Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare
Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare
Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare
The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) works to improve outcomes for children and families involved in child welfare through education and training, research, collaboration, policy, and workforce development.
New Support for Recovery
Месяц назад
@galotamane168 7 месяцев назад
Case III You are a child welfare supervisor in a public child welfare agency. You have a number of young case workers in your unit, and you know they are all active in using text messaging and social networking to communicate. One of your supervisees just invited you to be her “friend” on a social networking website. Curious, you view who her other friends are on the website, and are surprised to recognize two of her “friends” as being her former clients. What are the conflicting ethical principles or standards in this scenario? How could you use the ethical rules screen to assist you in ethical decision making? Rank orders the conflicting ethical principles or standards. Write down how you would respond if you were the supervisor involved in this scenario? Can you try this question please?
@Arymena3077 2 года назад
It is so anticonstitucional divide families… kids are not buisness …. When families go to Family courts they go hoping get restore not necessary to get divorce but family courts and social workers all they know to do its divide more and never train families how to be a family …. If family courts don’t have professional investigators often they make a mistake
@deigamohamed707 2 года назад
Best lecture ever ❤👌
@davidtichborne2912 4 года назад
I figured out by the time I was 2 was already exsperiencing 3 aces we had money issues my parents were always fighting both mentally and physically and my brother was hit and my mom and dad dealt with mental health problems but by the time I was 5 it sky rocketed up to 8 aces and lived in 6 houses moved 5 times because the physical and mental abuse started happening to me I was separated from my mom then separated from my dad then separated from both and back with mom again and my bank with mom and stepdad came in and they had criminal records and did drugs and so that sky rocketed my aces from 3 all the way to 8 in just 3 years and by the time I was 2 we lived in one house sky rocket to 6 in 3 years and I didn't have all 14 until I was 14 so you can say it was almost comm up until then but no not really because all of those aces continued until I moved out of my house at 20except for the sexual abuse that only happened twice and the verbal domestic violence didn't stop but the physical did but other than that all the other aces continued until 20 physical abuse emotional abuse stuff like that although we were only short of money till I was 7 mostly I would get spoilt with food movies games and presents but treated bad mentally and physically so yah the aces that happened to me escalated quickly
@liancrichton6680 4 года назад
I hope you are doing better and your self-awareness and resilience to these ACEs has propelled you to keep fighting for your purpose!
@martinawilliams9993 3 года назад
No it just seems like a good idea 😉
@martinawilliams9993 3 года назад
@martinawilliams9993 3 года назад
@@liancrichton6680 be with you
@martinawilliams9993 3 года назад
@magic131 4 года назад
This man will go down in history for the work he’s done with ACE
@tiffanysteffy1993 5 лет назад
CPS are nothing but child traffickers making money off stealing kids
@magnopereira338 5 лет назад
Very Informative
@oscarhampton9905 9 лет назад
Something wonderful!HOPE
@LeifCid 9 лет назад
Excellent presentation on ACEs