@dimitri1154 Месяц назад
Good birds dont fly away from this game, i only have myself to blame
@lutfhiathallah2066 2 месяца назад
One way to get every warning from the colonel is to complete a mission badly. Such as the mission being completed but all team members being killed, the main task failing or killing all team members before the mission is completed. 0:01 The first warning I got was after mission 3 "Combined Arms" . I killed all Abrams Tank crew and all my team members just to capture the Abrams tank . I completed the mission easily but I got the first cutscene warning 0:13 The second warning I got was on mission 4 "camping". I complete the mission but the sergeant and other members of my team killed by enemy in the forest. Leaving me alone and I drove the jeep alone to the base. I got a second cutscene warning 0:27 The third warning I got was in "Strange meeting" mission. By killing all friendly units and immediately driving the truck to the evacuation site. Note: You can complete this mission quickly with the shortcut . With driving the truck directly to the evacuation site without following orders to fight without penalties or warning cutscenes. and the mission was considered a success . But I Got Warning Cutscene because i kill all my team members 0:41 And Colonel Brake fired me in "Night Patrol" Mission . Although I managed to prevent spetsnat sabotage. but I killing my commander But the difference . if in this cutscene 1:00 the colonel's face seems cynical. In the cutscene that I got. The Colonel turned his head away. and couldn't look at my face. How come ? I was fired mostly not because I was incompetent. But because how could so easy for me to kill many of my comrades But I felt happy because Amstrong . The character thaf I played was only warned and fired. not sentenced to death for killing many of his comrade
@GIGATHEBOT 2 месяца назад
My friend made it to the 2nd tank mission while dropping his gun and never once killing the enemy before this happened lol
@mohammedjumha34 2 месяца назад
Have a nice day, David
@Bern1808 4 месяца назад
Star Trek The Motion Picture and Aliens have aged very well. Both are considered classics now. I think Siskel and Ebert (RIP, love them both) were a little short-sighted in their reviews.
@johannr2658 6 месяцев назад
Does it actually play that music lol?
@johannr2658 6 месяцев назад
I think I got the first cutscene shown here after a battle where I executed one of our own machine gunners so I could suppress the enemy with his m60.
@kustponu 6 месяцев назад
@sardes6222 7 месяцев назад
When I saw third scene, I was so angry, so I loaded this intro in editor, placed soldier next to col. Blake and made him shoot Blake after he finished his speech.
@raymondyee2008 Год назад
Wonder what happened to COL. Blake after the Cold War.
@GizmoFromPizmo Год назад
They praised Close Encounters and gave Alien a "meh". Close Encounters was good but Alien was a classic.
@snakethefox9586 Год назад
boltgun IRL
@OMM-bo9fr Год назад
actually that's good for Armstrong. Who wants to risk their life in stupid battles anyway? Have a nice relaxing flight home , David!
@raymondyee2008 Год назад
Well “OFP” and “ARMA” were games not to be taken too seriously.
@apoptose1558 Год назад
I once got the first warning cutscene because this damn game was running at 20 fps even in modest scenarios and also it had an awful mouse lag/weapon sway that made it really hard to aim. To this day I don't know whether that was a bug or a feature. Still loved it to bits.
@Adri9570 Год назад
I remember to only have huge stutters (maybe the game even froze) when I adjusted some kind of viewing distance in the settings to set it to a huge value near to the maximum.
@apoptose1558 Год назад
@@Adri9570 I played it on an old PC (that was more than 10 years ago) so there's that. But the mouse lag remains, I get it even now on my modern computer
@klad2860 10 месяцев назад
How the hell do you lag on a ps1 graphic video game
@apoptose1558 10 месяцев назад
@@klad2860 Currently I can run this game at high fps but the mouse movement is still a bit floaty. Maybe that's just a feature supposed to simulate handling a gun
@thywhobalances362 Год назад
@freddyfurrah3789 Год назад
@davidnelson6874 Год назад
I love the original Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. Kevin McCarthy gives a just ever so slightly over the top performance, which ratchets up the tension perfectly. I thought the movie was ultimately about the fight against conformity.
@chrishoward3733 Год назад
If only they knew what Disney would do to star wars
@charlesbrentner4611 Год назад
What did Roger Ebert expect as far as the Black Hole being blue tinted. Nothing can escape one not even light so if they didn't have it colored somehow it would be invisible.
@SirHellNaja Год назад
So, to get this the score that low, I assume that Armstrong got his squad wiped multiple time, shot his friends probably more than twice, then he's simply discharged without facing a court martial?
@rosario508 2 года назад
I’m surprised they listed Alien as a disappointment. They both gave it a positive review.
@timacool5553 2 года назад
xD, i`m sure, if there been a soviet officers, they`ve just shoot you after 1 warning)
@Eyeling 2 года назад
ewww elite force? you know that mod is terrible right? it makes the game too easy!
@KRhetor 2 года назад
Roger Ebert was a bonafide science fiction fan and he showed it in the special. Siskel underrated the science fiction films of the Fifties as too many did at the time.
@TrassseB 2 года назад
This guy was always an asshole
@AceD500 2 года назад
:D Heh at least not you not gonna die by firing squad for collaboration with russians
@blackburn1489 2 года назад
I got those cut scenes, when I didn't kill any enemy on the mission
@lucutes2936 2 года назад
It's a good ending actually because you don't need to participate in the war anymore
@fackynaxicht8603 Год назад
Fucking hippie. People like you bring the worst time and by paradox...most cruel wars.
@meyers0781 Год назад
No. You later discover a plot that your enemy is a rogue Soviet regiment that intended to nuke USA without authorization of Soviet govt. If that succeed there'll be WW3
@petarniciforovic6543 Месяц назад
I've played the game since I was 5. Now I am 21. Upon Col. Blake firing me from the army, there are different responses for me: As a kid: OH NO MAN I WILL BE BETTER NEXT TIME. Now: Wow... cool, I survived this hell! Anyway, for me personally, this game is unmatched!
@lucutes2936 Месяц назад
@@petarniciforovic6543 bruh I also played this when I was 5 lol
@Teurab 2 года назад
Which one campaign that has this bad ending?
@oobrocks 2 года назад
Stephen Hawking was a pessimist if aliens come here & i concur. If u blast them before talking w them, they might attack us. If we trust them, they might be playing possum and will want to eat us. A no win concept unless we're very lucky!
@MutatedPizzaBoi 2 года назад
Save game cheat
@someone1 2 года назад
What is this photo from?
@NickTheNewbie Год назад
Photoshop of a few good men. That's supposed to be Tom Cruise on the right.
@ace-x6m 2 года назад
For anyone on here who claims Arma is so realistic, or that it makes them smart with military tactics, or just uses it as an opportunity to bash CoD: There are so many factors missing in this game to make it realistic. 1.) No wind. Yes there is bullet drop and a large island to deal with. Whoopidy-do. But you don't have to compensate for windage or humidity or anything in that nature. Yes, humidity changes bullet trajectory. 2.) Your soldier never gets tired no matter how injured he is or even if he sprints across the whole island. Try fighting after sprinting with 80 lbs of gear on you. My father (U.S. Army reserve from the same time period this game takes place) can vouch for that. Even though he never seen any combat, he was in drills that simulate that scenario to a degree. 3.) Weather conditions. You yourself (or the soldier you play as) are affected by weather conditions in this game. Whether it is winter, summer, fall, spring etc...; fighting under harsh weather conditions makes combat that much harder. 4.) Aircraft (helicopters especially) are no where near realistic when it comes to controls. Also, you are never supposed to parachute out of a helicopter, much like you see several times in this game. 5.) Obviously none of the armored vehicles are realistic as far as the controls go. 6.) When you are wounded, you don't have to put up with the pain of fighting while wounded. Try that. You don't even have to worry about bleeding out while waiting for a medic or ambulance. Also, it takes 3 seconds for a medic or field hospital or ambulance to heal you completely, and it can happen infinitely. How realistic. 7.) The recoil of the firearms aren't even realistic. 8.) Visibility in the game at far distance is much better than in real life (as far as seeing the individual soldiers). 9.) Your soldier never needs a drink of water or a bite of food or a wink of sleep no matter how long you've been playing. Try having energy to fight if your aircraft had gone down and you are stranded trying to survive on your own without any of that. 10.) In the campaign, your squad members can die in every mission and come back to life for the next mission. 11.) Tactical view as an officer or squad leader. You mean to tell me in real life you can zoom out in the 3rd person about 50 feet in the air and see the whole battle field around you can make tactical decisions like that? Oh, and 3rd person view. That says enough right there. 12.) There are no civilians on the islands during the conflict unless needed for the storyline. 13.) Bullets can't penetrate thin materials like in real life. (Looks like CoD beat you there) That's all I care about writing for now, If I care to write anymore later after you reply with something stupid I will. Point is, I play CoD and even I can see this. I love Arma, but it is only very slightly more realistic than CoD. That's not saying much at all though. So get off your high horses and quit claiming to be military experts because you play Arma.
@dylanram4653 2 года назад
cus u dont play on ace, u never played arma 3 with ace which hinders half of what you said, mods fix a few of these things, like RHS, ace, im not saying that arma 3 is realistic, but its more then most which is the reason i think people say is realistic
@wealthyfights 2 года назад
Dude this game is from 2001. Do you even know how games used to look back then
@dylanram4653 2 года назад
@@wealthyfights I wasnt talking about this one
@SirHellNaja 2 года назад
Just what I expected from a CoD player who never touched Arma mod
@dylanram4653 2 года назад
@@SirHellNaja exactly wat I was thinking
@blakedavis1852 2 года назад
This shit put a dead end to me playing this game when I was a kid. I didn't know what I did wrong or how to fix it and that was that. I never finished the game. It's a shame because I enjoyed it tremendously.
@ace-x6m 2 года назад
Did you disobey orders or have the cracked version
@blakedavis1852 2 года назад
@@ace-x6m I didn't know there was a cracked version but that would make sense because I did the last mission again and tried to do everything as best as I could and I still got this shit.
@araizachristian3920 2 года назад
Accidentally kill your allies
@UrbanWarrior. 5 месяцев назад
​​@@blakedavis1852the same kept happening to me. The only way I fixed it was redoing the whole campaign from the first mission
@blakedavis1852 5 месяцев назад
@@UrbanWarrior.Sure, I could come back to finish this game twenty years later. Not like I have anything better to do.
@stahl1624 3 года назад
Haha ok sure bud Does civilian employment count if I join the enemy and pass them everything that I know about being in the army? *US Army begins to sweat*
@samuelbarber6177 3 года назад
The War of the Worlds (1953) is honestly one of my favourite movies ever made. I think the fifties was when they finally had the effects knowledge worthy to make science fiction films from classics like The Day The Earth Stood Still and The War of the Worlds, to another, more schlocky stuff like The Thing From Another World and only the lord knows how many creature features and even Invasion of the Body Snatchers, all of which can be read as metaphors for what was happening in the world at the time.
@HonkeyKong54 2 года назад
I like the remake of the thing and war of the worlds more. The only bad thing about the war of the worlds remake is the stupid son. His storyline was so forced and it just didn't work. The first appearance of one of the tripods is fn awesome though. What did you think of the remakes?
@KRhetor Год назад
There's nothing "schlocky" about The Thing From Another World.
@samuelbarber6177 Год назад
@@HonkeyKong54 sorry If I’m late on this, but I would like to say that I am actually a fan of Spielberg’s remake of War of the Worlds. I find it interesting that we always seem to get versions of the tale in times of crisis and they’re often adapted to our modern time. The film isn’t perfect, but I find it a worthy adaptation and as a film is a lot of fun, especially to see a more small scale interpretation of an alien invasion story.
@Shorty_Lickens 3 года назад
In case anyone doesnt know, Ebert initially gave Star Wars a bad review but changed it a little later, and in the years since he only said good things about it and all web sites with his reviews only show the positive one.
@patrickshields5251 2 года назад
Do you have any evidence supporting this?
@zackyjack8891 3 года назад
i got one of them I had like a -3000 and he told me watch out you’re talking to a marshal and so I never got a -
@SolidRaiden2655 3 года назад
Curb your military performance
@dogerussian8442 3 года назад
Hahaha psa 2 and not update ther are new armq 5 now
@billypiper7390 3 года назад
this game is a gem but the call of duty players will never understand why we love it so much!!!!!!
@etnogamer7073 3 года назад
Totally agree. I still play it. Can't believe it's been 20 years
@ace-x6m 2 года назад
For anyone on here who claims Arma is so realistic, or that it makes them smart with military tactics, or just uses it as an opportunity to bash CoD: There are so many factors missing in this game to make it realistic. 1.) No wind. Yes there is bullet drop and a large island to deal with. Whoopidy-do. But you don't have to compensate for windage or humidity or anything in that nature. Yes, humidity changes bullet trajectory. 2.) Your soldier never gets tired no matter how injured he is or even if he sprints across the whole island. Try fighting after sprinting with 80 lbs of gear on you. My father (U.S. Army reserve from the same time period this game takes place) can vouch for that. Even though he never seen any combat, he was in drills that simulate that scenario to a degree. 3.) Weather conditions. You yourself (or the soldier you play as) are affected by weather conditions in this game. Whether it is winter, summer, fall, spring etc...; fighting under harsh weather conditions makes combat that much harder. 4.) Aircraft (helicopters especially) are no where near realistic when it comes to controls. Also, you are never supposed to parachute out of a helicopter, much like you see several times in this game. 5.) Obviously none of the armored vehicles are realistic as far as the controls go. 6.) When you are wounded, you don't have to put up with the pain of fighting while wounded. Try that. You don't even have to worry about bleeding out while waiting for a medic or ambulance. Also, it takes 3 seconds for a medic or field hospital or ambulance to heal you completely, and it can happen infinitely. How realistic. 7.) The recoil of the firearms aren't even realistic. 8.) Visibility in the game at far distance is much better than in real life (as far as seeing the individual soldiers). 9.) Your soldier never needs a drink of water or a bite of food or a wink of sleep no matter how long you've been playing. Try having energy to fight if your aircraft had gone down and you are stranded trying to survive on your own without any of that. 10.) In the campaign, your squad members can die in every mission and come back to life for the next mission. 11.) Tactical view as an officer or squad leader. You mean to tell me in real life you can zoom out in the 3rd person about 50 feet in the air and see the whole battle field around you can make tactical decisions like that? Oh, and 3rd person view. That says enough right there. 12.) There are no civilians on the islands during the conflict unless needed for the storyline. 13.) Bullets can't penetrate thin materials like in real life. (Looks like CoD beat you there) That's all I care about writing for now, If I care to write anymore later after you reply with something stupid I will. Point is, I play CoD and even I can see this. I love Arma, but it is only very slightly more realistic than CoD. That's not saying much at all though. So get off your high horses and quit claiming to be military experts because you play Arma.
@ace-x6m 2 года назад
I play both CoD and Arma and I don’t see the point idiots like you try to make. There is nothing close to realistic about this game
@ace-x6m 2 года назад
@@etnogamer7073 you need to read my reply
@etnogamer7073 2 года назад
@@ace-x6mwow 😂 . I gotta say it's the best reply to ArmA-crazed people I've seen in a while. For me, the only criterion is essentially 'liking' the game. I've never been a simulator type of a guy. More like 50/50. Game needs to be fun - that's the main thing in my book. If it's fun and realistic,it's even better. I'll never understand folks who engage in hours and hours of role-playing as snipers, pilots, attend some training sessions, follow orders, ranks in ArmA. Too complicated, too time-consuming. I don't spend over an hour playing a game. For me 2 hours in a gym is much better. Although, I can respect their choice. Totally agree with you. The worst thing about them is their looking down on people playing CoD and other games. It's JUST A GAME. Have fun and respect other people's choices. It's also true that CoD players don't typically play or played ArmA (at least among my friends).
@tyomies6168 3 года назад
But I did not find more success in civilian employment. Five years later I was asking for change next to McDonalds. The End.
@ManOnHorizon 3 года назад
0:55 - Civilian Employment? Dismissed? Does that mean that I'm getting shipped back home and not being taken under custody awaiting court martial trial?
@meyers0781 3 года назад
Even worse by context the world will be doomed by nuclear war
@ArmyJames 3 месяца назад
@@meyers0781 Armstrong is sure to find work in radiation cleanup.
@Cayden1988 3 года назад
Enemy Tank, One hundred! Oh no, one is down! Two is down! Three is down! Four is down! Five is down! Six is down! Seven is down! Fuck, Eight is down! This is Nine, taking command!
@Red-ding-Ton 2 года назад
"1: "GROUP, MOVE TO Dd55" "1: "1 O'CLOCK, UNKNOWN APC, 500" Still remember some details xD
@hellacoorinna9995 Год назад
Get. In. Blackhawk. At. Seven. Nine. Nine. Zulu
@johannr2658 6 месяцев назад
I swear to god there are battles where you kill like 20 guys with ease and then there are battles where your squad of 11 men gets absolutely squadwiped by one Soviet rifleman from 500 meters away…
@cobalthorizon 3 года назад
I grew up watching Vermont ETV; it was one of three channels we could receive up in the mountains. Great to hear it named at the beginning of this program :)
@wasteland70 3 года назад
Use the Force Luke, let go Luke. All the technology in the galaxy can't replace faith.
@ricardocantoral7672 4 года назад
Star Wars isn't really science fiction.
@Peter_739 4 года назад
I agree, it's fantasy.
@patrickshields5251 4 года назад
@@Peter_739 It actually mixes a lot of genres and other sources of storytelling. So by praising this film primarily on it's special effects and action set pieces, this is actually a surface level review.
@classicmox67 4 года назад
bandicam? Just get OBS
@Peter_739 4 года назад
I didn't record this, smartass.
@vilevagrant4632 4 года назад
I played ofp when i was a kid and got this because i was constantly team killing for ammo. Hahaha
@bareknuckles2u 4 года назад
I understand where they are coming from in their unfavourable comparison of Alien to the three blockbuster Sci Fi movies they were talking about, but I think they were a little unfair to suggest that there weren't any intellectual ideas in the film. The idea that a beacon is detected and the ship being re-routed to gather the specimen for military purposes at the crews expense seems to me a true "idea." Is Alien in the intellectual league of 2001? Obviously not, but I believe it is intellectually superior to Star Wars (which I like) and not that far behind (intellectually, that is) Close Encounters.
@bareknuckles2u 4 года назад
BTW, I like Alien WAY more than Star Wars, and WAYYYYY more than Close Encounters.
@habovay3 3 года назад
@@bareknuckles2u As someone once said, "If Star Wars is the Beatles, Alien is the Rolling Stones." I'd also mix in a little Pink Floyd, given the Giger factor.
@misterquantum9840 4 года назад
Roger was kind of nuts. First he was just lukewarm on Alien, then he seems to dismiss it, later he praises it with four stars and puts it as a must see film of the seventies. But he never changed his mind about his positive review of Stop or My Mom With Shoot.
@patrickshields5251 4 года назад
You're actually thinking about Cop and a Half. He hated Stop or My Mom Will Shoot.
@habovay3 3 года назад
They both were nuts at times. I mean, "Purple Rain" on BOTH their 10 Best lists for 1984? Purple Rain?! Even the black audience I saw the film with heckled it.