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How to Kick Less and Swim Faster!
21 час назад
How to Swim Smoothly and Easily!
2 месяца назад
How to Kick Easier in Freestyle!
4 месяца назад
How to Stop Your Legs from Sinking in Swimming
5 месяцев назад
How to Stop Over Rotating in Swimming!
6 месяцев назад
How to Save Energy with Your Freestyle Kick!
6 месяцев назад
Ryan Murphy's Backstroke Arm Depth Technique!
6 месяцев назад
@MX-fo2nu 12 часов назад
Cool but in real , not easy to Do, but i try an try until it works
@mohe6327 19 часов назад
I like how she is smiling while she is showing the difference between right and wrong swimming
@thatlittlevoice8292 День назад
... but can't you use a high elbow recovery without the hesitation?
@robertadams7834 День назад
This is profound! For three months I have tried to practice Tracey Baumann’s Swim Mastery where the outside arm is an “outrigger” doing fingertip drag (old school as you call it). I noticed my speed suffered! I am going to adopt your technique. Thank you so much!
@nilofarbawa2377 День назад
Thank you! 🙏
@SWIMVICE День назад
😎Start your journey today with SWIMVICE at swimvice.com/
@ruelselga1350 2 дня назад
Thank you so much very helpful I’m from the Philippines most of our population knows how to swim unfortunately not me…
@ad4mkelly 2 дня назад
This Video is the one ive been looking for Thank you Keep up the good work 👌
@hamahawta 2 дня назад
After swimming 2k in the ocean I feel the pain in my lower back. I just did the standing and demonstrating the posture you explained in the video a couple times. I will be doing a 3km swim tomorrow and will post another comment post the swim. I think i know now how to keep my posture(at least I hope I know lol). I hope this will work, and thanks for the tips and hopefully this lower back pain will stop
@edu1113 2 дня назад
11-12 stroke in a 20m pool 😢
@jefffoster8614 3 дня назад
Didn’t explain much at all.
@markcoyle234 3 дня назад
I’ve just started to train myself to breathe bi-laterally. I’m very “right-sided” and always breathe on the right but have ended up with a muscle strain in my neck, which has motivated me to re-learn my stroke but this time to breathe on the left as well. Most of my swimming is done off a beach in Spain and I quickly found another benefit of being able to breathe bi-laterally. If there is a swell or waves and I’m doing a loop parallel to the beach, being able to breathe on the opposite side to the direction the waves are going means I’m reducing the risk of my head being swamped by a wave as I breathe and drinking the Mediterranean as a result!
@kurokamei 3 дня назад
Thank you for sharing the tips. What about breathing? I usually do 1 breath every 2 stokes. I found that even I try to slow down, I still get that chest pain, your body signal telling you to breath. I can't do laps because of this, as I would be too out of breath, some how. I've been swimming for 3months now. Do I need to practice holding my breath to build endurance with the lungs?
@danielsaldanaarredondo2573 5 дней назад
When I try to swim with the board My legs go down, began to sink why?
@thatlittlevoice8292 5 дней назад
There's another extreme where i sometimes find myself exposing the palm of one hand to oncoming water when breathing on the other side. Any suggestions?
@flyboymic7182 5 дней назад
Really good swimming, just I need turns at wall also. Turning at wall is taking more energy as well
@jamesradinski8471 6 дней назад
You have the smoothest, most effortless (looking) mechanics. Super jelly over here
@danilempke4245 6 дней назад
What would be a good tempo for 50 freestyle?
@traceymorland5229 7 дней назад
How do you kick quickly, i.e., like a six-beat kick, while maintaining the effortless form? I can two-beat kick with low effort, but as soon as I increase the frequency I feel exhausted and I actually swim slower.
@cinmac3 7 дней назад
What about when using a snorkel . What sneaks in my mouth sometimes or nose.? U know you didn't use it is one,•
@whitesamsara 8 дней назад
Wow 🎉 brilliant video thanks for sharing. You must need to use so much of your core muscles then. I will try this
@jorgmuhlbach6541 8 дней назад
thx for this!
@moelholmcccapitalconsultin1458 8 дней назад
I like your simple and concrete tips. I will try all three in my next swim.
@e.m.5499 8 дней назад
Perfect! My swim coach here once told me: "your swimming should be as natural as walking across the street or pushing the grocery cart." I'm still working on achieving this level of skill & relaxation in the pool. Again, great video & perfectly explained & demonstrated! Peace.
@victaurus 8 дней назад
Bien explicado cada movimiento 💙💙🏊🏊🏊🐟🐟🐬😘😘
@vigneshbabuvignesh4032 8 дней назад
Hi man how is your health
@SWIMVICE 9 дней назад
😎Ready to master the two-beat kick? Start your journey today with SWIMVICE at swimvice.com/
@IvyPerez_DreamBuilder 9 дней назад
All the mistakes I’m trying to correct. This was very helpful. Now to apply ☺️
@christinewangari9463 10 дней назад
@artmakersworlds 10 дней назад
Well I've gone through a bunch of videos and so far yours comes closest to my problem. So.... I am a snorkeler. In lake Michigan and have been for oh, 50 years now. Ish. BUT for the past week I've gone every day straight and spent hours out there each day. WAY more than usual. Now most of the time I am very relaxed, basically just floating and kicking with my flippers on. Sometimes kicking and sometimes more like a frog, both legs out then together. (slower, easier to hoover over stuff I want to see that way.) BUT for the past week, I've done a ton of surface diving, then I sort of swim like a dolphin, feet together and bending at the waist to get to the bottom in about 15' of water. BUT lately to make time back to where I started I have done a bunch of free style swimming too, mainly because my arms don't get much of a work out. Now I'm using a snorkel so don't really have to turn to breath. Not really in a hurry, slow goes it. And sometimes I lay on my side, lower arm forward and scissor kick which is very fast and relaxed but kind of twists my back. Perhaps I did too much of that? Never bothered me before, BUT after about 4 days straight, my lower back is sore. Taking today off. (And building a fire out back so again lots of bending, not much of a day off really.) SO.... WHAT can you do about it now? I see your points on core and balance, I really don't think that's my issue. Just a ton of exercise all of a sudden, and a whole ton of bending, and mind you when using fins most of your thrust is on the up stroke, meaning like a sit up. Great for stomach muscles but clearly that's done something to my back. Any suggestions on dealing with this before I do damage? (Hopefully not stay out of the water, this is Sept and the lake being snorkel warm this late in the year is rare. I'm taking advantage while I can. Probably all next week at least.)
@heidigfx 10 дней назад
I need to rest every 25 m. I feel like i have been running not swimming! The most i did nonstop was 50 m without fins and 100 with fins. Do ypu happen to have a video with drills to make my kicks more efficient? Slower, 1 kick per stroke?
@SirSidi 11 дней назад
Thank you so much. Bringing my knees to my chest is the mistake that i was making and I had no idea why I can not even get my head underwater to start the flip. Thanks a lot ❤
@florencekariuki5192 11 дней назад
@florencekariuki5192 11 дней назад
@pobywww 11 дней назад
트라이애슬론 장거리 영법의 정답이라고 생각합니다
@z4p0tek 13 дней назад
I just learned today, that I am trying to gasp too much air when I inhale -> I am out of breath in 25m swim. I have watched about 25-30 ”Freestyle breathing” -videos and none of them talks about this. Today my pool session was so much better, I just sipped less air when inhaling. I love your videos. Thank you.
@i_accept_all_cookies 14 дней назад
Good advice, audio is fine
@Unwavering137 14 дней назад
Thanks Coach Mandy. I grew up Body Surfing and Surfing in Santa Cruz County. These are great techniques that are useful to learn. I've surfed big waves in the past and these are helpful if we ever need to swim home. A full wetsuit gives you lots of extra bouyancy plus the salt water helps you float more.
@Ann-ud8pc 15 дней назад
When lifting head up inhale or exhale ?
@northsta 15 дней назад
Perfect. Maybe to add for those who struggle to keep one eye under the water when breathing like me before this Summer, rotating the shoulders a bit more towards vertical (not the head) does the job
@philipdrewry6706 15 дней назад
This is definitely a problem I have. Will try this breathing method at my next swim. Thank you. 😊
@jammy-44 15 дней назад
Thanks for the video. You need to invest in a mic tho
@mrm8839 15 дней назад
Your advice is always so helpful and well considered. Thank you.
@futnostalgia 15 дней назад
out of interest how long have you been swimming, the reason I ask is roughly how long before a new swimmer can achieve anything like the smothness of your swim, I know this depends on the individual but any ideas?
@jaykidd707 15 дней назад
thank you i will try this tomorrow and let you know how the adjustments go
@SgtAlchemist 15 дней назад
invest on audio quality more please
@SWIMVICE 15 дней назад
😎Want to breathe easier and more efficiently? Start your journey today at swimvice.com/
@optomine 16 дней назад
@UW-SP 16 дней назад
Yds vs Meters🤯 pools in UK are meters So your 1m:12 pace for 100yds is about 1m:18 pace for 100mtrs Thanks for video
@Reachland02 16 дней назад
Better explanation than my coach who I paid 500 bucks for the swimming lesson. He kept pushing me to adopt to having water inside my nose which is the worst.