Yewnited Gaming
Yewnited Gaming
Yewnited Gaming
Video game addict that plays it all.
Tons of variety gameplay videos of my friends and I messing around on the latest and greatest games.
As well as guide videos some of the games we end up playing.

Mainly streaming on Twitch.
It's pronounced "you-nit".
@Masterthief014 Час назад
Some quick tips. Stay away from the wasps unless you're ready to take them down first They are relentless. Everything else, do whatever you can to avoid a needless fight (9/10 you will lose.) Even if you walk away, you more than likely wont have the ammo or meds left to get you through. Hunter killers (HK's/terminator looking cyborgs that naruto run) More than likely will find you but are frenzied and attack just about everything. You can kite them to enemies to cause chaos. Also DO NOT loot bodies when people are around, even if they were enemies. The fastest way to exit the looting screen is just hit E. hacking a bunker has symbols on the top that are simply rotated, should be easy enough to figure out when you find one.
@larkspur1st168 4 часа назад
The only thing stopping me from immediately buying this game is the water mechanic, specifically how it deteriorates over time even when you’re offline. Perhaps it would be better to have it deteriorate some after each mission? Making the simple act of scavenging for water a lot more rewarding, but also making taking risks to get better loot even more risky (as your water amount would drop even when you fail to extract). I don’t know what would be good, and maybe my idea is terrible. I just know that wail I was really looking forward to this game, I don’t feel like I’d enjoy playing a game knowing I’ll be punished if I take a break from it. Anyway that’s just my personal opinion. I still hope the game dose well! As I’ve been wanting a PvE only looting extraction game for some time now.
@yewnitedgaming 3 часа назад
Personally after playing for some hours I can say water is really easy to get, as it's a reward from some of the repeatable quests you unlock later down the line. I do agree with you though that the whole 'take a break for too long and everything gets wiped' mechanic absolutely blows. For reference I was getting completely shafted last session but still went from 11 water to 22 from just completing quests in my last 1-2 hours, didn't loot a single water ingame.
@zevenzeros 4 часа назад
This game could be amazing, unfortunately it still has several years before I bet all this gets worked out. The muzzle flash and 3rd to 1st person is beyond annoying. Looks like some Roblox type stuff.
@yewnitedgaming 3 часа назад
I found out you can switch to 3rd person aiming by pushing ALT. The bloom on 3rd person ADS is kinda terrible though. Game definitely needs some months to cook before it's in a good state though.
@pequenodan1923 9 часов назад
Solid of scales you might be, foul dragon!
@Lennji 9 часов назад
The water system would make sense for in-game time. But out of game ? what if I go on a vacation for a week, absolutely stupid idea to wipe my progress because of that. And people who say: "Just dont buy / play the game if you don't like it." To them I say: "Do you like eating s*** and getting punched in the balls? Because I don't." I don't like this mechanic in a singleplayer game! Its just plain stupid.
@yewnitedgaming 3 часа назад
It really is dumb, but once you play for a few hours you end up racking up a TON of water passively from just completing quests. You reach a point where you can get 2 water per run by turning in a quest 'find and extract explosives', which is really easy to do since there's several dedicated spawns of 3-4 explosives on Scorched Enclave that are out-of-the-way. I still don't like that looming thought though of 'don't leave for too long or all will be lost' like you said
@theblackishboy1105 9 часов назад
People were defending this game like it was their mom or something and let me just say, its a cool concept definitely has potential, but it kinda sucks rn. The basic movement controls are probably the worst ive experienced in modern gaming, no joke feels like an early 2000s ps2 game when developers didn't know how to develop 3D games so they were all experimenting and mostly failing, like oni with the bumper camera controls, its really bad and hopefully that is one of the first things they plan on reworking way too stiff, not responsive at all The actual gameplay is eh, the looting is fine the only problem i see is that when i was playing it was almost impossible to extract without fighting in some cases and fighting usually just spawned the whole map on your position. I'm guessing if you fill your backpack you don't have to wait for extract? Which ig is fair but idk I don't wanna speak on the loop tho because i haven't played enough yet. The skill trees are horrible, but thats subject to change, gunplay is alright surprisingly, but there should be an option to aim outside of first person seems like an odd choice to force that in a 3rd person game. Overall i think the controls are the worst part of the game so far I can't overstate how horrible they feel and the optimization is garbage as well but they said they're working on that. It probably would've been better to develop a single map and make sure everything was optimized and the controls were good than to spread out development across all these other things that don't really matter in the grand scheme because a lot of people are gonna see the game runs at 2 fps and just quit
@yewnitedgaming 3 часа назад
Movement definitely needs work, I keep getting stuck on "weird geometry" and my character just stands still. I wish I knew this earlier but you can actually change your entry location (and in turn your extract location) and sometimes when doing this it'll give you an instant-extract instead of that default timed extract like on Scorched Enclave. (If that's what you're referring to when you say 'can't extract without fighting') The skill trees are pretty meh like you said, hopefully they get a bit revamped. I found the best thing to level so far is movement speed on scav girl/shaman or "new gun access" like heavy rifles/grenade launchers on mask face. You also CAN switch to 3rd person aim by pushing ALT; your camera will zoom in a bit and your ADS changes to a normal 3rd person ADS, but the bloom is kinda terrible.
@theblackishboy1105 3 часа назад
@@yewnitedgaming thanks ive played a lot more now atp and it's definitely fun in some ways, i think the extract ends the timed mode if the hunter killers come after you so it's a fair trade? You gotta run but you can leave easily so usually you wanna fill your bag and dip which i think is a fair trade off Overall i think the games fun but yea the movement and map design is jank as hell, i will loot a body and wont be able to move forward after for some reason it's really strange and the movement is super stiff but if they address this and continue adding progression i think the game will do well
@Gaaaaaame 17 часов назад
PSA for performance. For some reason, the devs have made Raytracing and Lumen both enabled even on LOW graphics settings. my ryzen 7700x and rtx 3060 were getting 20-30 fps on low at 1440p, if you look at the steam guides someone shows how to change the config and add some text that DISABLES both lumen and raytracing, it bumped me up to 45-60 fps or so.
@yewnitedgaming 3 часа назад
Damn I'll definitely have to try this out as my computer won't stop screaming at me when I play
@R3TR0J4N 19 часов назад
sums up Kenshi x Stalker, the execution came close to being an immersive sim 👌that complex af, i appreciate the painstaking devs took of headaches
@yewnitedgaming 2 часа назад
the headache is just getting started, devs got a lot of work to do on this game still but it shows a lot of potential
@daltonmooring2573 21 час назад
GOATed vid thanks
@yewnitedgaming 3 часа назад
Thanks, glad you found it helpful!
@mikecich 22 часа назад
Id consider myself a "hardcore" gamer, but the water mechanic is definitely a weird one. Sure, it's super easy to get water and there are usually some "fixed" spawns to find it. I already have like 30 days of it because you can just spawn in, rush the spot and boogy out. Takes like 5 mins. But the fact that it also depletes while you're not in the game is kinda silly - and that it wipes. It should be if it reaches zero you lose access to better equipment etc or some functions of the base stop working such as the ammo crafter etc
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
100% agree with you, it should be something more along the lines of your NPCs going "there's no water here anymore, i'm out" and you just have to restock on water to get them to come back...not have your entire account wiped when you run out of water. Especially since water is relatively easy to get once you know what you're doing. This mechanic is even making Tarkov enjoyers do a double take, which is saying something.
@mikecich 22 часа назад
@@yewnitedgaming haha Tarky player here! But yeah it's not like if you run out of fuel in tarky your hideout blows up... You just have limited crap in it. Overall, the game is fun and has a really unique twist. Just needs a lot of work and tweaks. Especially the hunter killer mechanic which happens for no reason.
@yewnitedgaming 2 часа назад
Yea the real problem IMO are the hunter killers. What do you mean they can spawn in 30 seconds after you spawn in? Just because I picked up something "valuable"? How do they even know 😂 I can understand them spawning in if too many of their units die in the fights, but having them spawn based on what we loot or how long we're in-raid is a bit weird...for a looter extract shooter that wants you to wait around in-raid a lot to loot a lot of stuff...
@AceOfScavs 22 часа назад
Nice video, thanks.
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
You're welcome, glad you found it helpful!
@ericcalm9924 23 часа назад
The water isn't a problem. The first level has a spot that has water almost 75%off the time. Run in with your fastest Scavenger and you're good.
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
You're right, getting water isn't the problem, it's the long-term "when it eventually runs out" that everyone is so against. Unless you play the game at least once or twice a week forever, you'll eventually lose all your stuff. Not a great selling point even for a hardcore game
@noticer3721 День назад
Needs a lot of work, don't see this being even remotely decent until a few years from now.
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
It's acceptably decent right now, give it a few months and I think it'll hit "okay". 100% needs a lot of work still
@ianmurphy7460 День назад
I'm having trouble completing the drone components quest because the dead drones keep despawing before I can reach them. One even despawned right out of my hands while I was looting it. Such is the ferocious nature of early early access.
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
I'm over here struggling to just get the drones to spawn in. I only find Eurasian drones, let alone find them isolated enough to take them down and loot them
@Кънязь День назад
Don’t play it till release! Bitches
@1981troyboy День назад
that water timer shit needs to go before i buy this.
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
Admittedly it's not hard to manage, but I can't say I like it either. No one wants to take a break and come back to a wiped account
@KyGmanVR День назад
I know bro this guy took me two weeks
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
It doesn't help that I did it without hit "counter item" from the secret area .-. Being able to get rid of the sandstorm would have been amazing
@KyGmanVR 23 часа назад
@@yewnitedgaming Yeah, I got so mad because every time I try to fight him he’d go behind wind Barrier and I couldn’t hit him
@yewnitedgaming 2 часа назад
@KyGmanVR BRO SAME. Then he'd spam his ranged slash attacks and I'd have no visual queue to dodge them ☠️
@KyGmanVR Час назад
@@yewnitedgaming I had a hard time because every time I try to hit him he’d go behind that wind barrier and I couldn’t hit him and it was pain in the but
@KyGmanVR Час назад
You can get something that stops the sand and wind you know that big old beetle that he throws at you well if you do the bore Quest u can fight the beetle and if u beat him up can get something called a wind tamer and if you use it it gets rid of the tornadoes and all of that Annoying crap
@yewnitedgaming День назад
To those of you "on the fence" for this game, please do read this. I'll also post some tips & tricks that I've learned through more playtime and the comments after my blurb: The forever winter shows a lot of potential, and it's in this early access "janky" state because the devs decided to push it out to early access MONTHS earlier than intended due to their community's desires. The developers of the game look very promising, and I don't doubt for a second that they'll continue to polish this game into something groundbreaking. The game ABSOLUTELY is not in a great state currently (but I still personally find it a lot of fun), but definitely will grow into something great. I'd suggest to give it another look at in two or three months after the devs have ample time to further develop and polish the game. Also in regards to the whole "24/7 water system", it's honestly not as bad as it initially sounds. You can pull a week's worth of water from a single 2-3 hour session as water barrels are abundant around the map and are given as quest rewards too. I'd assume it gets even easier once you can carry more than one at a time when you unlock better rigs at 16 water. But at the same time if you want to take a break from the game for an undecided amount of time, it's a terrible thing to come back to what is basically a completely reset game should your water run out... Anyway, after playing some more and gleaning through the comments, I've discovered some pretty significant things that might help you out: CHANGE YOUR ENTRY POINT. The default entry point for the first mission absolutely blows. If you enter at the cemetery, you'll be able to instead extract at an instant-extract location that isn't timer-based and swarmed by enemies. I'm sure this is the case for every map where one extract sucks and another is a cakewalk. GET 16 WATER ASAP as this unlocks the option to buy better rigs, then get the equipment runner rig (with 3 large loot holders). This makes money runs/water runs so much easier
@karfa6339 День назад
cope. game is a flop
@Steelfox0329 23 часа назад
@yewnitedgaming what do you mean water is abundant? I've been through atleast 5 successful raids and I've not found a single jug! I'm stuck on the second mission because of it.
@themindofdirge3809 21 час назад
@@Steelfox0329 They spawn in a few predetermined locations on each map. Once you've found a spawn keep note of it and you can check there every raid. Once you have a water route mastered you can easily get 1 water per 5 minutes of play. Hope this helps, happy looting.
@yewnitedgaming 3 часа назад
@Steelfox0329 The real "water income" is from the faction quests which is unlocked after your 4th or 5th 'story quest'. But as other have said, the game has predetermined spawn locations for 'large loot' like water. I've had the most luck finding water either in that sealed bunker I showed in the video, or randomly scattered along the battlements/ramparts/whatever they're called in Scorched Enclave. I'm planning to make a video on water soon to help people find their first few jugs to get them going.
@themindofdirge3809 3 часа назад
@@yewnitedgaming I just got away with 3 barrels of water in Scorched Enclave. I think raids are a better source of water than the quests after you upgrade your rig. Otherwise the quests do certainly help get started. Edit to add info; Rigs have different carrying capacities and configurations. If you want to do nothing but collect water or other large items for example, "The Rack" rig is the best as it can hold 8 large items at once and still has a large container slot for small items. This rig is however one of the more expensive ones.
@jacobhoffman2553 День назад
i got 22 days of water in 4 hours.... and i was getting slaughtered.... man.... jesus christ you guys.... how little time do you have?
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
It's not that hard to collect water yea, but I think most people just don't like that creeping "it will all be lost" mechanic that this system introduces.
@GonnaGetYouBoi День назад
i used to party in the innerds. it aint as bad as it looks.
@MrSteak День назад
Would have bought this game, but real time water meters? Sorry, I play for fun... don't need another job.
@ShevaiAsan 23 часа назад
Exactly this. I lost all interest entirely. I'm not going to force myself to keep playing a game just to 'stay stocked up' on an arbitrary thing. My gaming org and I jump between games all the time; and we'd all be pissed if we had to 'go do our weekly water runs' just so we didn't lose our progress in this game. Horrible game design; punishing the player for not playing often/regularly enough.
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
It's honestly not super hard to manage, but I do hate the lingering "don't leave for too long or you'll lose everything" mechanic of the water meter... I hope the devs realize it's a bad idea and change it
@MrSteak 21 час назад
@@yewnitedgaming I hope they change it too. It's a unique game, and the devs seem to be in touch with gamers (which is rare these days). This is just a little much.
@ShevaiAsan 16 часов назад
@@yewnitedgaming We understand it's 'easy to maintain'; we just don't want to have it holding over our heads when we want to take a break; only for all our inventory to get wiped. It's a garbage mechanic, extremely gimmicky.
@ChrissyGray-ru2zh 3 часа назад
water is super easy to farm
@willb9259 День назад
Great presentation, horrible systems. This will be a pass. Damn I was looking forward to this too 😔
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
It's rough right now but is honestly worthwhile to check up on in a few months after some polishing
@audiencemember1337 День назад
Players don’t need to play every day for the water mechanic, people who complain about this mechanic should shut up
@piragintheevercorpulent1526 День назад
Then if you can just stock up water for actual real life weeks, what is the purpose of having such a system? Dedicated hardcore players will find themselves at zero risk and thus unengaged because it'll take ages for em to lose water if they deliberately elect to collect none, meanwhile casual players will be deterred by the FOMO element and need to play constantly. The water mechanic is a good concept broadly but consumption should be affected by how many traders and companions you have at your shelter while only ticking down in-game and/or only being consumed when you leave for a mission. That way it keeps up the pressure on hardcore players who wanna have a bunch of shit accessible at home while casuals and novices can go at their own pace and mitigate risk by deliberately having less options until they become more confident.
@audiencemember1337 День назад
@@piragintheevercorpulent1526 if the only reason you’re playing the game is to meet the minimum water criteria the game just ain’t for you, the game is built so you can lose and gain your entire set up in a couple play sessions it makes it medium risk medium reward, it’s not as balanced as it could be but it is significantly better than all these people complaining about it calling it a FOMO tactic, that take is just a heard mentality brainwashed take
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
very true, you really don't need to play every day. I scrounged up like two weeks worth of water in my first 2 or 3 hours of playing, and supposedly it only gets easier as you unlock faction missions and rig upgrades. I personally don't like it though as it's just a lingering "don't take a break for too long or your account will be wiped" mechanic that just hinders the player and deters potential players. Even in my case where I would play every day, what if I want to give the game a break for some unknown amount of time? I'd come back to a completely wiped account if my water ran out. So I kinda do get why people are a bit up in arms about it, but it's not super hard to manage at the same time.
@maiknocon773 День назад
id love to even begin in the first place, my older setup cant really run the game the way its currently optimized , fingers crossed they wont take too long addressing those issues, i wanna play it so bad
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
Here's hoping, I'd love to crank the settings to max to just see what it's like, but I'm pretty sure my computer will catch on fire if I do that for even 1 minute
@caneronwilson3399 День назад
Devs got any plans to port over to consoles
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
I haven't heard anything about that yet but if it is on the agenda, it's WAAAY down the line as they need to fix a lot before the game is even acceptable on PC
@nuggetmanthe5th309 День назад
imma just wait for the optimization of this game and also get better specs (hopefully)
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
Yea hopefully they figure out the optimization soon because the game 100% needs it
@deputymike4149 День назад
I really hope they change or add the option to change the hit marker, it's awful right now.
@yewnitedgaming 22 часа назад
Honestly I'm fine with the hitmarker, but make identifying enemy factions easier. I can spam-ping a unit and it sometimes won't show me what faction they're from (so I know if I can force a fight between two squads)
@deputymike4149 21 час назад
@@yewnitedgaming I guess hit markers are up to every single player's preference so a few options would be nice but your point is valid for everyone playing the game, it's frustrating when you are almost exposed to everyone but don't know who is enemy or not
@afternoondelight6322 День назад
Water is already easily found, imo if you don't like the mechanic, don't buy it.
@Steelfox0329 День назад
Where do you find the water? I've deployed 6 times and I haven't been able to find a water jug.
@afternoondelight6322 День назад
@@Steelfox0329 blue jugs on the ground just keep your eyes open. Very easy on the first map in the center areas.
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
@Steelfox0329 They're scattered around the map near the normal lootable boxes. I'm intending to make a video on it soon but there's some places that people think are 100% spawns in each map, with the easiest being the trenches or scrapyard...need to verify for myself before I start preaching it.
@thegeorgea День назад
have you seen the system requirements for this game?? wtf...you have to have a top tier pc just to run the game at 60fps...
@ianmurphy7460 День назад
I was able to get a much more stable framerate by setting the resolution to 1600x900. I find the game looks a lot better on medium/high settings with low resolution than low settings with full resolution. Hopefully the optimization gets better in the future because it is dreadful in its current state.
@yewnitedgaming День назад
The devs did point out that optimization is a huge priority for them, I'm not surprised that optimization is terrible though since there's an ungodly amount of things constantly happening on the battlefield
@ianmurphy7460 18 часов назад
@@yewnitedgaming I absolutely agree. My opinion is constantly swinging from "this is so jittery" to "this is unbelievably impressive" and then back to jittery again. It makes me wonder if this game would have been better suited to a low-poly art style like Ashen or Tactical Breach Wizards purely for performance reasons. Rain World manages to get away with so many complex entities all at once because it's rendered as 2D pixel art, but Forever Winter is in gorgeously detailed 3D. I guess it's just hard to view the game as a "playable artbook". It nails the art... but I can barely play it.
@thegeorgea 3 часа назад
@@yewnitedgaming even releasing a game with that horrible of optimization cries "scam"...why not optimize it BEFORE releasing it? why even have early access? because they are $$$$ HUNGRY (aka GREEDY)
@yewnitedgaming 2 часа назад
@thegeorgea The devs threw it to early access in this state because their community wanted it ASAP actually 😂. As far as them being money hungry, they announced that they're not going to be adding in DLC into the game, so that $27 USD price tag is all you'll pay. We'll see how that statement ages though *looks over at Tarkov*
@rathernot5709 День назад
First refund, then wait until finished.
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
Yea definitely needs at least another two or three months to hit the point to be an actual early access game
@ruffleraveninc3602 День назад
7:10 I hate this extract. How does it make any sense that the only way for a scavenger to escape a battle is to walk into the most dangerous, active combat area and sit there for a full minute? It’s asinine game design, it causes un-immersive ludonarrative dissonance, and it’s such an artificial difficulty mechanic. I love the vision the devs are talking about, but their actual design decisions detract from this far more than they realize.
@Steelfox0329 День назад
I always just have to press a button and immediately extract. May they changed it again? I just finished downloading the huge patch again. So far, the game just seems to be a download simulator! Lol I know they are tweaking things. But, I really just want to play the game.
@RazzleTheRed1 День назад
Yeah, most extracts aren't timed. For some reason the one you get if you choose the Cliffs spawn is timed, it's better to choose one of the other 2 because those ones aren't timed
@ElusiveDirtyd День назад
Yup, and enemies spawn there when you're waiting for the timer to go down, makes no sense.
@ColonelCrisp День назад
What I do is start the timer and instantly run away from the area. The time still ticks down when you’re not at extract. After a minute you just run to extract and press E to extract. One map where you spawn on the timed extract, you can start the timer at the beginning then run away to loot. After a minute the enemies are gone.
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
The first time I used it it wasn't *terrible* but I definitely questioned why I just rung the dinner bell for the entire map by lighting a flare... Later down the line it would spawn in walkers that stood on the extract and I had no chance of leaving ☠️ 100% change your entry point to cemetery for the first map since that extract is so much easier. No timer, extract works as you'd assume it would: walk to extract and you're outta there.
@ruffleraveninc3602 День назад
I just realized if the devs just got rid of the innards/loot wipe aspect of the water system, and simply had npcs leave if there’s not enough water, they could still have the effect they want without punishing players so severely for not playing regularly.
@LordMunchlax13 День назад
That's the main reason I'm not going to play the game. I was so hyped.
@elliotsjunnesson2549 День назад
womp womp
@c3nty2 День назад
I'm good - I dont need another job.
@myles5276 День назад
It's very easy to stack up to 80 days from what people are saying.
@ruffleraveninc3602 День назад
@@myles5276 When starting the game you can only extract one barrel of water per raid, so it would take 80 raids to save 80 water. While you can upgrade your rig to carry a few more barrels this doesn’t unlock until you already have over a week of water stockpiled. It’s not hard to stockpile water, but it is time consuming. This gameplay dynamic is bad because instead of grinding to progress, I have to grind simply for my previous progress to not be deleted.
@StevenBruleMD День назад
the water mechanic is horrid and idk why they didn't change it after the betas. all that industry veteran experience, disdain for the scummy practices of execs in the industry; all to engage in a fomo mechanic that transcends any non-mobile game ive seen in ages (maybe since i had a tomagachi), and would make any player retention consultant blush. i want to love this game, but a game demanding i play it regularly or lose almost all progress using a mechanic that make the experience lesser when i actually do play the game (water might as well be jumping in my pockets). shame on them, and i hope they fix it, asap.
@winterbeats3065 День назад
I dislike it too, but to be fair it's very easy to get water. I'm currently on 20+ water after only a few hours of playing and doing quests.
@StevenBruleMD 23 часа назад
@@winterbeats3065 that means that water is a resource you only care about when you're not playing. They made the water system to make it more hard-core, but then made water so easy to get that it trivializes the in-game loop
@winterbeats3065 23 часа назад
@@StevenBruleMD Well if you would care about it more when you're playing you won't need to think about it at all when you can't or don't want to play. If i'm not mistaken you can have 86 or something days of water storage. It takes what; 5-10 minutes to get 1-7 water quite easily? Water isn't a big issue to most people. They just like to pretend that it is a problem so the devs will be forced to change it lol. People asked for early release and dropped negative reviews on launch day only hours after launch; all because of crashes, map problems and other bugs which can be expected with an early early-access... The devs really don't deserve that unnecessary whining or "critique" as people like to call it.
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
Hopefully the devs realize the water mechanic is a terrible idea and rework it to like...lose some water per raid instead of it constantly draining 24/7. It's not too hard to deal with, but just the looming thought of "if you're gone for long enough, everything will be lost" really sucks.
@DREADEDuub 5 часов назад
@@yewnitedgaming losing water during a raid would be worse imo and get even more bad reception. The game is really clunky and janky in more ways than just gameplay. Punishing people that hard while dying to some glitchy ai wouldn’t be any better. It does need a rework even tho it’s not punishing atm. Anyone who plays the game isn’t worried about running out of water since you get some much of it, any one who doesn’t play the game is only worried about the water mechanic it seems.
@johnnypemail День назад
super buggy game is NOT ready...don't buy yet
@manonmars82 День назад
i love this game holy smokes, played 9 hours straight after release :D
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
Despite all it's jank the game really is fun, I know I'm at least enjoying it.
@nepocrates День назад
There are extract that are not timed so when you get there it is an instant extract. That has been the one I used 3 time on the scorched enclave.
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
When I found out about that instant pipe extract, my survival rate skyrocketed
@MotoTalariaRC День назад
It's been 20 hours since I even play last so guess now game over so gonna get money back dont like tht shit start over cuz I sleep n work fk tht
@magicalfetus729 День назад
The game starts with you having 3-4 days of water. Also if you die a water death at the beginning of the day you’re not going to lose anything because you have nothing to lose. Calm the fuck down.
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
The game's definitely not made for someone who can't play every day unfortunately. Though I can't deny it's really simple to get a few days of water in an hour or less once you know what you're doing.
@thinman25 День назад
Only had time to dip my toes in last night. Started first mission after the tutorial, opened a single crate, hunter killers deployed, dead.
@jibjubgaming День назад
Same here, it was a really magical 10 minutes though 😂
@magicalfetus729 День назад
Skill issue
@MrJohnthegamerHD День назад
Definitely onna the first things they gotta address, but otherwise it's pretty fun
@thecamelchannel1467 День назад
It's all about knowing the path to extraction so you can switch to GTFO mode when the hunterkillers come
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
I'm still wrapping my head around how those hunter killers work; I get obliterated by them hounding me down at the start like you said ☠️ I didn't even shoot yet they beeline to me
@Joe-ti7qd День назад
This is my biggest disappointment of 2024. I cant say one positive thing about it after playing except for the concept. 0/10 refunded
@Basada79 День назад
Very early access
@Joe-ti7qd День назад
​@Basada79 the early access trend has lost its welcome for me. Tired of this trend of broken games hiding under the guise of EA. We deserve better.
@matthewramirez7807 День назад
You seem to be under the impression early access is just so players can get the game early. It’s to better develop the game with a more wide array of feedback. What you deserve is to not play early access games if you’re gonna cry about the state of them
@azzy8121 День назад
Yo baby bro I’m pulling up wit a blunt you want some to calm down?
@Elibones1 День назад
skill issue
@stelhart6139 День назад
Watch out for enemies spawning on top of you 😂
@austinjohnson3977 День назад
For real, I was so careful in my first raid and had a ton of loot and I was running to the extract since there were no enemies near me but then 2 of them just spawned right on top of me
@yewnitedgaming День назад
Worst I've had a walker spawn on my left as a tank squad spawned on my right lmao
@leonardiwidodo День назад
ngl, stealth feels terrible in this game when there is no option to deflect enemy attention, gather and share intel or effectively do takedowns. But then again I only played like an hour so far and maybe just didnt see these options yet.
@Joe-ti7qd День назад
It's just a bad game. 👎
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
Yea I would appreciate at least the "throw a rock" stealth gimmick to get enemies to slightly go where you want. Makeshift distraction grenades or something. Sometimes I'm not able to fire off a shot and get away safely in order to lure enemies away from something since I'm just completely surrounded
@desertdude8274 Час назад
Supressor really helps. Ive gotten lots of valueble loot from using one.
@xtralonghug День назад
If you upload a video covering some of the items you'll be uncovering and which ones a scav should consider scooping up for extraction; ie tradables, weapon (class/parts/ammo), healing items; I'll give you TWO likes and a subscribe.
@Joe-ti7qd День назад
Ohhhh a like and a sub! 😂 🤡
@yewnitedgaming День назад
That's the plan honestly. Must-have rig upgrades, characters you should prioritize for leveling/prestige, weapon builds for X or Y runs, maybe quest guides too. A looting guide like you suggested is absolutely something I'll do since loot prioritization is a huge skill for extract shooters. The only question is if I'll have the time to make all the videos I'd like to 😅
@BasementMinions День назад
Very helpful, thank you ☺️
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
Thanks, glad you found it helpful. Look forward to more to come
@TheMMmaster10 День назад
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
Same bro. I think...
@johncogan8689 День назад
was released to early access too soon imho, way too buggy, loads of potential though
@raphk9599 День назад
Oh, was the full version released already? Nice
@irpanfauzi1160 День назад
The Dev want to cook it Privately but then Beta Test Happen and many tester want to go Early access and they listen
@Joe-ti7qd День назад
It's dogwater.
@DemiLad День назад
brain rot reply section, literal disinformation and misinformation :/
@yewnitedgaming 23 часа назад
It definitely needed to cook for at least another two months. You reap what you sow though, the community wanted an early access ASAP and here we are.
@mac76239 День назад
A beginners guide, made from a beginner for a game that just released.....blind leading the blind. Gtfo nerd.
@kenmasters8540 День назад
Can you have a base together with friends? I have zero interest in maintaining a base that's only my own. If I can collect water with friends and people can take days off and other people get water those days, then it sounds kinda fun.
@capttainunicorn288 День назад
You kinda can do that but whoever is main host will have to be on for you to use their vendors and such
@leviwalker7385 День назад
​@@capttainunicorn288the water mechanic isnt hard at all 1 water=24 hours and extremely easy to come across water currently so I dont see what the complaints about this system are
@xtralonghug День назад
Yea, bruh. Don't worry about it. At least make sure one run has one water barrel and bada-bing bada-boom, you've sustained one day. You can maintain up to a 30 day supply of water at max. So if you think about it. If your not logging in often enough to make that work, you should probably get a refund on the game, but I know you can do it, cheers
@Joe-ti7qd День назад
​@leviwalker7385 then why even have it? Mobile game is what this is.
@Joe-ti7qd День назад
​@xtralonghug yeah doesn't belong in this type of game at all. I play rust too. Super big L devs including this.
@Endgunner День назад
DO NOT USE THE TIMED EXCTRACT! Every map has a non-timed one, and the timed one is almost always a death sentence. (I have not even tried using one yet, so they might even be removed from the game as far as i can tell. Literally no reason to use one though, as many RU-vid videos have shown me. If they do exist.)
@willprater7393 День назад
I did. Got sandwiched between Eurasian cyborgs and Europan infantry. Not worth it
@devinread2986 День назад
so when you use the timed ones, you light a flare and drop it at the extract which draws aggro and hunter killers. If you run away from it and bait the hunter killers to fight things other than you or take them out yourself, you can return to the timed extract once the area has cooled down and use it to leave
@sirerdovain1790 День назад
From what I can tell based on my gameplay in the first map, it depends on what start location you have. If you start at the graveyard you get the instant pipe exit.
@kingdomcoomies518 День назад
Yeah I had one timed extract it was mayhem i made it out by hiding and letting everyone fight each other but then the extract timer kept getting stuck I was there like 1:30 cause it kept freezing but def doable
@AzureFides День назад
It’s not that bad but yeah it’s risky without any reward. You don’t need to stay in it, you can just activate it and go hide.
@janovmi2 День назад
what do weapon levels do, also tips on where to safely find water (outside of tutorial) ?
@ThiccBirdBoi День назад
The first map is full of water, u can generally find them inside those L post.
@mayoman6384 День назад
Weapon levels let you attach more/better attachments and parts. Water has some granteed spawns on some maps. One is in a small shack in the shanty town near the ruined city spawn of Ashen Mesa, that's typically the easiest to get.
@ngyes5962 День назад
The Mech trenches right now is the best map for finding water. If you deploy from the elevator and head straight ahead you should find a staircase that leads to a field hospital. Up to 4 barrels can spawn in this area.
@keyboardtaskforcephi-3689 День назад
​​​@@ngyes5962Scorch consistently spawn 2 barrels for me tho. Pair with explosives quest. You get 6 water every 2 runs with a 3 empty slot rig. Or get a rig with more empty slot and get 8 water every 2 runs
@NeoCreo1 19 часов назад
@@ngyes5962 Yup. It’s also right next to an active spawn zone so you were generally always having a firefight nearby to draw aggro to let you slip inside and take that water. Then it’s a straight sprint right to the extraction point.
@Der___Dude День назад
I cannot pass this invasion dungeons it's way to hard I deleted the game
@yewnitedgaming День назад
Maybe you were just a bit underpowered, or rolled a difficult dungeon? If you ever do give it another go, make sure you have lv100 components that either have HP or defense stat buffs, and slot in more hp and defense mods on your descendant for the best survivability. It is technically "end game content" so don't feel too bad about it
@Der___Dude День назад
@@yewnitedgaming It's not my build. It's the bosses. They fully regenerate pretty quick I cannot defeat them allthough I have good weapons. There shield goes up pretty quick, I cannot kill them in time. It makes no sense. I quit this fucking shit- .
@Der___Dude День назад
@@yewnitedgaming I have no problems in the dungeons but I cannot defeat the endbosses. I dealt with a final boss with Hailey's awesome weapon, actually a one-shot kill, but the boss only took a little damage and then quickly regenerated completely. It's pointless.
@Der___Dude День назад
@@yewnitedgaming OK thank you. I just read on Twitter that the dungeons will be multiplayer after tomorrows update