Family Recap
Family Recap
Family Recap
Learning Lessons from Family Films

Movies often have many lessons we can learn! In our videos we give new insights, comment, critique and review what lessons we can learn during a recap of various family friendly movies.
If you haven't seen the movie being recapped yet, check out the link to the full movie in the description!
Moana Recap - 14 Story Lessons
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Encanto Recap - 11 Story Lessons
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Frozen Recap - 15 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Mulan Recap - 18 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Peter Pan Recap - 16 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Robin Hood Recap - 19 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Pinocchio Recap - 15 Story Lessons
2 года назад
101 Dalmatians Recap - 18 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Pocahontas Recap - 18 Story Lessons
2 года назад
The Lion King Recap - 15 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Turning Red Recap - 14 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Tangled Recap - 19 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Aladdin Recap - 13 Story Lessons
2 года назад
Cinderella Recap - 15 Story Lessons
2 года назад
@TenorCantusFirmus 2 дня назад
This movie has taught me so much... Prince John, first and foremost, has taught me you can indulge in your bad deeds as much as you want, but soon or late you'll have to pay your costly bill (reminds me of Prince Prospero from Poe's "Mask of the Red Death", their character trajectory is very similar). Robin Hood that no matter how much flawed you are, you must make the best out of who you are and be helpful to the others. And if him, a th*ef and an outlaw, eventually has managed to do it, this means we all can. Maid Marian that love and kindness always win. It might be in the long run, but eventually as much as bad deeds will bring the downfall of those committing them, goodness will always pay out. I then red this year Dante's "Divine Comedy" and Petrarch's "Triumphi" and was surprised to find out how well-rooted this movie is in this kind of medieval moralistic literature. I think the last think I have learnt is how to properly read a story, whethever it's a film, an opera or a book.
@emilyboeglin8671 23 дня назад
Awesome recap. Thank you
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
Having lost both of her parents at a young age, Snow White is a princess living with her wicked and cold-hearted stepmother, the Queen. Fearing that Snow White's beauty will outshine her own, the Queen forces her to work as a scullery maid and asks her Magic Mirror daily "who is the fairest one of all." For years, the mirror always answers that the Queen is, pleasing her. One day, Snow White meets and falls in love with a prince who overhears her singing. On that same day, the Magic Mirror informs the Queen that Snow White is now the fairest in all of the land. Angered, the Queen orders her Huntsman to take Snow White into the forest, kill her, and bring back her heart in a jeweled box as proof. The Huntsman cannot bring himself to kill Snow White and reveals to her the Queen's plot. He then urges her to flee into the woods and never return. Lost and frightened, Snow White is befriended by woodland animals who lead her to a cottage deep in the woods. Finding seven small chairs in the cottage's dining room, Snow White assumes the cottage is the untidy home of seven orphaned children. With the animals' help, she proceeds to clean the place and cook a meal. Snow White soon learns that the cottage is the home of seven dwarfs named Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, and Dopey, who work in a nearby mine. Returning home, they are alarmed to find their cottage clean, and suspect that an intruder has invaded their home. Snow White introduces herself, and the dwarfs welcome her after she offers to clean and cook for them. Snow White keeps house for the dwarfs while they mine for jewels during the day; and at night, they all sing, play music, and dance. Back at the castle, the Magic Mirror reveals that Snow White is still living, and with the dwarfs. Enraged that the Huntsman tricked her, the Queen creates a poisoned apple that will put whoever eats it into a death-like sleep. She learns the curse can be broken by "love's first kiss," but is certain Snow White will be buried alive before this can happen. Using a potion to disguise herself as an old hag, the Queen goes to the cottage while the dwarfs are away. The animals see through the disguise, but are unable to warn Snow White; they rush off to find the dwarfs. The Queen fools Snow White into biting into the apple, and she falls into a death-like slumber. The dwarfs return with the animals as the Queen leaves the cottage, and give chase, trapping her on a cliff. She tries to roll a boulder onto them, but lightning strikes the cliff before she can do so, causing her to fall and get crushed to death by the boulder. In their cottage, the dwarfs find Snow White asleep by the poison. Unwilling to bury her in the ground, they instead place her in a glass coffin in the forest. Together with the animals, they keep watch over her. The following spring, the prince learns of Snow White's eternal sleep and visits the coffin. Saddened by her apparent death, he kisses her, which breaks the spell and awakens her. The dwarfs and animals all rejoice as the prince takes Snow White to his castle.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
Jiminy Cricket addresses the audience as the narrator and begins telling a story. Jiminy came to a village in Italy sometime in the late 19th century, where he arrived at the shop of a woodworker and toymaker named Geppetto, who creates a puppet he names Pinocchio. As he falls asleep, Geppetto wishes upon a star for Pinocchio to be a real boy. Late that night, the Blue Fairy visits the workshop and brings Pinocchio to life, although he remains a puppet. She informs him that if he proves himself to be brave, truthful, and unselfish, he will become a real boy. When Jiminy reveals himself, the Blue Fairy assigns him to be Pinocchio's conscience. Geppetto awakens upon hearing the commotion from Pinocchio falling, and is overjoyed to discover that he is alive and will become a real boy. The next morning, while walking to school, Pinocchio is led astray by con artist fox Honest John and his sidekick Gideon the Cat. Honest John convinces him to join Stromboli's puppet show, despite Jiminy's objections. Pinocchio becomes Stromboli's star attraction, but when he tries to go home, Stromboli locks him in a bird cage and leaves to tour the world with Pinocchio. After Jiminy unsuccessfully tries to free his friend, the Blue Fairy appears, and an anxious Pinocchio lies about what happened, causing his nose to grow. The Blue Fairy restores his nose and frees Pinocchio when he promises to make amends, but warns him that she can offer no further help. Meanwhile, a mysterious Coachman hires Honest John to find disobedient boys for him to take to Pleasure Island. Though the Coachman's implication of what happens to the boys frightens Honest John and Gideon, the former reluctantly accepts the job and finds Pinocchio, convincing him to take a vacation on Pleasure Island. On the way to the island, Pinocchio befriends Lampwick, a delinquent boy. At Pleasure Island, without rules or authority to enforce their activity, Pinocchio, Lampwick, and many other boys soon engage in vices such as vandalism, fighting, smoking and drinking. Jiminy eventually finds Pinocchio in a billiard hall smoking and playing pool with Lampwick, and the two have a falling out after Pinocchio defends Lampwick for his actions. As Jiminy tries to leave Pleasure Island, he discovers that the island hides a horrible curse that turns the boys into donkeys, and they are sold by the Coachman into slave labor. Pinocchio witnesses Lampwick transform into a donkey, and with Jiminy's help, he escapes before he can be fully transformed, though he still has a donkey's ears and tail. Upon returning home, Pinocchio and Jiminy find Geppetto's workshop deserted and get a letter from the Blue Fairy in the form of a dove, stating that Geppetto went out looking for Pinocchio and sailed to Pleasure Island. However, he was swallowed by a gigantic and vicious sperm whale called Monstro and is now trapped in the belly of the beast. Determined to rescue his father, Pinocchio jumps into the Mediterranean Sea with Jiminy and is soon swallowed by Monstro, where he reunites with Geppetto. Pinocchio devises a scheme to make Monstro sneeze and allow them to escape, but the whale chases them and smashes their raft with his tail. Pinocchio selflessly pulls Geppetto to safety in a cove just as Monstro crashes into it, but Pinocchio is killed in the process. Back at home, Geppetto, Jiminy, Figaro, and Cleo mourn Pinocchio. However, having succeeded in proving himself brave, truthful, and unselfish, Pinocchio is revived and turned into a real human boy by the Blue Fairy, much to everyone's joy. As the group celebrates, Jiminy steps outside to thank the Fairy and is rewarded with a solid gold badge that certifies him as an official conscience.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
When Cinderella is a young girl, her widowed father marries Lady Tremaine, a widow with two daughters of her own, but dies shortly thereafter. Lady Tremaine, jealous of her stepdaughter's beauty and determined to forward her own daughters' interests, orders Cinderella to become a scullion in her own château, overburdening her with chores. Cinderella's stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella, also take advantage of her meekness, mocking her and adding to her workload. Despite this, Cinderella remains kind of heart, obediently doing her chores whilst taking care of the mice and birds that live in the château, making friends of them, mainly of two mice named Jaq and Gus. She also protects them from being eaten by her stepmother's cat Lucifer, who makes her duties even harder in retaliation. One day, the local King becomes impatient for his son, the Prince, to provide him with grandchildren. Despite the objections of the Grand Duke, the King invites all the eligible maidens in the kingdom to a royal ball, so that the Prince will choose one as his wife. Wanting to attend, Cinderella finds a dress of her late birth mother's to fix up. Fearing she will upstage them at the ball, Lady Tremaine and the stepsisters deliberately keep her busy with no time to spare. Jaq, Gus, and the other animals decide to fix up the dress for Cinderella, using beads and a sash discarded by the stepsisters. However, when Cinderella attempts to go to the ball with her family, the stepsisters recognize their belongings and angrily tear the dress apart, before leaving Cinderella behind. A distraught Cinderella runs out to the garden in tears, kneeling on a stone bench. There, she is met by her fairy godmother, who has come to help. She transforms Jaq, Gus, and two other mice into four white horses, an orange pumpkin into a white carriage, Cinderella's old gray horse Major into a coachman, and her bloodhound Bruno into a footman. The fairy godmother also gives Cinderella a shimmering ball gown and glass slippers, but warns her that all the magic will end on the stroke of midnight. Cinderella arrives at the ball, and is not recognized by the stepsisters, though Lady Tremaine believes something is familiar about her. The Prince is instantly smitten, so the King orders the Grand Duke to make sure the romance goes without a hitch. The Duke prevents anyone from interfering as Cinderella and the Prince dance a waltz and wander out to the palace grounds, falling deeper in love. However, when Cinderella hears the clock tolling midnight, she runs away before she and the Prince can exchange names. Despite the efforts of the Grand Duke, Cinderella flees the palace, losing one of her slippers on the staircase. The palace guards pursue, but when the magic ends on the stroke of 12, Cinderella and the animals revert to their former appearances and hide in the woods. Cinderella discovers the other glass slipper is still on her foot, and takes it home with her. The Prince promises he will marry none but the girl who fits the glass slipper. Elated, the King orders the Grand Duke to try the shoe on every girl in the kingdom until he finds a match. When the news reaches the chateau, Cinderella is shocked to realize it was the Prince she met. Hearing Cinderella humming the waltz from the ball, Lady Tremaine realizes the truth and locks Cinderella in her attic bedroom. While the stepsisters unsuccessfully try on the slipper, Jaq and Gus steal the key back from Lady Tremaine. As they take the key to Cinderella, Lucifer attempts to stop them by trapping Gus and battling the other mice. The birds summon Bruno who scares Lucifer out of the house, and a freed Cinderella hurries to meet the Grand Duke. In a last effort to prevent Cinderella from overshadowing her daughters, Lady Tremaine causes a page to trip and break the glass slipper. Cinderella reveals she has the other slipper, which the Grand Duke places on her foot, much to Lady Tremaine's shock. Cinderella and the Prince are married, and share a kiss as they set off in a carriage for their honeymoon.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In Edwardian London, George and Mary Darling's preparations to attend a party are disrupted by the antics of their boys, John and Michael, who are acting out a Peter Pan story told them by their elder sister Wendy. An irritated George demands that Wendy drop the stories and move out of the nursery, since "sooner or later, people have to grow up". Later that night, Peter himself arrives in the nursery to find his lost shadow. He persuades Wendy to come to Never Land, where she will never have to grow up, and she and the boys fly there with the begrudging help of the pixie Tinker Bell. A ship of pirates is anchored off Never Land, led by Captain Hook and his first mate, Mr. Smee. Hook wants revenge on Peter for cutting off his hand, but fears the crocodile which consumed the hand, knowing it is eager to eat the rest of him. When Pan and the Darlings arrive, Hook shoots at them with a cannon, and Peter sends the Darlings off to safety while he baits the pirates. Tinker Bell, who is jealous of Pan's attention to Wendy, convinces the Lost Boys that Pan has ordered them to shoot down Wendy. Tinker Bell's treachery is soon found out, and Peter banishes her. John and Michael set off with the Lost Boys to find the island's Natives; however, the Natives capture the group, believing them to be responsible for taking the chief's daughter, Tiger Lily. Meanwhile, Peter takes Wendy to see the mermaids, who flee in terror when Hook arrives on the scene. Peter and Wendy see that Hook and Smee have captured Tiger Lily, to force her to disclose the location of Peter's hideout. Peter frees Tiger Lily and returns her to the Chief, and the tribe honors Peter. Meanwhile, Hook takes advantage of Tinker Bell's jealousy of Wendy, tricking the fairy into revealing Peter's secret hideout instead. Wendy and her brothers eventually grow homesick and plan to return to London. They invite Peter and the Lost Boys to join them and be adopted by the Darlings. The Lost Boys agree, but Peter does not want to grow up and refuses. The pirates lie in wait, and capture the Lost Boys and the Darlings as they exit the lair, leaving behind a time bomb to kill Peter. Hook attempts to persuade the Lost Boys and the Darlings to join the crew or walk the plank. Tinker Bell learns of the plot, just in time to snatch the bomb from Peter as it explodes. Peter rescues Tinker Bell from the rubble, and together they rescue Wendy, confronting the pirates and releasing the children. Peter engages Hook in combat as the children fight off the crew, and defeats him. Hook falls into the sea and swims away, pursued by the crocodile. Peter commandeers the deserted ship and, assisted by Tinker Bell's pixie dust, flies it to London with the children aboard. George and Mary Darling return home and find Wendy sleeping at the nursery's open window. Wendy awakens and excitedly tells about their adventures. The parents look out the window and see what appears to be a pirate ship in the clouds. George, who has softened his position about Wendy staying in the nursery, recognizes the ship from his own childhood.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
King Stefan and Queen Leah welcome their newborn daughter, Aurora, and proclaim a holiday for their subjects to pay homage to the princess. At her christening, she is betrothed to Prince Phillip, the son of Stefan's friend King Hubert, in order to unite their kingdoms. The three good fairies, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, each bless Aurora with one gift. After Flora and Fauna give her beauty and song, the evil fairy Maleficent appears, angry at not being invited. She places a curse on Aurora: before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. Merryweather uses her gift to weaken the curse; Aurora will instead fall into a deep sleep until true love's kiss breaks the spell. Still fearful, Stefan orders all the kingdom's spinning wheels burned. Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather devise a plan to hide Aurora in a secluded location and raise her themselves until her sixteenth birthday. Stefan and Leah reluctantly agree. The fairies move into a forest cottage, giving up magic and living as peasants, and rename Aurora "Briar Rose". On Aurora's sixteenth birthday, the fairies send her to gather berries so they can prepare a surprise party. In the forest, Aurora sings to the animals, drawing the attention of Phillip, now a handsome young man. They fall in love without revealing their names, and Aurora invites Phillip to the cottage that evening. Meanwhile, Flora and Merryweather's argument about the color of Aurora's birthday gown attracts the attention of Maleficent's pet raven, Diablo. Aurora returns and tells her guardians that she has fallen in love. They reveal her true identity, which Diablo overhears, and tell her she cannot see the man again. Meanwhile, Phillip tells his father about the peasant girl he met and wants to marry, unaware she is the princess to whom he is betrothed. King Hubert unsuccessfully tries to dissuade him. Shortly before sunset, the fairies bring Aurora to the castle for her birthday celebration. Maleficent appears and lures her to a tower room, where she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel that Maleficent conjures. The fairies place the sleeping Aurora in the highest tower and put the entire kingdom to sleep until their princess awakens. Flora overhears a conversation between Hubert and Stefan and realizes that Phillip is the man that Aurora met. The fairies rush to the cottage and discover that Phillip has been abducted by Maleficent. At her domain, the Forbidden Mountain, Maleficent reveals Aurora's identity to Phillip. She plans to lock him away until he is an old man on the verge of death before releasing him to meet Aurora, who will not have aged a single day. The fairies rescue Phillip and arm him with the magical Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue. Maleficent surrounds Stefan's castle with a forest of thorns, but Phillip breaks through it. Outraged, she transforms into a giant, fire-breathing dragon. In the ensuing battle, Phillip kills Maleficent by thrusting his sword into her heart. Phillip finds Aurora and awakens her with a kiss, bringing the rest of the kingdom out of their slumber. The two descend to the ballroom, where Aurora reunites with her parents and happily dances with Phillip as the good fairies look on with joy.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In 1958, aspiring songwriter Roger Radcliffe lives in a bachelor flat near Regent's Park in London with his pet Dalmatian, Pongo. Deciding both of them need a "mate", Pongo watches women and their dogs in the street. Noticing a young woman named Anita and her Dalmatian Perdita, he drags Roger to the park to arrange a meeting. Roger and Anita fall in love, and soon marry, with Pongo and Perdita attending. The Radcliffes hire a nanny and move into a small townhouse near Regent's Park. After Perdita becomes pregnant with a litter of 15 puppies, Anita's fur-obsessed former schoolmate, Cruella De Vil, arrives and demands to know when the puppies will arrive; Roger responds by writing a jazzy song mocking her. A heartbroken Perdita confesses to Pongo that she now regrets the idea of having puppies due to Cruella wanting them. When the puppies are born, Cruella returns, demanding to buy them. Roger firmly denies her offer; Cruella, refusing to take no for an answer, swears revenge and storms out. Several weeks later, Cruella makes good on her threat and secretly hires brothers Jasper and Horace Badun, two burglars, to steal the puppies. When Scotland Yard is unable to find the puppies or prove Cruella was involved, Pongo and Perdita use the "Twilight Bark", a canine gossip line, to solicit help from the other dogs in London, and eventually all of England. Colonel, an Old English Sheepdog, along with his feline compatriot Sergeant Tibbs, investigate the nearby "Old De Vil Place", where puppies had been heard barking two nights earlier. Tibbs finds the puppies in the hall and learns that Cruella intends to make them into dog-skin fur coats. After Colonel sends word back to London, Pongo and Perdita leave through a back window and begin a long cross-country journey, crossing an icy river and running through the snow toward Suffolk. Meanwhile, Tibbs overhears Cruella ordering the Baduns to kill the puppies that night out of fear the police will soon find them. In response, Tibbs helps the puppies escape through a hole in the wall, but the Baduns notice and give chase. Pongo and Perdita break into the house and confront the Baduns just as they are about to kill the puppies. While the adult dogs attack the two men, Colonel and Tibbs guide the puppies from the house. Following a happy reunion with their own puppies, Pongo and Perdita discover there are 84 more puppies with them. Shocked at Cruella's plans, they decide to adopt all the puppies, certain that Roger and Anita would never reject them. The Dalmatians start their homeward trek, pursued by the Baduns. They take shelter from a blizzard in a dairy farm with a friendly collie and three cows, then make their way to Dinsford, where they meet a Black Labrador waiting for them in a blacksmith's shop. Cruella and the Baduns arrive, prompting Pongo to have his entire family roll in a sooty fireplace to disguise themselves as other Labradors. The Labrador helps them board a moving van bound for London, but melting snow falls on Lucky and clears the soot off of him, blowing the dogs' cover. Enraged, Cruella pursues the van in her car and tries to ram it off the road, but the Baduns, attempting to do the same with their lorry, end up colliding with her. Both vehicles crash into a ditch, and Cruella yells in frustration at the pair, only for Jasper to tell her off as the van drives away. In London, a depressed Nanny and the Radcliffes try to enjoy Christmas and the wealth they have acquired from the song about Cruella, which has become a big radio hit. The soot-covered Dalmatians suddenly flood the house. Upon removing the soot and counting the massive family of dogs, Roger chooses to use his songwriting royalties to buy a big house in the country so they can keep all 101 Dalmatians.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
The story is narrated by Alan-a-Dale. He introduces Robin Hood and Little John, who live in Sherwood Forest, robbing from the rich and giving to the overtaxed townsfolk of Nottingham. Meanwhile, Prince John and his counselor Sir Hiss arrive in Nottingham. Sir Hiss had hypnotized Prince John's brother, King Richard, to fight in the third crusade, allowing Prince John to take the throne as de facto King. Prince John is greedy and immature, even sucking his thumb whenever his mother is mentioned. Robin and Little John disguise themselves as fortune tellers and rob Prince John, prompting the Prince to swear revenge and put a bounty on their heads. Meanwhile, Prince John's henchman, the cheerful Sheriff of Nottingham, taxes the inhabitants of Nottingham excessively under Prince John's orders. Robin gives back some money to a family of rabbits and gives a bow, arrow, and one of his hats to the young rabbit Skippy for his birthday. Skippy takes two of his sisters and his friend Toby to watch him test out the bow but accidentally fires an arrow into the grounds of Nottingham Castle. The children sneak inside and meet Maid Marian and her lady-in-waiting, Lady Kluck. Marian reveals that she and Robin were once childhood sweethearts. Now having returned to Nottingham after spending many years in London, she wonders if Robin remembers her. Friar Tuck, the local priest, visits Robin and Little John to report that Prince John is hosting an archery tournament, with a kiss from Maid Marian as the prize. Robin disguises himself as a stork and enters the contest, while Little John masquerades as the Duke of Chutney to get close to Prince John. Robin wins the tournament, but Prince John recognizes and exposes him, sentencing him to death despite Marian's pleas. Little John threatens Prince John with a dagger, resulting in a fight between the Nottingham villagers and Prince John's soldiers. Robin's party escapes, bringing along Marian and Lady Kluck. In the forest, Robin and Marian share a romantic evening, then are surprised by several townsfolk, who sing "The Phony King of England", a song about Prince John's cruelty and fraudulence. The song becomes a hit, so Prince John triples the taxes out of anger. Most of the townspeople who cannot pay are imprisoned. The Sheriff visits Friar Tuck's church to steal from the poor box. Tuck attacks the Sheriff with a quarterstaff, resulting in Tuck's arrest for "treason". Tuck is imprisoned in the castle, and Prince John orders Tuck's execution, hoping to trap Robin Hood. The night before the execution, Robin Hood and Little John sneak into the castle. Little John manages to free Tuck and the other prisoners, while Robin steals all of Prince John's gold. Hiss awakens and tries to stop them, rousing the castle. Chaos ensues as Robin and the others try to escape to Sherwood Forest, and Robin is forced to return to the castle to rescue Skippy's sister. The Sheriff chases Robin through the castle and attacks him with a lit torch, setting the castle ablaze and forcing Robin to jump into the moat. The soldiers shoot arrows into the moat, but Robin dives to safety and rejoins Little John and Skippy. Hiss chides a despairing Prince John for his failed trap and points out the castle (which belonged to Prince John's mother) is afire, causing Prince John to panic and chase Hiss around the burning castle. Later, King Richard returns to England, pardons Robin Hood, and sentences Prince John, Hiss, and the Sheriff to hard labor in the Royal Rock Pile. Meanwhile, Robin marries Maid Marian; they leave Nottingham for a honeymoon, with Little John and Skippy in tow.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
Amid a galactic civil war, Rebel Alliance spies have stolen plans to the Death Star, a colossal space station built by the tyrannical Galactic Empire that is capable of destroying entire planets. Imperial Senator Leia Organa of Alderaan, secretly a Rebel leader, has obtained the schematics, but her ship is intercepted and boarded by an Imperial Star Destroyer under the command of the ruthless Darth Vader. Leia is taken prisoner, but the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO escape with the plans, crashing on the nearby planet of Tatooine. The droids are captured by Jawa traders, who sell them to moisture farmers Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew, Luke Skywalker. While Luke is cleaning R2-D2, he discovers a recording of Leia requesting help from a former ally named Obi-Wan Kenobi. R2-D2 goes missing, and while searching for him, Luke is attacked by Sand People. He is rescued by Obi-Wan, an elderly hermit. Obi-Wan tells Luke about his past as one of the Jedi Knights, former peacekeepers of the Galactic Republic, who drew mystical abilities from "the Force" but were hunted to near-extinction by the Empire. Luke learns that his father, also a Jedi, fought alongside Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars until Vader, Obi-Wan's former pupil, turned to the dark side of the Force and murdered him. Obi-Wan offers Luke his father's old lightsaber, the signature weapon of the Jedi. R2-D2 plays Leia's full message, in which she begs Obi-Wan to take the Death Star plans to Alderaan and give them to her father, a fellow veteran, for analysis. Luke initially declines Obi-Wan's offer to accompany him to Alderaan and learn the ways of the Force, but he is left with no choice after Imperial stormtroopers murder his family while searching for the droids. Seeking a way off the planet, Luke and Obi-Wan travel to the city of Mos Eisley and hire Han Solo, a smuggler indebted to local mobster Jabba the Hutt. Pursued by stormtroopers, Luke, Obi-Wan, R2-D2, and C-3PO flee Tatooine with Han and his Wookiee copilot, Chewbacca, on their ship, the Millennium Falcon. Before the Falcon reaches Alderaan, the Death Star commander Grand Moff Tarkin has the planet obliterated by the station's gigantic laser. Upon arrival, the Falcon is captured by the Death Star's tractor beam, but the group escapes and infiltrates the station. As Obi-Wan leaves to disable the tractor beam, Luke persuades Han and Chewbacca to help him rescue Leia, who is scheduled for execution after refusing to reveal the location of the Rebel base. After disabling the tractor beam, Obi-Wan sacrifices himself in a lightsaber duel against Vader, which allows the rest of the group to escape the Death Star. Using a tracking device on the Falcon, the Empire locates the Rebel base on the moon Yavin 4. Analysis of the captured Death Star schematics reveals a hidden weakness in a small exhaust port leading directly to the station's reactor. After collecting his reward for rescuing Leia, Han leaves the Rebels to pay off Jabba. Luke joins the Rebels' X-wing squadron in a desperate attack against the approaching Death Star. In the ensuing battle, Vader leads a squadron of TIE fighters against the Rebels, and they suffer heavy losses. Han and Chewbacca unexpectedly return to aid them in the Falcon, knocking Vader's ship off course before he can shoot Luke down. Guided by the voice of Obi-Wan's spirit, Luke uses the Force to aim his torpedoes down the exhaust port, causing the Death Star to explode moments before it can fire on the Rebel base. In a triumphant ceremony, Leia awards Luke and Han medals for their heroism.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
Under the Atlantic Ocean, in the kingdom of Atlantica, Ariel, a 16-year-old mermaid princess dissatisfied with her life, is fascinated by the human world. With her best friend Flounder, Ariel visits Scuttle, a seagull who gives inaccurate information about humans, and collects human artifacts in her grotto. However, her father King Triton, the ruler of Atlantica, says contact between merpeople and humans is forbidden. One night, Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian, a crab who serves as Triton's adviser and court composer, travel to the surface to watch a birthday celebration for Prince Eric. Ariel falls in love with Eric at first sight. A storm later wrecks the ship and knocks Eric overboard. Ariel rescues Eric and brings him to shore. She sings to him, but leaves just as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered. Eric vows to find the girl who saved him. Discovering a change in Ariel's behavior, Triton questions Sebastian and learns of her love for Eric. Frustrated, Triton travels to Ariel's grotto and destroys her collection of artifacts in a misguided attempt to protect her. After a remorseful Triton leaves, two eels named Flotsam and Jetsam convince Ariel to visit Ursula the sea witch. Ursula makes a deal with Ariel to transform her into a human for three days in exchange for Ariel's voice, which Ursula puts in a nautilus shell. Within these three days, if Ariel receives a "true love's kiss", she will remain a human permanently. Otherwise, she will transform back into a mermaid and belong to Ursula. After accepting, Ariel is given human legs and taken to the surface by Flounder and Sebastian. Eric finds Ariel on the beach and takes her to his castle, unaware that she is the one who rescued him earlier. Ariel spends time with Eric, and at the end of the second day, they almost kiss but are thwarted by Flotsam and Jetsam. Furious at Ariel's close success, Ursula disguises herself as a young woman named Vanessa and appears onshore singing with Ariel's voice. Eric recognizes the song, and Ursula casts a hypnotic enchantment that makes him forget about Ariel. The next day, Ariel discovers that Eric will be married to Vanessa. Scuttle discovers Vanessa's true identity and informs Ariel, who pursues the wedding barge. Sebastian informs Triton, and Scuttle disrupts the wedding with the help of various sea animals. In the chaos, Ursula's shell is destroyed, restoring Ariel's voice and breaking the enchantment over Eric. Realizing that Ariel is the girl who saved his life, Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid. Turning back into her true form, Ursula kidnaps Ariel. Triton confronts Ursula and demands Ariel's release, but the deal is inviolable. At Ursula's urging, Triton agrees to take Ariel's place as Ursula's prisoner, giving up his trident. Ariel is released as Triton transforms into a polyp and loses his authority over Atlantica. Ursula declares herself the Queen of the Seven Seas, but before she can use the trident, Eric appears with a harpoon. Ursula attempts to kill Eric, but Ariel intervenes, causing Ursula to inadvertently kill Flotsam and Jetsam. Enraged, Ursula uses the trident to grow in size. Ariel and Eric reunite on the surface just before a gigantic Ursula separates them. She then gains full control of the ocean, creating a storm and bringing sunken ships to the surface. Just as Ariel is about to be killed, Eric commandeers a wrecked ship and impales Ursula with its splintered bowsprit. With Ursula dead, Triton and the other polyps in her garden revert to their original forms. Realizing that Ariel truly loves Eric, Triton turns her into a human and approves her marriage to Eric. Ariel and Eric marry on a ship and depart, with all of Ariel's friends and family watching them as well.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
An enchantress disguised as a beggar woman visits the castle of a cruel and selfish prince, offering him an enchanted rose in exchange for shelter from a storm. When he refuses, she reveals her identity and transforms the prince into a beast and his servants into household objects. The spell will only be broken if the prince learns to love another and be loved in return before the last petal falls, or he will remain a beast forever. Several years later, in a nearby village, Belle, the book-loving daughter of an eccentric inventor named Maurice, dreams of adventure. She frequently avoids Gaston, a narcissistic hunter who wants to marry her because of her beauty. En route to a fair to showcase his latest invention, an automatic wood chopper, Maurice gets lost in the forest and seeks refuge in the Beast's castle. There, the Beast imprisons Maurice for trespassing. When Maurice's horse returns alone, Belle ventures out searching for her father, finding him locked in the castle dungeon. Belle agrees to take Maurice's place as the Beast's prisoner in exchange for her father's freedom. Belle befriends the castle's servants: Lumière the candelabra, Cogsworth the clock, Mrs. Potts the teapot, and her son Chip, the teacup. When she wanders into the forbidden west wing and finds the rose, the Beast catches her and angrily forces her to flee the castle. In the forest, she is ambushed by a pack of wolves, but the Beast rescues her, injuring himself in the process. As Belle nurses his injuries, a rapport develops between them and as time passes, they begin falling in love. Meanwhile, Maurice returns to the village and fails to convince the townsfolk of Belle's predicament. Hearing Maurice's statements about the Beast, Gaston bribes Monsieur D'Arque, the warden of the town's insane asylum, to have Maurice declared insane and locked up, which Gaston will use to blackmail Belle into marrying him in exchange for Maurice's release. Before they can act, however, Maurice leaves for the castle to attempt a rescue alone. After sharing a romantic dance with the Beast, Belle uses the Beast's magic mirror to check on her father and sees him collapsing in the woods. The Beast releases her to save Maurice, giving her the mirror as a memento. After Belle takes her father to the village, a band of villagers led by Gaston arrives to detain Maurice. Belle uses the mirror to show the Beast to the townsfolk, proving her father's sanity. Realizing that Belle loves the Beast, a jealous and outraged Gaston locks Belle and her father in the cellar, and rallies the villagers to help him slay the Beast. Chip, who arrived at their house as a stowaway, activates Maurice's wood-chopping machine, freeing Maurice and Belle from the cellar. When the villagers arrive at the castle, the Beast's servants fend them off. Meanwhile, Gaston attacks the Beast, who is too depressed from Belle's departure to fight back, but regains his spirit upon seeing Belle return. He defeats Gaston, but spares his life before reuniting with Belle. However, Gaston fatally stabs the Beast before losing his footing and falling to his death. The Beast dies in Belle's arms before the last petal falls. Belle tearfully professes her love to the Beast, and the spell is undone, reviving the Beast and restoring his human form along with his servants and castle. The Prince and Belle host a ball for the kingdom, where they dance happily.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
Jafar, a sorcerer and the royal vizier of the Middle Eastern city of Agrabah, seeks a lamp hidden within the Cave of Wonders that only "the diamond in the rough" can retrieve. Meanwhile, Princess Jasmine is unsatisfied with her sheltered life in the palace. One day, she escapes the palace and encounters a street urchin, Aladdin, and his pet monkey, Abu. As a bond between Aladdin and Jasmine develops, Jafar has the palace guards capture Aladdin, during which Jasmine reveals herself. She confronts Jafar to demand Aladdin's release, but he fools her into believing that Aladdin has been beheaded. Disguised as an elderly beggar, Jafar frees Aladdin and Abu and orders them to retrieve the lamp from the cave. The guardian grants Aladdin entry, but warns him to touch only the lamp. Aladdin finds both the lamp and a magic carpet inside, but Abu grabs a large jewel and triggers a cave-in. Aladdin gives the lamp to Jafar, who throws him and Abu into the cave, although not before Abu steals it back. Later, Aladdin rubs the lamp and meets the Genie, who lives inside. The Genie grants Aladdin three wishes, although Aladdin tricks him to free them from the cave without using a wish. On learning the Genie's desire to be released from servitude, Aladdin promises to use his last wish to free him. To woo Jasmine, Aladdin uses his first wish to become a prince. At the suggestion of Jafar's parrot minion, Iago, Jafar plots a marriage between himself and Jasmine, and then kill both the princess and her father, the Sultan. Meanwhile, Aladdin arrives in Agrabah as Prince Ali but struggles to impress Jasmine. Later, Aladdin takes Jasmine on a ride with the carpet. After she deduces Aladdin as the boy from the marketplace, he tells her that he sometimes dresses as a commoner to escape palace life. After Aladdin brings Jasmine home, Jafar has the guards capture and throw him into the sea. The Genie appears and rescues Aladdin as his second wish. Returning to the palace, Aladdin reveals Jafar's plot to Jasmine and the Sultan, but the latter realizes Aladdin's identity and escapes from the guards. Facing a moral dilemma, Aladdin decides to wait before freeing the Genie. Iago steals Genie's lamp and brings it to Jafar, who uses his first wish to become sultan. Jafar's second wish turns him into a powerful sorcerer, sending Aladdin to a frozen wasteland. Using the magic carpet, Aladdin escapes and returns to Agrabah. Jasmine distracts Jafar to help Aladdin steal back the lamp, but Jafar discovers this and fights him. Aladdin taunts Jafar for being less powerful than the Genie, tricking him to use his last wish to become a genie himself. This causes Jafar to be trapped into his new lamp, taking Iago with him. The Genie throws Jafar's lamp into the Cave of Wonders. With normalcy restored, the Genie encourages Aladdin to use his third wish to regain his royal title and legally marry Jasmine. Aladdin instead decides to keep his promise and frees the Genie. Realizing Aladdin's nobility, the Sultan allows Jasmine to marry whoever she chooses. The Genie bids the group a fond farewell and leaves to explore the world, while Aladdin and Jasmine start their new life together.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In the Pride Lands of Africa, a pride of lions rule over the kingdom from Pride Rock. King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi's newborn son, Simba, is presented to the gathering animals by Rafiki the mandrill, the kingdom's shaman and advisor. Mufasa's younger brother, Scar, covets the throne. After Simba grows into a cub, Mufasa shows him the Pride Lands and explains the responsibilities of kingship and the "circle of life," which connects all living things. One day, Simba and his best friend Nala explore an elephant graveyard, where the two are chased by three spotted hyenas named Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. Mufasa is alerted by his majordomo, the hornbill Zazu, and rescues the cubs. Though disappointed with Simba for disobeying him and endangering himself and Nala, Mufasa forgives him and explains that the great kings of the past watch over them from the night sky, from which he will one day watch over Simba. Scar, having planned the attack, visits the hyenas and convinces them to help him kill both Mufasa and Simba in exchange for hunting rights in the Pride Lands. Scar sets a trap for Simba and Mufasa, luring Simba into a gorge and having the hyenas drive a large herd of wildebeest into a stampede to trample him. Mufasa saves Simba but winds up hanging perilously from the gorge's edge; he begs for Scar's help, but Scar throws Mufasa back into the stampede to his death. Scar tricks Simba into believing that the event was his fault and tells him to leave the kingdom and never return. He then orders the hyenas to kill Simba, but he escapes. Unaware of Simba's survival, Scar tells the pride that the stampede killed both Mufasa and Simba and steps forward as the new king, allowing the hyenas into the Pride Lands. After he collapses in a desert, Simba is rescued by two outcasts, a meerkat and a warthog named Timon and Pumbaa. Simba grows up with his two new friends in their oasis, living a carefree life under their motto "hakuna matata" ("no worries" in Swahili). Years later, an adult Simba rescues Timon and Pumbaa from a hungry lioness, who turns out to be Nala. Simba and Nala fall in love, and she urges him to return home, telling him that the Pride Lands have become drought-stricken under Scar's reign. Still feeling guilty over Mufasa's death, Simba refuses and storms off. He encounters Rafiki, who tells Simba that Mufasa's spirit lives on in him. Simba is visited by the spirit of Mufasa in the night sky, who tells him that he must take his place as king. After Rafiki advises him to learn from the past instead of running from it, Simba decides to return to the Pride Lands. Aided by his friends, Simba sneaks past the hyenas at Pride Rock and confronts Scar, who taunts Simba over his supposed role in Mufasa's death and backs him to the edge of the rock. Enraged by the revelation that Scar killed his father, Simba retaliates and forces Scar to confess the truth to the rest of the pride. A battle breaks out between Simba and his allies and the hyenas. Scar attempts to escape, but is cornered by Simba at a ledge near the top of Pride Rock. Scar begs for mercy and blames his actions on the hyenas; Simba spares Scar's life but, quoting what Scar told him long ago, orders Scar to leave the Pride Lands forever. Scar refuses and attacks Simba, but following a brief battle, Simba throws Scar off the ledge to the ground below. Scar survives the fall, but the hyenas, who overheard him betraying them, attack and maul him to death. With Scar and the hyenas gone, Simba takes his place as king and Nala becomes his queen. With the Pride Lands restored, Rafiki presents Simba and Nala's newborn cub to the assembled animals, thus continuing the circle of life.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In 1607, the Susan Constant travels from London to the New World, carrying English settlers from the Virginia Company. The settlers, including Captain John Smith, talk of adventure, finding gold, fighting "Injuns" and potentially settling in the new land. In the Powhatan tribe in Werowocomoco, Tsenacommacah, Virginia, Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan, fears being possibly wed to Kocoum, a warrior whom she sees as too serious for her own free-spirited personality. After having a dream about a spinning arrow, Pocahontas visits Grandmother Willow, a spiritual talking willow tree that alerts her to the arriving English. The voyage's leader Governor Ratcliffe, who seeks only wealth and status, has Jamestown built in a wooded clearing and immediately has the crewmen dig for gold. John departs to explore the wilderness and encounters Pocahontas. At first, she speaks to him in Powhatan, but soon, he gains her trust. They quickly bond, fascinated by each other's worlds, and end up falling in love. After a fight between settlers and natives, Powhatan orders the natives to stay away from the Englishmen. Pocahontas, however, disobeys him and keeps meeting with John. Unfortunately, Pocahontas's best friend, Nakoma, discovers the secret relationship and warns Kocoum. Ratcliffe also learns of John's encounters and angrily warns him against sparing any Natives. Later, John and Pocahontas meet with Grandmother Willow and plan to bring peace between the colonists and the tribe. While both parties spy on the couple, John and Pocahontas share a kiss. Furious, Kocoum attacks and attempts to kill John, but a young settler, Thomas, whose life John previously saved and who had been ordered by Ratcliffe to follow John, intervenes and kills Kocoum. John orders Thomas to leave before the tribesmen arrive and capture John, before retrieving Kocoum’s body. Enraged at Kocoum's death, Powhatan angrily berates Pocahontas of leaving the village and declares war on the English, beginning with John's execution at dawn. After reaching Jamestown, Thomas warns the settlers of John's capture. Ratcliffe then rallies his men to battle, using this as an excuse to annihilate the tribe and find their nonexistent gold. That same night, Powhatan also orders his men to prepare for battle. A desperate Pocahontas visits Grandmother Willow and realizes the arrow from John's compass is the same spinning arrow from her dream, which leads to her destiny. Morning comes, and Powhatan and his tribe drag John to a cliff for his execution. Meanwhile, Ratcliffe leads the armed colonists to fight Powhatan's warriors. Just as Powhatan is about to execute John and start the war, Pocahontas intervenes and finally convinces him to end the fighting between the two groups and spare John's life. Both sides stand down, and John is released. Unmoved, Ratcliffe orders his men to attack anyway, but they refuse. Ratcliffe fires his musket at Powhatan, but John takes the shot to save him. Livid, the settlers turn on Ratcliffe and arrest him for hurting their comrade. John is nursed back to health by the tribe but must return to England for his wounds to fully heal. Ratcliffe is also sent back to face punishment for his crimes against the settlement. John asks Pocahontas to come with him, but she chooses to stay with her tribe to help keep the peace. John leaves without Pocahontas, but with Powhatan's blessing to return anytime in the future. At the end, Pocahontas stands atop a cliff, watching the ship carrying John depart.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
The Huns, led by the ruthless Shan Yu, invade China by breaching the Great Wall. The Emperor orders a general mobilization, with conscription notices requiring one man from each family to join the Imperial Army. Fa Mulan, an adventurous young woman, hopes to bring honor to her family. She is arranged to meet a matchmaker to demonstrate her fitness as a future wife, but is deemed a disgrace after several mishaps. Fa Zhou, Mulan's elderly father and a military veteran, is conscripted. She tries dissuading him from going, but he insists that he must do his duty. Fearing for his life, she cuts her hair and takes her father's sword and armor, disguising herself as a man so that she can enlist in his stead. Quickly learning of her departure, Mulan's grandmother prays to the family's ancestors for Mulan's safety. In the family's temple, the spirits of the ancestors are awakened by Mushu, a small red dragon who is a disgraced former family guardian. The Great Ancestor decides that the powerful stone dragon guardian should guide Mulan, and sends Mushu to wake him. After accidentally destroying the guardian's statue, Mushu decides to redeem himself to the ancestors by personally aiding Mulan. Reporting to the training camp, Mulan passes as a man named "Fa Ping", with Mushu providing encouragement and clumsy guidance throughout her deception. Under the command of Captain Li Shang, she and her fellow recruits-including three named Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po-gradually become trained soldiers. The Emperor's belligerent counsel, Chi-Fu, threatens to dissuade the Emperor from allowing Shang's men to fight. Mushu then writes a fake letter from Shang's father, General Li, ordering Shang to follow the main imperial army into the mountains. The reinforcements set out and discover that the Huns have slaughtered Li and his troops. As the soldiers march up a mountain pass, they are ambushed by the Huns. Mulan uses a Huolongchushui cannon to trigger an avalanche that buries the Hun army. An enraged Shan Yu wounds Mulan during the battle, and her true gender is revealed when the wound is bandaged. Instead of executing Mulan as the law requires, Shang spares her life and expels her from the army. Mulan is left behind as the other soldiers depart for the Imperial City to report the Huns' defeat. However, Shan Yu and several of his warriors have survived, and Mulan sees them heading towards the city. Mulan enters the city and warns Shang shortly before the Huns capture the Emperor and seize the palace. Mulan, Yao, Ling, Chien-Po, and Shang enter the palace and defeat Shan Yu's men. Shang prevents Shan Yu from attacking the Emperor, and Mulan lures the Hun leader onto the roof, where she pins him there with his own sword. Guided by Mulan, Mushu fires a large skyrocket at Shan Yu, propelling him into a fireworks launching tower. The Emperor and the city's assembled inhabitants praise her for having saved them, and they bow to her in honor. She accepts the Emperor's crest and Shan Yu's sword as gifts but declines his offer to be on the royal council. Mulan returns home and presents these gifts to her father, but he ignores them, happy to have her back. Having become enamored with Mulan, Shang also arrives and accepts her invitation to stay for dinner. Mushu is reinstated as a Fa family guardian as the ancestors celebrate.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In 6,800 BC, a giant explosion sends a megatsunami toward the city of Atlantis. Leaving behind her husband, the King, and their young daughter, Princess Kida, the Queen of Atlantis merges with a floating crystal, creating a protective dome over the city's innermost district, as the tsunami sinks the continent and city beneath the waves. In 1914, archaeologist Milo Thatch fully believes in the existence of Atlantis and is determined to have the Smithsonian Institution fund an expedition to discover it. One day, he meets eccentric millionaire Preston B. Whitmore, an old friend of Milo's late grandfather, Thaddeus. Whitmore reveals that he made a bet with Thaddeus to fund an expedition to Atlantis. Whitmore persuades Milo to join the expedition and gives him the Shepherd's Journal, a book describing the history and path to Atlantis. The expedition is headed by Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke. The crew includes Lieutenant Helga Sinclair, Rourke's German-born second-in-command and lieutenant (who had introduced Milo to Whitmore); Vinny Santorini, a demolitions expert; Mole Molière, a geologist; Dr. Joshua Sweet, a medical officer; Audrey Ramirez, a mechanic; Mrs. Wilhelmina Packard, a radio operator; Cookie Farnsworth, a mess cook; and dozens of soldiers and sailors. Their submarine, the Ulysses, is attacked and destroyed by a mechanical leviathan guarding the entrance to Atlantis. Following the journal, the crew travels through a dormant volcano and eventually arrive at Atlantis, where they are greeted by Kida, who appears to be a young adult. Disregarding her father's wishes, Kida enlists Milo to help Atlantis recover its history, as its culture and knowledge have been decaying for centuries. Milo learns that a huge crystal, the Heart of Atlantis, gives the people longevity, and once powered their machines via smaller crystals they wear. He also discovers that Rourke plans to steal the Heart and sell it. Rourke does not care that his theft of the Heart would kill the inhabitants of Atlantis. When the king refuses to reveal the Heart's location, Rourke wounds him. Rourke eventually finds the Heart himself. Kida merges with the crystal. Rourke locks the crystal in a crate and prepares to leave. Milo convinces Vinny, Audrey, Molière, Packard, Sweet, and Cookie to turn on Rourke, unwilling to be responsible for the Atlanteans' extinction. Rourke, Helga, and the soldiers start for the surface with Kida, and destroy the bridge to trap the others behind. The dying King gives Milo his own crystal, explaining that he tried weaponizing the Heart, which caused the prior explosion and the Queen's fate. He says the Heart selects a royal host when the city is in danger, and begs Milo to save Atlantis and Kida, who will be lost to the Heart forever if not separated from it soon. Milo and his friends rally the Atlanteans to reactivate their flying machines and pursue the mercenaries; they defeat Rourke's soldiers. Rourke and Helga try escaping with the crystal; however, Rourke betrays Helga and throws her off his airship, which contains the crate. As revenge, Helga shoots and damages the airship. While the airship burns, Milo slashes Rourke with a crystal-charged shard of glass, turning Rourke into a crystal monster; Rourke is then fatally shattered by the ship's propellers. The airship awakens the volcano as it crash-lands. Milo and the rest flee back to Atlantis with Kida, who, still merged with the Heart, rises into the sky and awakens ancient Stone Guardians, who create a dome to protect Atlantis from the lava flow. Once the danger is neutralized, the Heart returns Kida, alive, to Milo. Milo decides to stay in Atlantis with Kida, whom he has fallen in love with. The crew returns to the surface, each gifted with a small Atlantean crystal and a portion of treasure. While reviewing photographs of the adventure taken by Mrs. Packard, Whitmore agrees to the crew's swear to secrecy to preserve Atlantis' safety. Whitmore also receives his own Atlantean crystal enclosed in a note from Milo. Meanwhile, back at Atlantis, Milo and Kida (who becomes the new Queen) orbited a carved stone effigy of Kida's late father, along with those of other past Kings, around the Heart of Atlantis as it once again hovers above the newly restored city.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
On the day of his wedding with Helen Truax (alias Elastigirl), superhero Bob Parr (alias Mr. Incredible) thwarts a civilian's attempted suicide by tackling him through a skyscraper window. Bob then discovers supervillain Bomb Voyage robbing the building but is interrupted by his devoted fanboy Buddy Pine, who wants to be his sidekick. Bob rejects Buddy, and Voyage clips a bomb onto Buddy's cape; Bob manages to get the bomb off, but it destroys part of an elevated train track, forcing Bob to abruptly stop an oncoming train. After his wedding, Bob is sued for collateral damage by the suicidal civilian and the injured train passengers. Similar lawsuits create a negative public attitude towards superheroes, so the government initiates the Superhero Relocation Program, banning all "supers" from using their powers in public and forcing them into hiding. Fifteen years later, Bob lives with Helen and their children, Violet, Dash, and baby Jack-Jack, in Metroville. Although he loves his family, Bob misses his superhero days and resents his mundane job as a claims adjuster, moonlighting as a vigilante with his best friend Lucius Best (alias Frozone). One day, Bob's supervisor, Gilbert Huph, stops him from preventing a mugging. A frustrated Bob injures Huph and is consequently fired. The same day, a woman named Mirage secretly offers Bob a mission to subdue a giant "Omnidroid" robot loose on Nomanisan island. Bob succeeds by tricking the machine into ripping out its own power source. Rejuvenated by the action and higher pay, Bob improves his relationship with his family, trains to get back into shape, and asks superhero costume designer Edna Mode to fix a tear the Omnidroid made in his old suit. Incorrectly assuming Helen knows of Bob's new job, Edna makes new suits for the entire family. Summoned back to Nomanisan, Bob discovers Mirage is working for Buddy, now calling himself "Syndrome" after being embittered by Bob's rejection. Syndrome has become wealthy by inventing weapons that mimic superpowers. He also has been perfecting the Omnidroid by luring supers to fight it until it kills them. Syndrome intends to send an Omnidroid to attack Metroville, then defeat it publicly with secret controls, thereby gaining "hero" status. He then plans to sell his inventions to the world to make the term "super" irrelevant. Helen visits Edna and learns what Bob has been up to. She activates a beacon Edna built into the suits to find Bob, inadvertently causing Bob to be captured while infiltrating Syndrome's base. Helen borrows a private plane to fly to Nomanisan; Violet and Dash stow away, leaving Jack-Jack with a babysitter. Despite knowing that there are children on the plane, Syndrome shoots it down with missiles, but Helen and the kids survive and make it to the island. Disillusioned by Syndrome's callousness, Mirage releases Bob and informs him of his family's survival. Syndrome's guards pursue Dash and Violet, who fight them off with their powers and reunite with their parents. Syndrome imprisons the family and follows the Omnidroid to Metroville. The Parrs escape to Metroville as well with Mirage's help. Syndrome's plan backfires when the Omnidroid's artificial intelligence recognizes that Syndrome's remote control wristband is a threat; it shoots the remote off of Syndrome, who is knocked unconscious as he tries fleeing. The Parrs and Lucius fight the Omnidroid; Helen and the kids retrieve the remote control, allowing Bob to destroy the robot's power source. The Parrs and Lucius are hailed by the public just as Syndrome awakens to see their victory. Returning home, the Parrs find Syndrome retaliating by abducting Jack-Jack to raise as a sidekick. As Syndrome flies away, Jack-Jack's superpowers manifest, and he escapes Syndrome's hold. Helen rescues the falling baby, and Bob throws his car at Syndrome's plane; Syndrome is sucked into the plane's engine, killing him and causing the plane to explode. Three months later, the Parrs witness the arrival of supervillain the Underminer. They don their masks and suits, ready to face the new threat.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In the Valley of Peace, a land in Ancient China inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, a giant panda named Po helps his goose father Mr. Ping run their noodle restaurant, but dreams of fighting alongside the Furious Five - Tigress, Monkey, Crane, Viper and Mantis - a group of kung fu masters who live in the Jade Palace, where they are trained by Master Shifu, a cranky red panda. One day, the wise tortoise, Master Oogway, the founder of kung fu, and the Valley's spiritual leader, predicts that Shifu's former beloved apprentice, the snow-leopard Tai Lung, will escape from prison and attack the Valley to obtain the Dragon Scroll, a legendary artifact said to grant limitless power to its reader, which he had previously been denied. Panicked, Shifu sends his goose assistant, Zeng, to fortify the security at Chorh-Gom Prison, where Tai Lung is held. Shifu holds a tournament for the Five so that Oogway can identify the Dragon Warrior, the prophesied hero worthy of reading the Scroll, and Po arrives too late to enter the arena. Desperate to see his idols, he accidentally launches himself into the middle of the tournament off a chair propelled by fireworks. With the townsfolk believing Po descended from the sky in a fireball, Oogway proclaims Po the Dragon Warrior, much to Po's and the Masters' shock. Shifu believes Oogway's decision to be an accident, and the Five dismiss him, so Po considers quitting. However, after receiving encouragement from Oogway, he endures a frustrated Shifu's harsh training and gradually befriends the Five with his resilience, culinary skill and good humor. During this time, Tigress informs him that Shifu's distant behavior stems from his shame over Tai Lung's betrayal owing to being denied the dragon scroll (as Oogway sensed darkness in his heart), having raised him from infancy. At Chorh-Gom Prison, Zeng's arrival inadvertently triggers Oogway's prophecy; Tai Lung easily escapes and subdues his guards before sending Zeng back. Shifu informs Oogway, who makes Shifu promise to believe in Po as the Dragon Warrior, before naming Shifu as his successor as the Valley's leader and ascending into the Spirit Realm in a stream of peach blossoms. Shifu informs Po and the Five of Tai Lung's escape and Oogway's passing, and tells Po he is the only one who can stop him. Horrified by the bad news about Oogway's death, Po attempts to run away, but Shifu stops him. When Shifu asks Po why he chose to stay, Po tells him that he hated who he was, and he felt that despite Shifu's harsh treatment, he still believed Shifu could change him. Po then makes Shifu admit that he does not know how to train him to be the Dragon Warrior. Tigress overhears this and leads the Five in a secret attempt to stop Tai Lung. Meanwhile, Shifu discovers that Po is capable of impressive physical feats when motivated by food, and successfully trains Po by incorporating these feats into an innovative style of Kung Fu. The Furious Five fight Tai Lung, but he ultimately defeats them with his nerve-strike technique, leaving only Crane who carries the rest back to the valley, as a warning. On returning, Shifu decides that Po is ready to receive the Dragon Scroll. When Po opens it, he discovers that the scroll is nothing but a blank reflective surface. Believing the Scroll to have no power, Shifu has Po and the Five evacuate the inhabitants of the Valley while he faces Tai Lung alone to help everyone else escape. Trying to console a distraught Po, Mr. Ping reveals that his "secret ingredient soup" has no secret ingredient at all, explaining that things can become special with belief. Realizing that this is the message of the Dragon Scroll, Po rushes back to help Shifu. At the Jade Palace, Tai Lung brutally defeats Shifu, but he discovers that the Scroll is missing. Po arrives with the Scroll, saving Shifu's life and prompting them to fight. Po proves to be a formidable opponent, frustrating Tai Lung with his confusing fighting techniques. Tai Lung eventually obtains the Scroll, but does not comprehend its blank surface. Tai Lung tries to take his frustrations out on Po with his nerve-strike technique. However, Tai Lung discovers that Po is immune to this. Po overpowers Tai Lung and sends him to the Spirit Realm using the legendary Wuxi Finger Hold technique, which he taught himself. Po is honored by the Valley, earns the respect of the Five, and relaxes with a recovered Shifu.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In New Orleans during the Roaring Twenties, a young woman named Tiana is devoted to opening her own restaurant, a dream she shared with her late father. She works two waitress jobs to save enough money for her own restaurant, leaving her no time for a social life. In early 1926, Naveen, the arrogant prince of Maldonia, arrives in New Orleans. His parents have cut him off from the family fortune, so he intends to marry Charlotte La Bouff, Tiana's best friend. In order to convince her to marry Naveen, Charlotte's father, wealthy Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff, hosts a masquerade ball in Naveen's honor, for which Charlotte hires Tiana to make beignets, paying her enough to buy a dilapidated mill to convert into her dream restaurant. Naveen and his valet, Lawrence, encounter Dr. Facilier, an evil and powerful voodoo witch doctor who plans to rule New Orleans. Facilier transforms Naveen into a frog and Lawrence into a doppelganger of Naveen, using a voodoo talisman containing Naveen's blood. Facilier intends for the disguised Lawrence to marry Charlotte, then to kill her father with a voodoo doll so he can gain the La Bouff fortune. At the ball, Tiana learns she has been outbid for the mill. Upset, she accidentally spills beignets and sauce on her outfit, so Charlotte lends her a princess costume. Feeling disheartened, she begins wishing on a star when Naveen appears in frog form. Thinking Tiana is a real princess, he asks her to kiss him to break the spell. Tiana reluctantly agrees since Naveen can give her enough money for the mill. However, she is transformed into a frog as well. The two are chased into a nearby bayou, where they meet a jazz-loving alligator named Louis. When they explain their predicament, he tells them of Mama Odie, another voodoo practitioner who lives in the bayou. Naveen convinces Louis to take him and Tiana to see Mama Odie so he would ask her to turn him into a human as well to accomplish his dream of being a professional jazz musician. However, Louis does not know the way to Mama Odie; a Cajun firefly named Ray, who knows Mama Odie, helps the three. During the journey, Tiana and Naveen begin developing feelings for each other, especially after Naveen learns to be more responsible. Meanwhile, the talisman disguising Lawrence as Naveen begins faltering; it needs a steady supply of Naveen's blood to function. Facilier asks his "friends on the other side" (a legion of voodoo spirits) to help retrieve Naveen, and they grant him an army of shadow demons to do his bidding. The demons discover Tiana and her group in the bayou; Mama Odie rescues the group. Mama Odie tells Naveen the spell can only be broken with a princess's kiss. Tiana realizes that since Big Daddy has been crowned Mardi Gras king, Charlotte will be a princess until midnight. The group hitches a ride on a paddle steamer back to New Orleans, during which Naveen tells Ray about his love for Tiana and plans to propose marriage to her. After talking to Tiana, Naveen selflessly decides against proposing, since transforming him and Tiana into humans and financing Tiana's restaurant is contingent on him kissing and marrying Charlotte. The shadow demons capture Naveen and bring him to Facilier, who uses his blood to replenish the talisman. After Ray tells Tiana of Naveen's love for her, Tiana heads to the Mardi Gras parade to find Naveen, only to see the disguised Lawrence marrying Charlotte. Heartbroken, Tiana flees the scene. Ray rescues the real Naveen and steals the talisman, which he gives to Tiana before Facilier mortally wounds him. Facilier offers to make Tiana's dream come true in exchange for the talisman. Realizing that she would be dishonoring her father by accepting, Tiana destroys the talisman. With Facilier's plan foiled, the voodoo spirits drag him into their world for failing to pay back his debt. After Lawrence is arrested, Tiana reveals her love to Naveen. Charlotte is moved by this and agrees to kiss Naveen so he and Tiana can be human together, but as the clock strikes midnight, Charlotte is no longer a princess, so Tiana and Naveen remain frogs. Ray dies shortly thereafter and is reincarnated as a star. Tiana and Naveen are married by Mama Odie, and since doing so makes Tiana a princess, both are restored to human form. They later return to New Orleans to legally marry and open Tiana's restaurant.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
A drop of sunlight falls from the sky and produces a magic flower with healing properties. An old woman named Gothel uses it to retain her youth. Centuries later, the flower is taken by soldiers from the kingdom of Corona and used to save their pregnant queen. She gives birth to Rapunzel, whose blonde hair contains the flower's magic. Gothel sneaks into the castle and cuts a lock of her hair, but it turns brown and loses its magic. She instead kidnaps Rapunzel and raises her in a hidden tower in the woods. Each year on Rapunzel's birthday, the king and queen release sky lanterns, hoping they will guide Rapunzel home. Rapunzel is fascinated by the annual lights and, on the eve of her 18th birthday, asks to leave the tower and investigate them, but Gothel refuses, claiming the outside world is too dangerous. Meanwhile, Flynn Rider steals Rapunzel's intended crown from the palace; he abandons the Stabbington brothers, his partners in crime, while being pursued by royal guard-horse Maximus. Flynn discovers and takes refuge in the tower, where Rapunzel knocks him out and hides him in a closet. When Rapunzel attempts to show him to Gothel as proof that she can defend herself, Gothel berates Rapunzel and says Rapunzel will never leave the tower. Hatching a plan, Rapunzel asks for new paint as a gift, sending Gothel on a three-day journey. Rapunzel strikes a deal with Flynn, promising to return the crown in exchange for taking her to see the lanterns. When they stop at the Snuggly Duckling pub, menacing thugs try to capture the wanted Flynn, but Rapunzel charms them into revealing their softer sides. When royal guards arrive, the thugs help Rapunzel and Flynn escape. Meanwhile, Gothel encounters a riderless Maximus and recognizes him as a horse from the palace. Gothel becomes suspicious, returns to the empty tower, and finds the crown and a wanted poster of Flynn. She strikes a deal with the Stabbington brothers to find Rapunzel. Flynn and Rapunzel become trapped in a fast-flooding cave; believing they will suffocate, Flynn reveals his true name, Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel uses the magic glow of her hair to reveal a hidden exit beneath the water, and they escape. That night, Gothel confronts Rapunzel alone and gives her the crown, telling her to give it to Eugene to test his loyalty. The next morning, Maximus tracks down Eugene and attempts to arrest him, but Rapunzel demands a truce, which Maximus reluctantly agrees to. Rapunzel and Eugene enter the kingdom and attend a festival in honor of the "lost princess". After a day of celebration, they sail onto the lake to watch the release of the lanterns. Rapunzel gives Eugene the crown, and they confess their mutual love. When Eugene sees the Stabbingtons on the shore, he goes to apologize and offers them the crown. The brothers tie him up, tricking Rapunzel into thinking he abandoned her. They try to capture Rapunzel, but Gothel stages a rescue by knocking them out and takes Rapunzel back to the tower. Eugene is arrested, but Maximus and the pub thugs help him escape. Meanwhile, Rapunzel realizes she has subconsciously incorporated the kingdom's standard, a golden sun, into her artwork throughout her life. Realizing that she is the "lost princess", she confronts Gothel, declaring she will never allow Gothel to use her hair again. Eugene arrives at the tower and calls to Rapunzel. Her hair is lowered to him but, upon climbing up, he finds Rapunzel chained and gagged. Gothel stabs Eugene from behind and attempts to drag Rapunzel away, but she angrily resists. However, Rapunzel promises to stay with Gothel if she is allowed to heal Eugene. Gothel reluctantly agrees to this, but Eugene, realizing Rapunzel would spend the rest of her life in captivity, cuts off most of her hair before she can heal him. A horrified and infuriated Gothel suddenly ages rapidly, then falls from the tower and turns to dust. Rapunzel mourns Eugene, but one of her tears, which still has some of the flower's magic, revives him. In the aftermath, Rapunzel is reunited with her birth parents, and the kingdom celebrates. Rapunzel and Eugene eventually marry.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
Princess Elsa of Arendelle has magical powers of ice and snow. After she accidentally injures her younger sister Anna with her magic, their parents bring them to a colony of trolls led by Grand Pabbie. He heals Anna by taking away her memories of Elsa's magic. The king and queen decide that until Elsa learns to control her powers, they will close the castle gates and isolate her. Years of isolation creates a rift between the sisters and, when they are adults, their parents are killed at sea. On Elsa's coronation day, the castle gates open to the public for the first time. Visiting dignitaries include the handsome Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. Hans proposes to Anna, but Elsa objects to the alliance and lashes out, accidentally revealing her powers to the terrified court. Accused of witchcraft by the scheming Duke of Weselton, Elsa flees to the North Mountain and feels free for the first time. She builds an ice palace and decides to live a hermit's life, unaware that her magic has plunged Arendelle into an eternal winter. Anna ventures out to find Elsa, leaving Hans in command. She meets an iceman named Kristoff and his reindeer, Sven, and convinces them to bring her to the North Mountain. On the way they meet Olaf, a living snowman created by Elsa's magic. At the ice palace, Anna tells Elsa about what has become of Arendelle. Elsa's fear makes her hit Anna with ice, accidentally freezing her heart. In desperation, Elsa creates a giant snow monster and casts Anna out of the castle to keep her safe. With Anna slowly freezing to death, Kristoff takes her to the trolls for help. Grand Pabbie says that only "an act of true love" can thaw her heart. Kristoff races back to the castle so Hans can give Anna true love's kiss. Meanwhile, Hans captures Elsa. Instead of kissing Anna, he says that he has been plotting to become ruler of Arendelle by marrying Anna and then killing both sisters. The sisters escape and Olaf helps Anna reunite with Kristoff, whom he has deduced is in love with Anna. Hans confronts Elsa, saying that she has killed Anna. Elsa breaks down, which abruptly stops the blizzard she created. Seeing Hans about to kill Elsa, Anna sacrifices her chance to be saved by Kristoff and steps between Elsa and Hans. She freezes solid, which devastates Elsa. As she hugs her sister, Anna slowly thaws; her heroism is "an act of true love". Realizing that love is the key to controlling her powers, Elsa ends the winter. Hans is arrested and exiled for treason and attempted assassination. Elsa appoints Kristoff the royal ice deliverer, and he and Anna share a kiss. The sisters mend their relationship, and Elsa promises never to lock the castle gates again.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
On the Polynesian island of Motunui, the inhabitants worship the goddess of nature, Te Fiti; a living island who, long ago, brought life to the ocean using a pounamu stone as her heart and the source of her power. One day, Maui, the shape-shifting demigod of the wind and sea and master of wayfinding, stole Te Fiti's heart to give humanity the power of creation. This caused Te Fiti to disintegrate, and Maui was attacked by Te Kā, a volcanic demon. Maui lost both the heart and his magic fish hook to the depths of the sea. A thousand years later, the ocean chooses Moana, the daughter of Motunui's chief Tui, to return the heart to Te Fiti. Tui and Sina, Moana's parents, try to keep her away from the ocean to prepare her to become the island's chief. Sixteen years later, blight strikes the island, killing vegetation and shrinking the fish catch. Moana suggests going beyond the island's reef with her pet pig Pua to find more fish and find out what is happening, but Tui forbids it. Moana tries conquering the reef, but is overpowered by the tides and shipwrecked. That afternoon, Moana's grandmother Tala shows her a secret cavern of ships and reveals Motunui's people were voyagers until Maui stole Te Fiti's heart; the ocean was no longer safe without it. Tala explains Te Kā's darkness is destroying the island, but can be cured if Moana finds Maui and has him restore the heart of Te Fiti. Having been given the heart by the ocean, Tala gives it to Moana. Tala later becomes severely ill and tells Moana to find Maui before she dies. Moana sets sail on a camakau from the cavern along with her dimwitted pet rooster, Heihei, who stowed away on it. They are caught in a typhoon and shipwrecked on an island, where she finds Maui, who boasts about his achievements. She demands Maui return the heart, but he refuses and traps her in a cave before leaving on her boat. She escapes and confronts Maui, who reluctantly lets her on the camakau. They are attacked by Kakamora, coconut pirates who seek the heart, but Moana and Maui outwit them. Moana realizes Maui is no longer a hero since he stole the heart and cursed the world, and convinces him to redeem himself by returning the heart. However, Maui first needs to retrieve his fishhook in Lalotai, the Realm of Monsters, from Tamatoa, a giant coconut crab. While Moana distracts Tamatoa, Maui retrieves his hook, only to find himself unable to control his shape-shifting. He is overpowered by Tamatoa, but Moana's quick thinking allows them to escape with the hook. Maui reveals his first tattoo was earned when his human parents abandoned him as an infant, and the gods, taking pity on him, granted him his powers. After reassurance from Moana, Maui teaches her the art of way-finding, regaining control of his powers, and the two grow closer. They arrive at Te Fiti's island, only to be attacked by Te Kā. Moana refuses to turn back, resulting in Maui's hook being badly damaged. Unwilling to lose his hook again, Maui abandons Moana, who asks the ocean to find someone else to restore the heart and loses hope. The ocean obliges and takes the heart, but Tala's spirit appears, inspiring Moana to find her true calling. She retrieves the heart and sails back to confront Te Kā. Maui returns, having had a change of heart, and buys Moana time to reach Te Fiti by fighting Te Kā, destroying his hook in the process. Upon being unable to find Te Fiti, Moana realizes Te Kā is Te Fiti, having become corrupted without her heart. The ocean clears a path for Moana, allowing her to return the heart to Te Fiti, who heals the ocean and islands of blight. Maui apologizes to Te Fiti, who fixes his hook as well as Moana's boat before falling into a deep sleep and becoming an island. Moana bids farewell to Maui and Te Fiti, returning home and reuniting with her parents. She takes up her role as chief and wayfinder, leading her people as they resume voyaging, accompanied by Maui.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
King Agnarr of Arendelle tells his daughters Elsa and Anna that their grandfather, King Runeard, forged a treaty with the neighboring tribe of Northuldra by building a dam in their homeland, the Enchanted Forest. A fight occurred, resulting in Runeard's death and enraging the forest's classical elements of earth, fire, water, and air. The elements disappeared, and a wall of mist trapped everyone in the forest; Agnarr barely escaped, helped by an unknown savior. Three years after her coronation, Elsa celebrates autumn in the kingdom with Anna, the snowman Olaf, the iceman Kristoff, and Kristoff's reindeer Sven. One night, Elsa hears a mysterious voice calling her. She follows it, unintentionally awakening the elemental spirits, who are forcing everyone in the kingdom to evacuate. The Rock Troll colony arrives, and Grand Pabbie tells the sisters they must set things right by uncovering the truth about the past. Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven follow the mysterious voice, and travel to the Enchanted Forest. The mist parts at Elsa's touch, while the air spirit appears as a tornado, catching everyone in its vortex until Elsa stops it by turning the vortex into ice sculptures that show images from their father's past. Elsa also befriends the fire spirit, who is an agitated magical salamander. They later encounter the Northuldra and a troop of Arendellian soldiers who are still in conflict with one another. Anna and Elsa arrange a truce between the soldiers and the Northuldra after discovering that their mother, Queen Iduna, was a Northuldran who had saved the Arendellian Agnarr. The Northuldra tell them about a fifth spirit, who is meant to reunite the people with the magic of nature. While Kristoff and Sven stay with the Northuldra, Elsa, Anna, and Olaf continue north. They find their parents' wrecked ship and a map with a route to Ahtohallan, a mythical river said to explain the past. Elsa sends Anna and Olaf to safety and continues alone. She encounters and tames the Nøkk, the water spirit who guards the sea to Ahtohallan. Elsa discovers that the voice calling to her is the memory of young Iduna and that her powers are a gift from nature because of Iduna's selfless saving of Agnarr. She learns that the dam was built as a ruse to reduce Northuldran resources because of Runeard's contempt for the tribe's connection with magic, and that he began the conflict by murdering the Northuldran leader in cold blood. Elsa sends this information to Anna before she becomes frozen due to venturing into the most dangerous part of Ahtohallan. This also causes Olaf to fade away from existence. Upon discovering the truth, Anna concludes that the dam must be destroyed for peace to be restored and the forest to be freed. She awakens the earth spirit, Jötunn, and lures it towards the dam. The massive rock giants hurl boulders, destroying the dam and sending a flood down the fjord towards the kingdom. Elsa is released and rides the water spirit to Arendelle, where she freezes the flood and saves the kingdom. As the mist disappears, she rejoins Anna and revives Olaf. Realizing she is the fifth spirit herself, Elsa explains to Anna that they are the bridge between the people and the magical spirits. Anna then becomes Queen of Arendelle and accepts Kristoff's marriage proposal. Elsa becomes the protector of the Enchanted Forest, and visits Arendelle regularly, with peace restored. In a post-credits scene, Olaf visits Elsa's ice palace and recounts the events to Marshmallow, the snow giant created by Elsa as palace guard, and the Snowgies, miniature snowmen inadvertently generated by Elsa on Anna's nineteenth birthday.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
500 years ago, Kumandra, a prosperous land where humans lived alongside dragons, was ravaged by the Druun, mindless spirits that turn every living thing in their path to stone. Sisu, the last surviving dragon, concentrated her magic into a gem and blasted away the Druun, reviving Kumandra's people but not its dragons. A power struggle for the gem divided Kumandra's people into five chiefdoms called Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon, and Tail, corresponding to their placement along a gigantic dragon-shaped river. In the present, Chief Benja of the Heart tribe retains possession of the gem and trains his young daughter Raya, a warrior princess, to protect it. Benja, believing Kumandra can be reunited, holds a feast for all five tribes. During the feast, Raya befriends Namaari, princess of the Fang tribe, who gives Raya a dragon pendant. Raya trusts Namaari and shows her the gem's chamber but Namaari betrays her as part of a plot to help Fang steal the gem. After being alerted to the attack, Benja and the other tribes arrive and start fighting over the gem, breaking it into five pieces. The gem's destruction creates a fissure that releases the Druun, who quickly take over the Land of Heart. The tribe leaders each steal a piece of the gem and flee. Benja notices water repels the Druun and saves Raya's life by throwing her into the river before being turned to stone. Six years later, Raya treks across Kumandra to find Sisu, hoping she will create another gem and banish the Druun. In Tail, Raya summons Sisu, who says she did not create the gem but wielded it on behalf of her four siblings, all of whom contributed their magic to the gem. Raya and Sisu resolve to reclaim the four pieces of the gem, reassemble it, and use it to banish the Druun and restore those who were turned to stone, while making new friends; including Boun, a young restaurateur from Tail; Little Noi, a baby con artist from Talon; and Tong, a warrior from Spine; all of whom have lost loved ones to the Druun. Namaari, hoping to gain the gem shards for the Fang tribe, pursues Raya. Since each gem shard they acquire blesses Sisu with one of her siblings' magical powers, Raya, who does not fully trust their new companions, insists Sisu remain disguised as a human but in Spine, Sisu reveals herself to save Raya from Namaari. In Fang, Sisu persuades Raya to propose an alliance with Namaari rather than steal the final shard. As a gesture of trust, Raya returns the pendant Namaari gave her years before. Namaari, torn between her responsibility to Fang and her wish to help defeat the Druun, threatens the party with a crossbow. Sisu tries to calm Namaari down but Raya attacks with her whip sword after seeing Namaari's finger on the trigger, causing the crossbow to fire and kill Sisu. Sisu's death drains away all of the water, allowing the Drunn to overrun the realm. Furious by Namaari’s actions, Raya pursues her and finds her grieving the petrification of her mother Chief Virana. Namaari and Raya fight while Raya's companions use the gem pieces to evacuate the people of Fang. Raya prepares to kill Namaari but stops when Namaari reminds her that her inability to trust others led to Sisu’s death, and they go to aid the others. As the Druun gain on her group, Raya remembers how trust allowed Sisu to save the world. She urges the others to unite and reassemble the gem, showing her faith in Namaari by handing over her gem piece and allowing the Druun to turn her into stone. Boun, Tong, Noi, and the ongis follow suit, and Namaari reassembles the gem before also being petrified. This unleashes a shockwave that spreads throughout Kumandra, vanquishing the Druun and conjuring up a magical rainstorm that revives everyone, including the dragons who later revive Sisu. After the group reunites with their loved ones, the tribes and dragons gather at Heart to unite as Kumandra once again.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
An armed conflict forces Pedro and Alma Madrigal, a young married couple, to flee their home village in Colombia with their infant triplets Julieta, Pepa and Bruno. The attackers kill Pedro, but the candle Alma is carrying becomes magical through a miracle, repelling the attackers and creating Casita, a sentient house for the family located in Encanto, a magical realm bordered by high mountains. Fifty years later, a new village thrives under the candle's protection, with its magic granting "gifts" to each Madrigal descendant at the age of five, which they use to serve the villagers. However, Bruno, who was vilified and scapegoated for his gift of seeing the future, disappeared ten years ago. Julieta's youngest daughter, 15-year-old Mirabel, did not receive a gift, and no one knows why. In celebration of Pepa's youngest son, Antonio, being gifted the ability to communicate with animals, the Madrigals pose for a photo showing off their powers, but inadvertently exclude Mirabel. Mirabel suddenly sees Casita cracking and the candle's flame flickering, but Casita temporarily repairs itself when Mirabel attempts to show her family the damage. After overhearing Alma praying, Mirabel resolves to restore Casita's magic. The next day, Mirabel's 19-year-old sister Luisa, who has the gift of superhuman strength, confesses to feeling overwhelmed by her near-constant obligations. Luisa then suggests that Bruno's room, located in a forbidden tower in Casita, may hold the secret to why the magic is being threatened. Upon entering Bruno's room, Mirabel discovers a cave, and barely escapes with the pieces of a tablet of opaque emerald glass in hand. Outside, Luisa discovers that her gift is weakening, and Mirabel reassembles the tablet and sees a picture of herself with Casita cracking behind her. Later that evening, Mirabel's 21-year-old sister Isabela, who can make plants and flowers grow at will, is scheduled to be engaged to neighbor Mariano Guzmán. Amidst Mariano's proposal and an awkward dinner, Pepa's daughter, Dolores, who possesses superhuman hearing, reveals Mirabel's discovery to everyone. Casita begins to crack again, and everyone starts to lose control of their gifts. Amidst the chaos, Mirabel follows a group of rats and discovers a secret passage behind a portrait, where she finds Bruno. Bruno reveals he never left the house, and that the vision he had alternates between Mirabel saving and destroying the Casita, leading him to believe she is the key to the fate of Casita's magic. Not wanting Mirabel to be hurt, he broke the vision's tablet and isolated himself. At Mirabel's insistence, Bruno reluctantly conjures another vision that at first resembles the previous one, but then depicts Mirabel embracing Isabela, with whom Mirabel has a strained relationship, and strengthening the candle. Mirabel reluctantly apologizes to Isabela, who confesses she does not want to marry Mariano and is burdened by her image of perfection. Mirabel helps Isabela use her powers more freely and they embrace. However, when Mirabel attempts to explain her findings to Alma, she lashes out at Mirabel, accusing her of causing the family's misfortunes out of spite for not having a gift. Finally fed up with her grandmother's treatment of her, Mirabel calls out Alma for her unreasonable expectations, saying that no one is good enough for her and that Alma is the reason for the miracle's fading. The ensuing argument creates a fissure that splits the nearby mountain and demolishes Casita as the candle extinguishes, leaving the Madrigals powerless. A heartbroken Mirabel runs away from the family, who scramble to find her. Several hours later, Alma finds a tearful Mirabel sitting beside the river where Pedro died. Alma realizes she was so determined to preserve the magic, she ignored how her expectations were harming the family. Alma expresses remorse for her actions, reconciles with Mirabel, and reunites with Bruno. The three return to the village and assemble the other Madrigals to rebuild Casita, with the townsfolk joining in. Mirabel installs a new doorknob to the main door, restoring the family's gifts and reviving Casita. She and Bruno then join the family for another photo.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
In 2002 Toronto, 13-year-old Meilin "Mei" Lee lives with her parents, Ming and Jin, helps take care of the family's temple dedicated to her maternal ancestor Sun Yee, and works to make her mother proud. She hides her personal interests from Ming, such as the fact that she and her friends Miriam, Priya, and Abby are fans of the boy band 4*Town. One night when Ming, who is strict and overprotective, discovers Mei's crush on Devon, the 17-year-old local convenience store clerk, she inadvertently humiliates Mei in public. That night, Mei has a vivid nightmare involving red pandas. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds that she has transformed into a large red panda. She hides from her parents and discovers that she transforms only when she is in a state of high emotion. When Mei reverts to human form, her hair remains red, and so she goes to school in a touque. Ming initially believes Mei is experiencing her first period, but learns the truth when she gets into an altercation with the school's security guard, causing Mei to transform from embarrassment and run home in panic and tears. Ming and Jin explain that Sun Yee was granted this transformation to protect her daughters and her village during wartime, and that all her female descendants have also had this ability. This has become inconvenient and dangerous in modern times, so the red panda spirit must be sealed in a talisman by a ritual on the night of a lunar eclipse, which will take place in a month's time. Mei's friends discover her transformation, but take a liking to it; Mei finds that concentrating on them enables her to control her transformations. Ming allows Mei to resume her normal life, but refuses to let Mei attend 4*Town's upcoming concert. Instead, the girls secretly raise money for the tickets at school by exploiting the popularity of Mei's red panda form while lying to Ming about how Mei is spending her time. To raise the last 100 dollars, Mei agrees to attend school bully Tyler's birthday party as the red panda. Before Mei leaves, Mei's grandmother and aunts arrive to assist with Mei's ritual. At the party, Mei is upset to discover that the concert will be on the night she is to undergo the ritual. In her rage, she attacks Tyler when he insults her family, frightening the other kids. Ming discovers Mei's activities and accuses her friends for everything. Mei fails to come to her friends' defense to maintain Ming's approval. While cleaning, Jin finds videos she recorded of herself as the red panda with her friends and tells her she should not be ashamed of this side of her, but to embrace it. During the ritual, as Mei's red panda form is about to be sealed, she decides to keep her powers and abandons the ritual to attend the concert at the SkyDome; in making her escape, she breaks Ming's talisman, releasing her red panda form as well. At the concert, she reconciles with her friends and Tyler. However, an enraged Ming, having become a kaiju-sized red panda, disrupts the concert, intending to take Mei back by force. Mei and Ming argue about the former's independence. As they fight, Mei accidentally knocks her mother unconscious. Mei's grandmother and aunts break their talismans to use their red panda forms to help drag Ming into a new ritual circle. Mei's friends and 4*Town join in singing to complete the ritual, sending Mei, Ming, and the other women to the astral plane. Mei reconciles with her mother and helps Ming mend her own bond with her own mother, whom Ming accidentally scarred in anger in the past. The other women contain their red pandas in new talismans; but Mei decides to keep hers and Ming accepts that she is finding her own path. Later as the Lee family raises money to repair the damage to the SkyDome, Mei and Ming's relationship has improved. Mei balances her temple duties (where her red panda form is now an attraction) and spends time with her friends and Tyler.
@vincenzogaldi7556 2 месяца назад
A Star Command exploration vessel changes course to investigate signs of life on the unknown world T'Kani Prime. Woken from hibernation, Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear and his commanding officer and best friend Alisha Hawthorne explore with their new recruit, Featheringhamstan. They are forced to retreat to their exploration vessel after discovering that the planet hosts hostile lifeforms. Blaming himself for damages the vessel sustained during the retreat, forcing the crew to return to the surface, Buzz volunteers as the test pilot for the hyperspace fuel crystal they will need to develop to return home. One year later, the crew has constructed a new colony to conduct repairs. However, after a four-minute test flight, Buzz finds that four years have passed on T'Kani Prime, due to the effects of time dilation from having traveled at relativistic speeds. Buzz is introduced to an orange robotic feline Sox and continues testing the hyperspace fuel. With every test, four more years pass on T'Kani Prime, until eventually over sixty-six years have passed. During this time, the colony develops, with Alisha raising a son with her wife Kiko, subsequently dying of old age, while Sox improves the fuel's composition, allowing it to obtain faster-than-light speeds. Against the orders of Alisha's successor Commander Burnside, Buzz uses the new fuel composition for a successful hyperspace test. However, he skips another twenty-two years into the future during which T'Kani Prime has been invaded by Zyclops robots led by Zurg, the robots' commander. Buzz meets up with members of the colony's defense forces, including Alisha's now-adult granddaughter Izzy Hawthorne, Mo Morrison, a fresh, naïve recruit, Darby Steel, an elderly paroled convict, and the robot DERIC. While initially reluctant to work with them, Buzz eventually warms to them after they escape from a nest of insects and investigate a mining facility to repair their ship. Together, they plan to destroy the invading force at Zurg's mothership. As they head back to the ship, Zurg intervenes and captures Buzz, then reveals himself to be an older version of Buzz from an alternate timeline, which split upon Buzz's return to the planet after the successful hyperspace test: without the robot army to detain them, soldiers from the colony attempted to arrest Buzz under Burnside's orders, forcing him to flee into space. This Buzz and his Sox escaped at full speed and, via time dilation, flew hundreds of years into the far future, where he encountered extremely advanced technology, and eventually developed a way to travel back in time to prevent himself from stranding the Star Command crew upon the planet. Having worn out his own fuel, Zurg needs fresh fuel to travel further into the past and complete his mission, so he requests it from his younger self. Realizing this would erase Alisha and Kiko's life together, along with Izzy and the lives of all the other colonists, Buzz refuses. Aided by Zurg's Sox, Buzz and the cadets escape Zurg's ship and set it to self-destruct. On their return to the planet via a crash landing, Zurg attacks and takes the fuel for himself. Buzz ejects to shoot the fuel, causing an explosion that seemingly kills Zurg. With the fuel gone, Buzz finally accepts T'Kani Prime as his home. Burnside arrests the group with the intention of detaining them for their reckless actions, but relents in light of Buzz's bravery against the robot armada. Allowed to revive the Space Ranger Corps, Buzz unexpectedly selects Izzy, Mo, Darby, and Sox as his first trainees. With a new fuel crystal created using the computer left behind during the mutiny, Buzz and his team embark on a new adventure. In a post-credits scene, Zurg is shown to have survived the explosion.
@mackenziepursey3489 2 месяца назад
I can’t justify that what buzz’ future self was doing was right. He may have messed up and got everyone stranded on that planet, but they made good lives for themselves. It wouldn’t be fair to rob them of that, not even to make up for what he had done. What’s the point erasing past mistakes if you’re just to make worse ones? If I were Buzz, I’d have laid awake at night haunted by the thoughts of what I’ve done. Sure, no one can bear being burdened by the reminders of their past mistakes, but living in the past and being stuck in it forever until you find a way to undo the damage you’ve done won’t change anything. At least, nothing bad. You have to let go of the past and keep moving forward into the future. Sure, Buzz learned in the end that we WERE home, but he only learned that late in life. If only he had learned it sooner.
hi can i get script of this story
@Deletee842 4 месяца назад
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@Deletee842 4 месяца назад
@Max-js7zr 6 месяцев назад
Thank you, watching the series for the first time in theatrical order. The sound quality for episode 4 i watched was a but bad so i wasn’t getting some of the dialogue clearly, recap helped thanks. Every other recap i was finding kept spoiling the prequels just to throw in some dumb jokes, thanks for not doing that.
@troyii435 6 месяцев назад
This was really inspiring and enlightening! Now I want to rewatch this movie. It's funny because despite the controversies and history of the original subject matter, the deeper messages are in a way the opposite of how it's interpreted. That ending scene and the symbolism of the wind hitting the sail brings a tear to my eye as she watches him leave.
@manqobashongwe1301 9 месяцев назад
This is excellent for watching with your kids after having watched the movie. Thanks for this wonderful video.
@valeriorodrigues3351 10 месяцев назад
lightyear was banned in asia by kissing gays and in malaysia they changed the age rating to 18 or 16 years old
@valeriorodrigues3351 10 месяцев назад
my favorite movoe
@valeriorodrigues3351 10 месяцев назад
let it goooo
@valeriorodrigues3351 10 месяцев назад
the first cgi movie
@valeriorodrigues3351 10 месяцев назад
lesson 6: stay memeful
@ryanellion 11 месяцев назад
Great lessons indeed!
@spencerrogers7663 Год назад
I love The Incredibles, it's such a masterpiece! One of my favorite movies from the 2000's! Much better than its respective sequel, which I despise and is mediocre.
@citysearchtv10 Год назад
Well done!
@MeoArts22 Год назад
I love this explanation!
@familyrecap Год назад
Thanks for watching! What was your favorite part of Raya and the Last Dragon?