Knight Wolf VT
Knight Wolf VT
Knight Wolf VT
Welcome to Wolf Legion Mercenary Company,My name is Knight Wolf I'm the captain of this crew of misfits and travelers.We have many jobs on our quest board and I expect you to do your part if you chose to work with me. variety streamer who loves JRPG mostly PNGtuber currently.
when the UNO RNG favors me over @jey_vt
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@visualmotionph 4 дня назад
FF7 it so delusional and really bad storytelling at the first place. Your brain will go twisted and say "What the Hell is happening?!" when you play the Original and Rebirth of FF7 today it will murder your consciousness.. I don't understand why it praised so much rather than FF9..
@SoldierBoy3064 28 дней назад
The reviews are gonna have to be perfect because space Marine 2 early access launches September 5th and i can skip this game And if there's more then one technical issue or a single game breaking bug I'm out
@KnightWolfVT 27 дней назад
I can understand that tho no game is perfect game breaking bugs are a big issue the network test worked well but will see
@Ziegfried82 Месяц назад
FF6 is the best. FF7 is the most popular.
@mannifinalsummer4544 Месяц назад
I've never played the original. But I played all FF games since 9 and I enjoyed every single one of them, including 13 and 15. So ofc I had high hopes for 7R&R. And well, my hope died a very slow painful death. R1 was a real drag. Awful pacing, lackluster plothole story and the worst side quest Management I've seen in a looong time. And character development, what's that? This game has absolutely nothing to offer except it good looks. Like a dumb, overly blonde barbie doll you only buy bc she looks nice (bad example I know but I just wanna say - looks like gold, but it's just a shining piece of 💩). So my hope kinda reawakened for Vincent and Cid in R2 bc it can't really get worse, can it?! Aaand it got crushed again like a nosy fly. Multiple times. The story got even worse, 80% of it you can describe as "there are the black hoody guys, let's follow them" and like every 30min of the "MSQ" what I barely dare to call it, you are forced to play badly designed braindead mini games which have absolutely no right to exist in the first place. And especially not where the devs placed them in the "story". The characters get minimal development (Barret climbed up on my sympatico list a few steps but that's all), Caith Sith was the only character where I felt the designers and programmers had a lot of fun with and all these open world activities are the absolute worst. You can describe the game in 3 words. Boredom, repetition and annoyance. And IT MAKES NO PEEPING SENSE WHATSOEVER! Sure I got some sweet laughs every now and then but most of time I just wave to get over with it already. Overly annoying characters like Mai, Chadley and Yuffie didn't help at all in that case. The only thing I really liked was how the love story with Aerith turned out it in the end. Her song made me positively emotional for the first and only time in the whole game, but apart from that...I finished it, immediately deinstalled 5min later and I only remember it's existence through reminders from this stupid algorithm. I'm very unsure about R3. If they follow this path I'll certainly also not enjoy this game and I guess this time I'll watch a walk through first before I maybe buy it in sale. But only maybe. Probably not even then. Also I played this directly after Baldurs Gate 3. Wasn't my smartest idea 😅 having seen and experienced game's heaven from close by this poophole of a game hit even harder.
@cadence764 Месяц назад
Ff15 was trash and 16 is literal shit
@etherealdragon207 Месяц назад
Naughty girl.
@TheRealNintendoKid Месяц назад
So, Crisis Core is definitely not the worst thing ever, it's actually something I would have asked for... But it's not a full game. You hang out in Shinra and go to missions via teleporters, and the missions are just these enclosed little maps with shit to fight... And the fighting is very mediocre hack and slash stuff like most of the other things they've been making. Honestly I think Squaresoft kinda died when they merged with Enix. Whether or not that's Enix's "fault" is another story, but they're definitely NOT the same company anymore. They don't make bangers like they used to. I can't really speak on any other extra content except Advent Children, and I completely agree with you there. I liked the idea of an FF7 Remake, but a remake isn't really what we got. We got a reboot/re-imagining/even sequel, according to some. All I know for sure is I went to check it out when the first part was first released, and as soon as I saw Sephiroth flashbacks right after the Mako reactor scene, I said "NOPE" and haven't looked back. That was before I was even aware that it was gonna be released piece by piece over the course of THREE goddamn console generations. I remember when they showed us a PS2 tech demo of the intro. THAT was the time to make a remake, and all on that ONE console. FF9 is vastly superior to 7, and Chrono Trigger and Trials of Mana are superior to both, honestly.
@adnanzia9167 Месяц назад
Totally loved the game, remake and looking forward tot the latest one. Amazing graphics, gameplay style. I heard rebirth is really good.
@daltonmortimer7735 2 месяца назад
Long time no see KW , this was randomly in my feed, glad to see you're still not giving up lol
@KnightWolfVT 2 месяца назад
@@daltonmortimer7735 yep I'm still around I'm mostly on twitch streaming these days good to see you man
@aniblossomsvt 2 месяца назад
getting Rick rolled by captain is the best Rick roll😅
@KnightWolfVT 2 месяца назад
@@aniblossomsvt I'm glad you approve lol
@Andrea-ue2uw 2 месяца назад
All they had to do was upgrade the original and upgrade the graphics and game play a bit…they did it for ever crisis so why cant they do that for the original instead of what they did for the remake…Im still playing the original infact Im playing it now on the switch
@Jameshunt2663 2 месяца назад
The audio cuts out around the end of the video
@gJonii 2 месяца назад
I didn't hate the remake, the weirdly titled sequel. I enjoyed it overall. Not nearly as much as I hoped, but I think overall it's the best game from squenix I've seen in like 15 years
@gJonii 2 месяца назад
Also, it retroactively makes XIII a tiny bit better, now that I understand what they were going for
@kythrathesuntamer9715 3 месяца назад
worst ever
@darkazurr9891 3 месяца назад
you guys remember the good old days , squaresoft
@waynepayne864 4 месяца назад
ur busting my balls for the first 5 mins dawg it was just "ff7 is bad. the reason why it bad? ill tell you why its bad. the reason why ff7 is bad is for the following reason. here is the reason why ff7 is bad" i fuck with it tho i just wasnt sure how serious u were going to be lmao. also u sound like cee lo green
@Makoto03 4 месяца назад
I loved the recent SD Gundam Battle Alliance game, so i'm happy to see SD Gundams added to Gundam Breaker 4.
@alfredauer6455 4 месяца назад
iam hyped for all iron blood ortphans suits like barbatos rex craze bael kimaris
@zerotohero1483 4 месяца назад
I love videos like these cuz it basically equates to a kid screaming at the wall. “It’s bad writing, it’s bad storytelling. Don’t ask me to explain why it’s bad, just trust me, it is bad. No I haven’t played or engaged with all this extra content I’m talking about, just trust me, it’s bad” Vid summed up right there for ya. It’s just broad statements anyone can agree with on a surface level.
@KnightWolfVT 4 месяца назад
One thank you for the view and watch time glad you are willing to waste your time on this video you clearly don't like lol. I will at least say more research could have been done for it and I went off what I had heard still doesn't change the convoluted nature that FF 7 is in right now you are free to enjoy the game yell at me tell me I need to play the games or engage with it all you want but in truth I don't have to I can just watch videos or let's plays for that if I actually cared about this mess of a story but I have better things to do and other games to play
@zerotohero1483 4 месяца назад
@@KnightWolfVT you’re welcome for the view. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this video. Great to have on in the background as I finished up some household tasks.
@AceAussie77 4 месяца назад
I don’t know what you’re talking about. Crisis Core is good, Remake is amazing, rebirth is amazing the only bad one is Dirge. Also Zack is not stronger than Sephiroth, Sephiroth is the strongest in the franchise still
@TheOmegaDragon 4 месяца назад
Then Rebirth came along and blew us away.
@danielm2808 5 месяцев назад
I know this video is 3 years old now but I bought FF7 Remake & Rebirth twin pack. I’d not played the original and I enjoyed remake but I felt it was padded but ended in a state that left me excited to play the next one. After playing Rebirth i can safely say it’s five times worse and totally kills the pace of the story with its open world nonsense and boring side quests. It also becomes so convoluted I’ve lost interest in the 3rd one. They’ve also killed any meaning of characters dying (tbh they started that in remake). I would’ve loved to have seen you rant about rebirth, but I’m guessing you never played it.
@yesimBata 5 месяцев назад
It's amazing that some people don't realize that you don't have to buy games if you don't like them, or know they will piss you off. This goes for conole/PC games, mobile games and free/paid for DLC. Why did you buy(and apparently played to completion) FF7R, if SE's track record with FF7 pissed you off this much? Personally, I'll say the opposite. It's not that spin off games have sucked. It's that every single entry since X(both mainline and spin offs), outside of 14 and CC if you count that, has been dogshit. And 7R has been the best FF game in a very long time. But if you disagree with that, just quit playing FF and do something better with your time.
@KnightWolfVT 5 месяцев назад
Someone didn't pay attention yes squares track record is not great but there's always a chance things could be good and because of my strong connection to ff7 I took a chance on it but then saw spoilers for the game and then regretted the purchase . People can make bad decisions or let nostalgia overtake them you do realize that right
@yesimBata 5 месяцев назад
@@KnightWolfVT as someone who lives in a poor country, I question the logic of spending money on a game before you look into the deal you are making. But I suppose there's people out there who buy any shiny thing they see for sale without taking the time, and feel that making 40 minute videos complaining about it is a more productive use of it.
@KnightWolfVT 5 месяцев назад
@@yesimBata I use my disposable income how I want and for the most part I don't buy games I don't like or have bad reception you watch one video from years ago and assume that I don't talk about other games or things I enjoy. Speaking of complaining your the person wasting 40 minutes of your time watching a video so you can complain to me about my decisions in all honesty that's the pot calling the kettle black . It's true what they say making assumptions makes an ass out of you thanks for the engagement tho lol
@yesimBata 5 месяцев назад
@@KnightWolfVT I quit watching the video around the 10 minute mark, but thank you very much for your concern. You are indeed entitled to spend your disposable income however you see fit. And other people are free to tell you that you suck at managing it if you’re using it to buy stuff you don’t like, and would know you don’t like it by googling a review on the game.
@KnightWolfVT 5 месяцев назад
@@yesimBata still commenting I see cool should I have waited yes and if I had I could have avoided a bad purchase you do realize that impulse buying is a thing that people do I'm not perfect and I can own up to it the purchase was years ago before reviews fully came out. I bet you've made bad game purchases too so don't tell me how to manage my money and I won't do the same to you
@mjkoolaid1511 5 месяцев назад
@altabestudio 5 месяцев назад
New design update looks great! I like the new details you added, plus the slight animation really adds a lot of life. :D
@KnightWolfVT 5 месяцев назад
Thank you may that means so much 😊
@wmen48 6 месяцев назад
AC retconed Aerith, Zack and Cloud. Rebirth retconed Cid hard plus a bit off Vincent, Cait Sith and Nanaki. Wtf I'm playin now. AND add all the story retcons on top off that. Story doesn't matter. Zack can be with Tifa and it would work ffs.
@Edmund_Christo 6 месяцев назад
Growlanser IV (PSP version) is really good. I'd recommend that over any modern FF.
@ringring8938 6 месяцев назад
Boxes exist, but as rewards for seeking them out
@KnightWolfVT 6 месяцев назад
In new breaker the boxes were part of mission goals which I hated instead a fun thing to find on the map they were required to progress such a bad choice
@ringring8938 6 месяцев назад
@@KnightWolfVT ya it was tedious, and picking up limited amount of parts to dump into the storage box is really really not a fun idea. Gundam Breaker 3's stash is seen, easily accessible and optional, parts are auto collected and has no limit. The only tedious part is post game, you collected tons of parts and need to manage them but is how I make a Grade 1 Zaku head to a grade 4 and higher level stat, you just pump in the numbers and it gets stronger, simple no nonsense and make every parts viable as long as you grind here and there. We probably won't need a guide as this is a hobbyist place where people gather to show off their gunplas and socialize, while having 3 person game sessions in a 12-15 person lobby.
@brandonlewis3379 6 месяцев назад
I'll tell you a good switch game that you might like also is Bravely Default 2.
@Edmund_Christo 6 месяцев назад
First one was overhyped mediocrity so hopefully the second one is better.
@brandonlewis3379 6 месяцев назад
Tried it didn't care for it though my girlfriend loved it. She just recently got the new chapter Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and that one is more confusing than anything I've ever seen. Different Time lines 2 Aerith's and Zack still alive like wtf man what is this garbage. I may be late to the party on this post but I'll stick to the OG game and leave the good memories at that. God help us if they do a Final Fantasy 9 remake I hope they don't.
@jakoballfather224 6 месяцев назад
2 years ago the Italian senate had a meeting and a freak show incel hacked it and played Tifa porn and he got called a hero
@NativeMind0311 6 месяцев назад
They made Aerith horribly with a slender boyish body and her face aint right either.
@NativeMind0311 6 месяцев назад
Remake/rebirth are horrible games though.
@Zoeila 6 месяцев назад
in terms of units and classes yes but its gotten better
@Peasham 6 месяцев назад
I kinda love the fact that G Witch is being adopted into the games THIS fast, it took IBO a good bit before it got any hefty representation. Then again, it's looking to be the franchise's greatest success, like.. ever, so that's not exactly surprising lol. It's also one of the few Gundam series in general that's been praised by Tomino himself, and bro hates a LOT of Gundam things, so ya know it's good lmao
@LuckyLizard32 6 месяцев назад
So even this game Brake us of joy or we Brake Bandai XP
@FloKast 6 месяцев назад
So what wrong with ps4 again?
@KnightWolfVT 6 месяцев назад
No physical release of the game
@Bakuganluver23 6 месяцев назад
@@KnightWolfVT So, Digital-only, then. I guess that's alright.
@AdventurerAlm 6 месяцев назад
I really hope that - with the diorama mode - we'll be able to download builds that our friends make, and use them in it along our own. Imagine the stories that could be told!
@KnightWolfVT 6 месяцев назад
That would be awesome I would love that feature
@AG-xz7ne 6 месяцев назад
I really thought new Gundam breaker killed the franchise. I could not be more presently surprised, get me some Witch from mercury and the Gundam Wing EW kits and we got a sequel.
@Bakuganluver23 6 месяцев назад
Well, I'd say that, with 250+ base kits, you'll enjoy it.
@UncleT525 6 месяцев назад
FF7 rebirth just got 92 metacritic in reviews lol best rated ff game since ff9 , bro you just a hater
@KnightWolfVT 6 месяцев назад
Oh wow a game got a high score not like that happens to a lot of games both average and bad I've been a fan of final fantasy and square for decades try again again
@JustinVentus 6 месяцев назад
Im very hyped for this cause I always been behind when these kinda Gundam games release so I'll finally get to join others at release for once.
@KnightWolfVT 6 месяцев назад
I hope you have fun and get to hangout with lots of new people and friends
@Bakuganluver23 6 месяцев назад
@@KnightWolfVT This game wil actually be my first step into the Gundam breaker franchise, so I'm both excited and nervous.
@champbrady633 7 месяцев назад
Suck it does indeed. You are not alone
@Placid_Falcon 7 месяцев назад
The only reason why I tolerate Remake is because it doesn't pretend to be the canon story. In fact, it goes out of its way to say its the an alternate timeline. It still has a lot of bad story decisions though. I wish it could have been better. We all do. But at least it's not as bad as Crisis Core (yet). But that can all change with a Genesis/Angiel appearance.
@Edmund_Christo 6 месяцев назад
Crisis Core was better imo. Zack's last stand was done really well & the price of Freedom is an amazing song.
@wmen48 6 месяцев назад
Ok, agree. Except OG FF7 Zack was a grey character like Reno or Tseng. So it's retcon is still bad because they downgraded Cloud and made a better protagonist to sell a game. ​@@Edmund_Christo
@dougolasswell6775 7 месяцев назад
😒 promo sm
@KnightWolfVT 7 месяцев назад
I'm sorry what do you mean?
@aniblossomsvt 7 месяцев назад
I love the new png and lore captain🥰
@KnightWolfVT 7 месяцев назад
Thank you I had a lot of fun working on it
@jakelionlight3936 7 месяцев назад
You guys should team up, clown fish TV does a really good job at this have ani one one side and wolf on the other side and try split screen??? or maybe co op games, you could sing together too... zero clue why i want you both now to succeed??? anyways cheering you both on!
@KnightWolfVT 7 месяцев назад
@@jakelionlight3936 me and Ani have collabed before and played a game there's a clip on the channel we appreciate the support. Don't know why you mentioned clownfish TV weird choice it's not relevant to the rest of your comment
@jakelionlight3936 7 месяцев назад
@@KnightWolfVT that's good to hear you did a colab, but I was thinking in terms of doing every show like that and why i mentioned clownfish TV because they mostly do all their shows together and it works well. :) I used to do radio and had a partner or co host it was fun, you see this done in EVO a lot and it seems to work well imo. (EVO is a fighting game organization)
@KnightWolfVT 7 месяцев назад
​@@jakelionlight3936Don't try and force things especially on my friends if I want to work with someone I will this was supposed to be a celebration of a lot of work that I did on my own I don't appreciate you trying to undermine it saying I need a co host when this wasn't the point of the vod . The way you talk makes me sound like I have no entertainment value by myself and it's upsetting me
@indedgames4359 7 месяцев назад
You dont lije it? Move on ther clearly loved and to say fake ganers like them tells me how insecure you lot ar
@indedgames4359 7 месяцев назад
Sakagutchi aculy suggestet the changes and the spin offs happend becaus square needed money
@Scott-M1 7 месяцев назад
The 1st part did suck. Characters were done well, most of the music is great, that's about it. Rebirth is looking much better for gameplay, exploration and mini games. Story wise, couldn't care less now.
@justinmorris2491 7 месяцев назад
Literally gave this game away after beating it. It was maybe a week old. I am absolutely furious they are doing this to FF7. Like just make another fucking stupid ff game that’s forgettable and leave this story alone. Alas here we are
@jakelionlight3936 7 месяцев назад
You need a bit of background music or a mascot that can change up what your doing you need a different visual almost every three 2 four seconds or change up your voice, watch a movie and see how often the screen changes can give you an idea. Your video or stream is too quiet, also add some viewers and some donations, heard mentality.
@KnightWolfVT 7 месяцев назад
I'm a bit confused by this comment one there is music going on from the game two I don't need to force people to donate to me or force them to stay three heard mentality sucks I don't want that in my community. As for things like mascots and improved models there things I'm working on I'm only one man
@jakelionlight3936 7 месяцев назад
@@KnightWolfVT There was game music ,maybe it's an audio level thing? Don't force anyone to do anything, I was just thinking of ways for you to add a bit more excitement to hype up your viewers. In entertainment you really can't force anyone to do anything, but you can try to evoke emotion in its many forms and use psychology to your advantage. You should get some friends involved, like this is big money if your able to do something consistently the viewers like, I think skits with friends might spark viewer intrigue, well thought out ones. Drew Cary, he is old now, but did who's line is it anyways which was a fun show based on skits. Holostars pulls in about a thousand viewers each stream, last night they pulled in 3500 viewers and are just dude gamers like you that V tube. Hmmm, the secret sauce is in plain sight with video entertainment, use what works and move on if your looking to make money. user engagement is a good way, like polls on RU-vid that make can make you do some funny stuff or challenges that push you out of your comfort zone. V tubing is largely a component of para social relationships and completely dependent on how much time and effort your will to spend. None of it is easy and a challenge, not even sure why I am telling you this; I guess i just want to see you succeed. Not exactly easy for a guy as a gaming streamer to make ground on RU-vid because sex sells in a market dominated by guys, so Female streamers have an advantage and why some guys resort to using female avatars which is a bit pathetic imo and weird. Anyways have a good day. :) P.S. You should switch up your avatar to a mad scientist, your voice kind of fits with a lab coat and glasses.
@KnightWolfVT 7 месяцев назад
​@@jakelionlight3936thank you for making me feel like all my work and effort on my character and design is not right for me that will definitely motivate me to improve ugh. Also I'm not a big content creator with the backing of a big company I'm a one man operation and while I appreciate the feed back I can only do so much I'm not a machine let me work at my own pace and build how I want to