Intellectual Catholicism
Intellectual Catholicism
Intellectual Catholicism
Suan Sonna is a Baptist convert to Catholicism who is dedicated to curating the best Catholic intellectual content on philosophy, politics, and theology. He is also passionate about engaging people outside of the Catholic tradition on issues relevant to the Church.

On Nov. 10th, 2022, I received permission from my Archbishop to call the channel "Intellectual Catholicism." He said, "I am not opposed to you calling your channel 'Intellectual Catholicism'."

Jesus, Contradicted - Michael R. Licona
2 месяца назад
The Obscurity of Scripture - Casey Chalk
6 месяцев назад
Spiritual Advice from Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt
6 месяцев назад
Was the Koran reliably preserved? - Hassan Ahmad
8 месяцев назад
When Popes Fail - Erick Ybarra
8 месяцев назад
Theology of the Koran - Hassan Ahmad
8 месяцев назад
Pat Flynn's NEW Book: The Best Argument for God
9 месяцев назад
How to NOT Lose Your Mind Online - Suan Sonna
10 месяцев назад
@peterandjoycevanbreemen600 День назад
Good interview with good questions and good length of answers without interruptions.
@dynamic9016 День назад
Really appreciate this video.
@jeffreycole2816 День назад
..and the son, there is no "from" in the translation...
@xifangyangren9997 2 дня назад
Jesus was ambiguous about his divinity on purpose to test people’s humility. To pass the test, all you have to do is accept the possibility that Jesus is God. Then God will reveal the truth slowly but surely. It’s harder than you’d think to pass the test because it’s counterintuitive to admit that Almighty God would become a blue collar worker from podunk Nazareth of Galilee. It’s even harder for many people to stomach the idea of worshipping such a person.
@riversofeden3929 2 дня назад
I enjoyed listening to this discussion. However, I think a lot of what Staples does here is presumptive at best. I will just point out one thing that I think backfires and refutes his own argument. In the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13, the virgins use "Lord, Lord" when they entreat the anonymous bridegroom in the parable. Although the bridegroom might represent Jesus, in the context of the parable itself, there's no reason to think that anyone would have understood that the ordinary attendants would use a divine appellation to address an ordinary bridegroom. There really isn't anything in the context of the handful of occurrences in Matthew and Luke which requires that anyone is using "Lord, Lord" as a divine name. As others have said, it makes perfectly good sense that the repetition was simply for emphasis. I don't think the best option is to appeal to the unsubstantiated assumptions offered by Staples in order to try to impose an unnecessary inference.
@tristenwilliams1943 4 дня назад
Many Christians don’t realize how much more Judas they are than Peter. I’m not excluding myself in that. We choose sin and the things of this world over Christ and betray his love more than we realize. Judas’ sin is only worse in degree, not in kind. May God have mercy on us, forgive us our sin, and bring us to everlasting life. Mother Mary, pray for us.
@petion2013 4 дня назад
It's not just secularism. It began the slide of Western Civilization into its continuous protests again arts, beauty etc
@paulhallett1452 5 дней назад
This is so awesome. God bless you brothers!
@PLA5207 5 дней назад
It was/is a "deformation" not 'reformation.'
@kimfleury 6 дней назад
I love this! I often read comments from non-Catholic Christians that claim, "I follow the Bible, not man-made tradition." I don't often hear those words spoken, but I did hear it on May 30 this year as my family gathered at the funeral home to finalize my Catholic Mom's Catholic funeral arrangements. Mom had returned fully to the Faith a few years ago, though I think she always slept with her rosary since my stepfather died, maybe a couple years before then when my brother died. So we were sitting around the table, and I was pretty much the only Catholic there, and I replied to a question from the funeral director to confirm some Catholic practice at funerals. My sister-in-law made the comment, "I don't understand all this Catholic stuff. I have a problem with... Well I just follow the Bible." I almost started evangelizing her, but it wasn't the time or place.
@Hunteronix 2 дня назад
Yeah it can be rough to hear those ignorant comments. Also I’m sorry your family’s going through all of that. Praise the most high for your moms coming back to the faith. God bless.
@Qetesh777 6 дней назад
Why not use the actual name YHWH if that is the name he is referring to? Are we to assume that he did not know the name of the God that Moses worshipped? He could use the same word no? Why would he say he is using a mana from God not Moses mana when they were both from him?
@karenrogers 7 дней назад
Hebrew was a LONG dead language when Jesus walked the earth. The "Hebrew" you refer to was reconstructed later - the Masoretic Text (written by Jewish mystics, using their reconstructed Hebrew, which is from Babylon) and is witchcraft. It is the Babylonian/Chaldean alphabet. The Septuagint is the most reliable translation by early Jews. Avoid the Hebrew voodoo (kabbalah) .
@ulysses-hx3dm 7 дней назад
How can you have linen without thread
@fantasia55 8 дней назад
All bishops are priests.
@endrickdonitz6669 9 дней назад
This is bad. Too little good. Like poisoning the well with the Nazi and anti judaism instead of a real answer.
@codytempleton3512 9 дней назад
Martin Luther was one messed up dude no doubt. He had some major issues and said some seriously unholy evil stuff, but two Catholics trying to discredit the whole reformation because Marin Luther became a Jew hater as an older man is just silly. By that Logic we can just go ahead and discredit the entire Roman Catholic system because of the many blatantly evil and wicked corrupt Popes and bishops that have graced its hierarchy. You’ve got everything from Papal bulls calling for Holy Genocide against people. Offering indulgences to young men who go and volunteer to eradicate the Waldensians. Tricking and burning Jan Huss, and public humiliating him with a demonic paper mider and name calling. Popes literally condoning Holy forms of torture designed to force confessions and repentance during inquisition, oh and let’s not even forget all of the Grape and molestation that runs rampant due to clerical celibacy that the Apostle Paul called a doctrine of Demons. So according to these guys Martin Luther’s mistakes and Character flaws meant his biblical exegesis must have been entirely flawed as well, or at least it seems like that’s what they are alluding to. I guess that means Peter the Christ denier is unqualified by their standard, or Paul the murderer, what about Thomas the doubter, David the adulterer, Solomon fornicating with hudnreds of women, how about High priest Aaron and his golden idol. By this logic we should just throw out the whole Bible. I’m not Lutheran but I just find this extremely silly and ironic.
@richardjackson7887 9 дней назад
The reformation started with the Roman Catholic Church selling indulgences which luther who was a Catholic priest realized the error of the Catholic Church when he started studying the Word of God that the Catholic Church forbid, and they even kill those that studied Gpds word as he commanded! If you stidied Gods word as he commanded you to do you would understand who the Sixth and seveth beast is. Inflating the facts! Catholics are expert at it for they they listen to their father the devil and ignore the Gospel of our salvation! 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 KJV ...flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
@TheShard1771 9 дней назад
Great stuff! I wanna hear more about the authorship of Matthew.
@jorgeledesma6994 9 дней назад
The way he breaks down the Eucharist reminds me of a football analyst breaking down a touchdown pass!
@NickSandt 10 дней назад
Interesting, but an equally valid interpretation (is it not?) and one that I subscribe to is that Jesus _replaced_ YHWH.
@carsonianthegreat4672 10 дней назад
Suan, will you have Christian Wagner on your show again?
@carsonianthegreat4672 10 дней назад
17:26 Christian Wagner, can you share a link to this newly translated Newman book, please? Thanks!
@garymckenzie7196 10 дней назад
History shows protestants actually started in 1100s
@steverational8615 10 дней назад
Interesting and educational although - and I will confess that I am a Protestant - I found some of the claims rather biased (it does work both ways) - eg. dismissing the work of Protestant historians as biased and I would argue a rather biased historical treatment of the indulgences issue - and at times misleading - eg. suggesting that Protestantism is fractured on theology which is blatantly false as it relates to core doctrines of Christology, Pneumatology and Soteriology.
@poetmaggie1 12 дней назад
The Church is blamed for things the government does, people refuse to realize that government only uses the Church or "obey" some of its teaching IF it helps to keep the people calm and obedient but when the leaders want something they ignore the Church, IF it gets in the way with what is wanted. The Church is still blamed when things go "wrong." I like to point out that Constantine did not become a Catholic in fac,t until he was on his deathbed. He used the Church.
@dynamic9016 12 дней назад
Thanks much for this video.
@beehive9851 12 дней назад
There is NO Biblical or historical evidence that Peter was ever in Rome. The Apostle Paul surely didn’t know about it. The pope’s are the successors of the Roman Caesars, who used the title, Pontiffex Maximus, not the apostles and certainly not Peter.
@dubbelkastrull 12 дней назад
8:11 bookmark
@truthsayer6414 13 дней назад
SOLA FIDE, the essence of the reformation? How can anyone know with any certainty that they are saved once in this life and still sin as they most certainly will do? Is there really a post mortem Final judgement or did someone twist scripture to suggest u were saved once forever and will never need saving again? 2 COR 5:10 Matt 16 27 Rom 2 6 . "For we must all appear before the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST, so that each of us may receive what is DUE TO US for the things WE'VE DONE WHILE IN THE BODY, whether good or bad." Obvious interpretation of this verse: It teach that all of us will be judged (post mortem) according to our works: Rev 20:12 “And I saw the dead stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the DEAD were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works” (cross ref: Matt 16:27 Rom 2:6) R.T/ CALVIN'S SPIN to justify his double Predestination nonsense: "Paul is clear in his letters that this judgment is not about salvation. Christ will not declare in that moment whether someone will go to heaven or hell". (I'm guessing neither in Rom 2:6 LOL) 🤣😭
@roddycavin4600 14 дней назад
The dissolution of the monasteries here in the UK was an attack on the poor so Henry could become wealthier and reward his friends. The links between the monasteries and the every day life of the peasantry were huge and vital for each community yet it is still portrayed as taking from a wealthy corrupt church.