Talent), or end up getting banned if they aren't reasonably balanced. Like, i still love Yugioh despite all of that (the surprise factor is even part of why i do), but a new player has to understand that this is what the game entails. It can involve a lot of homework, but when you're able to grasp everything that's going on, Yugioh really is like no other game I've played.
@akirachisaka9997 Месяц назад
Also an advantage of Magic’s simpler to understand text is, even if you misunderstood the rules you can usually still have some kitchen table fun playing it. As a kid, my first deck is the Ninja of the nights precon. We thought Ninjutsu was “when this creature deals combat damage, you may pay the ninjutsu cost of a ninja you have in hand and swap it in, dealing damage again”. It’s not well balanced when played like this, but you can still play the game. Meanwhile Yugioh can feel terrifying to even sit down and try.
@luisfelipeoliveiradecastro7464 Месяц назад
as someone that play both in their mobile version, duel link and arena, and learned to play recent enough to remember how was, 7 years maximum to yugioh and 2 to magic, yugioh is far easier to learn to play, if not for the arena showing me the meanning of the key words would have been a nightmare learn that, after you learn magic became easier to understand
@lingeringforce6264 Месяц назад
Fantastically written video filled with tons of passion and depth. Amazing work, I hope you eventually explode if this is your consistent style!
@Aeviator Месяц назад
Interestingly enough, there is a mod for Master Duel that introduces some keywords into the card text, like once per turn -> OPT and so on. It makes it a lot easier to read through the cards.
@Mikewee777 Месяц назад
This is why I quit playing both card games . The video games are more consistent with rulings and are more likely to discourage infinity combos by forcing players to physically re-tap every single time.
@Mikewee777 Месяц назад
Video starts at 02:00
@Kr_127 Месяц назад
Neither is as good as dungeon dice monsters
@fcolecumberri Месяц назад
In Yu-Gi-Oh, there are few keywords (like target, negate, if, when), but people needed so much time to assimilate them I can understand they stopped doing that. Before someone tells me that if and when are not keywords: "If this card is sent to the graveyard..." "When this card is sent to the graveyard..." have different Yu-Gi-Oh meaning.
@SakuraAvalon Месяц назад
Well, one notable benefit to YGO's text, is it will prepare you to become a lawyer.
@catanaoni Месяц назад
I think YuGiOh has an issue with text that's similar to being overwhelmed by too many keywords. Stuff like cost, effect, banish, destruction by battle or by card effect, what is activate-able in damage step, if vs when, nothing crazy complicated if you already know, but ask an actually new player, and they'll be confused at the question or give a completely wrong answer. "My card is unaffected how come Called By negated it!" -> reads card -> card says "unaffected by activated effects", meanwhile Called By is lingering
@kitsunewarlock Месяц назад
Little funny note: Your gold dragon doesn't have enough information on it. The complete text would say: "Adult Gold Dragon cannot be blocked except by creatures with this ability, or creatures with the ability to block creatures with this ability. When this creature deals combat or effect damage to a creature, player, Planeswalker or Battle, you gain life equal to the damage dealt this way. This creature can attack and tap or untap to pay for the activation cost of activated abilities even if it has not been continuously controlled by a player since the beginning of that player's most recent turn." Even that wouldn't cover everything that keywords let us accomplish, such as effects that deal damage to all flying creatures!
@matthewgagnon9426 Месяц назад
Here's what I find important. Magic has a comprehensive rules document that can answer any problem you have with weird interactions. YGO does not. Magic has formats that limit the number of things you need to know about, YGO doesn't really have that to the same degree.
@acasualgameryt6978 Месяц назад
This, I can't believe the TCG cards ruling are basically you go to this website for all the OCG card ruling and use google translation. Not to mention the "applying ruling of other cards with the same exact phrases for effects so it should have similar ruling" approach works way harder in TCG because something like "Untargetable + Indestructable by opponent's card effect" has at least 6 different way to word in TCG while only 1 in OCG.
@MansMan42069 Месяц назад
Fernando Banda being the resident MTG bootlicker
@harrisonwade999 Месяц назад
Idk I've had to look up the rules playing yugioh lately than magic and even then we had to guess and vote on the rules so there isn't clarity with more text
@Zero_de_Nova Месяц назад
I mean Rush Duel is kinda Yugioh with Keywords.
@axelostlund2348 Месяц назад
Yugioh would benfit a ton from keywording its most common effects. It would benefit, even more, from word spacing and a consistent structure for its card text.
@acasualgameryt6978 Месяц назад
What do you mean by consistent structure? Post PSCT cards separate condition, card, effect using colon and semicolon.
@axelostlund2348 Месяц назад
@@acasualgameryt6978 Structure as in formatting. Where all effects of certain qualities always appear on a card in a consistent order, and formatted in a way that makes sense on a glance instead of having to parse one block of text. The Japanese version of yugioh already has some of this down.
@acasualgameryt6978 Месяц назад
@@axelostlund2348 oh, definitely, the things yugioh OCG does better that are common knowledge are numbering, separates conditions and effects (like Promethean Princess's restriction is an effect) better, and has HOPT clause on top. However, I don't see people talk about is how TCG sometimes words the same effect differently for some reasons. "Untargetable + Indestructable by OPP's effect" has like 6 difference wording in TCG even though OCG only has 1. BTW, I only knew about this while researching for more suggestions for the keyword version (regular version) of Master Duel's Readable Card Effects mod
@axelostlund2348 Месяц назад
@@acasualgameryt6978 Quite, and that is part of what makes a lot of things so confusing. I have seen some videos of people inspired by the ocg and magic's formatting translating yugioh tcg cards into that structure, and seeing the result of those were the first time in year I looked at a yugioh card and though: "Oh wow I understand what this does right away." For reference I used to be, very, into yugioh, so I have dealt with its formatting and could even recite all effects of cards in my deck from memory, but I definitely feel it could use a thorough clean up.
@artbanks27 Месяц назад
I've thinking of card texts as mini contracts.
@synthnet_z Месяц назад
It’s so funny that you mentioned Ultrakill, because Inscryption has been the one game that really captivated my interest after being obsessed with Ultrakill for almost exactly a year now. Phenomenal game 10/10 Leshy’s goodbye made me sob ugly tears
@crainegroup Месяц назад
@IGNEUS1607 Месяц назад
One thing I learned recently: yugioh has an official rule where.is card text contradicts the rules, you always follow the card text. On thw other hand, I've heard that Magic's designers have tried to implement particular mechanics.in the past, but it couldnt be done because the rules prevented the mechanic from working. Yugioh definitely has a lot more stuff going on in sone cases, so I really only see keywords harming the game by oversimplifying it.
@YukiFubuki. Месяц назад
i believe context is important here as many cards that seems to be breaking the rules in yugioh is in fact worded to works in a certain way specifically so they dont break the rules but get around it while still abiding by the rules in the first place all tcg card's effects as text utilizes the rules as jungle gym or a parkour playground with yugioh being no different in this regard and most claims of yugioh card breaking the rules is typically from the perspective of someone who dont actually understand the rules or mechanics only simply thinking that they do that being said though, while extremely rare there really are cases of cards contradicting the rules and has to be given special rulings just so they can work at all e.g "A Legendary Ocean" is a card with a name condition that its always treated as another card named "Umi" (japanese for ocean) so logistically the card "A Legendary Ocean" technically doesnt exist during a game since its always treated as "Umi" yet however there exist a card called "Warrior of Atlantis" that can discard itself to add a copy of "A Legendary Ocean" from your deck to your hand but as already stated "A Legendary Ocean" technically doesnt exist so the effect of "Warrior of Atlantis" should be impossible to ever resolve but it was given a special ruling to be able to search out "A Legendary Ocean" regardless anyway contradicting existing game mechanics
@seandun7083 Месяц назад
Magic does have that rule as well. 101.1: Whenever a card's text directly contradicts these rules, the card takes precedence. The card overrides only the rule that applies to that specific situation. The only exception is that a player can concede the game at any time (see rule 104.3a). If a card says "you can play an additional land on each of your turns" then that overrides the rule that you can only play one land per turn. That being said, there are still times where a card won't work how they want it to work due to the part about it only overriding the rules for that specific situation. Some of the time it would require really weird wording in order to make sure it did work with the rules so it's just not worth it, or occasionally (like with Serra Paragon somewhat recently) they mess up and word it in a way that doesn't let it do what they want the card to do.
@arthurhill8185 Месяц назад
Tbh, archetypes in yugioh confused me for a while. In magic, the actual name of a card is irrelevant except for a few cases where you're looking for an exact match of the entire name. (I,e; legendaries or Rat Colony) In yugioh, the name is actually important! So many archetypes basically use the name like mtg uses the type line. And then there's weird cases like Frog The Jam where even though it's called a frog it's not *really* a frog(I think because it was named before the frog archetype existed or something?) so every frog related card specifically spells out EXCEPT FROG THE JAM. (Except I think they errataed them all at some point so now it does count?)
@YukiFubuki. Месяц назад
frog the jam isnt a frog because the original name in japanese is actually "slime toad", it does not have the 'frog' word in its name so does not belong in the frog archetype which is why frog support has to exclude it since it was never a frog card at all but because its tcg name made a mistake and localized it to include the word 'frog' in it some unaware players may believe it is a frog card when it isnt so frog support has to have that restriction otherwise the card may be used in a way its unable to be used konami did went and later errata the name of frog the jam into slime toad in tcg giving it its supposed name back so that frogs can stop having to exclude but at this point the damage is done already and frog the jam became a meme
@phorchybug3286 Месяц назад
MTG has less text but you need to understand the vague gibberish like vigilance and scry. YGO is more verbose, squished up and kinda hard to read FROM A DISTANCE but that's because it's trying to explain it's gimmicks as clearly as possible.
@seandun7083 Месяц назад
Reminder text is a great way to get the benefits of both worlds. If you understand the keyword then you can skip reading the reminder text since the keyword works the same every time, but if you haven't seen it before or need some clarification, then you still have the rules spelled out for you. That's also the case with ability words like Landfall and Raid. They don't have rules meaning, but if a card has a Landfall ability, then you know it will start by saying "whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, ..."
@phorchybug3286 Месяц назад
​@@seandun7083the hell?
@seandun7083 Месяц назад
@@phorchybug3286 reminder text is italicized text in parenthesis on cards in beginner focused sets or for set specific mechanics to explain what they do. For example, the text of Opt is "Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom.) Draw a card." If you are familiar with the mechanic or are describing it to someone experienced in the game, you can easily skip the reminder text but still know exactly what the effect does, but if you haven't seen Scry before then you can still just read it.
@TheCrowVarietyShow Месяц назад
I remember the good old days of yugioh where getting 3 monsters in a turn was ridiculous. Now trying to play it, people will have a full board turn 1 with a card that basically says you can't do anything: I win next turn.
@God_is_a_High_School_Girl Месяц назад
Magic has fallen down the same rabbit hole as Yu-Gi-Oh recently, but without the decades of experience that game has. Every new MtG set comes with its own new keyword, and every one of those keywords is rendered pointless by the need to print the reminder text right next to it. The last keyword I can think of that has been given time and repetition to land home is Surveil, and I still get it mixed up sometimes. Look at a Boast card and tell me what it does without reading the reminder text right next to it.
@seandun7083 Месяц назад
I mean, new keywords every set has been a thing for 20+ years. Boast is an activated ability that can only be used if this creature attacked this turn. Reminder text is useful because reading it is optional. If you know what the mechanic does, then you can skip over the reminder text for it because you know it works exactly the same every time. If you have never seen it before or are trying to understand a niche interaction, then you can read how it works. That's also why ability words like Landfall and Raid exist. They don't do anything rules wise, but if you see landfall printed on a card then you know that the next few words will be "whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control".
@IC-23 Месяц назад
​@seandun7083 Except if that keyword is only around for one set why bother keywording it? A lot of yugioh cards have easy to skip blocks of text because they do the same thing, every Lv1 Snake Eye Except Poplar can send it's and another card to summon a snake eye from deck. every tenyi summons itself if you control no effect monsters and can exile itself from field/GY at certain times to do a thing. every adamancipator scry's 5 and summons a rock so after you familiarize yourself with a deck you don't need to read every card unless a ruling issue comes up just like how reminder text is only looked at for rulings.
@seandun7083 Месяц назад
@IC-23 Reasons to give a keyword for a mechanic that will only be around for one set: It indicates that they must do the same thing which means once you have read the text on one of them, you don't need to read any of it on the others. You mentioned that a lot of times in Yu-Gi-Oh you can skip reading the text of cards with similar effects, but when there isn't a keyword to enforce consistency, there can be lots of similar looking effects that still have relevant differences. Seek the Beast, Act on Impulse, Vance's Blasting Cannons and Light up the Stage all have similar but slightly different effects that you still need to read all of even if you have seen the others already. It allows you to interact with it through cards that mention the mechanic by name such as Cosmos Charger or Enhanced Surveillance. It makes it easier for the rules to cover the cards by granting a single area where players can look up rulings on how any of the cards with that mechanic work. It encourages a consistent design for cards in the set which makes it easier to design synergies. Devoted Grafkeeper would have been much worse if half of the disturb cards were cast as spells from the graveyard and the other half were activated abilities like unearth. It makes it easy for players to understand each color combination in limited formats. A flavorful mechanic name can help make it easier to understand what a mechanic is trying to do. Some mechanics (like saddle) are hard to word without giving them a name since cards with it may refer to "a creature that saddled it" or might say "if it was saddled". It makes it easier to talk about in casual conversation. "Here's my morph deck" is a lot easier to say than "here's my deck built around creatures that you can play face down as 2/2s for 3 and then turn have up later on".
@user-og8jy1ib7f Месяц назад
​@@IC-23to future proof the ability in the possibility they do revisit that design space. That way you don't get things like Eatos and Her Sword not working because they decided to print it with "when" instead of "if". or get more cards like Beast of Talwar who is a normal Monster with a cyber harpie lady like effect of always being considered as another Archfiend monster because English translation didn't think that demon could be an archtype so didn't give him the localized "archfiend" name even after fixing Slime toad who was previously Frog the Jam.
@randommaster06 Месяц назад
Neither Magic nor Yugioh cards are very clear. I can't see through either of them when I hold them up to my face.
@andrewruoff4687 Месяц назад
I would like to point out that at least commons and uncommons have italicized reminder text to tell you what a set keyword does so if you open a pack you understand the gist of what a mechanic does at least. Incubate is a good example of this in a recent set Edit: actually I checked and all the rares (including the commander cards) have the explanation text: the only one that doesn’t is the mythic Elesh Norn which one won’t really stumble into randomly often
@magmapagliaesopravvalutato6838 Месяц назад
Ah yes, poison trample. Serious thought: yugioh cards are very different from each other, so an effect can be triggered by being sent to gy, being destroyed or leaving the field and maybe only by an opponent’s card effect. If deathrattle existed in yugioh a lot of its cards would look so much more similar and it would be a shame. Raye being able so activate from gy after spolying shizuku or prankids battle butler triggering even on a kaiju for the first time will always be some of my favorite yugioh moments. The only keywords i could see implemented would be soft hard opt, but even that would be difficult since a card can have different effects with different limitations. To sum up yugioh is complex and that’s why I love it. Also engage
@YukiFubuki. Месяц назад
another thing is that hard and soft opt is actually fundamentally different from one another, they're worded similarly and tehy achieved similar results but differ in how they actually work in that one puts a restriction on the card and the other places it on the player instead so because of this actually changing control of the card would still enable its new controller to use its effect an additional time even if its effect is a hard opt that has already been used this very turn and then there is something like baronne de fleur whose effect is both a hard and soft opt combined...
@Ratstail91 Месяц назад
Here's a thing too - I can't read the text on a yugioh card. Like, my eyes are physically unable to make out the lettering. I knew my eyes were weak, but it's the first time I've ever been unable to read something and feel "excluded" as a result. Whoever the hell decided on the layout of those cards was not thinking ahead.
@omegalink314 Месяц назад
A yugioh player here. Usually, when I read a Yugioh card, I don't really need to read all of it. Most yugioh cards have the same ~10 effects, adds, summons, negate, and so on, and they are also written the same so when I read a card I can just glance over it and understand what it does without any trouble 90% of the time
@DragoSmash Месяц назад
as a seasoned player, yeah, you start building your parse ability to skim over effects, but it can happen that when you skim over it you may miss important information it also is not friendly to new players on one side, MTG is not friendly because a new player has to look up the keywords that come up during a game in case they don't have reminder text, but its a learning curve that feels good on contrast YGO, new players try to read every single word on these causing massive fatigue until they learn that they don't have to read everything, then they start missing important stuff which leads to the YGO players don't read meme, like how people apparently never know what Avramax does
@joelpaultre7440 Месяц назад
Love the video. I honestly find the differences between card games interesting and i like how the video is an objective overview that doesnt let preference get in the way of analysis.
@talenstout8324 Месяц назад
If you have keywords then kids wouldn’t understand early. Mtg is to complicated.
@seandun7083 Месяц назад
Hence why they use reminder text for beginner products and set specific mechanics.
@DualSwordBesken Месяц назад
Something worth noting with Magic's use of keywords, the set specific keywords will have reminder text with them on all the normal versions of the commons and uncommons and will carry reminder text on normal versions of higher rarity cards if there is enough room. This is by design as the commons and uncommons are the most likely to be encountered over something like a rare or mythic and these are used to teach players about the keywords. This allows Magic to be both verbose and clear with their effects while offering cleaner looking versions through the special versions, whether those be retro frame, extended art, guest sheets, etc.
@AndrusPr8 Месяц назад
I'm sure Yugioh could be summarized in very few keywords., way less than what MTG uses
@acasualgameryt6978 Месяц назад
Ok? Tell us how. People who created Readable Card Effects mod on Master Duel would definitely want some suggestions.
@AndrusPr8 Месяц назад
@@acasualgameryt6978 It all depends on the phrases you want to summarize. "When this card enters the battlefield" can be "Fielding" "Des-trigger" could be "whenever this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard". "Des-battle" could be "Whenever this card is destroyed by battle and send to the graveyard" "Des-effect"... "Search your deck, add it to your hand" could be scope "X-click" whenever a X card is activated. So we have a "Fielding: scope a Dark Magician card. Des-trigger: reborn a Dark Magician normal monster."
@acasualgameryt6978 Месяц назад
@@AndrusPr8 Thanks
@MansMan42069 Месяц назад
Try that with *Endymion, The Mighty Master Of Magic* Good luck.
@AndrusPr8 Месяц назад
​@@MansMan42069 You can't, because Endymion doesn't work with the common mechanics of yu-gi-oh! but the rather uncommon "Spell Counter" mechanic. Nevertheless, YGO card effects usually revolve around moving cards from one place to another. Searching, recovering, bouncing, destroying, negating, special summoning.
@BoisegangGaming Месяц назад
I really feel like YGO needs better formatting for the card. Additionally, having Special Summon restrictions (i.e. "can't be normal summoned or set, can only be special summoned by X" feels like it could just have "SPECIAL" the same way some monsters have "FLIP" and then lists the Special Summon conditions the same way XYZ and LINK monsters do. Reinventing the card frames to something like how Rush Duel looks would also solve this as it frees up more space for art and text at the same time. The biggest issue I have as someone who doesn't play YGO is that when card text is read out, my eyes start to glaze over. There's also inane rules like "When" vs "If" (i.e. missing timing) and a whole bunch of stuff regarding just pure jank. Also, the text size is the same regardless of how much empty space is left, which is really, really annoying considering how small they can be. There's too many words, too many clauses, and too many sub-clauses.
@YukiFubuki. Месяц назад
yugioh has a lot of early installment weirdness to it before the devs figure a lot of things out with FLIP being 1 of them since there does exist monsters with flip effects without the FLIP subtype and their effects do not count as flip effects either while effect prefaced with FLIP on a monster card with the FLIP subtype does count as a flip effect all FLIP does these days is be redundant when it isnt necessary at all since by itself it doesnt actually do anything which is why its more or less been abandoned trying to create a "SPECIAL" subtype carries the same baggage too in that it doesnt actually do anything, will bring with it its own new aspect that can easily be mistaken for something else and the listed method is still required anyway these also exist cards that differ in cannot be normal or set but can be special summoned in more ways then just the listed method so its not like thats the only variation of the line that exist, additionally im not sire if you know this but xyz and links dont actually fit into that aforementioned summoning restriction since you can actually summon them outside of their listed method
@grihaspoormachine Месяц назад
@@YukiFubuki. Special subtype exist... only in ocg
@codyhanson1344 Месяц назад
Apparently yugioh puts white in front of red ig
@curiousChrysalis Месяц назад
Ah, shit. I should have caught that, lol.
@eightbyte1 Месяц назад
If there is anything that yugioh could do with, it's some small signals for extremely common properties of some effects, for example, if there was a specific symbol representing soft/hard once per turn effects that would probably save a lot of text bloat. If ygo were to add keywords, i think they would be new words for basic game mechanics, such as how discard is used. example: If this card is sent to the GY to activate a WATER monster's effect: Add 1 Sea Serpent monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Atlantean Dragoons". would become -> If this card is sent to the GY to activate a WATER monster's effect: *search* 1 Sea Serpent monster, except "Atlantean Dragoons". When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower non-Tuner "Gusto" monster from your Deck. would become -> When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can *Recruit* 1 Level 4 or lower non-Tuner "Gusto" monster. (maybe rally? i'm not sure.) When this card is Normal Summoned: You can send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY. Would become -> When this card is Normal Summoned: You can *Bury* 1 Zombie monster. i'm think special summon from hand would also be a good keyword, but i'm not sure on what to call it.
@JurijFlugge Месяц назад
i Would love you trying out Tiny Tina`s Wonderlands
@drearydoll6305 Месяц назад
Alright, yugioh question. What does linear equation cannon do?
@TrapTrax Месяц назад
It tries to solve a linear equation using the variables below a is the declared number from 1 to 6 x is the level of the effect monster you chose y is the number of cards your opponent control c is the number of cards in your graveyard If ax+y=c then you can shuffle cards opponent control If ax+y=/=c then you take damage Good thing we don't have quadratic equation cannon
@duelmastershideout278 Месяц назад
Could you talk about Duel Masters