Sergej Žlahtič
Sergej Žlahtič
Sergej Žlahtič
Christchurch rocker - Vagina song
12 лет назад
Helicopter toy
13 лет назад
Walle - rendering and texturing
13 лет назад
Sky dive
13 лет назад
my day in Auckland
14 лет назад
Old city - Grožnan
14 лет назад
Time lapse at Dubai airport
14 лет назад
sailing problem
14 лет назад
September fest 08 - jadranje
14 лет назад
Gull fight in slowmotion
14 лет назад
@gigiekwtvlogs211 Год назад
Keep safe pray for safety Ľ
@meow1990_2 Год назад
Remember, the best captains are always the ones safely on land yelling at you.
@gjpenaloza 3 года назад
Doesn't look like even close to 40 kts of wind, 20-25 at the very most...
@andreaspaul9138 4 года назад
Молодцы ребята. Им было сложно но они хорошо справились.
@bredabavdazcopi2869 5 лет назад
kot asistent nimaš blage veze
@szymondworski 6 лет назад
There are two types of sailors - those who had problems while mooring their boat and those who will. It is good there are people around ready to help!
@mikegarrison889 6 лет назад
how many villagers does it take to dock at sail boat?
Not easy in those conditions. Lots of armchair admirals here.
@FubarGuy666 6 лет назад
Windy day makes docking difficult. So they weren't professional sailors, so what? They did all right. Leave them alone, at least they were out there doing it and not sat on the sofa like all us commenters....
@jacou293 6 лет назад
@g.stephens263 6 лет назад
All that was needed was a few more idiots giving orders!
@highliner250 6 лет назад
Amazing how many illiterate people there are writing comments .
@donkinzett3961 6 лет назад
What the fuck are they trying to acheive
@nigelbutlerr7294 6 лет назад
two rather small fenders , well four larger fenders would make it easier.maybe just go bow in , throw a warp to other boat from stern.......
@EgilWar 6 лет назад
That was fun to watch
@robertorocha45 6 лет назад
Que desastre de tripulação!
@vincent7520 7 лет назад
Windy and … clumsy !…
@keepingcalm6469 7 лет назад
noone injured - nothing damaged - everyone got a little physical work out - perfect mooring.
@overlanderengel5787 7 лет назад
Job was done.
@svroysjoy5538 7 лет назад
First thaught is to come along side the wall - extend the line to the mooring attach stern lines then transition to the correct position - no flapping about in a beam wind and no stressing - did good though apart from a tangled line and alot of confused shouting
@reitzel 7 лет назад
rental boats ??????????????
@pascalleguen7697 7 лет назад
Oh my god!! Qui sont ces marins du dimanche !! Probablement un voilier de Loc avec des néophytes à bord , heureusement qu'ils étaient au port et qu'on leurs à donner un coup de min ...
@westcoast9651 3 года назад
Ah oui Le Guen c’est breton donc ça légitime les jugements sur les manœuvres au port 🙄
@pascalleguen7697 3 года назад
West Coast , je ne vois pas le rapport entre mon nom de famille et ce que vois sur la video😀
@garysouza2277 7 лет назад
What an absolute clusterfuck. Ill prepared to dock a boat in any conditions, much less these. Lines under fenders, failure to cleat off lines, throwing a "clump" of line, instead of a coil- it's just a total mess. Glad that wasn't my boat chartered out to these clowns.
@hasanertekce2212 8 лет назад
bukadar gerizekalı bir insan topluluğunu daha önce hiç görmemiştim..fuck...
@neleabels 8 лет назад
Stupid idiots laughing on the quay. Have you ever tried to dock a boat under these conditions?
@michal3494 8 лет назад
what conditions?
@EgilWar 6 лет назад
Actually yes.
@dannon673 8 лет назад
@arnoudoostenbroek 8 лет назад
these people should not be allowed to be on the water on there own. Everything that you should not do they did. Unfortunately we always encounter these cowboys in so many harbours around the world.
@TheKapahuluKid 8 лет назад
Idiots....throwing lines that aren't cleated off. Just bunching it up and hurling it instead of properly coiling it to throw.....IDIOTS!!!!!!
@pdxxx1 8 лет назад
That's not anywhere near 40 knots. Nobody's perfect, we all have our moments eh?
@TheKapahuluKid 8 лет назад
Agree...on both comments.
@MrCh1lll 8 лет назад
OMG whats all the fuss about,fair enough unexperienced captain obviously cause once bow was secured to the other boat ,the rest wouldve been simple,all steer/rudder to port side,one good kick of reving the engine, which with the saildrive prop it has it wouldve reacted imedeatly turning the boat 90 degrees side by side to the other boat, specialy when the strong wind wouldve hit stbrd side and helped in turn,then reversed strongly with all steering/rudder to starboard side and quickly securing ropes to aft of other boat and land,and voila u are side by side tied :) ok before anybody starts with all that,yesyes very easy from the keyboard sailors point of veiw etc,i am a profesional captain who owns the same boat but bigger,a 41 foot bavaria,so i know what im talkin about,that wouldve been the right manouver ;) but as i say probably unexperienced captain and crew,so yes i guess simple things can turn complicated in these cases... :/
@mr112254 8 лет назад
It's called a Med tie up. Drop the anchor and slide back into the dock.
@stephenwilliams4722 8 лет назад
Not a bad job considering the conditions and having to use the emergency tiller.would have been easier to put a bowline on the stern warp, get the helper ashore to put it over the bollard and use the yachts winch to bring the stern to the quay, rather than have five people ashore pulling there bollocks off.
@ebbuts3565 8 лет назад
Wonderful boat!
@pawel66krak 8 лет назад
ukraine and belarus???
@meloun1968 8 лет назад
+pawel goril czech charter crew ... it looks always like this when you sail 1 week per year (including me :D) ... its really windy when the water is like this in the harbour ... I remember I was trying sometihing very similar is Split yacht harbour during Bora ...
@3phasetinkerer 9 лет назад
There are bunch of heroes and professionals (!) in youtube's comment section judging by just watching the video. This youtube comment culture has to be changed for good.
@michaelzietlow280 8 лет назад
+methebeachbum I heard an equal number of heroes and professionals yelling at the captain and crew of the S/V. Sounds more like a human problem..
@davidforde2375 9 лет назад
erm....... no sailing seen in this video.......
@Iclo420 9 лет назад
With only an emergency tiller and windy conditions, the best solution is to remind focused on the main goal: moor the boat safely even if it's not in "required position". Everything else is secondary. In this condition trying to moor the boat with 90° angle of the wind looks to be not the best solution. Come in the wind and moor direcllty on the warf ; a single line at the bow of the ship and on on one warf's boolard and you are safe. Ok, your take 3 or 4 room place, but you are safe. After that, prepare a simple translation using lines in the correct position and enough people to haul the boat parallel to the other boat. It's a common error to stay focused to the initial goal: if the things goes wrong : adapt your project and find simpler solution. And yes, it's clearly windy that day, but not 40 knots in this exact position at this time. They are in the harbour and the wind is lower.
@Daniel-fz6iz 7 лет назад
Great comment, I totally agree with you and similar thoughts while watching. And me too, I would guess the wind at around 30 kts there...
@BorisNjegic 7 лет назад
There is no depth. It is 1.5m - 1.8m depth a that point. I would put 4 -5 fenders on port side, approach on starboard side of tied boat with enough speed and let it lay down on it by force of wind. That boat has 2 moorings hooked, and if tiller is not responding then you would just lay down on other boat, no damage. And all of this only and only IF TILER is not responding properly and it is emergency situation. After this buy those guys a drink in Maritimo caffe on other side of bay and party can begin. My 2c.
@dizzywilliams3557 7 лет назад
totally agree.
@imsoaring 9 лет назад
Seems crazy to try backing up a light Bavaria 36 cruiser (?) in those conditions, especially if there were lazy lines available! Just go bows in, sometimes better if there are shelves or rocks near the wall as there are in a lot of Med harbours. With a loop rigged between the two forward cleats the skipper could nose up to within a metre of the quay, crew member drops the loop over one of the bollards available and then picks up the lazy line. All over except for opening a beer! Stepping off the bow is a bit of a pain but no reason not to switch ends once the wind has dropped. What you learn from experience is that there is more than one way to do things! As someone else commented, even going alongside was an option until it all calmed down as there was so much quay available!
@timecop2723 9 лет назад
Ian, Care to pass along how you got the pagination working in the web scraper? I would like to know how you did it, I can seem to get it working, looks easy, but I am missing something that's not so quite obvious, for me at least. Thanks!
@timecop2723 9 лет назад
What comes around, Goes around...Errrm, are you still there?
@Breal191 9 лет назад
What seems to be the problem??
@euronavigations8461 10 лет назад
NIXE YACHTING PALERMO Come to Palermoooo ! Come to Sicily
@J30Vampire 6 лет назад
you need to get that harbor cleaned up before any one will go there. i could not believe how disgusting it was. it had more garbage then new york. it took a long time to get the scum off my boat. Italy! they will tell you they live in the most beautiful place in the world as they fling a bag of garbage out the window of there car! please get it cleaned up. its a nice old city. but its dirty.
@zen00zero 10 лет назад
All's well that ends well!
@johnpettit5071 10 лет назад
Its called med mooring, he should have at least 3X chain out and reverse in. I have a Bavaria 38 and after some years of sailing never had that problem. I am glad that they did not charter my boat, complete plonkers.
@FredGallefoss 10 лет назад
You don't use your anchor when there is fitted mooring with lazy lines. And he is on emergency tiller, so the solution to get the mooring line was not an bad approach. There is no drama in this situation, only shouting people...
@eike64 10 лет назад
G R O S S E S H A F E N K I N O V I E L E K Ö C H E V E R D E R B E N D E N B R E I Vollkommen richtig, was Aleš Dimnik sagt: It 's not right to make fool of the sailors in trouble. Statt zu lachen lieber helfen, was die meisten ja wohl auch taten. 0.03 Was die da am Anfang in der Einfahrt machen, weiss ich auch nicht. 0.04 Sie haben die Kurve trotz Notfallpinne gekriegt. Gut so - Platz ist ja auch genug da. 0.35 Anstatt die Muringleine zu nehmen hätten sie erstmal das eigene Boot mit dem anderen Boot verbinden müssen. Dann wäre erstmal Ruhe eingekehrt und das blöde Geschrei wäre verstummt. (diese Leine wird bei 1.05 geworfen, aber sie schaffen es nicht, eine feste Verbindung zwischen den Booten aufzubauen.) 0.50 Warum das Boot Fahrt aufnimmt nach Luv ist mir unverständlich? Unfähiger Steuermann? 0.58 Statt mit den Fendern rumzumachen hätte man mit der Idee von 0.35 zwei Achterleinen auf das andere Boot geworfen und das Heck des Bootes langsam und dieses in aller Ruhe parallel zu dem rechten Boot gezogen. Achterleinen an den Pollern festmachen, dabei logo Luvachter zuerst. Dann Eindampfen in die Achterleinen. Muringleine dichtholen. Fertig.
@ryszardpuchaa1929 9 лет назад
hahahaaaa "grosses hafenkino" na ja :) to prawda :)
@rme0108 10 лет назад
haha, anfänger unglück, mal en bissel üben gehn leute
@steetonsales1 10 лет назад
agree with Andrzej, he is on emergency tiller which is not easy to use ! Defo not 40 knots, more like 15knots max !! For all of you out their who think its easy, then think again ! It is incredibly difficult to moor a yacht in any breeze at all ! never ever think its easy when you watch a sailor try, it takes years of experience and failure !
@andrzejlatoch751 10 лет назад
12 - 14 knots ok. Not 40 ....
@Alf_4 10 лет назад
are you judging by the water? don't forget it's inside the harbor.
@arnekj 10 лет назад
40 knots? Yeah, right.
@SergeAx 10 лет назад
Hi doesn't have a wheel, he uses an emergency tiller, as clearly visible from 3:05
@robinfoote 10 лет назад
The worst thing about the sailing community is its propensity to mock inexperienced sailors. These were some very tough conditions and they were faced with a crowd of panicky people who think they know best all shouting conflicting instructions at them. Wind makes the inexperienced panicky and shouty leading to confusion and mistakes. Rather than shouting back why not calm the situation down? Anyway what is the problem? They got in in under 4 minutes and the boat is still floating!
@LittleHotels 11 лет назад
Give the guys a break! They have suffered steering failure and are using the emergency tiller. I've never used one, but I have been told they are extremely difficult to handle. Attempting to moor stern-to in those conditions with the emergency tiller would have been near impossible, so they have used the other boat plus warps. It may not have been pretty, but they got the job done.
@koroskaforever 7 лет назад
I had similar problem with steering wheel last year and I must use emergency tiller. OK, guys made some mistakes but I must say docking with emergency tiller is not so easy, especially in strong side wind. I had docked 38 ft sailing boat in a very narrow marina with emergency tiller - tiller in the middle, throttle handle far on my right side, wind gusts 20 KN + ... very interesting must say...