Ifjúsági istentisztelet 2024. április 21
2 месяца назад
@raulepure9840 15 дней назад
So this is not only for romanians, hungarians have their own share of fantasmagoric childish theories. Good to know, i feel better now.
@mariahodaszineheik771 Месяц назад
@szilviabardos6611 Месяц назад
Reményt ad, hogy ilyen tanár is van, tanít. Fantasztikus.
@elisabetavilmaboth4771 Месяц назад
Isten áldjon minden pillanatban!
@z.ibolya8371 2 месяца назад
@isabelhuszka 3 месяца назад
Én örültem volna némi magyarázatnak is, mit adnak, miért nem locsolnak, a lányok miért nincsenek ünneplőben stb.
@PetruCrivinar 3 месяца назад
Szagita, romanul Sãgeatã.
@user-fn3lf8is6k 3 месяца назад
Ott volt egy tűz riadó???!!!???!
@digocasanova7584 3 месяца назад
Már nagyon unalmas-sok vagytok kedves történészek. Tik azt hiszitek hogy megengedhetitek magatoknak Azt hogy akár hányan vagytok szinte mind ő tök mást mondtok a történelemről.!!! És ez azt jelenti Hogyha Magyarországon van 100 történész , akkor ti megengedhetitek magatoknak hogy 100 féleképpen beszéljetek a történelemről.!!! Ugyanis ezt csináljátok folyamatosan lehet figyelni éveken keresztül a megosztó portálokon ,, Nemhiába akár hányan vagytok , történészek annyiféle genetikából vagytok összerakva És itt Magyarországon szinte az összes történész Mindegyik a saját képmására szeretni összerakni a történelmet és úgy tartani róla előadást!!! Már az embereknek kezd elegünk lenni itt Magyarországon az összes okoskodó történelem tanárokbol , És az okoskodó történészekből !!!
@DaniFilipovics 3 месяца назад
Én 2osztály jos vagyok
@sandorpolgar5588 3 месяца назад
@ImreKatona-ro5cc 3 месяца назад
Az iten áldja meg zoltánt, hogy ezt az ősi tudást tovább adja a fiataloknak. A székej felfogást és észjárást tovább kell tanitani, mert az ellenségeink ferdítik.! ❤
@ZsannaSchmidt 4 месяца назад
@z.ibolya8371 5 месяцев назад
@user-os9ji2rb5f 6 месяцев назад
Soha sem felejthető a CREDO , nekem szép emlékeim vannak Róluk, Isten éltesse Őket. Tőlük tanultunk magyarságot!
@evafifkova4007 6 месяцев назад
@angeel1180 6 месяцев назад
Örömmel látok ilyen intézményt ahol még ennyire nagy örömmel vesznek részt ezen :D szívesen tölteném itt a Pedagógia asszisztensi gyakorlatot akár . :D
@z.ibolya8371 7 месяцев назад
@dominikgodor7773 4 месяца назад
@emerenciajuhasz120 3 месяца назад
@emokedemeter4955 7 месяцев назад
Nagyon értékes előadás. Köszönjük 😊❤
@istvannekarsai6780 8 месяцев назад
Nagyon szép gratulálok .....
@user-fe6bx5vv4g 8 месяцев назад
@csilladenes196 8 месяцев назад
Jshdmdkalhakwuejymdjxkjxmxgx.hxbxuhwoshfjfhxksi 6:30 idhdjsgsnvdnshwkgd mg dhhznhxnsgsnhsskgdnsgsjsiaoqiușuiss8isiissjuskisiskkxksikaa 6:47 usjsjslhdndhxndhsjkhxjdgsoahsjdgjsoshskyshdg❤
@user-qp7sh5hk2m 8 месяцев назад
Julianna hangja csodásan illeszkedik az édesapja játékához. Gratulálok az előadáshoz!
@balfiman 9 месяцев назад
Can someone please give a brief overview in English?
@szakaattila7899 7 месяцев назад
The bottom line is that the majority of Hungarians are of ancient European origin and mainly come from the Carpathian basin and surroundings, and this has now been confirmed by archaeogenetics, which the teacher could not have known yet. A smaller but very strong military population from the steppes sometimes settled on top of this ancient European population, these were the tribes with Scythian culture, such as the Scythians, Dacians, Carpians, Sarmatians - Iazyges, Alans - Roxolans, Huns, Avars and Magyars, and they always reorganized the Carpathians -basin statehood! This is the most logical explanation for the survival of the Hungarian language for thousands of years, and Hungarian prehistory researchers already know this, but for some reason they are not allowed to talk about it! If only Árpád's small military people had spoken the Hungarian language, then the western half of the Carpathian basin would have been Germanized a long time ago, and the north-eastern and southern parts would have been speaking some kind of Slavic language a long time ago! In any case, all prehistory researchers now agree that the military tribes of Álmos and Árpád were at least bilingual, and also that some of them spoke some kind of Turkish language. But at the same time, most of the archaeogeneticists and archaeologists say that Árpád's military tribes were much smaller compared to the basic population living here, around 10%-15% of the population of the Carpathian Basin. And these archaeological and archaeogenetic data were also verified by the place name data, since in many places the names of villages were clearly Hungarian names already in the first 11th century data that also applied to the 10th century, where could not find even further away the Mogyerian military cemeteries or graves! But there are, for example, the runes found in the so-called Avar period here in the Carpathian basin, which most closely resemble the later Szekler-Hungarian runes. That's why the experts called this writing the Carpathian basin runic writing, because the punctuation marks match in more than 90%, but such a match was not found anywhere in the East! Historian, archaeologist and linguist Vékony Gábor, who was an expert in the Szekler-Hungarian runic writing, deciphered several such runic texts from the Carpathian Basin Avar period, dating them from the 6th to the 8th century, and his wrote that they were all in Hungarian written, which, according to her, means that the Hungarians already lived here in the Avar period in the Carpathian basin. Ancient historian and classical philologist Dr. Fehér Bence, who deciphered several such runic texts from the Carpathian Basin, in Hungarian, writes that it is certain that Hungarian-speaking peoples lived in the Carpathian Basin during the Avar period as well. But then it should be added that here in the Carpathian basin, much older short scripts matching the signs of the Szekler runic script have been found, such as the Cimmerian scripts of Pannonia or on several Scythian finds, or the punctuation found on discs and clay tablets connected to the Tordos-Vinca culture! And in today's Hungary, ancient stone-engraved short writings have been found in several places, the majority of which match the signs of the Szekler-Hungarian runes. And the Italian professor of linguistics Mario Alinei, who studied the texts of the Etruscans for many years, as part of his "theory of continuity", became convinced that the Etruscan language was an archaic form of the Hungarian language. The basis of the connection is the extraordinary similarity of the names of Etruscan and ancient Hungarian magistrates and other similarities: typologies, lexicon and historical grammar. Mario Alinei wrote a book entitled "Etrusco: una forma arcaica di ungherese", in which he tried to prove that the Etruscan language was an archaic version of an ancient Hungarian language. He then wrote about the ancient European languages in several books, in which he classified the Hungarian language as one of the most ancient languages. According to Alinei's decipherment, one of the Etruscan vases reads: „Nekame uru ital tilen, ital ixe me, mesnamer tansina mulu", which she read with the help of the Hungarian language, and this is how it sounds in today's Hungarian language: „Nekem uram italt tölts, italt idd meg, mézsörmérték legyen az ajándék." The Italian researchers write that the Etruscans called themselves "Tyrsi" or "Tyrsanoi" in the ancient Latin inscriptions, a name which, according to many, is very similar to the name of the most ancient Scythian people in Transylvania, the name of the "Agathyrs" people living in the valley of the Maros river, about whom Herodotus already wrote in In the 5th century. BC. What is very interesting is that this valley of the Maros is exactly where most of the finds of the "Tordos-Vinca" culture were found, where even an ancient city was found there in the last decade, which according to archaeologists is at least 5 thousand years old! I know that it is unbelievable to many, but the name of the Maros river also comes from an ancient Hungarian word, which already appears in Herodotus as Maris, but this word does not mean anything in any other ancient language, only the ancient Hungarian language has the meaning of the words mar-maros! And then it is completely logical why here in Transylvania the rivers mentioned in Antiquity only make sense in Hungarian, and they have not yet been able to really decipher them in other languages. And that's why American anthropologist and cryptologist Grover Sanders Krantz wrote in a book called: "Geographical Development of the European Languages", that the Hungarian language must have been present in the Carpathian Basin when the Indo-European languages spread to Europe. His theory is based on the development of early forms of agriculture, to which the spread of the Proto-Indo-European language was linked. These agricultural developments and tools were such that the people who relied on them could not penetrate the Carpathian Basin, as a result the Indo-European languages avoided that region as they spread. Grover Sanders Krantz came to the following conclusion regarding the origin of the Hungarian language: "...so the Greek language was formed in its current location in 6500 BC, and the Celtic language in Ireland in 3500 BC. The antiquity of the Hungarian language in the Carpathian basin is similarly surprising, I find that its origins go back to the Mesolithic, preceding the Stone Age."
@tattooairinc6308 4 месяца назад
​@@szakaattila7899If you look at the official definition of the so-called Indo-European languages, which area does this definition represent? Thomas Young first used the term Indo-European in 1813, deriving it from the geographical extremes of the language family: from Western Europe to North India. A synonym is Indo-Germanic ( Idg. or IdG. ), specifying the family's southeasternmost and northwesternmost branches. - wikipedia According to the official historiography, which people ruled this area, defined by the Indo-European definition? The Greek historian Herodotus' Histories ( ca. 430 BCE ) refers to the European Scythians as Scythians and the eastern ones as Σακαι / Sakai ( Persian: Sakâ; Sanskrit: Śāka, Latin: Sacae ) [...] Later, the Scythians were sometimes called Getae, Massagetae ( may mean "strong Getae" ) and Cimmerians. - Scythians In The Ancient World By N. S. Gill, February 13, 2019 According to the official historiography, how long has the above-mentioned ethnic group ruled the Indo-European language areas? Several ancient authors, including Herodotus ( ca. 484 BCE - 425 BCE ), call the Scythians ( *ca. 5100 BCE - 453 CE ) the oldest people in the world. - wikipedia And which is the oldest Indo-European language-speaking people according to the official academic view? Hittite ( ca. 1700 BCE - 1200 BCE ). This is the earliest-recorded of all Indo-European languages [...] The history of the Hittite civilization is known mostly from cuneiform texts found in their former territories, and from diplomatic and commercial correspondence found in the various archives of Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt and the broader Middle East; the decipherment of these texts was a key event in the history of Indo-European studies. What names, terms and expressions are found on these clay tablets that essentially prove the existence of the Indo-European language family? The Sun god of Heaven ( Hittite: nepišaš Ištanu ) was a Hittite solar deity. He was the second-most worshipped solar deity of the Hittites, after the Sun goddess of Arinna. - wikipedia Are these 'Hittite' names familiar to you from somewhere? As an example: nepišaš Ištanu / *népi sas is[z]tanu; Arinna / *Ár inna. The blood oath ( Hungarian: vérszerződés, literally "blood contract" ) was, according to tradition, a pact among the leaders of the seven Hungarian tribes, traditionally held to be the first, unwritten constitution of the Hungarian nation. - wikipedia According to contemporary sources, similar blood oaths were common among Nomadic peoples that were similar to the Hungarians, like the Scythians ( *Szék[h]ely ). - wikipedia Herodotus described a Scythian ritual [...] the covenantors would allow their blood to drip into a cup; the blood was subsequently mixed with wine and drunk by both participants.- wikipedia
@tiborpolgar9008 9 месяцев назад
Rajztanárom volt a gimnáziumban. Nagyon bírtam. Építész lettem, és utólag konstatáltam, mennyi mindent tanultam tőle úgy, hogy föl sem tűnt akkor.
@tamaspapai4921 9 месяцев назад
Ezzel a 297 év kitalált történelemmel csak az a baj, hogy a kínai / arab történetírás akkoriban már bőven létezett, azokkal összevethetőek az ún. kitalált történelem miatt meg sem történt, vagy máskor megtörtént események, főleg a csillagászatiak, amiket sehogy sem befolyásol az, hogy hol hány napos az év. Ezek pedig mindig párhuzamot mutatnak, így erősen kétséges ennek az elméletnek a valódisága.
@istvanfulop7162 Год назад
Fantasztikus ember
@atillaturk2130 Год назад
This BRAKİSEFAL man looks like TÜRK.......................I think, he is coming from TÜRK origin but forgot TÜRK Language because of christianity....................
@istvanpesti5758 Год назад
Mintha a szárdoknál is meglenne az a keleti IGG, ami a magyaroknál megvan. Siculusok? Vandálok?
@drzolanbenke3866 Год назад
@Pergamen59 Год назад
Heltai Jenő : A néma levente című művének eddig ezt az egyetlen színházi előadását sikerült megtalálnom, nagyon tetszik a szereplők előadása, a színdarab alapos és pontos ismeretre!
@serpens8 Год назад
Miből van doktorija ennek a Tarnóczynak? mert finoman szólva nem egy zseni. Értékelem az erőfeszítéseit, de gyenge, mint a tavalyi harmat
@elizabettkiss974 Год назад
@napoleonbonaparte2236 Год назад
Erdely soha nem volt a magyaroké és soha nem volt a románoké.Mindig a milyenk volt az erdelyeké,mindégy hogy románul, magyarul vagy németül beszélunk.A magyarok románul beszélö erdelyieket gyilkoltak it és a románok magyarul beszélö erdelyieket.A multban a magyarok huztak hasznot eböl a föld részböl,most pedig Erdely huza maga után egész romániát.Én nem érzem magam se magyarnak se románnak,hanem erdelyi vagyok és minden erdelyit szeretek nem szamit milyen nyelvet beszél,de halani sem akarok magyarorszagrol vagy romániarol.NO OFENCE
@viktoriamolnarnebodnar3841 Год назад
Fasza tánc jol tojátok
@istvanborbely5866 Год назад
Pgdc 4 PC
@stefanodobleja6923 Год назад
I am surprised to see that nobody in the comment section said anything bad about us Romanians,even if I am from Southern Romania I do not hold any negative views towards my fellow Romanian citizen of Hungarian ethnicity!
@evabiro7125 10 месяцев назад
Mert meg nem voltatok sehol
@jeanvaljean8127 Год назад
Ekkora nepbutitast mar reg hallottam.....szegeny gyerekek!!!😢😢😢
@johny.tayl.7325 Год назад
Miert is? Cáfold.
@endrelaszlo9047 Год назад
@@johny.tayl.7325 ha már cáfolni kell , akkor ott a tudással -ismeretekkel gondok vannak .
@johny.tayl.7325 Год назад
​@@endrelaszlo9047szerintem tök logikusakat mond ,ellenkezőjét kell tudni bizonyítani, ilyen a rovásírás eredete is.
@mandulazold6237 Месяц назад
Bizonyítsd a Habsburg hivatalos verziót... Szegény gyerekek, akiknek idegenek írták a történelmüket.
@LaszloKleh-cr1lu Год назад
@tothpalistvan5966 Год назад
@vivienkocsis5674 Год назад
@marcsi-gl5oh Год назад
@veronikarozsa1959 Год назад
Nagyon ügyesek vattok. Én nem vagyok olyan jo tanulo
@veronikarozsa1959 Год назад
Én nem voltam olyan jó tanu de tik azok vattok
@cszeti Год назад
De jo latni magamat igy 8 ev utan
@veronikarozsa1959 Год назад
Emese vagyok aki 3b osztályos
@veronikarozsa1959 Год назад
Én nem vagyok o jan mint tik mert 3b vagyok
@veronikarozsa1959 Год назад
Ügyesek vagyok
@veronikarozsa1959 Год назад
Tik ügyesek vattok
@gaborbagyi-jo7wp Год назад