@musicmastrbass 12 лет назад
The coolest part is at 4:22 right after the song is over. Jeff turns to the side of the stage where Ed is, and Ed gives him a thumbs up. Nothing cooler than seeing mutual respect between members of my two favorite bands.
@vruls 13 лет назад
@radiogirl85 lol finally someone got thom and jonny right
@radiogirl85 13 лет назад
Nice job but it's missing a little something. Namely, Thom, Jon and Colin.
@kaseryn 14 лет назад
Wtf why wasnt this on the dvd damnit
@anythingfinn 14 лет назад
effing love it guys XX
@SolidSnyder 14 лет назад
Thanks for uploading this!
@ChrisStone7 15 лет назад
Jeff Tweedy really does this justice. I really need to hear a better recording of this though...
@fo0lywk 15 лет назад
While I can agree that Tweedy's vocals can't quite match those of Thom's, there can be no doubt that wilco and radiohead are the two greatest bands currently active, and any opportunity to see members from both appear on the same set is truly something to be appreciated
@iRECKONER 15 лет назад
he cant sing worth a donkey terd
@zerochance01 15 лет назад
Radiohead have made great albums since OK Computer.... Kid A - Amnesiac...Hail to the Theif....In Rainbows.....They're AMAZING!!!
@zerochance01 15 лет назад
that guy cant sing ugh!
@googenshlagen 15 лет назад
Cool idea/band...but the vocals.....ehhh...I know, I know, but still.
@osco4311 15 лет назад
@GeekSexSymbol 15 лет назад
The thought of that much awesomeness on the same stage at the same time just made my head explode. Bloosh!
@bradsmith236 15 лет назад
With respect to the previous commenter... the version of Bodysnatchers was average at best. Neil's voice and attitude could not really pull it off well. Just my opinion.
@adventureskope 15 лет назад
i was there - it was such an amazing show - this was a real highlight. the version they played of 'Bodysnatchers' was un-real!
@dexigner01 15 лет назад
a nice cover of such a touchy song ... hurts each time i listen to it ...
@RadioMuse1 15 лет назад
Or just a tour with the two of them... Radiohead with special guests Wilco. That would easily be the best show I've ever seen assuming both bands play average shows (for them).
@butthemeatwasbad 15 лет назад
Ed is sure having fun. GO ED!
@holzy4565 15 лет назад
i enjoyed that just because it was radiohead, johnny marr, and wilco put together really. interesting to say the least
@the_oslovian 15 лет назад
Thank god for Ed :) Really! He does that athmospheric bottom stuff, that makes it good.. That vocals really suck. And Phil also helps of course.. though the drums on this song isn't that hard ;)
@toodrunktodream 15 лет назад
Congratulations on being awesome. This is fantastic. Honestly there's no need for negative sorts of comments here...this performance, and the bodysnatchers performance, are one-of-a-kind masterpieces.
@StuMcKinlay 15 лет назад
Not sure if anyone picked the similarity in theme between this and one of Wilco's hits (Handshake Drugs). Anyway... was awesome being here and hearing my favourite band playing one of my favourite songs... with the help of a couple of the original band.
@hamdigidy 15 лет назад
pretty cool, i dig what johney marr does with the guitar, definatly good person to have in mr. greenwoods shoes.
@LeonardoQuinino 15 лет назад
very good
@daskdask 15 лет назад
What you wanted???? Really???????? Come on now... Good attempt guys, really. But if Radiohead together playing this is a 10/10, this is like a 4/10 or a 5/10.
@johnnyecho 15 лет назад
i dont think so. perhaps he felt "what" also fits ... (although i really don't like it when he changes up the lyrics in "heavy metal drummer")
@mce161 15 лет назад
What night was this?
@kemikalrxn 15 лет назад
Pretty stunning cover version. Although I kinda cringed when he got the if I could be who you wanted line wrong. On purpose?
@Fostr36 15 лет назад
Thanks a million for getting this up on here.
@wikum3 15 лет назад
vocals were pretty good but nothing on thom - absolutely loved the instruments though! great guitar work
@STEVEFINNERTY 15 лет назад
@supecte 15 лет назад
this is surprisingly good... although i miss jonny abusing his guitar
@chrischrisson 15 лет назад
I know its because Im jealous but . . . spoon fed liam finn!
@ih8music 15 лет назад
that was awesome
@ThomYorkesHead 15 лет назад
My god this is amazing. Jeff Tweedy singing Radiohead, backed by actual Radiohead members. A dream come true.
@AsFewFalseThingsAsPossible 15 лет назад
Cool did you record the whole concert ? ?