Dave Alan - Time For Change ?
Dave Alan - Time For Change ?
Dave Alan - Time For Change ?
Please Like and Subscribe to my channel. Welcome. Here are some product reviews , current affairs, motorcycles etc. Plus some comments on my faith journey and some comments about the ''climate crisis''. Please, if you like any programmes please give them a thumbs up ''like'' and subscribe to my channel. Thank you for your time, it is appreciated.
Tommy Robinson   -  Who Is He ?
Месяц назад
Islam In Britain
2 месяца назад
C of E  - The Big Church Split Coming Soon  ?
3 месяца назад
England As We Knew It Has Gone......
3 месяца назад
Two OAPs Fight It Out -  Trump v Biden
4 месяца назад
Lesbians !  Do Christians Hate Them ?
4 месяца назад
The World Turns Against The Jews And Israel
5 месяцев назад
Pope Drops A Clanger ?
5 месяцев назад
@p_a_p_a_p_e 9 дней назад
@swagmanandy 13 дней назад
So the community of england (Definitely NOT church.) proposes to sanctify sodomy, so they're not using God's word any longer.
@Starchaser63 18 дней назад
Basically, Satan is well pleased with the direction the Bishop's are taking Gods word...
@uol47 25 дней назад
Dear Sir, please listen.. with all good intentions you're trying to hold a cardboard box together under water ! It's not a split you're looking at, it's the end of all religious hierarchy ! The❤Messiah is calling the people directly, individually.. And, His most vitally important words will be.. " I Am The❤Truth." Which means He was 100% Honest all the time, with not one materialistic opinion ever leaving His lips ! Now, we can't match that but we can know and live The Spiritual Truth plus maybe acknowledge that 10% of our opinions will be strictly materialistic restricted to.. "i like that picture or the architecture of Westminster " for instance ! I hope you're getting my drift ? Finally, The❤Lord told me there are 3 types of people.. Materialists, material spiritualists and Spiritualists who can only be Spiritual by knowing and speaking the truth through their Honesty and personal experience of Truth. My name is Massey from BL1 3BB 07485558774 email.. world.peace@hotmail.co.uk God Bless The World To Know The❤Truth x
@AnnetteCarolanFourie 27 дней назад
The seperation of True Believers from false ones this is what is taking place now
@robmckay5421 28 дней назад
Its a historical moment of moving forward
@casperdog777 28 дней назад
Yes, moving forward hopefully, let's hope some positives emerge from this situation ?
@thedumbassspeaks 29 дней назад
The Antichrist spirit is working everywhere; a spirit of religion demanding that sin be allowed to inhabit the church all for the sake of “unity”.
@Wyldfam Месяц назад
Pushing social justice message and not the gospel, its horrendous
@Wyldfam Месяц назад
Nicky Gumbel and the Whole Alpha Course NEEDS EXPOSING!
@richardswatton6702 16 дней назад
why do you say this? i am interested
@Wyldfam 16 дней назад
@@richardswatton6702 corrupt to the core, he endorses a lot of false preachers, and promotes Drunk with the spirit for starters
@Wyldfam 13 дней назад
@@richardswatton6702 well he endorses the Pope for one of many reasons
@Wyldfam Месяц назад
C of E is a government mule, as soon as they let in women preachers that was the downfall
@anthonyroxby9093 Месяц назад
The most degenerative church in the world,
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
In the c of e there’s many still faithful. The Archbishop’s have let down these faithful Anglicans 😢
@Mark_Dyer1 Месяц назад
Before a Christian sets about treating, and reading, our scriptures in exactly the same way that a devout, Mohammed-conforming, Muslim treats and reads his Koran (as the literal "words of a god) the Christian needs to prove s/he is entitled to do this. The Koran self-defines as being the literal "words of a god", and eschews any hermeneutical approach to itself (see: Koran, The House of Imran, vv 5 ff): but - to this Christian's knowledge - there is no similar verse in the entirety of the bible. All we have is the description of the Christian scriptures as being "God-breathed" (whatever that means). This is why Jews and Christians take a hermeneutical approach to our scriptures: where those, correctly, practising 'Religion Number Two' are forbidden from taking. Furthermopre, most of us have no option, but to read our scriptures in 'translation'. They were written in Hebrew, Koine Greek, Syriac and Aramaic. The word which Paul uses in 1 Cor 6:9 in his list of those excluded from the Kingdom, is 'arsenokoitai'. Are you sure that this is correctly translated as 'homosexual' (as we understand that term today: and it is a 19th-Century invention). Dr David Bentley-Hart, in his personal translation of the New Testament, provides an entire, lengthy footnote to the translation of 'arsenokoitai'; to explain why the term 'homosexual' is inappropriate to translate this wiord. I susopect that - like a great many churchgoers - we are dealing with that old phenomenon of using scripture to justify our prejudice. Today this is not too harmful: I simply stopped attending any church around fifty years ago. But not too many years ago this prejudicial use of scripture was used to imprison Oscar Wilde, and to judicially murder countless anonymous human beings, under the auspices of 'The Church', down the centuries. Today, we see this proicess writ large in 'Religion Number Two', in this Country. "Slay the Kufar wherever you find him!" Christians today, when 'secularism' and 'fundamentalist forms' of religion are on the increase simultaneously, have got to use our God-given brains to think. Far too many claim to be "bible-believing", without defining what they mean by that term. I am one of those Christians you, perhaps, despise: a 'progressive' Christian, who "believes" the bible, in its entirety, testifies to the coming of the Messiah; and his eventual arrival among us as "one of us". but that 'entirety' is certainly not found throughout the various types of literature which are to be found within Tanakh (Old Testament). Defending Christianity today - which means defending the resurrection - means we have to explain a faith which is, both, reasoned, and reasonable. To be simply "bible-believing" will not produce that faith.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
God’s word is cross referenced by itself. Paul carried Apostolic authority. Read Romans Chapters 1&2. It is clear and unambiguous.
@Mark_Dyer1 Месяц назад
@@casperdog777 Our Scriptures, the bible, is composed of the writings of countless anonymous human beings: so to describe it as "God's word" without qualification, is preposterous. Furthermore, you cannot use the bible to prove itself; any more than the devout Muslim can use the Koran to prove that it - not the bible - is the words of its god. This is a circular argument. You have to do the 'workings-out' before you can produce the Theory of Relativity: you cannot use the Theory to prove itself. Furthermore, an 'Apostle' had to be given a commission by the risen Messiah, to "tell others what you have seen". This is why Paul described himself as "least of the Apostles". And it may be argued that the first Jews to receive that commission - according to the scriptural evidence you prize so highly - were all women!
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
@@Mark_Dyer1 As I said: ''God’s word is cross referenced by itself. Paul carried Apostolic authority. Read Romans Chapters 1&2. It is clear and unambiguous. '' Unlikely to further this conversation, so let's leave it there respectfully. But thank you for your scholarship sir. Sola Scriptura.
@Mark_Dyer1 Месяц назад
@@casperdog777 'Sola scriptura", indeed; but how? What a stumbling block to belief 'scriptural literalism' represents.
@jrs8617 Месяц назад
Living in love & lies = no faith, because without Truth, there is nothing to uphold faith.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
Exactly, you are correct. Thank you.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
The other off the wall humourous comment about LLF, well, some call it this: ''Living In Lust & Fornication'' = LLF 😉
@jrs8617 Месяц назад
Unity at the cost of compromise is not unity, it’s compromise at the cost of upholding the TRUTH.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
That is very well put. Thank you for your comment.
@jeremypowell8039 Месяц назад
It’s amazing that the senior leaders of the C of E are forcing through an agenda that literally destroys centuries of theology . You cannot simply dispose of your moral compass to appease a tiny minority of the overall congregation. You can love people whatever their life choices without agreeing with them. This is becoming a mess of their own making and will ultimately lead to an all inclusive church that excludes Christians who don’t follow their agenda. Ultimately I believe if the c of e splits , it will be the churches that leave who will prosper as they have biblical truth as their bedrock .
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
I can only agree. Sadly Welby are Cottrell and wolves in sheeps clothing. They are deceiving the flock. They want us all to ''agree to disagree'' and be cosy together - well, that's NOT going to happen. They have crossed the Rubicon on this one.
@livetwice7702 Месяц назад
Choose this day …..Baal or God …….me and my family stand for the Lord ……these Archbishops have no Fear of the Lord …..do they know they will be judged !
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
I wonder if they know deep down or have they continually denied truth so much, they actually believe the lie ?
@Annie-ez4ol Месяц назад
Stop calling this cretin as Sir.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
This is a view of Islam from a. Christian POV. It sees Jesus as Saviour and Lord of all. That said, do check out some secular authors, I reccomend Matt Goodwin (University of Kent) and Douglas Murrya journalist and author and his book ''The Strange Death of Europe''. If you have time read Professor Nigel Biggar , his book: ''Colonialism A Moral Reckoning.''
@markfrancis5164 Месяц назад
I am an early born again ‘Tommy’ who once believed the media lies about the EDL and Tommy himself, then realised the truth of his message. Power hates the truth, it’s the enemy of state control & stability. He is reasonable and responsible, and authorities hate this as it is these qualities that make him dangerous to the establishment.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
You're raising some good areas here. Thank you. Tommy has become an ''easy target'' and we've seen a bias recently (by the government) that is quite shocking. I have experienced ''two tier policing'' myself and I challenged some policing practices in my home County. I wrote to the local Police & Crime Commissioner (I won't go into details here) and basically they side stepped and ignored all my valid, provable, rational and focused comments. What made me sit up and listen was Jordan Peterson's interview (very fair I thought) and how Peterson is experiencing cancel culture himself in Canada, which parallels Tommy's expereinces here in the UK. The Bobby on the beat is being manipulated by their senior officer's and Met Commissioner Mark Rowley has demonstrated his own extreme bias and partiality; he is the epitome of two tier policing, that is why he reacted so petulantly when asked by a journalist about 2 tier policing by the Met.
@helenatyukodi5227 Месяц назад
That are those crome covers with wholes beside the air filter cover? Want got them for my W800.
@benswaine-y7x Месяц назад
C o E and others alike are all part of the foundations being laid for a One World Church , with King Charles the defender of all faiths ... that is called a split // the falling away from the church is abandoning Jesus and the Bible altogether . This is the prophecy in the making .. // I preserve my faith in Jesus by not attending church too often . it is all linked to WEF and the plans for Global order .. OWC being part of NWO ( Born again Christains are realizing that this feels different ) I live in York and the Minster is backing apostic practices .. it is so upsetting that the Minster 'amazing as it is' can be desecrated like that .
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
There’s some very strange decisions being made by the top Bishops. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out next year?
@KMBailey-p4u Месяц назад
There's also an earlier episode of Jordan Peterson interviewing Tommy Robinson (ep 462) called 'Why the establishment hates this man', which is really worth watching.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
@@KMBailey-p4u yes thanks for that, appreciated 👍
@littlenan3576 Месяц назад
What is the differerence in being patriotic and worried about our huge immigration levels, legal and illegal, and our wish to keep our communities safe and harmonius and being FAR Right?
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
do you want the one hour, two hour or three hour answer on that question. I find Douglas Murray the author very helpful (The Strange Death of Euriope I recommend to you). Take me all day to discuss this adequately.
@brandyhaywood6256 Месяц назад
​@@casperdog777Douglas Murray has all the facts about what is going on in the UK and indeed in the western world. Tommy Robinson just speaks the truth, as does Douglas Murray.
@littlenan3576 Месяц назад
Tommy is persecuted by the police and authorities. They do not like him telling the truth, especially not about the way the police and authorities allowed our young girls to be raped and abused by, mainly, Palestinians, because they were too scared of being called racist to stop it. How low can anybody get?!! Tommy has never advocated his huge band of supporters are violent. He always tells them to stay calm.
@kbeetles Месяц назад
Why exactly is he a very controversial figure??
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
@@kbeetles simply. Because the main stream media designate him so. When unpacked his view aren’t that controversial are they?
@littlenan3576 Месяц назад
Because he tells us the truth which the authorities do not like.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
@@littlenan3576 100% agree with you sir
@djevans4572 Месяц назад
The Security service who designate these groups rated EDL as centre right not far right.
@littlenan3576 Месяц назад
Of course they weren't FAR Right. They were a normal group but anything not on the Left is demonised these days. The EDL also closed in 2013 so, what are the idiots on about?
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
@@djevans4572 the media continues to refer to TR as “far right”. Personally I see his views as centre right.
@djevans4572 Месяц назад
TR a member of BLM for a YEAR? I think not.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
No , NOT BLM I said BNP , it is well documented that he was a member of the British National Party = BNP. He admits this himself asI state clearly , you have , I assume , misheard me.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
The Jordan Peterson interview with Tommy Robinson ...... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Bv0TW2LF_dE.html
@louthepoo4436 Месяц назад
Just started road riding again and bought this bike due to being skint and the good reviews. This bike is amazing for the price, i used to have a lot more expensive bikes than this that weren’t as good. I was very apprehensive about the microshift system but its been smoothness. Only thing i changed was the saddle and stem and added clipless pedals but this Is the best entry level bike on the market for me.
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
Good for you , it is money well spent. I could afford much more expensive machinery. But I cannot be bothered - I love this bike and it ticks all my boxes. Enjoy your rides !!!!!
@CR-ty5eg 2 месяца назад
Can anyone tell me what the point of this ramble is? I lost the will to live after 3 minutes. Met Richard Coles, seemingly nice guy; books ok. Loved the Communards back when. Anything else?????
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Have you listened to it sir ? It explains EXACTLY the issues concerned mainly around telling lies. So, written by a Christian for Christians - THAT is the point my friend. For those of us who affirm God's Word the Bible, we are dismayed that a so called Christian (he may well be or not God knows) lies to his Bishop and lies to his congregation - that IS a big deal. But I understand, from a secular POV no big deal sir.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
May I ask folk who want to read deeper to consider these three people ? 1. Douglas Murray - Acclaimed Author & Journalist 2. Professor Mat Goodwin - University of Kent 3. Professor Nigel Biggar - University of Oxford
@caroleannable 2 месяца назад
So enjoyed listening to this - so carefully and deliberately delivered - it articulated my very own thinking and was grateful to hear it articulated. Wish our decision makers would hear this and be helped to understand the thinking of ‘ordinary’ citizens which they seem to be totally ignorant of in their policy making and decisions. Thank you for it.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Thank you ! 😀😀😀well, if enough of us say enough is indeed enough, maybe things might change for the better ? Let us live in hope ?
@Rosemary-iz5vc 2 месяца назад
Two tier policing is so routine now it is just accepted as normal. I can’t understand why most people just don’t care, it seems to be a case of it’s not happening to me so Why should I be bothered.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
I think you are absolutely right. The facts of Notting Hill Carnival and the 2020 BLM riots showed this, plus the pro Palestinian marches of 2023/24. I think a number of us are becoming more aware of what's happening. The Senior Police Officers are complicity e.g Sir Mark Rowley etc.
@Alba-y4m 2 месяца назад
They are indenile ❤
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Britain's police have now become political police in 2024. The senior officers have bowed the knee to political correctness and the silencing of dissident voices.
@littlenan3576 2 месяца назад
Yes, there is definitely a two-tier policing in this country. It is disgusting. The Brits are always the ones they try to bully and arrest. They are so polite to Asians and African people and ignore many crimes they are obviously doing. Do they believe that is good for community harmony?
@casperdog777 Месяц назад
The reason why Police do it, is down to over compensation (for racism that did exist in the past) and political correctness by the establishment/elite class. There is a political agenda going on, e.g. all the nonsense about George Floyd in 2020, the media went into a feeding frenzy over a man who was a criminal. He was at the time passing counterfeit money and was under the influence of fentanyl when arrested. The BLM movement was and is highly politicised via a pseudo Marxist critical race theory, CRT, which is laughably inaccurate about history (we had British police ''taking the knee'' for goodness sake how crazy is that?)
@littlenan3576 2 месяца назад
We used to have a great carnival in Coventry. That has long gone. It vanished because the Unions destroyed all our car businesses by their constant strikes etc. We do have a carnival now but it is by an Asian group.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
That is so sad. Notting Hill Carnival seems like a pretty bad event when you look at the facts. ''Largely peacefully'' ? Chief of Police must be deluded surely? I am glad you still have a rally going on though, that sounds good news ?
@chrismccartney8668 2 месяца назад
1997 was very different to 2024 in 1997 many hoped for an alive active reforming Government and many look forward to Tony Blair Rolling his sleeves up, and in the early days it was refreshing, whereas in 2024 there is no great enthusiasm for Labour.. Reform is wakting in the wings. Starmer is Blair without the Flair..
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
You are absolutely correct sir. Starmer is vanilla, grey, without charisma. Reform are planning and strategising I am absolutely sure of it.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
ADOPTION ? For those interested in the area of adoption see here: jigsawadoption.org.uk/history-of-adoption-in-the-uk/?
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Apologies this video was recorded on 14 August 2024 NOT 14 July , I was a month behind 😀
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Mat Goodwin on multiculturalism, hitting the mark............ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4OUlfM-cKSI.html
@tommyrocker33 2 месяца назад
The police are getting better at speaking arabic these days, we all saw the terrifying videos...
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
it is shocking and partial - the Caliphate is almost here ?
@vincew8609 2 месяца назад
Governments and the msm love net migration figures because the numbers are less alarming.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
I quote: '' ...........provisional estimates put immigration in 2023 at 1,218,000 and emigration at 532,000. Earlier years' figures have been revised up for a second time: ONS figures still suggest that net migration peaked in 2022, but have revised this figure up to 764,000. ''
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Sir Mark Rowley act of petulance snatching microphone of a journalist. Rowley sets a poor example. Here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eE9-NRwtdNU.html
@vincew8609 2 месяца назад
1.2 million arrived in 2023 .You are quoting the net figure.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
I am unawate of the ''net'' and ''gross'' figures ? What is the source for this ?
@vincew8609 2 месяца назад
10:00 The O.N.S. government website explains the calculations and the gross figure of 1.2 million arrivals minus 532000 that left. There is the net figure of 685000.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
@@vincew8609 thank you , yes I accept that , the clarification is alarming and helpful.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Thumbnail picture: ''The Clash'' London Calling (recorded this hit song in 1979)
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
The Spectator - The Truth About Two Tier Policing - worth a read as it puts my comments into some sort of braoder context ( written : 9 Auguest 2024) www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-truth-about-two-tier-policing-in-britain/ Concluding paragraph of article said this: ''This week’s riots have been a depressing spectacle. But it’s good that an open discussion about double standards in policing is finally taking place. Back in 2020, I went to that lockdown protest in secret - its policing style reflected a wider double standard that was playing out in society. I remain convinced that the policing of protests holds up a mirror to a society. Let’s take a good look at what we see in it. ''
@logothaironsides2942 2 месяца назад
Interesting stuff. I do like Farage and Reform gets my vote. I believe that part of the reason he may have returned as reform leader was the amount of people who said they would vote reform if it was under his leadership but not otherwise . This is mostly due to his being better known than Richard Tice. I was going to vote for them anyway but I think many people had not really seen much of Mr Tice and he has certainly grown in confidence since they have had MPS in parliament. He is certainly a survivor. Onwards and upwards Nigel.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Agreed. Most other politicians would’ve had a knighthood by now. He’s a force of nature. My gut tells me Reform is going to grow and become a national phenomenon.👍
@moirahaarhoff5286 2 месяца назад
You left out a bad car accident.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
Yes idid indeed as a young man and also his testicular cancer too.
@vincew8609 2 месяца назад
Don't forget the 2010 light aircraft crash.
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
@@vincew8609 I did mention this crash and the premature death of the pilot of Farage’s aircraft
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
When I went ''LIVE'' on the 12 August it had nearly 250 views and many likes so thank you. I have now put this up as a video on my Channel. Enjoy ! Apologies I couldn't transfer the comments but do feel free to comment if you wish.
@louferrigno4712 2 месяца назад
Multiculturalism and Feminism are the hallmarks of tyranny according to Aristotle who lived under the Thirty Tyrants. Aristot. Pol. 5.1313b - 1314a
@casperdog777 2 месяца назад
interesting, I forget the classics, but they can be informative.