Humanist Society of Western Australia
Humanist Society of Western Australia
Humanist Society of Western Australia
The Society consists of people who seek a rational and constructive approach to all human affairs. Humanism provides a secular, moral alternative to religion and dogmatic creeds.

Our aims, written in our constitution are:

To support rational and humane approaches to human problems on the basis of an informed secularism free from supernaturalism and dogmatic creeds.
To promote the rights of the individual in the realms of conscience, freedom of expression and civil liberties.
To promote a secular and ethical system of education free from social, religious or ideological divisions and from all forms of indoctrination.
To make the Society a living example of the principles of humanism in that members always treat each other with tolerance and respect and so that the Society can be seen by its public actions to be based upon reason and human dignity.
To provide social, recreational, charitable and benevolent services to members of the Society and generally.
@brendanerickson2363 8 часов назад
I love these two people so fucking much ♥️
@john-js7db 11 дней назад
`We are responsible for the earth, all existing life on it and the entire nature of this beautiful planet. Our earth suffers increasingly from the effects of overpopulation. The effects caused by it are based on the increased CO2-emission caused greenhouse effect. The devastating outcoming effects we now experience in the form of climatic change, increasing natural disasters, tempests, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hunger emergencies, wars, people migrations etc.` If you want a BABY or young child ..go to poor ,hungry areas and ADOPT one or more . please save the planet
@black-cross 6 дней назад
there's no overpopulation problem. all of us could fit perfectly in texas. i'll have six natural birth babies. thats how im saving the planet. wanna get rid of polution? sure, but not people. the more the merrier
@john-js7db 11 дней назад
sterilization & adoption << a must to save ..........
@black-cross 6 дней назад
be very careful with that mindset since it can excuse any action.
@SteveVick-xe8ko Месяц назад
Prove you do not have soul Matt. D or JC/AR
@SNORKYMEDIA Месяц назад
the burden of proof doesnt work like that.
@SteveVick-xe8ko Месяц назад
@@SNORKYMEDIA Burden of truth don’t work like that ? So , no proof “ you say “ to support you are a soul , living in a fleshly body that turns back to dirt…. So we know with proof our bodies turn back to dirt. That is established ? No or Yes! Yes! Dust unto dust . God breathed the breath of life spoken in Begenning of Genesis . Kjv-Genesis 2:7 “7.And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, & breathed into his nostrils the breath of life & man became a living soul.” This is truth about when man die’s . That body made to last housed in that body forever , until Adam sinned! and back to dust it goes. That soul goes to one of 2 places , since then . The breath of life is the soul! So your have no proof that you are minus a soul . Except to die in your sins & wake up in hell. you are a soul living in a body . So ya just assume there is you not a soul? To believe that is to lie to you soul. To not obey the Gospel message . And die in your sins is to send your soul to hell for that choice . And death is the revealer when that happens to a soul that turned down life everlasting . Understanding this gives hope to that soul who is offered the Gospel message . Sin & Those fallen angels pacify you to hell !!!stop listening to them. Obey the Gospel, continue in a new body after death of our old body .
@AngryBird___ 22 дня назад
Prove you dont have a invisible dragon ghost inside of you
@SteveVick-xe8ko 21 день назад
@@SNORKYMEDIA Either be convinced you are one of the many sinners that is guilty of sins against GOD & you are drawn to the sinless ,all righteous ,Kind Saviours goodness by the Gospel message of the Lamb of GOD, “Jesus Christ “ . That his innocent blood shed at the cross for your sins can & will save you for the repenting & believing that He alone can & will save you for the asking. Or wait till just before the after life takes place minute’s before & seconds after soul slips from your body waking in seeing HELL . That’ll be confirmation Your assessment of the after life is no fairy tale matter . And you made the worst decision of your existence on this earth. After a true conversion in believing the Gospel message happens ,his spirit of truth leads & guides you in your time left on earth sharing Gospel with the whosoever’s that are lost & you staying read up in his holy word with the Holy Spirit teaching you his Word . That’s the other confirmation that you’ve made the best decision of your life. FOR you & angry bird !
@paulfrancis8836 Месяц назад
You could talk God into becoming an Atheist.
@Inigo_The_Son 2 месяца назад
Matt loves to cite Stephen Pinkert, but I think Pinkert's conclusions only exist in la-la land. Personally, I used to enjoy fantastic healthcare in the USA. For my family of 4, I paid about $400 per month, with a tiny deductible. Thanks to Obamacare, I now pay $2,000 per month, with an annual deductible of $14,000. This basically means that my family has NO healthcare. Aside from flu hots, I have to pay cash for all healthcare, which means my family effectively has no healthcare. Meanwhile, my neighbor, a worthless crackhead who works under the table and reports no income, gets 100% free healthcare at taxpayer expense. That is certainly not an improvement for my family.
@Inigo_The_Son 2 месяца назад
25 years ago, my daughters were itty bitty, and they had friends of the same age a few doors away. One day, the neighboring family was over for a cookout. At some point, the mother said she needed to leave for catechism classes. She was a Lutheran who was converting to Catholicism "for the childrens' sake." I asked the Dad, aren't you going too?" He said, "I dont need to go to church; I'm already Catholic!" As somebody who endured 12 years of catholic schools, I could only burst out in laughter over his honesty. Among all christians, there is nobody more ignorant of the buybull than so-called catholics.
@onlygod-d3o 2 месяца назад
Two stupid😂
@SNORKYMEDIA Месяц назад
yeah much better to believe in talking donkeys with no proof
@AngryBird___ 22 дня назад
Says the stupid
@jamiesbgrace 3 месяца назад
These two are the Kenneth Copeland of the anthiest....In it just for the money
@brianray2614 3 месяца назад
Justice is subjective..
@TheMouse254 3 месяца назад
Am a deist...I think am lazy in a way. To avoid overthink how the world began, I like imagining there was a God who made the universe and left it to its own devices... That way, I am at peace ✌️ What I do not take kindly to is religion; purporting that a god wrote a book. He could have easily put those instructions in our DNA or something instead of writing them in one language and have humans translate them to their own languages
@BrotherMaverick 3 месяца назад
I love looking at Aron And Matt and saying... thank God I'm Christian
@user-di6my1do6y 3 месяца назад
lol typical Christian. You got nothing but insults and hate. Quite sad and pathetic.
@halhelmboldt7739 3 месяца назад
I heard AronRa say once, (paraphrasing): When religion has less power, the nicer theists are. The more power religion has, the more theists become mean and hateful. When they don't have much power they are forced to be nice. - (end paraphrase). He is correct.
@misscameroon8062 3 месяца назад
Mine two favorite destroyers of religious stupidity and superstition,AronRa &Matt Dillahunty
@johnw.atkinson252 4 месяца назад
When you get old, why should you fear death? I don't. I do fear getting dead.
@johnw.atkinson252 4 месяца назад
According to Slick you are eeeeron. Screw him for saying so. When he knows better.
@Stevevick-ve6kh 4 месяца назад
2 nat’s telling all other Nat’s , we are here by random chance . Some Nat’s know better . Other nat’s insist on casting sand pebbles at the giant Mable wall Called the Word of God. Then celebrate that they explained the creator away ???? . But the marble wall of Truth is untarnished . KJV-Rom. 10:17 Heb. 11:6 Heb. 11:1 Heb. Ch.11 Matt.24:35
@user-di6my1do6y 3 месяца назад
Your bible is a worthless pile of superstitious garbage. It’s so easy to disprove it over and over again, yet your cultish ignorance continues on in defiance of truth. Science works to banish human ignorance, like your religion. The only way it still survives is because of violent threats and political manipulation.
@ssabykoops 4 месяца назад
1:30:16 ...... Carl is my hero ..... Cosmos is so so good .,.. I don't know i can't explain (even to my family) how much I love Carl Sagan :)
@Sean-oy8xm 5 месяцев назад
I love both of these men. Thank you guys for being the voice of reason and logic in a crazy religious world.
@ArRkDr 5 месяцев назад
Aron should share some hair to Matt
@jonathon5075 5 месяцев назад
incredible talk
@yesihavebedbugs2786 6 месяцев назад
Question for Matt. Who has accepted Fauxci as lord and savior. How is that vax knowledge? We now know without doubt. Fauxci lied and people died. They lied about masks. They lied about the vaccines and boosters. They lied about the origins. They lied about funding the gain of function research that made the virus. And even in this event you made a crack about those that trusted the science. Unlike you who trusted the government politicians. Trading belief in "god" for a religion of government is still self delusion.
@AngryBird___ 5 месяцев назад
Ask it on his latest video on his own channel. Chance he wil respond there is not that low
@yesihavebedbugs2786 5 месяцев назад
@AngryBird___ I have asked on several. Now I ask every video I watch where he mentions the vaccinations. I do try to stay on topic.
@louseveryann2181 5 месяцев назад
@@yesihavebedbugs2786 "I do try to stay on topic." Translation to normal: "I'm a psychopath who needs to feed his OCD."
@yesihavebedbugs2786 5 месяцев назад
@louseveryann2181 I do not show up to a county council meeting and rail about federal spending either. Care to guess why, as I am guessing you will need hints. Tell us you smoke poles without telling us you smoke poles.
@user-di6my1do6y 3 месяца назад
@@yesihavebedbugs2786you’re a schizo freak. Present evidence of these supposed lies and we can go through every one why you’re wrong and crazy.
@dylanhutchison8629 6 месяцев назад
Why is a shepherd a good thing to be comforted by, controlled and herded, to be sold as meat at the end?
@pastorofmuppets4552 6 месяцев назад
“Any reason you said purple?” Thanos
@tehspamgozehere 6 месяцев назад
A bit after 27:00 Aron - "Ken ham now lives in Kentucky.." Wag - "Good!" Aron - ".. But originally came from Brisbane." Wag - "We're sorry!" And this and the following 'thankyou' and its reaction in turn is why Aussie audiences are great. But wait! According to flat earthers, who are largely Believers, Australia doesn't exist so Ham couldn't have come from here and thus does not exist. Hooray!
@ascensionbias7528 6 месяцев назад
1:16:08 C'mon Matt, you can do better- "Climate Change" (formally known as AGW), is a misnomer, wrapped in red herring, slathered with Canard sauce, bundled with unfalsifiable anti-Science.
@louseveryann2181 5 месяцев назад
Riiiiiiiiiight...... And ice ages never happened...
@ascensionbias7528 5 месяцев назад
Did you even read what I wrote? LOL, Is English not your native language? When did I say, "Ice Ages never happened?" ------ Do you know what unfalsifiable means? That's just one the many reasons why greens don't use AGW anymore. Oh, haha, I get it, you're one of those people that equivocate the natural evolution of the Planet for billions of years with what they call "climate change' FKA Anthropogenic Global Warming. (There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse effect'; colder can't make warmer, and, you literally can have too much CO2, it's based on a negative feedback. CO2 is a life giving gas. ) What greenies do now, since it's been shown that AGW is BS, ( NOT ONE global disaster has came true since the predications started in the 60's ) they've shifted from AGW to "climate change.' ( Because, no shit, right, everyone knows it's been slowly changing for billions of years. ) Even most theists believe that! So now, when people express skepticism towards AGW or what everyone colloquially now calls 'Climate Change,' CC cultists will then exclaim, "what do you mean, dolt? Climate doesn't change, lol?" Or, that, "it's just changing and we have to do something about it, go vegan and stop using gas, because reasons!" CC is a Saul Alinsky tactic, used as a grift to swindle carbon tax credits to large companies and countries. CC is a misnomer; a fink. Pollution is our current problem (thanks, third world!), not "Climate Change" FKA AGW. Go Nuclear. Eat meat. _____ Matt has been around a long time, even he knows what I meant by that.
@BillyBigFist 7 месяцев назад
this single vid was the reason i first began to doubt my faith, been atheist for 3 years now
@moknbyrd 7 месяцев назад
The Ark Encounter had the potential to be a WONDERFUL museum about flood mythology, general mythology, meteorology or ACTUAL history, but... what a waste...
@Ian_sothejokeworks 7 месяцев назад
"And his mother shall call him 'Emmanuel'." Emmanuel Lewis, the actor who played 'Webster', fulfilled more of the biblical prophecies than Jesus.
@louseveryann2181 5 месяцев назад
@Ian_sothejokeworks 5 месяцев назад
@@louseveryann2181 Hey, it's not MY religion!
@robertgroen2197 7 месяцев назад
i'm just an asshole from Texas - the only honest thing Matt said all night.🤣
@user-di6my1do6y 3 месяца назад
Nope. But it was the only thing you listened to because you’re a dolt theist. It’s ok, most theists are incredibly stupid, you’re not alone.
@robertgroen2197 7 месяцев назад
if you think Matt and Aron are the most reason and rational people in the world, you need to meet and research more people (Frank Turek, William Lane Craig, David Wood, Andrew Wilson, Lee Strobel, J.W. Warner, and many, many more.
@digitalscale76 6 месяцев назад
ohhh someones favorite fable getting picked apart live and this is how you cope with it?
@robertgroen2197 6 месяцев назад
@@digitalscale76 you believe in abiogenesis as credible, plausible, r true, you may want to backtrack your retort on 'someone's favorite fable getting picked apart' . Also, deflection , bait and switch fallacies spotted . try again home slice :)
@digitalscale76 6 месяцев назад
@@robertgroen2197 quit projecting your faults onto me, I do not hold any beliefs nor do I believe in anything. I only observe evidence. You keep yapping and spamming comments brining in zero proof for your fairy tale claims. Youre a wannabe apologist, my condolences. You also look worse than me after 3 days of ket and coke. Religious defense is nothing but fallacies at best. You have belief with no evidece, I have mountains (literally) of evidence and no belief.
@louseveryann2181 5 месяцев назад
@@digitalscale76 All they have left IS projection. Because they know they're done. With the constantly admitting science is superior to fairy tales, and rationality superior to gullibility... It's tiring. They keep digging their own grave and proud of it. Silly frightened children.
@digitalscale76 5 месяцев назад
@@robertgroen2197 I dont believe nor I hold any beliefs. Belief is the most dishonest position you can take, with no evidence and against any and all evidence. Your imaginary dictator is not real. Provide one piece of evidence supporting the existence of your sky papa and claim your nobels prize.
@robertgroen2197 7 месяцев назад
Volitare said the Bible wouldn't be read 100 years after his death (1778); here we are in 2024 and it's still being read.
@robertgroen2197 7 месяцев назад
but gullibility isn't prescriptive for atheism Aron?😂🤣
@digitalscale76 6 месяцев назад
no, dummy.
@user-di6my1do6y 3 месяца назад
It’s gullible to not accept superstition? Hahahaha you’re not very bright are you…wow
@golach420 7 месяцев назад
Interesting how time seems to be the main requirement for simple desert people's stories to be deemed the word of gawd. They quite rightly mock Mormonism, Scientology etc., but it's different when it's their stories being laughed at. 😂
@MadaraUchiha55910 7 месяцев назад
If anyone proficied WW1 (And I don’t personally call it a proficy) it was Otto Von Bismarck when he said this to Kaiser Whinhelm II “Some damned foolish thing in the Balkans” could set off a widespred European war now if I’m not mistaken he added to that a timeframe of twenty to thirty years until the powder keg that was Europe at that time was to blow. At least Bismarck was more specific about his predictions which is the problem with the Bible which is never specific about anything when it comes to its proficies.
@RobertStambaugh-l5r 7 месяцев назад
My wife , our son and i and our friends at our Fundamental Baptist Church are value producing human beings creatwed in God's image , we are not filthy apes . Our ancestors are Adam and Eve , not some slimy creature that ' supposedly ' crawled out of the ocean a billion years ago . Jesus is the truth and he is alive today , for he has risen . Darwin was a lying blasphemous con man , snake oil salesman , perverted finch molester , son of the devil and he and his ridiculous psuedo science lies are dead .
@digitalscale76 6 месяцев назад
prove it, drone.
@louseveryann2181 5 месяцев назад
bad troll
@louseveryann2181 5 месяцев назад
I can show you lots of things that rise.....
@bogoney 8 месяцев назад
China didnt belive me in earlier 2019 that they would have a plague. It did bring the world to its knees.
@sambarbasa1643 8 месяцев назад
I think Matt Dillahunty is More 😮powerful than Aron Ra
@KingofPepsi 8 месяцев назад
LOL!! The thumbnail pic looks like they are sitting in the first car of a rollercoaster with AronRa's hair blowing in the wind!!
@rosariomusumeci9724 8 месяцев назад
Finally someone (Dr. Andrew Loke) exposes the dysfunctional thinking of Boghossian.
@beckyrambo5785 9 месяцев назад
The Ark made for the ark encounter is not seaworthy and has a fraction of the animals it should have. With regard to the fact that the undertaking required outside contractors, Ken Ham says Noah could have hired outside contractors. I would not undertake a job facilitating my drowning in favor of a 'perfect' plan for 'perfect' people.
@thehowlingjoker 8 месяцев назад
It also had to be repaired as it had sustained water damage... from just being in the rain...
@van-hieuvo8208 10 месяцев назад
I think the guy with a schizophrenic father was desperate because he clearly wasn't asking for help from qualified people, but the very fact that you two were there and listening to him, and even letting him know he wasn't alone would do tremendous good for him. One of the tricks religion employs to trap people is creating a sense of community, and there's no doubt that atheism needs to foster that sense as well. Matt showed that he could maintain that with his own parents, without judgment, despite the lack of reconciliation. What religion uses as a deliberate tool of high control can be used by atheism as well, not to control and reinforce dogma, but to let people neck-deep in religious circles know that they're not alone and there's hope for them.
@bensonbui241 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for Carina Hoang too sharing this information with us …………
@myhksm3025 10 месяцев назад
I love the way Aron Ra occasionally flips back his hair...😊
@Toys4BDSM 11 месяцев назад
Matt, the color that you were thinking of was Red, right? :-) Yes, I can do miracles.
@CraigHorton-ms5ob 11 месяцев назад
This was excellent. Matt, thank you for your service dickhead. Aron, you are the festering sore on the ass of humanity. So. Because.
@chronogamer7901 7 месяцев назад
How Christian of you....
@timid3000 11 месяцев назад
@AngryBird___ 5 месяцев назад
Why you comment about yourself in here
@lukamtc9188 11 месяцев назад
premium background noise
@Brianhugetool. 11 месяцев назад
In England we have talking donkeys , they are called Geordies .
@AngryBird___ 5 месяцев назад
In the netherlands we have flying dogs
@n3rfdr4gon99 Год назад
By nature, we must unify because that is what we evolve to do. Evolution isn't merely a survival of the fittest, it is necessarily how life achieves homeostasis with nature. Theism is a denial of human nature because if you believe it, suddenly you must accept that you were created in something else's image, and must relegate human advancements to the whims of some invisible, immortal, all-knowing sorcerer. Evolution suggests that we become better over time because our survival necessitates it, while religion attempts to offer a shortcut in exchange for eternal submission on pain of death for anything less.