I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I believe the full Bible and look forward to the day I hear well done I love praying for those in need we also do tent revivals at hour for Revival ministries
Born Of Adversity By: Brother H.R.!!!
9 часов назад
Behold The Lamb By: Brother H.R.!!!
Месяц назад
@iConstallate День назад
Amen Brother! Thank you! You once again confirmed
@iConstallate 2 дня назад
@iConstallate 2 дня назад
How am I able to send you a photograph?
@HourForRevival 2 дня назад
​@@iConstallateHourForRevival @yahoo.com
@SELBYTODD369 3 дня назад
Keep doing Gods work brother! He's gonna bless it in Jesus name, amen!
@DonnaMeekRitch 4 дня назад
Our emotions can make us sick physically and mentally if we allow it to
@SELBYTODD369 11 дней назад
Love you brother! Keep fighting for the Lord! We'll keep watching!
@DonnaMeekRitch 11 дней назад
Revelation 12:11
@DonnaMeekRitch 11 дней назад
He doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called
@SELBYTODD369 14 дней назад
I know you're in pain brother, but like a warrior you took it like a man of God and still did your work! Love you Henry, so very happy for you!
@iConstallate 15 дней назад
Amen Brother! I am on day 2 of fasting ! Thank you for the Soul Food! It takes 40 days to reach Starvation..
@SELBYTODD369 28 дней назад
You are mighty in the Lord Pastor Henry!
@iConstallate 29 дней назад
In the name of The Christ Jesus , our Savior!
@HourForRevival 29 дней назад
@@iConstallate Amen
@tips_lifehacks_tricks 29 дней назад
Love ya brother HR. It was great talking to you last night. Sorry we woke you up. God bless you my friend
@HourForRevival 29 дней назад
All good my brother I'm so glad to be back in touch with you thank you so much for subscribing love you
@DonnaMeekRitch 29 дней назад
Any thing 😊
@SELBYTODD369 Месяц назад
God bless all, nice singing
@SELBYTODD369 Месяц назад
Henry give me a call buddy, God is telling me to reach out
@HourForRevival Месяц назад
@@SELBYTODD369 brother I need your number John said he sent you mine lol
@SELBYTODD369 Месяц назад
Henry what's your new number? I want to help your ministry
@thelmawehunt4272 Месяц назад
@coreystewart3204 Месяц назад
Ahhh Lary my beloved and dearest friend. How I miss you, I could really use one of our talks right about now... But your race is won, and the rest you enjoy now, I wouldn't dream of interrupting it.. .
@HourForRevival Месяц назад
We Have Heard throughout the ages that Jesus and his followers did not preach against politicians if you think that your foolish your brainwashed go back what killed John the Baptist the cousin of Jesus the very bloodline the family member of the king of kings notice that in his name King of Kings a king was a political figure so why would the one who is the king not deal with politics watch this John died over political matters because he told the king who is basically our presidents today that he was in sin and if him and his wife did not repent they would answer to God that got him killed he was preaching against the political arena of his day Jesus stood before Caesar and pilot two political leaders and he told them the truth well he told pilot the truth he didn't say nothing to Caesar but he did speak to pilot my point being Jesus did and so did his family speak out against politically correct people at that time Daniel did Isaiah so many others spoke against politics let's go a little bit deeper Jesus is on great great grand daddy that he decided to choose to be born too was a politician David the king was political Jesus was born of an extremely rare bloodline I just thought I'd bring that point out for everybody that loves to talk again that you shouldn't bring up politics in your preaching oh so did the disciples when Jesus said they would go before the leaders and the councils and before mighty Men and given account of Jesus and their faith in him and many would be put to death watch this Paul and every one of the disciples at one point stood before political leaders and spoke out against the cultures and against the corruption of their day so should we and John did it in Jesus did it and Daniel did it and David did it my friend I'm going to do it too if you don't like it God bless you I pray for you but there is political matters that need to be dealt with from biblical standards and if somebody don't stand up and speak against it then it will keep being wrong God has sent us the prophets of this generation to set it right before he sends the judgment to the nation notice this the Bible speaks of how there is different Ministries you operate in in the church one of those Ministries that is listed understand what it is is the ministry of government that's in your Bible God deals with political matters from biblical standards have a wonderful day my friends -Brother H.R.!!!
@SELBYTODD369 2 месяца назад
@SELBYTODD369 2 месяца назад
Awesome brother
@SELBYTODD369 2 месяца назад
God doesn't choose the qualified, He qualifies the chosen. Awesome word from God Henry. Give me your number, I want to talk to you
@HourForRevival Месяц назад
@DonnaMeekRitch 2 месяца назад
Amen and Amen glory to God
@SELBYTODD369 2 месяца назад
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Repent or perish!
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
@DonnaMeekRitch 2 месяца назад
Woooow you go girl 🎉😊
@DonnaMeekRitch 2 месяца назад
He doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called ❤
@DonnaMeekRitch 2 месяца назад
It's always good to hear my favorite southern preacher 😊
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Accept Jesus while you are still living in your skin before you die in your sin.
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Ephesians 2:14
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Psalms 50:10
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Proverbs 10:22
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Phillipians 4:19
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
John 16:15
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Romans 7:25-26
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
1 Samuel 20:42
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
2 Samuel 9:1
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
We are ambassadors for Christ on this earth if we have the Holy Ghost.
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
2 Corinthians 5:11-12
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
2 Timothy 2:12
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. This time on earth is the proving ground. Will you submit to Jesus and do his will with all your heart.
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
By whose stripes you were healed!
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Isaiah 53:5
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
John 6:37-39
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Hell Shaking in 🥾
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Mark 15:23-39. It is finished!
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
How to become a benefactor of God's blessings.
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
We are partakers in the glory of God!
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Ephesians 1:13
@kindrawhite7442 2 месяца назад
Romans 8:16-18😊