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24 Lessons to Show the True Color of War
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How to Achieve Balance through Taoism
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How to Cultivate Patience with Stoicism
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@thebaneking4787 5 месяцев назад
I know everyone likes Bales Batman. But I don’t think it’s the best. I’d be embarrassed to do that voice. Cow and cape aside, how do you take that seriously? It was just goofy. Now when he yelled in the first one “Swear to me!!!” That was cool. But not cool when explaining the heart of a city. Lol
@chrisignity1683 5 месяцев назад
5:05 God fucking damnit the internet broke that voice for me. I cannot take this batman seriously anymore with so many parodies of batman doing a bad impersonnificationof The Dark Knight's batman's voice. Now for the fun fact that will make a lot of people feel old: That movie is now 16 years old. Meaning that in 4 years it will be 20 years old. 2 decades... *Grunts in old man trying to stand up*
@DanielRossellSolanes 5 месяцев назад
I'm not sure about the rest but Joker was 100% right. as proof. batman had to run and hide at the end of the movie and everybody (but gordon) believed him to be a merciless criminal. now that I think about it, Harvey dent was right on it too. it applied to both batman and himself. you either die as a hero or live to become a villain.
@migueldenesus4430 5 месяцев назад
Where’s the roach in “men in black?” His golden words were “ we’re nothing but undeveloped unorganized barely conscious pond scum, totally convinced in our pathetic superiority as we scurry about in short pointless lives”. I say this every time a cabbie cuts me off!!!!
@williamolsen2349 5 месяцев назад
I pulled an ace and over killed like what a 7 with it saying that - willy 0
@klauskleber4001 5 месяцев назад
I think there arent Villains or Good people in the world. And whoever thinks there are, is stupid and naive. Example: Killing someone can be a crime, can also be something good. but thats wrong. in the end someone got killed. if its good or not is just an opinion of someone (yea we are many so there could be many people with the same opinions)
@majorhavik395 5 месяцев назад
Villains aren’t born evil. They just lived long enough to become one. RIP Heath Ledger. We’re only as good as the world allows us to be.
@ronin2963 5 месяцев назад
Maggie was so cute in that movie
@schwarzflammenkaiser2347 5 месяцев назад
Caesar was less elected by the public than that he elected himself, most of his detractors had fled rome at that point (unless you were a gigachad like Cicero) with the rest of the senate facing among other things a whole army that were loyal to caesar because he pushed for legislatur that benefitted them. The true last dictator was Sulla around 20-30 years earlier and boy he was a piece of work.
@pinhead1627 5 месяцев назад
I want to point out that Joker was literally proven wrong in the film he was in.
@loruuu7730 5 месяцев назад
The last quote should maybe have gotten a voiceover as well, kind of misses the mark otherwise. As undoubtedly other people have already done, each of their 'believes' can (quite easily) be met with counterarguments of a less edgy and depressed view of this world, wich in superhero media the heroes often fail tbh... anyways, nice summary of evil speeches
@CarterM2008 5 месяцев назад
The real reason that villains have better moral standards than heroes. My past self (around 2000s) kinda rooted for the villains at some of the times.
@user-tu7hz8rr7w 5 месяцев назад
evil reversed is live
Im subscriber #413 your welcome
@pendragonshall 5 месяцев назад
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist".. fact because without God aka morality.. Good is evil and evil is good.. Look at our society.. it is collapsing,, people are too far from God and wicked,,, and good men to few and weak
@ronwhite8503 5 месяцев назад
Both the devil and god are fictional so it makes no difference.
@Rezzatoni 5 месяцев назад
Se7en shouldn't have been included here. Even the notion that this madness could be "completely right" is insane; even Ted Kaczynski or Osama Bin Laden were more likely to be right ...
@Rezzatoni 5 месяцев назад
Ozymandias was wrong because he didn't think it through. Everything can be justified if only you stop thinking soon enough ...
@lennybrewster4673 5 месяцев назад
What's crazy is that villains tend to have a more sobering truth of reality than those who live their existence completely ignoring it, pretending certain things just aren't what they are.
@FishFoodexists 5 месяцев назад
Heroes are the same way most of the time, they just focus on different things, morals, and ways to solve problems, a good example is batman and joker, they’re both smart, intelligent, and strong, they just use their abilities in different ways.
@renevil2105 5 месяцев назад
Umm to the Dark Knight clip they appointed another after ceaser. They called him Augustus who is a ceaser and made life better when he kept power, died of old age and those after him let it fall with the Senate being the main problem creators.
@Antioche 5 месяцев назад
"Every mammal on this planet, instinctively develops.." *buzzer sound* *EHHHHHHH* WRONG.
@lostonegrey1555 5 месяцев назад
If you do another villians who were right video. I urge you to check out the beast from the game infamous 2. In infamous you have a rare few people that have a specific conduit gene that grants powers over elements. Essentially the gene lies dormant unless theres an explosive amount of energy to activate the gene. Specifically energy from living things. A device was created called the raysphere for that reason to activate the conduits. It left devastating damage and effects when used, but you could activate multiple conduits within a single blast. The major lasting effect the rayspheres caused was radiation, which spread a plague and now is spreading further across the country and eventually the world. Thats where the beast comes in. Hes a conduit spreading the plague and destroying cities due to his powers. Hes also the main antagonist of the story and a mindless monster. But its not till the end of the game do you realise the beast’s true intentions. Hes actually trying to save as many conduits as he can. One of his powers is the power of the raysphere allowing him to activate conduits on a city wide scale but also spreading the plague aswell. The reason is because conduits are immune to the plague once activated, meaning they survive but regular people dont. So the beast is essentially forced to commit genocide So that some part of humanity lives on. And the beast doesn’t like that, he hates it and suffers through his actions. But he does nothing humanity could be completely gone. Again i urge you to see the game for yourself to get a better idea. Its a great game and great moral dilemma.
@cobeleland 5 месяцев назад
You can have a subjective view on morality but morality itself is not subjective. Logic dictates it must be objective.
@martialmack43 5 месяцев назад
Your logic is flawed, all ideologies are subjective.
@cobeleland 5 месяцев назад
Your statement is incomplete, there must be a "why". The person who taught you this subjective view on ideologies lied to you. @@martialmack43
@anonymususer1728 5 месяцев назад
How so ? I find it to be just the opposite: morality is inherently subjective.
@martialmack43 5 месяцев назад
@@cobeleland Your logic is incomplete. Why does there have to be a why? The person that taught you this objective view on ideologies lied to you.
@cobeleland 5 месяцев назад
God can't lie so I was not lied to. The truly objective being makes morality what it is. Murder is bad because God said so and declared it to be that way. There is your why. If you don't believe in the why then I will not waste anymore time on a fool. @@martialmack43
@bartolhrg7609 5 месяцев назад
Death note could be here
@NiRudraws 5 месяцев назад
The joker is simply the best. One of the best performances out there.
@coyote4961 5 месяцев назад
The whole fight scene in Watchmen made no sense to me.... neither of them had powers nor a real plan to beat him, but just actually tried anyway??? He didn't even get hit once nor even looked to struggle at all.... It was almost comical he seemed to be taking them seriously. I thought he would just let them start hitting and him and just say "please stop, you're only going to hurt yourself.... your punches might as well have come from an infant." That would have made this scene a lot less... just.... awkward honestly....
@themanwithnoname3636 5 месяцев назад
My personal opinion Heath Ledger as the joker is 1 of the best acting performances of all time.
@bobbbobb1624 5 месяцев назад
If you like boring and predictable then I would agree
@neongenesis7236 5 месяцев назад
We’ll agree with Agent Smith, I also found Mankind way closer to Virus. But what so bad with this?😊 Viruses are the best representation of life itself. I honestly think about life as “disease” to universe which have only two goals: live and spread.
@LaZonaDiRin3743 5 месяцев назад
Mankind was closer to every other animals,not virus, we are mammals and we have the same instinct of all animals, why people are so misantrophes and don't open a biology book?
@sequoiaperez7899 5 месяцев назад
Best joker .
@danielefabbro822 6 месяцев назад
Also, a great movie that is rarely taken as example for such topic is "Equilibrium". I was explaining a point down here to another post when I remembered that movie. You should watch it. You'll definitely like it.
@danielefabbro822 6 месяцев назад
In a sense, that's why I like mostly anti-heroes. Unlike heroes and villains, they kill for a purpose, they are more humans, they accept to be both evil and good. Morally speaking, they are more.
@jackhanver1420 6 месяцев назад
Say what you will about John Doe but every chance that I could agree with him disappeared in smoke at the box reveal.
@stupidtoga3523 6 месяцев назад
Hearing Hollywood writers take on animal behavior always makes me want to force them to experience the “wonders” of the natural world. That would be a hilarious reality show. Episode one: ducks, isn’t nature romantic Episode two: bear cubs and their new stepdad
@Jaeger_Bishop 6 месяцев назад
Agent Smith's take on humanity is just nihilism taken to its extreme, not accounting for evolution or higher cognitive abilities of human adaptation. Honestly, it just sounds like something the average teenager says to try and sound profound.
@seanmachlan3282 5 месяцев назад
Agent Smith is advocating for the culling and control of a food source incapable of maintaining an environmental homeostasis. That's not nihilism. That's not an advanced form of nihilism. Lol
@dragonblast417 6 месяцев назад
Now I wanna see an elseworld story comic or otherwise where Bruce dies saving Harvey from becoming Two-face an Harvey becomes the new Batman, fighting crime as a lawman by day and as a crime fighter by night
@Philocyb1n 6 месяцев назад
kevin goofy
@user-nj2wd4tk2o 6 месяцев назад
Im a monster.. But im a monster with standards and a good soul. ..Stay dangerous my friends..
@trollfack2966 6 месяцев назад
Postal dude was also right. He said “I regret nothing”. This is the most correct thing in fiction because after killing thousands with his nuke, he truely regrets nothing.
@zionleach3001 6 месяцев назад
I don't get the "villain was right" arguments. I mean they might be right about injustices in the world. But every evil person thinks they're right.
@anthonyfanchin1144 6 месяцев назад
Despite all the chaos, The Joker is right
@holdiver307 6 месяцев назад
Anyone can outline the world to fitna a scheme . We all know what it is. Talking about it and making matters worse is the villain. Taking action not playing victim is hero
@prashants5071 6 месяцев назад
Harvey was wrong even he turned a cynical villian
@primelawliet 6 месяцев назад
Your father was right by leaving you
@Kevin-sr8yx 6 месяцев назад
It’s not difficult to find something wrong with the world. It’s their “solution” that makes villians evil.
@seanmachlan3282 5 месяцев назад
So, then would it be fair to say that you believe all villains aren't evil?
@Kevin-sr8yx 5 месяцев назад
@@seanmachlan3282 Please explain how you arrived at that hypothesis based on what I wrote.
@gandalfgutz1670 5 месяцев назад
@ramalshebl60 5 месяцев назад
it's a means to an end.. don't stress
@seanmachlan3282 5 месяцев назад
@@Kevin-sr8yx "It's their ""solution"" that makes villains evil." Written as an equation, that sounds like: Solution + Villain = Evil. That said, I understand that you are implying that the aforementioned solution is undesirable to at least you. So, the equation then might look more like this: (Solution I find undesirable) + Villain = Evil. That said, my question (rephrased) is this: If a Villain were to set about applying a Solution that you deemed desirable, would that Villain not then qualify as Evil?
@deathwishgmr 6 месяцев назад
Heath ledger was on point as joker in the dark night. Definitely the best joker along with Joaquin Phoenix in the movie Joker
@Eileen139 6 месяцев назад
please make the type larger are unat 10? go to 12 or 12.5
@markprothero2666 6 месяцев назад
So, moral relativism in a nutshell?
@MataNui. 6 месяцев назад
Oh gee more cynicism that people are gonna try and convince me is the villain being right.
@zionleach3001 6 месяцев назад
Yeah, most villains may be broken, but they're still awful people.
@sarasunshinemt4444 6 месяцев назад
A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths are a statistic.
@roaringlaughter3812 6 месяцев назад
We empathize with villains because we feel the same anger at the injustice in the world. A villain lets his inner monster win. We all have that inner monster
@thegreatacolyt1277 6 месяцев назад
Not always
@roaringlaughter3812 6 месяцев назад
@@thegreatacolyt1277 not always? As in not all people have an inner monster? Because that’s just people who haven’t been faced with their inner beast.
@thegreatacolyt1277 6 месяцев назад
@roaringlaughter3812 no not that not all people are right in whatever you said
@danielefabbro822 6 месяцев назад
​@@thegreatacolyt1277 no one are always right, as no one are always wrong. Simply we don't own every answers. But we all have the need to improve our life and the lives of those we love. It's mainly love and feelings that makes us "evil"... While "good" is atone characteristic, once becomed emotive, everything can be evil. And once becomed emotive, humans immediately becomes evil. Because there are some aspects of human life that requires us to be like that. If you want, there's a good example of this topic in the movie "Equilibrium". Definitely one of my favorites.
@homiesenatep 5 месяцев назад
That is so cool
@LoneHeckler 6 месяцев назад
Beavers are mammals but dont create an equilibrium with their surrounding environment
@SH-qs7ee 6 месяцев назад
Every animal seeks to conform the environment around them to increase it's own chances of survival and comfort; beavers tear down trees and dam streams, elephants clear paths through the scrub. Hell, there are species of sea slugs that secrete poisons into the water around them, and birds of prey that have learned to hunt by dropping sticks of fire into dry grass.