Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments
Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments
Risto Linturi & Random Futures Experiments
I am a futurist interested in radical technologies. A number of my reports have been published by the Parliament of Finland, Committee for the Future and several ministries. I have extensive background on ICT executive positions and edutech. I have appeared as a keynote in various global seminars including World Congress on IT and had numerous interviews in global media. In this channel I publish experiments I do on areas that seem important rule changers. Some in Finnish, some in English.
Murrock2024 by AI-Risto ja Suno
5 месяцев назад
Rottaooppera! AI_Risto & Sonauto.ai
5 месяцев назад
The Story of the Violin, presented by Visla
5 месяцев назад
@ss-5553 13 дней назад
On varmaan Urkki pyörinyt jo tuhansia kertoja.
@AncientNightMareKing 20 дней назад
is this on the UE5 store where i can buy it
@Risto_Linturi 20 дней назад
You can find directions from Convai web pages, and yes, you do need a plugin. convai.com/
@AncientNightMareKing 20 дней назад
@@Risto_Linturi thank you have a look awesome work
@DreamcatcheRAI 21 день назад
great work Risto.
@sarierpo1204 21 день назад
Appissa ei juurikaan ole eroja, tämä on hyvä
@TimoHaukilahti1 Месяц назад
@varispekka Месяц назад
Kaunis ja opettavainen tarina, kiitos Risto. Myös visuaalinen ulkoasu oli tyylikäs ja hallittu kokonaisuus. Ehkä pientä palapelimäistä tunnelmaa, ja esteettisen tyylikielen vaihtelua aina uudn kuvan tullessa, mutta tätä saat varmaan hallintaasi kun propmtaat tarkemmin, osuvammin, teknisemmin, esteettisesti speficimmin. Onnea!!
@magicology Месяц назад
Awesome video! How did you hear about 10zebra?
@Risto_Linturi Месяц назад
I think it was a mention in some RU-vid video in connection with Haiper, but I am not sure. I found 10zebra quite helpful. This was my first try.
@alexandrgavrilov2030 Месяц назад
можете записать урок?как с audio2gesture анимацию body перенести в iclone на персонажа или сразу на metahuman в unreal engine
@Risto_Linturi Месяц назад
This was long ago, I do not remember clearly any longer. I followed Reallusion directions. I produced either USD or FBX, which I generated in Omniverse and then loaded into iClone8.
@DreamcatcheRAI Месяц назад
tää oli kyllä hieno...subasin kanavan :)
@Leppis2 Месяц назад
Hieno on.
@markomiinin4569 Месяц назад
@heranmouada9864 2 месяца назад
Magic, excitement, enchantments, wonders, imagination, music, action, fantasy, thrills, and adventures. Wandering fairy, that's really beautiful. What an enchanting melody for me to hear tonight. I love it. A fairy in the forest with woodland animals. I love fairies, always have and always will. Nothing ceases to amaze me with magic. I never give up believing in fairies and magic with all my heart because I still refuse to grow up, and forget about the precious things I knew, especially those from my childhood. I am like Peter Pan and have his youthful spirit. My one and only wish is to keep the magic alive for all time. And I also wish to be a fairy to stay strong, childlike, young, and beautiful forever and ever like her, Tinker Bell, and the other fair folks. I hate getting and being old, which is awfully terrible to be unattractive, weak, slow, and ugly like a hag with floppy saggy skin, weak bones, a bald head, a toothless mouth, and a wrinkled face. Bleh! Yuck! I don't buy that and I seriously don't want to be old. Being old is worse. If I was in a magical place like Fairyland or Neverland, I would not have to worry about ridiculous civilized laws, strictly bossy people, and stupid grown-up stuff. Problem free. I want to be my true self as a young girl that I really am. No rules, no chores, no responsibilities, no schools, no homework, no cops, no parents, and best of all, no growing up. Forever young. Prevent from aging and growing old. As long as I stay there, I will remain young for eternity as Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, and have fun. Live our childhood and carefree life as before and escape adulthood. The real world I'm living in just gets too much for me to take. When I find too many troubles on my mind, it feels just like there's no escape. Come away and dream away. Let imagination light your way to take you as far as your heart can see. Dream away to a place where hope is shining and find your silver lining. Think happy thoughts to make you fly. All it takes is faith, trust and pixie dust. Anything is real if you just believe. I, Heran Fatima Gertraud Mouada, am a lover of fantasy, adventures, fun, magic, and creatures. Master and guardian of imagination. Keeper of secrets and treasures. I may be shy, short-tempered and autistic, but fun-loving, adventurous, creative, high-spirited, athletic, free-spirited, artistic, and sometimes a little mischievous. Second star to the right and straight on till morning. The world needs magic and it cannot die. No growing up, yuck! I am a child within, the child of God and the fair folks 🧚🧚‍♂🧚‍♀🎼🎵🎶
@kimmokorpi3756 2 месяца назад
Ei jatkoon
@Risto_Linturi 2 месяца назад
huomasithan, että tuo oli todella vanha valokuvasta animoitu demo ajalta, jolloin äänen kloonauskaan ei vielä sujunut.
@mariljohpe 3 месяца назад
@jyrkiparkkinen5821 3 месяца назад
@klausrahikainen1305 3 месяца назад
Kiitos, kun näytät mikä on mahdollista!
@KallePihlajasaari 3 месяца назад
Hmm, Ei kestä kauan kuin tulee todella vaikeaksi olla varma onko joku sanonut jotain jos ei ole ollut itse paikan päällä tai joku muu semmoinen luotettava todistaja.
@LinnaBikeShop 3 месяца назад
Kiitos paljon - todella hyvä !
@marjasarja6601 3 месяца назад
Olipa paljon painavaa asiaa!
@Italowesterni 4 месяца назад
Kelpaisihan ne uutisten lukijoiksi. Pokeri pysyy ja silmät ei kauheesti tauon kohdalla räpsy. 😂
@babykimichan 4 месяца назад
@DanielMoskal-xn9gb 4 месяца назад
I have Beta access to LTX too. Have you noticed how the AI story generator always has a happy ending with a lesson learned?
@Risto_Linturi 4 месяца назад
This is typical to LLM:s and how they have learned the typical structures of fables. If you wish something more, you should write the synopsis yourself to include the events and scenes you wish and then after getting the storyboard, to change and add scenes.
@SPaseion22.handleThisCannabis 4 месяца назад
@marjasarja6601 4 месяца назад
@vanderlowe 4 месяца назад
Puhuja jaarittelee Suomea oikeaoppisella monotonialla!
@EsaKonga 4 месяца назад
@minnats 5 месяцев назад
Millainen on mielekäs ja kestävä tulevaisuus? Siihen voimme itse vaikuttaa ja sitä pohtia. Jos robotit voittaa ,kaiken ne laittaa valmiiksi meille elämän teille, kuten laulussa todetaan.
@helivakimies-do9hw 5 месяцев назад
Joulu alkaa lokakuussa,silloin suunnitellaan Pyhäinpäivää,sukulaiskutsuja pidetään,joululahjoja sovitaan ja aletaan suunnitella Joulua,vuoden parasta ja suurinta juhlaa ,eläköön Joulu aina!
@jpatrikkoskinen 5 месяцев назад
Aivn mahtava! Voiko tälle antaa jonkun olemassa olevan melodian, johon saisi laulun? Voisiko esim. uudelleen sanoittaa jonkun, vaikka jouluyön omilla lyriikoilla?
@Risto_Linturi 5 месяцев назад
Sonauto tuottaa sävelet itse ja laulunkin siis eli toimii samalla tavalla kuin Suno. Kits'llä voisit erottaa sävelen sanoista ja sitten laulaa itse uudet sanat päälle ja konvertoida haluamallesi laulajaäänelle. Tai sitten voisit laittaa melodian Synthesizer V'hen ja kirjoittaa haluamasi sanat sinne ja lisätä sitten melodiaan sopivan orkestroinnin vaikka Band in a Boxissa.
@jpatrikkoskinen 5 месяцев назад
​@@Risto_LinturiKiitos näistä neuvoista. Olin juurikin miettimässä miten saisi tekoälyn laulamaan omat sanoitukset olemassa olevaan melodiaan.
@Risto_Linturi 5 месяцев назад
Synthesizer V on se, jota olen itse käyttänyt ja joku toinenkin mielestäni on, mutta kumpikaan ei laula suomeksi. Nuo ovat ainoat, jotka laulavat annetun melodian ja sellaista, joka laulaisi annetun melodian suomeksi olen etsinyt, mutta en ole löytänyt. Nämä Suno ja Sonauto laulavat ihan hyvin suomea, mutta tekevät melodian itse.
@Italowesterni 5 месяцев назад
Musahan alkaa sujua. Video on vähän kuin absurdissa kauhuleffassa.. AI:n videotuotto on mielenkiintoisella tavalla totaalisen päätöntä. Siitä kyllä hyvin ymmärtää miksi mihinkään netissä näkyvään videoon ei enää voi luottaa.😂
@Risto_Linturi 5 месяцев назад
Vähän isommalla ajankäytöllä hahmot saisi säilymään ja hallusinoinnin pieneksi. Mutta tämä on sitä, mitä Kaiber tekee kertaotolla.
@Italowesterni 5 месяцев назад
Tässä videossa aika suora yhteys siihen miten unet kehittyy päässä. Kuvat vaihtuu ja sekoittuu. Mielenkiintoista. Sävellys kiva.
@heikkilehmusto-i7x 5 месяцев назад
Kenen äänen kopio?
@Risto_Linturi 5 месяцев назад
Ei varmaan suoraan kenenkään, eikä pyytämällä sellaista tuota. Mutta on muita sovelluksia, joilla äänen voi vaihtaa haluamakseen, esimerkiksi Kits.
@mariljohpe 6 месяцев назад
Selvää edistymistä.
@hedelmaseta5359 6 месяцев назад
Hui kauhia! Tämänkaltaiset kokeilut saavat minun niskavillani pystyyn sekä jos tämmöinen noita ilmestyisi yhtäkkiä pimeällä kadulla vastaan niin saatanpa lähteä hippulat vinkuen pakoon sekä hyppään pää edellä kaivoon piiloon hädän hälventymisen ajaksi. Mainiota työtä Risto!
@sorin86ytd 6 месяцев назад
out of date.
@Risto_Linturi 6 месяцев назад
Yes, thank you for reminder. I must change the title to show this no longer works, but I want to save this to show how GPT-3 was used 3 years ago.
@reisueschner 6 месяцев назад
Aika etevää ! Hyvä alku !
@projectdrivecitygrid 6 месяцев назад
How long it takes to drive across it?
@Risto_Linturi 6 месяцев назад
it is 8km * 8km. Robot seems to run at speed I would estimate to take c. 30 minutes across. Walking the diagonal might take two hours, flying across perhaps few minutes.
@EskoTV-VIDEO 6 месяцев назад
Laulu on hieno. Ihmisten liikkeet ja kitarajutut hieman erikoisia. 😅🎶🎼🎹
@jannetamminen 6 месяцев назад
Vois ihan hyvin tulla iskelmäradiosta enkä epäilis AI:ksi.
@WICScienceChannel 7 месяцев назад
Todella vaikuttavaa!
@Pseudo_9 7 месяцев назад
Imagine asking a tyrannical leader if they are a tyrant. Imagine asking a spy if they are committing espionage. Imagine asking a a person scamming you if they are scamming you. Now realize that this video was produced by AI text prompts and that the topic is on whether AI could lead us to a Utopia or a Dystopia....
@Risto_Linturi 6 месяцев назад
And you then truly imagine AI is sentient and has aims of its own? Beware of scams.
@Pseudo_9 6 месяцев назад
@@Risto_Linturi Thanks for insulting a colleague for simply pointing out a video's self serving bias in concept. I'm sure you'll do better in the future and I wish that I could wish you luck going forwards. Dont expect a response.
@Risto_Linturi 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for your condenscending initial advice and the continuation of it. I responded as you started, and pointed out the lack of agency of the AI in this matter, which you obviously decided not to see. And the video clearly stated both Utopia and Dystopia as possible outcomes, which would not be if you were correct. And as you yourself must realize, the prompt did include my strong main lines of the narrative and AI only filled in details, which agreed to my own view. Thus your opinion lacked merit in two ways and it was as I said, overtly patronizing enough to be irritating. And I am not being paid to advocate AI, I am just being a professional futures researcher. @Pseudo_9
@MindBodySoulOk 7 месяцев назад
So many mid to high income jobs will be replaced by AI that the economy will pretty much collapse. There won't be anyone to buy anything. It's going to happen very fast. It will be a total upheaval. Third world countries will fair the best since they won't experience the replacement as quickly.
@Risto_Linturi 6 месяцев назад
If people were that quick in adapting to change, we would not need to worry. But yes - we will face turmoil during the next ten to twenty years.
@joonaspylvinen5595 7 месяцев назад
Onko tämä demo saatavissa jossain
@Risto_Linturi 7 месяцев назад
Tämä on yksittäinen esimerkki (uudesta) demosta, joita 2023-hankkeessa oli 10 tunnin verran jäsennyksineen ja selostuksineen, sadasta eri AI-sovelluksesta. 2024 -hanke alkaa maaliskuussa. Linkki hanke-esitteeseen on tässä: www.linkedin.com/pulse/teko%C3%A4lysovellukset-2024-selvitys-risto-linturi-7owxf/
@Italowesterni 10 месяцев назад
Vain loppu puuttuu😊
@highq1496 10 месяцев назад
Musiikissa parantamista. T.H.T.
@jpatrikkoskinen 11 месяцев назад
Miten ja millä työkaluilla tämä on tehty?
@Risto_Linturi 11 месяцев назад
Kuten videon esittelytekstissä kerron, video on tehty InVideo AI:n avulla. Suomeksi sen on kääntänyt Eleven Labs dubbausominaisuutensa avulla.
@jpatrikkoskinen 11 месяцев назад
​@@Risto_LinturiNo niinpä olikin. Mobiilissa RU-vidssa parin klikkauksen takana. Kiitos kuitenkin vastauksesta! Hienoa työtä!
@TheVasabo 11 месяцев назад
Hienoa! Kiitos!
@zhuoyicma9210 11 месяцев назад
Quite good performance in English and Finnish, but the Chinese sounds like a western person learning his first 10 lessons of Chinese. Typical western consonants behaviours but not Chinese
@Risto_Linturi 11 месяцев назад
Thank you. It is good for me to know. And I do have similar experience from using US based speakers voices to TTS in Finnish. The phonemes are off and it sounds like an American trying to speak Finnish. But for some reason, British based voices in the same Eleven Labs sound almost ok speaking Finnish, and my own voice, even though I had to teach it in English, does speak decent Finnish. But yes - as Eleven Labs tries to maintain - not only the voice itself, but also the manner of speaking, it often sounds like a foreigner if the voice is not tauht by a local. I think Eleven Labs can speak good Chinese if I use those voices taught by native Chinese speakers, but then they would not be "me" speaking. I think next year this is again much better. But what interests me most is - was it understandable?
@zhuoyicma9210 11 месяцев назад
I wonder if you were using the Voice Clone in Elevenlab. I used several high-quality Chinese speech corpus read by the same person, but the cloning output still has some weird intonations that are totally incorrect in Chinese, I think the reason behind this is that Chinese is quite a different language to other languages due to its own tone system and rule, and Elevenlab might override these rules while synthesizing like the way it does to other countries. Maybe try Thai? Cuz Thai has its tone rules as well. By the way, the Finnish quality is really good and reminds me of the memory when I studied at Aalto University. @@Risto_Linturi
@Risto_Linturi 11 месяцев назад
@@zhuoyicma9210 yes, the quality in Finnish is good when I use it with mu own voice or cloning that originates from a British speaker, but very accented if I use American born based clones. Here I was intentionally using my own voice clone, first using it to imitate my native Finnish, then using my voice in English that I taught it with (light & fast cloning only) and then using my clone to speak in Chinese. And now I checked. There is no way to teach Eleven Labs Clone properly in Chinese. Just like there is no way to teach it properly in Finnish. The professional cloning is presently only available in the languages supported in V1 model, English, Spanish, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, French and Hindi. They have been quite progressive and successful in adding new features and languages. I hope they add native Chinese teaching soon.
@tuija 11 месяцев назад
Riemastuttava! Kiitos kokeilun jakamisesta
@ennieminymoo6675 11 месяцев назад
AI art sucks