Nur Magazine
Nur Magazine
Nur Magazine
NUR magazine was started by the team of three professionals: journalist, performing artist and art ethnographer/ media artist, who found themselves in Finland lacking the connection and information with and about art and culture at a local scene. Art life is active in Helsinki and Finland, but it is not shared enough internationally or with the local expats (i.e.: there is not enough relevant information in English or other languages). That was the situation to fix: to tell about Finnish art scene in different languages and to give the voice for non-Finns living in Finland. So, NUR magazine was started in 2016.

Read our magazine on: www.nur.fi

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@AdamMcKee-ft2ec Год назад
I just wanted to hear how they pronounced it. They pass
@lilyfw611 3 года назад
Wise soul ❤️ thank you for reminding us of our origin and the power of slowing down
@arya7676 4 года назад
@fkeulo8260 6 лет назад
We stan
@e3ovuziotica 6 лет назад
Useful idiots
@nurmagazine14 6 лет назад
why are you quoting Lenin? -Gloria
@e3ovuziotica 6 лет назад
the term still applies, regardless of who said it
@nurmagazine14 6 лет назад
Yes, but why in this video?
@e3ovuziotica 6 лет назад
I only see confused people acting sure (not necessarily evil), without actual arguments - gathered in the crowd protesting who knows what (as there is no depth found, the issues are scattered), being content and guilt free within the crowd consciousness which is shallow and has no real wisdom or understanding. The actual power dynamic is happening behind the scenes (which should get more attention), in terms of American presidency Trump is an outsider to this dynamic and should get some props for putting on halt the old dynamic of worldwide corruption. He is not perfect, but the media portrays him as a some sort of super villain. And why would they want more conflict between the USA and Russia? When did co-operation become a vice? In the end I feel the solutions are to be found within (psychology, authentic self knowledge - individualistic approach vs. what the collective deems right or wrong).
@nurmagazine14 6 лет назад
I don´t think the issues (defend human rights, democracy, peace, climate action, and free speech) are "scattered" and I don´t think the interviewers don´t have arguments. Of course, this is a free network and I appreciate you expressed your point of view. -Gloria