Mont Saint Michel Tide Rescue
11 лет назад
@ZipShib1987 4 дня назад
How stupid are you? ''Yes''
@mediamisfits3805 3 месяца назад
Probably from the Mediterranean. People there don't appreciate the tide
@giulianalabonia4272 3 месяца назад
@himhim3344 6 месяцев назад
They look like iIIegaI migrants coming ashore
@Coca_Cola2531. 9 месяцев назад
น้ำมาเร็วมากๆ​ น่ากลัวอันตรายสุดๆ​ ควรจะมีเรือ หรือเจ็ตสกีนะ​ ที่ขับบนน้ำตื้นๆได้​ จะได้ช่วยได้ทันท่วงที
@jmmarshall5492 10 месяцев назад
Saving people from their own stupidity.
@axxomovies-he6zi Год назад
The word rescue in it's loosest term.
@thewirah1 Год назад
Ces touristes ont ete totalement imprudent, mais la lenteur des secours dans un endroit aussi touristique fait honte a la France. Pas une barque ou zodiac dispo au Mont pour ce genre de sauvetage? Il a fallu que des quidams mettent leur propre vie en danger en nageant vers les victimes? Je suis content que ce soit bien fini, mais ca a ete plus de la chance qu'autre chose. T'imagine si il y avait eu un enfant dans le groupe?
@andrewroach2511 Год назад
They are also lucky they did not get into some quicksand and get stuck
@bilplaymo6121 Год назад
quand on naît con, on est con ! Merci du partage, et MERCI aux sauveteurs !!
@jorgebravo4544 Год назад
@alessandrogirotto9 Год назад
italian people commenting
@starofdavid9919 Год назад
For such historic and world famous tourist attraction I am sure they could stretch to a inflatable boat or two for just this type of scenario but then again all available inflatable boats are needed further up the coast to ferry illegals to the UK.
@misssmisssymaria Год назад
Not a drop of common sense or situational awareness. This is like when people try to pet wild animals, they always end up getting hurt and in need of rescue. And, they always, ALWAYS, have a child with them.
@moniquebernard6956 2 года назад
La baie est belle, mais il faut se méfier. La marée monte vite. J'habite à côté.
@robertmaheu7583 2 года назад
If I learnt anything is that when the locals leave the beach you need to leave too. Was at Dieppe beach had a thousand people at it so my group went swimming as well (was rather odd knowing there were war graves just 20 feet out in tanks at the bottom) anyways we were enjoying the cool water when we suddenly noticed the beach was empty and were like huh odd must really hate Canadian tourists, not one person was like hey fk faces get out of the water, the French are known to be jerks and sure enough that tide came in like stupid crazy fast one minute we like huh thats odd where is everyone to going oh man there's a drop off here and cant touch bottom and h the beach is getting far away wtf oh the tide oh fk. Swim. Like over 5 minutes went from a pleasant soak to a fight for our lives. Even a French cop was snikering at us and I wanted to punch him in the face like wtf France. Youd think there be a sign or something
@ElleryOmur 2 года назад
This video highlights the most dangerous problem with rising tides is the current. Even if you're a strong swimmer, the swirling currents can take you all over the place, in an unpredictable fashion. You might think the tide is coming in, so the current will simply push you to shore, but this video shows that is evidently not the case, and in less than ten minutes the currents can change from nothing at all in waist deep water to a rushing current pulling you back out to sea.
@begonapereirozabala7653 2 года назад
El mundo está lleno de estúpidos que creen que las advertencias y avisos de peligro son para los demás. Como se creen muy listos piensan que ellos controlan. Los carteles que hay por todas partes, avisan que La marea de Le Mont Saint Michel sube muy rápido y que la gente no puede llegar a tierra cuando empieza a subir. Antes se decía que la marea era más rápida que un caballo galopando.
@TheMiaoussa 2 года назад
Cour forest Cour!!!!nan mais laaaa!
@Medaventure 2 года назад
😂j'adore les commentaires des gens
@cryptomind5952 2 года назад
Strange there is no rescue boat available ?? This is certainly not first time .... do we really have to wait before people die before organizing and acting accordingly ???
@middleagecrazy4234 2 года назад
Oh my
@undiaconhelena9935 2 года назад
Que lugar espectacular y hermoso👍🙏gracias por compartir
@marypenebaker898 2 года назад
Don't fool with the Moon.
@dashlamb9318 2 года назад
Bar Tender, a round of Darwin Awards for all these fools.
@loslolloslolollos 2 года назад
You should go to prison for filming and doing nothing! Shame on you
@Pfsif 2 года назад
I'm sure there were warning signs that the Darwin candidates didn't read.
@jjohnson5014 2 года назад
Is there a laundromat in the castle?
@alistairmcelwee7467 2 года назад
Um, where was the rescue? Did any/all these folks drown?
@danbrownellfuzzy3010 2 года назад
Kind of different but kind of the same. All of us people around here get to read about the people who want to pet a wild buffalo in Yellowstone. Sometimes they just go for a little air time, other times they get a horn.
@djlord9189 2 года назад
Surrounded by idiots 1000 to 1
@FlavioVit 2 года назад
Darwin Awards candidates
@claudiomazzoni5709 2 года назад
Secondo me meritavano di rimanere dove erano,in fin dei conti erano consapevoli di cosa sarebbe avvenuto e,se non lo erano,motivo in più perché avessero pagato la loro ignoranza
@kylekelly1167 2 года назад
That's salt water that's easy as pie to float in.
@bridgetstoli2347 2 года назад
Cavemen drowned here.
@Cygnusx199 2 года назад
Darwin Award winners
@cerberusminor8130 2 года назад
penser AVANT d'agir!!!!
@raellawrence7116 2 года назад
Why did they just stand/float about like idiots for 10 mins and not bother trying to get to shore?
@irenetozetti5492 2 года назад
But...not even a lousy jet ski?
@firstman9273 2 года назад
It is an area surrounded by sand, but does not excuse not having a hovercraft.
@barrybruton4577 2 года назад
I used to be a baitdigger in the UK Have seen this many many times People from city's and other areas just don't know the nature of the seas Had to help many people get back to safe Worse probs are spring tides and horse shoe sand banks were the tide creeps in behind u I've been caught out in the past with water up to my neck Takes a lot to be really good at reading tides all year round
@masaharumorimoto4761 2 года назад
Same thing across the pond in Nova Scotia, We'd be at the ocean, see some goofball tourists wander out DEEP into the mud flats like "oh it's it so magical"...
@ramdas363 4 месяца назад
Bait digger from le reddit here. I have dug many a pit in my time and inexperienced users who spend too much time in their so-called real life fall for it every time. It's sad.
@mrsgbee8246 2 года назад
Boats not invented yet
@Lisa-ji5de 2 года назад
Just keep swimming!!!!
@debborahpollard9436 2 года назад
I've been there.
@elcaminantebilbaino 2 года назад
Amazing place.
@ddoperations2768 2 года назад
@duchovny2 2 года назад
@amandahudson431 2 года назад
What reacue? They swam out
@raintelle6243 2 года назад
I cannot stand people who tends to ignore nature warnings// such stupidity // will not waste my time watching crap
@rondias6625 2 года назад
Play stupid games win stupid prizes..
@thesoupdragon112 2 года назад
What's all the fuss, I thought frogs could swim 🏊‍♂️