The Thrifty Typewriter
The Thrifty Typewriter
The Thrifty Typewriter
Video Essays on All Things Horror, Mystery, Fantasy, Sci-Fi & More
How Lost's "Pilot" Changed Television Forever
2 месяца назад
A Quiet Place: The Worst On-Screen Apocalypse
3 месяца назад
Knives Out: Rewriting the Mystery Genre
4 месяца назад
The Success & Failure of World War Z
5 месяцев назад
How "Internment" Set Up A Tragic End For Hershel
5 месяцев назад
The Hidden Story of I Am Legend's Ending(s)
5 месяцев назад
The Original Era: Still The Best Star Wars Era?
5 месяцев назад
30 Days of Night: The True Horror of Vampires
6 месяцев назад
How Will TWD Universe ACTUALLY End?
6 месяцев назад
@cyborgcuttlefish6326 6 минут назад
I loved this movie so much when I was a kid but i've somewhat forgotten it. i only remember it when i hear the term "super 8" in reference to the camera, i immediately think of this movie. so cool to see a video about it
@Crasion 6 минут назад
Thrifty makes goated content besides just TWD. It’s great content.
@anubusx 19 минут назад
The prequel sucked.
@Cheeseking8 28 минут назад
Bro you had me with that title for a second lol
@KelstenGamingUK 30 минут назад
The werewolf from prisoner of Azkaban is the worst movie werewolf I’ve ever seen 😂
@KelstenGamingUK 31 минуту назад
I asked my wife why she prefers the mummy to van Helsing. ‘Egyptian mythology and Brendan Fraser’ was her answer.
@kickconnection83 Час назад
I don't know...if i don't mow my lawn for three weeks it looks like a jungle....can't imagine 10 years.
@gizel4376 Час назад
i don't really understand why people say abraham was that much of a great character and that his death was overshadow, i mean yeah his death was overshadow, but it's preciselly because he was just a side-cast, if they had show his death in the finally, we would just had been relieve nobody important die, it would have decrease stake of the situation,both death had to be in the same episode, but if instead, first episode of s7 was last of s6, that would had been perfect, a good cliffhanger you wait a week, for last episode, get a huge relieve when abraham die and a huge shock a few moment later and we end the season with Rick mentally destroyed and the cliffhanger of : how are they gonna fight back?
@felipeparanhos1849 Час назад
The werewolfs from "the order" are pretty good as well
@felipeparanhos1849 Час назад
As a Kid i tought that the black and white part was like hundreds of years
@ceuky7362 Час назад
maybe do a little bit of fallout ?
@Banskibri 2 часа назад
They definitely destroyed this show trying to milk every ounce they could. The series finale was ruined by saving characters for spin-offs that we already knew were happening. This miniseries was rushed and horrible ending. And looking back it should have ended much sooner and been much darker during neagan time
@jojoplayz3008 2 часа назад
I’ve been talking about a cartoon for a while now myself, you could even have some of the OG cast reprise their roles since it would only require their voice.
@chrislss8 2 часа назад
Man. All the videos are great. You do good work.
@DaveLostIt 2 часа назад
What I think is! I don't care if it is real or not. I just hope they are not real 😅
@zahirecoates 2 часа назад
OMG let the show end already
@benconnolly8328 2 часа назад
All this universe needs is closure and to be put to bed. Walkers and Zombies are a thing of the past and who wants to watch a fresh series with nearly 200 episodes as well as a handful of spins offs. They need to put The Walking Dead to bed.
@darkmonger6244 2 часа назад
I love how RotS is the FINAL STAR WARS FILM EVER
@RickGrimes1266 3 часа назад
It was supposed to be Carl.....😢😢😫
@CokeIstDerMan 3 часа назад
„Yeah you are wrong because you dont base your facts on god“ okay bro
@vjvtobar9736 3 часа назад
I'm open to the idea of an animated series reboot but there's some parts that I like to better in the show than the comic but it's a new show so they can do what they want I'm going to hold off any judgment until it happens someone I do want to see from the show now is Jeffrey Grimes
@Hawk_90sGamer 3 часа назад
Everything about Dead City was perfect
@ryguyk9375 3 часа назад
It’s very hard to care about any of the kids. Judith isn’t a great character really and I forget RJ and Coco even exist sometimes.
@davudlinteanu8947 3 часа назад
So if it doesn't fall in the prequel era and it doesn't fall in the original era, then where tf is the bad batch?
@MartyMcFly88 4 часа назад
I really like the 2011 prequel, but the studio ruined it with CGI. It was originally filmed with practical effects.
@echolocationn 4 часа назад
The reason why this universe is dy_ng off is because it's already de_d in the comics. It's the same situation as Game of Thrones Season 6 to Season 8: The writers have to create the content, and they aren't as good as the OG comic/book writers. Fortunately, WD's writers aren't anywhere as bad as D_mb & D_mber who wrote GoT. However, the recent stuff is just fluff, and they're taking their sweet time writing it which means the actors are more likely won't want to do it as their careers are aiming elsewhere. But, AMC won't let this franchise d_e down (pun intended) as this is all they actually have.
@LeahB31 4 часа назад
I do enjoy your TWD videos Thrify, but you should do what you enjoy and want to do. Do your thing! 😊
@bigpapibigbrrrrr 4 часа назад
wow I have been watching you for a bit now, never knew you did cod zombies videos. would love more!!!
@alisonrice5126 4 часа назад
Thank you for the retrospectives which I've loved watching😊. Please keep doing your channel ,I'm staying subscribed and,sadly agree with much that's been said on the Walking Dead as it is now. Still holding out hope for a Rick/Darryl/ Morgan reunion at some point........
@LeahB31 4 часа назад
I think they did what they did to the CRM in TOWL because if Andy does come back for another show he doesn’t want a big battle against the CRM. He wants to get back to simple survivor horror.
@jabronisauce6833 4 часа назад
Please they where kids especially mika could have easily adopted to the world she was showing signs of that or have we forgotten humans are quite good at adapting and change all the time especially for survival and it is possible to harden someone over time and with first hand experiences. You even say it Carl “goes on to” yea he went on too as he was a dumb kid that couldn’t survive almost like yes children need protection until they’re adults or old enough to look after themselves the truth is the adults around these kids failed them and the same goes for carols child she was failed by the group who handled her situation horribly.
@PaulRobLevesque 4 часа назад
I think Shane should return as in from another multiverse Shane where he lives and kills Rick on that field and just before Carl gets bitten goes COME WITH ME IF U WANT TO LIVE ! =D
@bluezero8557 4 часа назад
There's a child sex scene in the book, it bugged me a lot and made me regret reading it, it all made senses llater when i found out Stephen king was friends with eipstine.
@sunsetsdripping 5 часов назад
rick and daryl reunion please 😭
@CallMeElChapo 5 часов назад
completely agree, I still enjoy the new shows and still love watching videos on it, but it feels like it's lost its soul. Will always adore the first 6 seasons of the main show and the first 3 seasons of Fear but they really need to freshen things up to keep people interested
@tylorgovero2256 5 часов назад
This movie was amazing, saw 3 times in theaters
@thedevilsrockstxr2309 5 часов назад
The Walking Dead is actually close to perfect if ur binging it...idec bout Glenn bcuz I see him everyday...yall old school watchers(I'm 27)had to wait months for the cliffhanger, I didn't so whatever yall were mad about I don't get mad about, again binging it makes everything better
@user-bz9ox3uh4e 5 часов назад
Maybe a supernatural video??:))
@candimcbee1617 5 часов назад
I almost didn’t watch this because I couldn’t give less of a shit about Judith but I do give a shit for thrifty so here I am
@kidwhoscrolls35 6 часов назад
I really don’t like Judith. I just believe that killing her off was a better ending than what we get now.
@kevinroark5815 6 часов назад
'Serana' 🤣🤣🤣 nice one, my friend. Nice one
@kevinroark5815 6 часов назад
Van Helsing was absolutely amazing.
@filmlife1000 6 часов назад
I miss Coral
@xXswtXx 7 часов назад
I’m was highly disappointed in TOWL, it made zero sense to me how Rick couldn’t escape for almost a decade yet him n Michonne managed to blow the CRM to kingdom come while hiding under a Home Depot tarp smh… the Daryl Dixon spin off & Dead City for that matter keeps me wanting more (ofc that’s why they did it) but totally agree with you, our main characters are getting old in real life, howeverrr, I would so love to see Daryl as an older Hershel character lol… idk how I feel about the kids taking the universe over, I think honestly I’d rather your last theory of the animated comic version. But as you, I too wanna see Rick n Daryl hug it out. The only issue I have with Dead city is Maggy is sooooo annoying as hell with her hatred for Negan. She’s Basicly made a mockery of the one thing that her n Glen made that is Hershel. I don’t think the Marshalls are CRM, I think the theater chick is. Also in Daryl Dixon I believe that creepy leader chick is CRM spy. In Dead City I want to see Negan find Annie in one of the groups he’s meant to conquer. I want Maggy to change the tampon ffs. In Darly Dixon I want Carol to find Daryl n while he’s telling her he can’t go back, I want Rick n Judith to show up. Then I’ll be “kinda” happy if the franchise dies. I think lol. Regardless thank you so much for these videos, your content makes me smile.
@robertkottwitz7210 7 часов назад
I think The Dark Universe was doomed it began. I the remember the initial coverage of this universe. It all sounded good until two things were said. We're aiming at making the Dark Universe PG-13 and exciting as possible. You bring up the best point, they weren't horror movies. They were action movies with horror aspects. The Dark Universe should have been a hard R horror franchise. It would have been great competition at that time.
@sentrygolddenn2552 7 часов назад
No please
@caseyhart4999 7 часов назад
Hey man do whatever you gotta do to keep the fire alive. I respect you for that. That said I will totally check out your videos any time whatever the topic may be.
@niedmay 7 часов назад
goosebumps anytime Caesar yells “no” and “go”
@niedmay 7 часов назад
I know theirs amazing trilogies out there, but by far my favorite is this one.
@chimedemon 8 часов назад
I think the fact that they did show that everyone knew and cared about each other made the massacre night fuck with me a lot. Everyone died, there wasn’t any slow motion, no super dramatic music, just the sound of people getting slaughtered and gunshots. Like I don’t even wanna imagine something like that happening to me… everyone you know and care about just getting eaten alive like that- and it’s not even by some mindless zombies- it’s by insanely strong, fast and intelligent creatures that enjoy torment… I think this movie is kind of what I wished the Sadness was. 30 Days contrasted the vampires with the humans by showing the actual humanity and love that people have for each other. That they’ll do stupid shit to try and protect one another- and the fact that again- everyone had a close relationship at the beginning of the film- and because of that it felt even more cruel and raw. With The Sadness- everyone’s a dick. Everyone’s cruel and selfish- and after committing some of the worst things someone can do to another person- the fucking “zombie” has the AUDACITY to look at the camera and say “you’re just like us”. Fuck. Off. The zombies in that film got to me the same way the vampires in this one did- because they were cruel and enjoyed what they were doing… in fact- I feel like if those zombies actually existed then I would kill myself, they’d make anyone turn into the worst of humanity and commit unspeakable acts on people… I didn’t have a problem with the zombies, I had a huge fucking problem with the people though. The characters. Though now that I think of it- if that movie made us care about the characters then I think it would’ve been probably a little too much to handle… I don’t know- still pissed about that. (God and it sucks too- like those Zombies literally make people just become sadistic killers- and have all of the person’s memories. There could’ve been so much potential of the humans being like “okay- all the shit we know THEY’LL know if we turn.” And they could show how it psychologically effected people instead of the dumb ass “well you voted for this guy so this is your fault” bullshit and aaaa! Okay I’ll shut up about that movie.) Anyway, really great fucking movie, definitely gonna watch 30 Days of Night again.