Catholic Culture
Catholic Culture
Catholic Culture

The RU-vid channel of CatholicCulture.org.

We have four podcasts represented on this channel. The first two listed below have video and the last two have only audio.

The Catholic Culture Podcast - musician and writer Thomas V. Mirus explores Catholic arts and culture with a variety of notable guests.

Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast - A film podcast devoted to works of high artistic caliber and Catholic interest, exploring the Vatican film list and beyond. Hosted by Thomas V. Mirus and actor James T. Majewski, with special guests.

Catholic Culture Audiobooks - Voice actor James T. Majewski brings to life classic Catholic works, with a special emphasis on St. John Henry Newman and the Fathers of the Church.

Way of the Fathers with Mike Aquilina - A podcast about the Fathers of the Church, the foundational figures in Christian history. Hosted by popular Patristics author Mike Aquilina.
Exercising headship requires risk
4 часа назад
Contemplation and friendship in Aristotle
12 часов назад
Obedience is central to human personhood
21 день назад
CRT as ethnic narcissism w/ Edward Feser
28 дней назад
@InterestedInDansk 41 минуту назад
DISCOURSE VI. ON THE PURIFICATION OF MARY. _The great sacrifice which Mary this day made to God in offering him the life of her Son. There were two precepts of the ancient law concerning the birth of first-born sons. One was, that the mother should remain as an un clean person, retired in her house, for forty days; after which she should go to purify her self in the temple. The other was, that the parents of the first-born should take him to the temple, and there offer him to God. On this day the most holy Virgin desired to obey both.precepts. Although Mary was not bound by the law of purification, since she was always a virgin, and always pure; yet, by her love of humility and odedience, she wished to go, like other mothers, to be purified. At the same time she obeyed the second precept, to present and offer her Son to the eternal Father; And after the days of her purification, according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.But the Virgin offered him in a different manner from that in which other mothers offered their sons. Others offered them, but they knew that this was a simple ceremony of the law, through which, by redeeming them, they made them their own, without the fear that they should be obliged to offer them again, and to death. Mary really offered her Son to death, knowing certainly that the sacrifice of the life of Jesus which she then made, should one day be actually consummated upon the altar of the cross; so that Mary, by offering the life of her Son through the love she bore this Son really sacrificed herself entirely to God . Laying aside, then, all the other considerations which we might make upon the various mysteries of this festival, let us only consider how great was this sacrifice that Mary made of herself to God, by offering to him, on this day, the life of her Son. And this will be the only subject of the following discourse._ _Crackpot theology_ Mary would never have _offered up Jesus to death_ and Jesus Christ would defend his life as an offering made by someone else, he tells us _My life is my own, no-one can take it from me, i have the AUTHORITY to lay it down and the RIGHT to pick it back up again._ This theology is simply a get around in Canon Law to remove the blame for killing Catholics by the Church, it goes directly against the message of David's adultery with Bathsheba and the death of Uriah the Hittite.
@JuanGonzalez-kb3gm 3 часа назад
I thought this kind of racism was just happening in America since it was founded by Protestants. It’s very sad that it was alive till the revolutionary war, then America need alliance from Catholic dominant France that it slowed down. Then it picked up again during the civil war, some people even claiming the pope started the war and had Lincoln Assassinated. Moving on to Nativist and the KKK terrorizing Catholic communities . Many didn’t even trust Kennedy for being Catholic. Billy Graham and Martin Luther king helped, but pay attention they want to describe both of this men. It sad how they lie, get caught claim it’s not that important and move on to another lie.
@LourdesBarajas-cn6vu 6 часов назад
Amen 🙏
@isaiahdeck8747 10 часов назад
“On rare occasions the lyrics are not completely degenerate” (concerning rap music) My brother, rap music may not be your personal taste, I respect that. But the mainstream rap doesn’t account for the many Christian rap songs out there. Reach Records and Indie Tribe have done phenomenal work making good rap music and that needs some support. You have to search for it because the world hates rap music with a good message/the gospel message. I remember at RCIA our catechist was trying to demonstrate how rap music is evil because it’s just a “distortion of Gregorian chant”. Attitudes like these make me feel nauseated by the Church as a Black American. Lecrae, Nobigdyl, Hulvey, Wande, etc. These are great rap artists with a Christian message in their songs that need support from the Christian community so we don’t have to always hear some of the evil worldly garbage you hear in mainstream rap.
@RMarshall57 12 часов назад
It used to be true of the United Kingdom. Not any longer!
@casimirgrochowski9583 12 часов назад
worthless, non-Catholic trash topic.
@wolfthequarrelsome504 13 часов назад
Inspirational. Saint cardinal John Henry Newman, pray for us.
@janec2717 16 часов назад
I think this is the most Christlike interpretation of the Ephesians passage about the headship of men and the submission of women in marriage that I’ve heard in modern discussion on the topic. My dad and mom lived this out well. I didn’t understand how well until I looked back as an adult. I experienced great stability and security as a child through their model of Christian love for one another and for us kids. Such a huge blessing! May God bless my father and grant eternal rest to my mother! 🙏🏻
@CatholicCulturePod 6 часов назад
That's great to hear!
@HAL9000-su1mz 17 часов назад
Saint John Henry Newman gave up everything - long held beliefs, lifelong friends and associates, privileges, and home, to convert according with his conscience. In return, he was distrusted by his Catholic peers. He is a Saint. Does anyone remember who shunned him?
@marknovetske4738 19 часов назад
Good content 😊
@ultimateoriginalgod 19 часов назад
Brother decided to not hold back anything
@MacKenziePoet 20 часов назад
It's enough that this channel even knows the works of Ermanno Olmi for me to subscribe...
@CatholicCulturePod 19 часов назад
Thank you!
@beatricec9238 20 часов назад
@elib3elib3 День назад
Excellent narration. Beautiful story about our first desert father.
@paddymeboy День назад
Calvinism is surely closer to Augustine's philosophy - with its belief in predestination - than Pelagiansim, which teaches we can achieve salvation by our own efforts. And Aquinas too believed in pre-destination. It's actually a difficult position to avoid, philosophically. One way out of the problem is if you believe in universal salvation.
@Arkangilos День назад
This was always one of the more confusing ones to me, lol
@1Mhoram9 2 дня назад
@ultimateoriginalgod 2 дня назад
Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Reddemer, pray for us.
@shqiponja-e-malit 2 дня назад
Amazing Job, very pleasant voice to hear. Hope we can hear more works of Origen in the future. 🙏
@daffidkane8350 2 дня назад
Almost every Marxist I know is a nihilist and wants to see the world come to an end. Humans are unworthy and undeserving of life. I have always perceived as both Marxism as a death cult. Marx was also a racist.
@InterestedInDansk 2 дня назад
Jesus is not God the Father or God the Son, because he tells us variously *the Father is greater than I* and *You must worship the Son as you worship the Father* and so we have to unravel the relationship. God is Spirit, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, this is the Trinity of One God. God has one Son begotten not made which means *Of Himself* this could be compared to the relationship we have with ourselves when we address ourselves with regard to any venture we ask how feasible it is, and we get our own answer, just as God who asks Himself any question He too receives His own answer from the faculty of Truth and also Wisdom because God's self loves Him the answer is always at a higher level of Truth and Wisdom taking into account God's righteousness and His Providence. The Word of the Lord is zealous to put into effect all that the Father has given Him, and as the Father creates Life the Son has life in Himself The Son has a privelidge in that everyone *through time* will hear his testimony and the children of God are his progeny which he sires (non-sexually) as a proxy for God the Father who has but One Son. In order to create the Children of God there has to be a feminine, this is the Holy Spirit who is the source of the human soul, this means that the human soul is feminine in males and females. *The exegesis of the soul* states _The sages that came before us gave the soul a feminine name, she also has a feminine nature and even has a womb_ Simeon told Mary that *and a sword shall pierce your own soul* this is a Holy Impregnation by the Word of the Lord that can occur during life when someone is either *convinced of his faith* or has received his _accounting of judgement during life_ where the Word of the Lord allows that person to see the child of God leaving his deceased body during judgement. So we are all to be the children of God by the fertility of the Virgin who is the Holy Spirit. There is no disputing that the Trinity is established in Jesus Christ but God is beyond comparison or limitation, yet according to biblical tradition a person could be given permission to rule co-equally with a human ruler and God responds to generosity with generosity, Jesus says in the Beatific Vision *I am wholehearted as is my Father wholehearted, you are halfhearted* Notice that He calls God the Father "my Father" . Therefore we can pray to Jesus and he can act accordingly to our needs. But Jesus is also the Son of Man, John 3:13 *No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man* The process by which this was accomplished is that God made a promise to Abraham and his progeny, He adopted Jacob and renamed him ISRAEL Israel died and left Paradise a thousand years later 1400 years before Jesus, God said to Israel *You are my servant Israel in whom I shall be glorified* Jesus identified John the Baptist as Elijah redivivus and John the Baptist identified Jesus as Israel redivivus in John 1:26-27 _“I baptize with water,” John replied, “but among you stands one you do not know. 27 He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”_ Together with John 3:13 the origin of Jesus is Israel so *Jesus is the Son of Man*
@deusvulture5183 2 дня назад
Thank you for this excellent narrative. I (a reluctant Protestant) visited the St Francis de Sales Cathedral in rural Oregon and was so moved by his story that I needed to find a book of his. Audio helps to pace me.
@frankcontreras8886 3 дня назад
“Hail satanic catholic mary” Feminism ideology masquerading as a religion 👿 She-male followers
@damianikpeazu4681 3 дня назад
Honorius may not has generated that teaching,but he was the pope,he was incharge and the head,hence,he was expected to act accordingly wth his power and authority. but failed,rather he endorses it,i believe that's why many theologians called him a herectic.
@ronfuse6993 3 дня назад
Smash the like button
@JesusChristEmmanuel 3 дня назад
Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
@chrismalone910 3 дня назад
Wonderfully done!!!!
@fantasia55 4 дня назад
Vigilius upheld true Christian doctrine upon becoming Pope because the Holy Spirit protects the papacy from doctrinal error.
@gracieong9058 4 дня назад
So so grateful to Sister Lucy for giving/ lending me her treasured copy of “We Have been friends together” when I was in Form VI . Sister Lucy taught us singing, Latin ( The Gallic Wars), and French at the Malacca French Convent. She also gave me a copy of Von Hugel’s essays and a copy of I found Sister Lucy ten years later teaching the Asli children English in the Asli forest reserve. As loving as joyous as grand as ever.
@CatholicCulturePod 4 дня назад
Sounds like a remarkable woman! What order was she a sister in?
@gracieong9058 3 дня назад
Sister Lucy was a Sister of the Infant Jesus Order founded by Nicholas Barre in Paris
@glennlanham6309 4 дня назад
Which is fascinating because Protestants have always accused US of being Pelagian!!
@fantasia55 4 дня назад
In the 13th century, a Chinese Nestorian priest visited Europe and said Mass for the Pope.
@CatholicCulturePod 4 дня назад
Yes, it's a fascinating story.
@georgetravers9333 5 дней назад
@10:35 'God created each individual as a pure spirit like the Angels. Those who failed the test by God were punished and put into a human body.' Could his idea partly have sprung from Psalm 8:4-5? "what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels" That it is only the humans who received Jesus' sacrifice, who are returned to the heavenly fold? Working from the Bible as the single inerrant source of All Life on Earth, Origen's conjecture's appear logical and deeper than most.
@richardkasper5822 5 дней назад
Its not about being labeled as a Saint that we should be after. But more importantly how we will be judged as to our actions during these times of trouble.
@nomoresunforever3695 5 дней назад
Derived from Ancient Greek haíresis (αἵρεσις), the English heresy originally meant "choice" or "thing chosen". However, it came to mean the "party, or school, of a man's choice", and also referred to that process whereby a young person would examine various philosophies to determine how to live.
@nomoresunforever3695 5 дней назад
I don't even believe. Why am I so interested in this?
@glorialabella6361 6 дней назад
The Father is the spiritual leader and provider of a family while the Mother is the loving caretaker of the family. This is the Divine and Natural law as intended by God for humanity. This familial identity fortifies the child’s identity and self-esteem. This is the ideal structure of a family, the family is the basic unit of all civilization. 🎚❤️💙🎚
@yazanasad7811 6 дней назад
Ground in reality to shoot for stars Torture scene merciful blood letting foreshadows burning alive Eye movement in close up as dramatic as hand waving on stage Close up interior thinking, raw
@yazanasad7811 6 дней назад
Difficult to nuance for actor at heightened emotion. Need to find different lens for these
@yazanasad7811 6 дней назад
Stylised realism
@LostArchivist 6 дней назад
A pinch to Caesar and a signal as follows ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . ...- .. .-. - ..- . In other words a bow to the day's idols and a wink to the camera.
@yazanasad7811 7 дней назад
Johannes as uncanny (in between human and angel) Dead are still alive - baby alive iwth god because resurrection Protestant - the word (not coming through other sacraments because protestsnts not believing in those sacraments) Johannes insanity helps to show lack of faith in other characters Aristotle
@yazanasad7811 7 дней назад
Suits a play format - shocking in a live performance setting. Seeing it live
@yazanasad7811 7 дней назад
Aristotle reversal of the situation - going certain direction and then there is a reveal in the reversal (Odysseus disguised, hinging on his reveal when back on the island). Overturning tragedy. Classical reversal. Status quo being upended - catharsis. Things restored back to before.
@yazanasad7811 7 дней назад
Black screen and music to make people think
@yazanasad7811 7 дней назад
Mortens prayers answered through the ending of the film. Faith vindicated
@LostArchivist 7 дней назад
I'll be honest. I have not seen many of these priests and being an eccentric, I have little use for what they desire. That said, I am not sure this is as deeply seeded as this work would speak. Then again my finger on the pulse of the Church is primarily from those who do speak up, so it would make sense for there to be a bias against the quiet shuffling courtiers and diffident comformists. There does seem to be a use for such men as maintainers and functionaries, in a healthy social order. But in an unhealthy climate in the Church, they are unfortunately used as chess pieces. They are inevitable to appear as the cultute breeds them, and some simply take this path naturally as it is an easy road to find in any human society and culture, useful in peace, the targets in cultural war. In other words, they are civilians, and we always need some, but we desperately need more soldiers, captains, and champions. I do wish there was someone with psychological or sociological research training to run the numbers on this. These sorts of hypotheses can be tested. But only the audit ought to be run from this. And even then, only as one advisor among many, never as the sole expert or final standard, but scrutinized as much as the rest. The solutions ought to come then from not the ivory tower, but the Church qua Church. That is to say, give the scholars their seat on deck if it is prudent for them to have one, but do not give them the captain's chair. From what little I can gleen, I do believe this matter is slowly being addressed as Holy Mother Church revs up out of Her period of quiet cold war and back into the active furnace of the war for souls. The Church as always, moves slowly as She has one eye in contemplation and adoration of Her Bridegroom awaiting His call as She must, for She is His, and He Loves Her and always has Her best interest. Even when She does not understand His ways, She trusts Him. Lord Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.
@ceuser6119 7 дней назад
Ordained in 98. The seminary encourages balance. Give no offense. Make sure the bills get paid. This makes courage and fortitude unattractive.
@Finnishpeasant 9 дней назад
It is one of the best love stories because it puts romantic love and higher love against each other.
@lepantoslim7058 9 дней назад
Thank you for this
@stephentravis2250 9 дней назад
Thank you, I really needed to hear this.
@frankcontreras8886 9 дней назад
“Hail satanic catholic mary” Repeated at least 100x’s a session 👿 Feminist ideology masquerading as a religion! She-male followers
@frankcontreras8886 9 дней назад
“Hail satanic catholic mary “ 😂 Repeated over 100x’s a session! Feminist ideology masquerading as a religion! She-male feminists followers 👿
@malcolmclayton6651 9 дней назад
The fault dear Brutis is not in the stars but in ourselves.
@georgeallen7887 10 дней назад
What would St. Augustine think of the paintings of Caravaggio? Or of the films of Fassbinder? Father Pine works from the position that we should all strive to be saints. I don’t think that most artists do.
@georgeallen7887 10 дней назад
Some great art is definitely immoral, and the church will always have problems with it, because it will contradict the church’s teachings. About the human person, about society, and about God. Wonderful program.
@fantasia55 10 дней назад
Hosius opened the gathering by reading a letter from the Pope.