Welcome to ReikiScoop!

I'm Vlad, a Usui Reiki Master and teacher passionate about energy work, spirituality, and creating a lifestyle that nurtures your spirit, mind, and body.

I'm also the co-founder of ReikiScoop.com, a spiritual brand that supports those eager to tap into the universal life force energy through specialized courses, inspiring resources, and an actionable newsletter.

This channel is an extension of ReikiScoop.

If you're looking to deepen your understanding of Reiki, enhance your healing abilities, or simply find a supportive community that shares your passion for energy work, you're in the right place.

• Learn about the essential tools required for an efficient Reiki practice that will enrich your experience and enable you to help those in need.

• Discover new and exciting concepts that can add value to your practice.

• Stay closer to like-minded people and never feel alone in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

This is what ReikiScoop is all about.
This Is What Spiritual Journey Means To Me
5 месяцев назад
What Is The Universal Life Force Energy
5 месяцев назад
Identify Your Essence To Elevate Your Practice
5 месяцев назад
Shika Sei Ki And Shika So Reiki Symbols
6 месяцев назад
What Is Cho Ku Rei And What Do You Use It For
7 месяцев назад
What Is Cho Ku Rei Reiki Symbol
7 месяцев назад
@smitaterdal4497 17 часов назад
@reikiscoop 35 минут назад
@arleneirizarry8468 День назад
I've been so confused about this. Ty so much for the clarification! 😀
@reikiscoop 34 минуты назад
I am grateful to be of service to you. You can always email me if you have more questions!🙏
@PowerofThreeSpell 18 дней назад
On usuing the Fire Serpent and then DKM, which one Usui DKM or Tibetan DKM?
@reikiscoop 33 минуты назад
After the Fire Serpent comes the Traditional DKM.
@beatrissantos2887 20 дней назад
Thank you 🙏
@reikiscoop 33 минуты назад
You're most welcome!🙏
@IvanPozoIllas 24 дня назад
Hello Vlad, I have found via your book that the Palm Master Symbol. When I place them on my secondary hand palm chakras activates them. I actually get a flowing sensation through my arm especially with the left arm for some reason. Since I'm right handed that's the dominant hand I use to apply Reiki. So I'm not sure why I get a better flowing energy sensation with my left hand/arm versus or rather with my right hand/arm? (Ie with the activation 3 times of the Palm Master Symbol.)
@petrohytinkoski4072 Месяц назад
I should do serious inner child work, but I'm afraid of the arising memories and effects.
@reikiscoop 24 дня назад
Perhaps it would be better to practice this work with someone who knows how to guide you.
@petrohytinkoski4072 Месяц назад
My favorite crystal! 😊
@arleneirizarry8468 Месяц назад
Is one attunement enough or do you need several?
@reikiscoop 24 дня назад
Usually one is enough. But if you really want to go deeper, then you should receive at least level 2 Usui Reiki
@arleneirizarry8468 24 дня назад
@@reikiscoop Ty so much for the info and all your shared knowledge! Truly appreciated!
@arleneirizarry8468 Месяц назад
Great info! Is this method used for activating each symbol during a session? Thanks so much!
@reikiscoop 32 минуты назад
Yes. for each session - whether it's for yourself or others, this is the way you activate a Reiki symbol.
@IvanPozoIllas Месяц назад
Hello Vlad, I utilize the Dazu symbol from your text. Besides a battery of other sigils coupled with the use of my pendulum. Akin to wax off sterilize with counter clockwise pendulum movements for 3 minutes. Then I switch it up with wax on ala the Karate Kid motif with clockwise pendulum circular movements for another 3 minutes. Then walaa the crystal / stone is grounded and energized for general needs.
@jujemcgregor1734 Месяц назад
Thank you 🙏🏽
@Trendingnow1103 Месяц назад
What if you're attune with Holy fire Reiki... do you charge with using the fire symbol along with the Dai ko myo symbol?
@reikiscoop 24 дня назад
You can use that as well. The attunement - although it is a ceremony, it's also a concept - so , yes you can.
@smitamahale6432 Месяц назад
Thank you so much!
@reikiscoop 24 дня назад
Yo're most welcome!🙏
@LilyJalile Месяц назад
I didn't know that! Thank you
@reikiscoop 24 дня назад
@paugarcia9553 Месяц назад
Thank you for this! I'd like to ask, In your personal opinion, how does these symbols differ energetically with SHK? Looking forward to your response. :)
@petrohytinkoski4072 Месяц назад
I use palo santo rarely when i need it mostly
@IvanPozoIllas Месяц назад
Hi Vlad, many Americans and perhaps others need to know the proper etiquette of using a candle. Over a decade ago there was an electrical blackout throughout New York City. Many people resorted to candle use without electrical power in there homes and subsequent had accidents. Causing house fires needing 1st responders such as Fire Fighters and the whole 9 yards fiasco. So when utilizing candles there are some basics akin to an artform of candle use. Most all are common sense rules such as using a plate or candle holder with a candle affixed especially if you're moving around in your home or private office. No running around with a candle in your hands when its lit. Try to keep a burning candle in a stationary location if at all possible. Lastly, it's best to have a candle base surrounded with water. Not just for practical benefits but also spiritually the 2 elements adjacent with a spiritual ceremony is a powerful affect. Even a fake electrical candle works since electricity is related to an open flame.
@reikiscoop 24 дня назад
Of course. I always mention having common sense in my articles when it comes to lighting incense or candles. Obviously one should take extra care where they place the candles.
@IvanPozoIllas Месяц назад
Hello Vlad, I have a Reiki question for you, if I may? Aside from Crystal grid activations over our body when utilizing a primary Chakra. Does the Color or colors of the clothing we wear have a subtle influence in us when we utilize Reiki. Whether as the Reiki practitioner or the recipient? Thanks.
@IvanPozoIllas Месяц назад
Hello Vlad, since I'm a cartomancer such as with the Tarot. I activate my Solar Plexus chakra using some of the other Reiki sigils outside of Usui Ryoho Reiki system from the Pdf Version of your Book. It helps to Consecrate each deck I Interact with later on when I start doing subsequent spreads as a psychic. Btw, I like your shirt, lol.
@IvanPozoIllas Месяц назад
Hello Vlad, Why Yes, I Do. The Reiki Symbols from your Pdf Version of your Book has been immeasurable for Drawing and Pronouncing the Reiki symbols 3 times over my 7 primary Chakras. I do a small prayer after completion after the 10 minute plus routine per chakra activation. I State to God thanking the Holy Spirit for centering, purifying, charming, and enchanting my Being when I complete the ceremony.
@IvanPozoIllas Месяц назад
Hello Vlad, I was originally taught Cho Ku Rei at Usui Reiki 1 which is a non-traditional method. I've also learned that Cho Ku Rei can be drawn in your personal spaces such as your home. Be it on the Floor and Walls and Doors to enhance its spiritual purifying properties and of protection likewise.
@adamleonard6346 2 месяца назад
Love this video. 🙏🏼
@PuraVidaReiki117 2 месяца назад
Wonderful insights, Reiki for me is a gift that has changed and continues to change my life in so many ways 🙏 for sharing💫
@reikiscoop Месяц назад
It changed many lives and it contributes little by little toward raising the vibration of the world.🙏🙏
@frelka19 2 месяца назад
@frelka19 2 месяца назад
@frelka19 2 месяца назад
Thanks brilliant video 😊
@reikiscoop 2 месяца назад
Thank you! Appreciate you taking the time to watch. We plan on doing more in the future. Any specific topic recommendations would be highly appreciated.
@IvanPozoIllas 2 месяца назад
​​​@@reikiscoopThank you Vlad and Rachel for the conversation. A few observations on my part if I may. At the 6 min mark you were looking for another word other than "Power" as to what you were experiencing. A good alternate word can be "Intensity " as to the persuasion you were overall engaged with entirely. Next, at the 14 min mark I believe you were speaking about Karma in terms of Christianity parlance. The closest to Karma can be Penance as in repenting for past poor conduct. There's the Book of John chapter 9 verse 3 in the Bible. Which explores the topic of Karma being inherited from parents, etc... I quote: "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me." In that case it was a Blind Man that one of the Apostles had asked Jesus question that can be construed as Karmic. Then at minute 27 both you and Rachel were discussing Being Human. Well with my Angels as a channeler of over 35 yrs telepathically with them. We are both Human and Divine simultaneously as Holistically and Multidimensional Spirits, Souls, Divine Essence, etc... When one assumes a moreso indepth spiritual outlook we're no longer in Kansas any more. To borrow a term from The Wizard of Oz. Another super imposed spiritual or energetic reality opens up to us. An Omni Intelligence whether you call it God, Great Mystery, Universe, etc... It, He, and She realizes our willing engagement into such a sacred union of Heaven on Earth. Which lends to min 43 where you both speak about Reiki as a toolset. It is, but it's so much more. Reiki is a Journey and not the Destination, it is a Way of Life, it is a spiritual Lifestyle choice. It is the yellow brick road (more Wizard of Oz) that leads up Jacobs Ladder for the faithful. It is only one route amongst many as the Buddhists like to exclaim regarding the Divine Way. Namaste, Soul Seekers. (Via angelic automatic writing)
@reikiscoop Месяц назад
Hi there Ivan. Indeed, "intensity" is a much better word than "power". In Christianity, the word "karma" has no meaning or place, rather we have the "sins of kin" - as you mentioned. Yet "karma" as a concept exists, whether we accept it or not. Being human is a conglomerate of energy, information, and entities. As you mentioned, it is about a blend of soul, mind, spirit, and universal energy - all assembled together in the perfect way for creating the human being. Of course, Reiki is more than a toolset, it is a catalyst for spiritual growth - yet it is one of the ways - a "tool" meaning that it is the spirit that does the work - whether it's via Reiki, Theta Healing, Qi Gong or other practices. That's what I meant. This emphasizes what you've mentioned - Reiki is a Journey, not a Destination. The Divine way can be in many ways, like paths that lead to the peak of a mountain - there can be multiple paths, one of them being through Reiki. Blessings!
@frelka19 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn about the my favourite symbol of Reiki Sei He Ki its so powerful and amazing ❤❤
@reikiscoop 2 месяца назад
@@frelka19 I am grrateful that the offered information was useful to you! Blessings!🙏
@sanmaki1 2 месяца назад
I just realized that you are Reiki blessed, I have been on your email list and receiving your emails for more than 3 years now, I read your latest email (How A Mountain Hike Helped Me Dissolve My Karmic Debts) and saw your picture and put one and one together 😅 your emails and advice helped me through some tough time, thank You for everything 🙏 now I have a face to your emails 😊 and now your videos 😊 they are really amazing, I'am grateful for all your efforts 🙏
@reikiscoop 2 месяца назад
@@sanmaki1 Well this is a welcomed interaction😊 First of all thank you for being part of the ReikiScoop community and I am truly grateful that you enjoy the weekly emails. It really means a lot! Stay tuned as many more videos, newsletters and other content will be offered🙏
@IvanPozoIllas 2 месяца назад
Hello Vlad, when I first started to do energy healing work and/or personal communion with the divine. The angels have whispered to me that crystals and other semi-precious stones tap into our personal energy fields. Such as the Aura depending if one or more combination of crystals/stones are utilized they augment us spiritually for a desired affect on us. Certain stones / crystals cycle faster or slower in our energy fields boosting not only our well being but our chakras and beyond. This doesn't even explore the use of crystals and stones as a Reiki practitioner. When laying certain stones crystals on a patient with their prior permission to boost their energetic healing results.
@IvanPozoIllas 2 месяца назад
Hello Vlad, excellent topic. I read once that a Hindu Yogi centuries ago stated the human body had around 150 Chakras including the secondary, tertiary, and so forth. For example we have secondary chakras in our hands and feet. I would suppose our organs and other merdian points of our body. In historical paintings of the Vedic deities you would see chakras or eyes in their palms of their several hands. Spiritually I've channeled from my angels those secondary and 3rd pair of arms. That the Vedic deities displayed in those religious iconography that we have them in our Auras or Spirit/Soul bodies. They merely have to be exercised like spiritual appendages or as soulful muscles. So telekinesis and those soulful 2nd or 3rd pair of our auric arms can be one and the same form of unseen movements in terms of telekinesis. I've also heard the Earth Star chakra beneath our feet about 1 foot in the ground. Our energetic tether to mother earth Spiritually speaking. I've also channeled from the Angels that our Solar Plexus on the front of our body. That on our back in alignment with the exact chakra. There is a Lunar chakra rotating in the opposite direction from our Solar Plexus that is front facing. One last chakra above our heads you mentioned 4 of them as the Soul Star, Universal, Galactic, and Divine. I've heard before the Soul Star chakra and after the Crown chakra there is the Casual chakra as well. So many distinguishing expressions of our spiritual vortexes.
@reikiscoop 2 месяца назад
@@IvanPozoIllas @IvanPozoIllas Well hello there! Indeed... if we wrap our head around the knowledge if chakras and their origins we may become confused. I did a course on chakras with Christopher Wallis and he is most knowlwdgeable in this domain. Although he mentions that the written history of chakras is not older than around 1200 years, there's a good chance that there was knowledge dating back a lot more but it wasn't recorded. That beging said, yes, we have tens of thousands of chakras which include "mini" chakras such as the ones from the fingertips, secondary and tertiarty chakras as you mentioned. Each meridian point is a very small energy center, therefore it's a chakra. Also there's the transpersonal chakras. And here we go deeper within the metaphysical domain presented by Ms. Blavatsky and Barbara Brennen. Both of them talked about the exterior body chakras and about the subtle fields (which are the main energy fields). Honestly there's so much to talk about and it would be wondeful if we could hsve an interview.😉 If you're up to it, give me an email and we can discuss the details.🙏
@smitaterdal4497 2 месяца назад
Yes, I use the same, master🙌🙏
@Reiki_healings 2 месяца назад
Thank you..!!
@reikiscoop 2 месяца назад
@@Reiki_healings you're most welcome!
@ANIL-ul1qb 2 месяца назад
❤❤❤❤❤ Master ❤❤❤❤❤
@N.D.Y. 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this video. Your explanation is so clear and helpful. I was looking for a video to make a friend understand the concept of reiki, this video and the previous ones will help a lot. And as a reiki practitioner myself, i was looking for some information about how to cut the ties with someone that i just send energy (after i send energy to someone with a leg surgery, i have pain on my leg too, or if i do a session for someone’s broken arm, i get pain on my arm too). I will definitely subscribe to your newsletter list to learn more from you. Thank you so much for sharing all these precious knowledge with us. 🙏🏻💫
@reikiscoop 2 месяца назад
I am truly greateful that the offered infirmation was useful for you🙏 Indeed, there's an entire concept behind cutting or better said removal of etheric cords. Even if there's only one minte available I do my best to capture the essence of an entire concept. Cutting cords is important because of the residual energies, informations and programs that can remain attached to our energy fields and cause imbalances via those cords. Basically these cords are highways for transferring energy and information from one organism to another.
@cheng5263 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much. Be blessed. This is exactly the answer I needed. 🙏🙏🙏
@shareonrivas1458 2 месяца назад
❤ †
@smitaterdal4497 2 месяца назад
@IvanPozoIllas 3 месяца назад
Hello Vlad, even before Covid I struggled with Aggoraphobia which was a fear of leaving my home. Part of it was being an Empath where at home I recharge mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I either go out on necessary chores or a spiritual intuitive school. I've always resembled my parents who tended to be loners themselves. So I tend to live like a monk or partial suburban aestic, lol. Whenever I get lonely I either listen to upbeat music on my smartphone or watch Tv. Being an angelic psychic intuitive I sense spiritually I'm never alone in a good way. I also use my Pendulum to interact with my Angel Master Guide. So that anulls the isolation as well. My last trick is to practice Divination even by myself or automatic writing. That puts me in an altered state of mind channeling content that is usually always inspirational.
@reikiscoop 2 месяца назад
Of course, the activities you mentioned should be done regardless if there's someone next to you or not. However, we are social beings an, just as the spirit is never alone in the higher planes of existence, so here, on Earth need the company of others from time to time.
@IvanPozoIllas 3 месяца назад
Hello Vlad, it's nice to see you promoting your book. I seem to have your 1st edition from 2021. In the ebook format, I couldn't find what page you were reading from. Nonetheless, as you know I went through all 3 levels plus the 4th teachers level of the Usui Reiki Ryoho. Although I never really utilized the 4th teachers level truly. I found it beneficial all the same. A year later Covid-19 struck then fast forward after following your website Reiki Scoop. I heard of your new text and gobbled up the symbols aka tokens as if I was Pac Man, lol. This was the period of the Covid Lockdown so I couldn't get attunements in person. Besides being too lazy to get them online. I began to develop a personal repore with certain symbols in my spiritual development self improvement regieme. To ground and balance my chakras principally besides improve my intuitive faculties. It's literally been a personal boon to my well being over these subsequent years. Like I've commented before thank you for sharing the symbols of other Reiki systems. Since in some circles that's seen as taboo for sharing how their drawn besides their pronunciation and function. Outside of direct classes and subsequent attunement ceremonies.
@nag21 3 месяца назад
Why don't you enhance your eyes so that you won't have to use glasses?
@reikiscoop 3 месяца назад
Good question. I have to admit that although I've worked with myself on so many levels, I've not focused on this little thing. And I guess that happened for two reasons. 1. The myopia was quite aggressive and started when I was a child -long before I started Reiki. I could have fixed it with Reiki then my doctors mentioned that considering my eye condition, if I fox it with laster operation (or other means such as Reiki) I will still face the reverse of myopia after a cetain age -going to an exagerrated "+" instead of "-" Keeping my eyesight just the way it currently is , will enable it go go up to 0 as I get older jusy my leaving it the way it is. Therefore I didn't pay any more attention to it. 2. Although I focused on the emotional and spiritual parts I admit I was lazy to focus on this aspect (eyesight)🤣
@IvanPozoIllas 3 месяца назад
Hello Vlad, excellent topic. I often state here in the USA that Harvard has done a Research White Paper on Reiki and its efficacy. That U.S. Hospitals across the Nation are utilizing a clinical version of Reiki for post operation care on patients. Thus they need less medications as pain killers. Sometimes I even simplify it further saying it's a glorified version of Biofeedback you get to share with another person. My psychic mediumship mentors at my intuitive school here in Sarasota Florida at The Spirit University. Stated that learning Reiki improved her Mediumship abilities. Because during a session on a client she would receive messages on their behalf in tandem.
@reikiscoop 3 месяца назад
When I was in Japan last year for the "100 years of Reiki" conference there was a group of ladies who were putting their best efforts to systemise Reiki and place it into more nursing homes and hospitals. And there were already quite a few hospitals in the USA and UK that are already adopting it to my understanding. And yes, Reiki can greatly amplify other practices or abilities.🙏
@watigunatara3109 3 месяца назад
@sanmaki1 3 месяца назад
Love your channel, what do you mean when you say primary chakra ? Is it the 7 known one ?
@reikiscoop 3 месяца назад
Yes. I mean the 7 "known" ones which are also named primary chakras. That's because there are also secondary chakras.
@smitaterdal4497 3 месяца назад
At present I need him the most, thank you so much master🙏🙌
@reikiscoop 3 месяца назад
@poopoop3561 3 месяца назад
Cant wait for his OF😫
@cheng5263 3 месяца назад
@pschu8807 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this message and Gratitude to Archangel Michael 😇🙏 for helping me more times than even I know how often ❤️☀️
@reikiscoop 3 месяца назад
You are most welcome! I am grateful that you resonated with the offered information!
@bruninhamrso 3 месяца назад
@cheng5263 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏
@tashaessom 3 месяца назад
Oooo just passed me level two so I’m going to try this 😁
@reikiscoop 3 месяца назад
How does Reiki Level 2 feel for you?