European Digital Rights
European Digital Rights
European Digital Rights
We are European Digital Rights. We defend your rights and freedoms in the online environment.

We all have the right to keep personal information online private and secure. Right now, it's not. It is open to abuse and misuse by governments, companies and others. We fight to keep you safe and secure online, to make sure the right rules and freedoms are in place.

European Digital Rights was founded in June 2002. Currently, 31 privacy and civil rights organisations have EDRi membership. Members of European Digital Rights have joined forces to defend civil rights in the information society. The need for cooperation among organisations active in Europe is increasing as more regulation regarding the internet, copyright and privacy is originating from European institutions, or from International institutions with strong impact in Europe.

@vespucci964 15 дней назад
57 views in 9 years 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@RoswithaAmon 28 дней назад
@Charlie-ph3lp 7 месяцев назад
jon looking good fr fr 💯
@Causeimthejoker 7 месяцев назад
@harryrussell154 7 месяцев назад
Here is an unbreakable cipher machine, and an unbreakable encryption method called Kaliko. Regards, Russell Lee The Galaxy Cipher Machine: Unbreakable encryption using Kaliko encryption. Set up: A disc cipher machine on a spindle, the discs are like checkers in that they have notches to fit into each other. 1st wheel is the set disc with the numbers 1-80 scrambled, etched around the side, and on the top edge are three alphabets, scrambled the same, with two empty spaces to make 80 digits around the top. Each letter on the top is over a number on the side. There are 26 body discs, each having two rows (top and bottom) of 1-80 on their sides. The first message is a four number code: 1234. This is first a security check. The number 23 on the disc, 4 to the right, plus 1, gives you the security response. For the set up: The number one represents which set disc is to be used. The 23 is the number on the set disc that is under the letter on the top "E". This letter is the first body disc to be put on the spindle under the set disc. Depending on what the users invented for themselves, an even number goes left, odd/right. So the order of the body discs is the E first, then of right for the rest of the letter order for the discs. The body discs are like checkers in that they have notches for them to fit into each other. There is a dot on the bottom of the set disc somewhere between two numbers, and a dot on each side of each body disc as well. The last number of the 1234, the 4, is how many (left or right) notches to shift the discs as they are being put on using the dots as beginning points. 4 was invented to mean right for the dots so each disc has their dots spaced 4 notches to the right of the one above it. It is also decided/invented which discs go on up-side down. Once all discs are in place a tightening bolt is screwed on the spindle to secure the discs. Operation: In the coded message sent, the first 30 numbers are still part of the set up. The message follows after them. In these 30 numbers you have invented the pattern that if there are two number 6s in the 5th, 13th, 18th, and 29th numbers, the message is authentic. If there are more or less than two number 6s the message is bogus and is disregarded. In the first 30 numbers, you take the 4th and 9th numbers to know which algorithms to use, in this case both numbers are 12,34. You have invented at least 10 algorithms. The first message letter is O. Find an O on the top of the set disc in one of the alphabets (using another alphabet for the next O), and go down to the number below it on the edge, say 57. Now the first four algorithms are made up by the two users of the machines so they can be anything their imaginations can come up with. Like, from 57, down five discs to the top row of 1-80 where the number is 32, find 32 on the bottom row and go down 7 more discs and do the same, then go straight up to the set disc. 2nd algorithm is a diagonal angling down to the right 8 discs to the lower number on that disc-46, then finding the 46 on the top row, and straight up the to the top set disc. 3rd algorithm is another imaginative pattern ending at the top number 78 on the set disc. 4th algorithm now has a sleeve that fits over the machine with holes randomly drilled into its side lining up with each disc's number lines, 15 holes per line. Now look again to the first 30 numbers and see the 18th and the 62nd numbers are 36, and 84. So now the 78 is lined up with the 3rd disc's top number 6 hole, this shows the number 69 in the bottom number row hole 8. This continues for 4 discs to the last number 51 that is sent in to the other communicating person. (36, 84 is third disc, holes 6 and 8, for 4 discs)They run it all backwards to find the letter O. Throughout the sent message there are many OOs. The pattern invented is that you go six numbers beyond the OO to see if there is a number 5 in that number (75). If there is, you know it is a body disc shift. The other number is how many notches to shift each dot.(Odd numbers one way, even the other). Do this at least once every message. If there is a 2 in that number (27) it means to replace the set disc with another one, in this case the number 7 set disc. You replace the old one and just line up the dots of the new set disc directly over the dot beneath it on the first body disc. Do this at least once every message for both set and body discs. Another code invented tells you to change the entire order of the set up with a 4 digit set up number following it. Golden rules: 1) Never use the same set up code more than once. 2) Always send at least 15 phony messages for every one authentic message. 3) Always shift both the set disc and body discs at least once every message. This cipher machine has ever changing/shifting number patterns, an infinite number of invented algorithms that are used in different orders, a large number of 4th algorithm repeats, and every set of machines has a different operation. Each operating set of machines have virgin discs no other machines have. This cipher machine cannot be broken, not even by the largest computers in the world if used correctly. The confirmation that a code has been broken is that the message appears. With a 500 letter message, if 500 GCMs are used where each machine only encrypts one letter, there is no confirmation the letter that comes up when trying to break it is the actual letter that is in the message. Every letter has a machine with different discs, different algorithms, and different operators encrypting it. So the most any attempt to break the code can do is acknowledge that each letter position could be any of the letters in the entire alphabet (A-Z). To write out the possibilities on paper would be to have an entire alphabet under letter position #1, then another one under #2, an so on. In the end there would be 500 alphabets in a row as the only clue to what the message says. Its like telling the hackers there are 500 letters in the message and the words are in the dictionary. With this small bit of information it is IMPOSSIBLE to even begin to try to find the message. Not even the biggest computer in the world, working on it for 10,000 years could find the message. This encryption form is called Kaliko ENCRYPTION, it is unbreakable, and is perfectly suited for the Galaxy Cipher Machine.
@harryrussell154 7 месяцев назад
Here is an unbreakable cipher machine, and an unbreakable encryption method called Kaliko. Regards, Russell Lee The Galaxy Cipher Machine: Unbreakable encryption using Kaliko encryption. Set up: A disc cipher machine on a spindle, the discs are like checkers in that they have notches to fit into each other. 1st wheel is the set disc with the numbers 1-80 scrambled, etched around the side, and on the top edge are three alphabets, scrambled the same, with two empty spaces to make 80 digits around the top. Each letter on the top is over a number on the side. There are 26 body discs, each having two rows (top and bottom) of 1-80 on their sides. The first message is a four number code: 1234. This is first a security check. The number 23 on the disc, 4 to the right, plus 1, gives you the security response. For the set up: The number one represents which set disc is to be used. The 23 is the number on the set disc that is under the letter on the top "E". This letter is the first body disc to be put on the spindle under the set disc. Depending on what the users invented for themselves, an even number goes left, odd/right. So the order of the body discs is the E first, then of right for the rest of the letter order for the discs. The body discs are like checkers in that they have notches for them to fit into each other. There is a dot on the bottom of the set disc somewhere between two numbers, and a dot on each side of each body disc as well. The last number of the 1234, the 4, is how many (left or right) notches to shift the discs as they are being put on using the dots as beginning points. 4 was invented to mean right for the dots so each disc has their dots spaced 4 notches to the right of the one above it. It is also decided/invented which discs go on up-side down. Once all discs are in place a tightening bolt is screwed on the spindle to secure the discs. Operation: In the coded message sent, the first 30 numbers are still part of the set up. The message follows after them. In these 30 numbers you have invented the pattern that if there are two number 6s in the 5th, 13th, 18th, and 29th numbers, the message is authentic. If there are more or less than two number 6s the message is bogus and is disregarded. In the first 30 numbers, you take the 4th and 9th numbers to know which algorithms to use, in this case both numbers are 12,34. You have invented at least 10 algorithms. The first message letter is O. Find an O on the top of the set disc in one of the alphabets (using another alphabet for the next O), and go down to the number below it on the edge, say 57. Now the first four algorithms are made up by the two users of the machines so they can be anything their imaginations can come up with. Like, from 57, down five discs to the top row of 1-80 where the number is 32, find 32 on the bottom row and go down 7 more discs and do the same, then go straight up to the set disc. 2nd algorithm is a diagonal angling down to the right 8 discs to the lower number on that disc-46, then finding the 46 on the top row, and straight up the to the top set disc. 3rd algorithm is another imaginative pattern ending at the top number 78 on the set disc. 4th algorithm now has a sleeve that fits over the machine with holes randomly drilled into its side lining up with each disc's number lines, 15 holes per line. Now look again to the first 30 numbers and see the 18th and the 62nd numbers are 36, and 84. So now the 78 is lined up with the 3rd disc's top number 6 hole, this shows the number 69 in the bottom number row hole 8. This continues for 4 discs to the last number 51 that is sent in to the other communicating person. (36, 84 is third disc, holes 6 and 8, for 4 discs)They run it all backwards to find the letter O. Throughout the sent message there are many OOs. The pattern invented is that you go six numbers beyond the OO to see if there is a number 5 in that number (75). If there is, you know it is a body disc shift. The other number is how many notches to shift each dot.(Odd numbers one way, even the other). Do this at least once every message. If there is a 2 in that number (27) it means to replace the set disc with another one, in this case the number 7 set disc. You replace the old one and just line up the dots of the new set disc directly over the dot beneath it on the first body disc. Do this at least once every message for both set and body discs. Another code invented tells you to change the entire order of the set up with a 4 digit set up number following it. Golden rules: 1) Never use the same set up code more than once. 2) Always send at least 15 phony messages for every one authentic message. 3) Always shift both the set disc and body discs at least once every message. This cipher machine has ever changing/shifting number patterns, an infinite number of invented algorithms that are used in different orders, a large number of 4th algorithm repeats, and every set of machines has a different operation. Each operating set of machines have virgin discs no other machines have. This cipher machine cannot be broken, not even by the largest computers in the world if used correctly. The confirmation that a code has been broken is that the message appears. With a 500 letter message, if 500 GCMs are used where each machine only encrypts one letter, there is no confirmation the letter that comes up when trying to break it is the actual letter that is in the message. Every letter has a machine with different discs, different algorithms, and different operators encrypting it. So the most any attempt to break the code can do is acknowledge that each letter position could be any of the letters in the entire alphabet (A-Z). To write out the possibilities on paper would be to have an entire alphabet under letter position #1, then another one under #2, an so on. In the end there would be 500 alphabets in a row as the only clue to what the message says. Its like telling the hackers there are 500 letters in the message and the words are in the dictionary. With this small bit of information it is IMPOSSIBLE to even begin to try to find the message. Not even the biggest computer in the world, working on it for 10,000 years could find the message. This encryption form is called Kaliko ENCRYPTION, it is unbreakable, and is perfectly suited for the Galaxy Cipher Machine.
@derPUPE 8 месяцев назад
@pavol4989 9 месяцев назад
@juslitor 11 месяцев назад
Luckily Finland will not support this hare brained proposition.
@levingthedream Год назад
Looking at companies like gre*y key and celle*brite who sell methods of extraction to law enforcement it does not benefit the tax payer either. Choose your poison I guess, not sure what is the right thing here.
@lottery248 Год назад
laws similar to CSAR are known to only work on its exact opposite direction. as per Ben Franklin, people willingly to sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both. in Hong Kong, our government enforced that phone numbers require ID verification, all in the name of "preventing scams", and in the next few months, scams came up in the unprecedented rate and most of those calls on question come from overseas. as soon as this issue occurs, they changed the explanation to "making it easier for us to identify the scammers".
@93davve93 Год назад
Talk starts at 1:22
@inky5168 Год назад
No Minority Report. Mr Cruise will be pleased
@davidjooste5788 Год назад
Why is this information being suppressed.
@markalan4026 Год назад
Yeah, they claim to be protecting LGBT people etc. But they have no problem with regular people such as myself dealing with cyber harassment. I have reported these things many times and nothing has changed.
@markalan4026 Год назад
They mock and harass me via target advertising. They mock me for my disabilities and the things I struggle with. Im getting advertising with nudity, and ads that if clicked on, lead to a malicious websites to download pdf files with Spyware. These people are censoring "conspiracy theories" and labeling as "dangerous disinformation", and yet, allowing the things I mentioned and worse. I have many screenshots and proof I'm willing to share with you guys, but they will likely censor this comment from being seen anyway.
@nanniharcrow8567 Год назад
😭 'Promo SM'
@andrzejkopalnia Год назад
Brilliant and absolutely necessary to get heard by millions of ears!
@johannalbanschopfer5856 Год назад
Me: Wow, this sure is some engaging content. The virality algorithm monitoring all interactions on this platform: 👀📝
@hananhassan74 Год назад
idk how this is not famous
@brantley4411 2 года назад
👍 P r o m o S M!!!
@rehabmarkus4192 2 года назад
You are such a delightful and a dedicated traditional doctor Emuakhe on RU-vid.you are truly an inspiration.i cannot thank you much enough for introducing your herbs that completely cure my HIV parmanently..
@mauroprofeta8324 3 года назад
Luister en teken in wij hebben 10000000 miljoen handtekeningen nodig deel dit met jullie vrienden
@DagmarDubai 3 года назад
Hi Can't you guys engage some students to post the link to your page at several websites? Obviously nobody knows you
@EuropeanDigitalRights 3 года назад
Hey hey, that's a great suggestion! Do you have some students groups in mind who could be interested?
@KameliaY. 3 года назад
Great video! Keep up the good work 👏🏽💙
@kristaberger5824 4 года назад
fabulös 💖👌🏼 💖
@billniko9310 5 лет назад
Support to digital rights
@billniko9310 5 лет назад
Support edri
@IchOdaNich 5 лет назад
Why don't I get 50% off guns?
@freecomtergat 6 лет назад
@idekmusic8793 6 лет назад
Oi m8! You have a loicense for this video?
@MirceaKitsune 6 лет назад
Down with the mafia that is the EU! We cannot continue to have our fundamental liberties threatened by representatives who are literally being bribed to work against their own citizens. This is Europe not China... we are a democracy not a third world country!
@gagarinone 6 лет назад
EU is a good thing. It is good to cooperate. That makes a society going forward. The bad thing here is that the power and greed has corrupted the decisionmakers minds. It is up to us grassroots, citizen in EU, to change that bad behaviour, to take the decisionmakers down to earth again.
@MirceaKitsune 6 лет назад
I used to think that as well, now I no longer do. The EU's institutional systems and elected representatives are the ones being allowed to do this... it's the EU that we expected to have protection mechanisms against gruesome abuses to our digital / human rights. I feel betrayed by the Union and that's not something I can take lightly.
@gagarinone 6 лет назад
That is always a problem, in every democracy. Who are electing the representatives and employ the individuals in EU's institutional systems? Yes, that's we, the citizens of European Union. A democracy can get better or worse, depending on its engaged citizens or "I don't care"-citizen. Today most citizens is about, "I have my life and I don't care".
@MirceaKitsune 6 лет назад
Believe it or not, I actually liked the EU before this happened. Right now I feel betrayed and lied to. If someone can put this Union back together, sure I'd go with that... but currently I don't think I can trust them any longer, for a very long time at best (after the elections).
@ewak1991 6 лет назад
Its 2018, and yet nobody cares to ensure we can see/read the slides. What a waste.
@agenceartemis 8 лет назад
Great video! It's a major topic of discussion which would need to get more exposure in the public debate. A pity this video lacks professionalism in terms of design and editing. It is for sure a major impediment to a widespread dissemination.
@Embajador3 8 лет назад
Very interesting, keep up the good work guys!
@jeroenvd89 10 лет назад
Thanks for this video, it shows perfectly how little understanding there is from the deciding people in what net neutrality really means. Luckily they made the right decision. The argument stating prevetion of child abuse is quite shocking; this has absolutely nothing to do with prevention of it and still it was brought up as an argument against net neutrality. It really makes you think about who gave her (or them) the idea to make this into a point of consideration, I could imagine that an ISP or multiple ISP's might have whispered such things in her ear.. Let's hope the US reconsiders the direction they're heading into after all the debates and the outcome in the EU.
@Bakugantsuvai1 12 лет назад
@LvKjujik Got a humorous slogan ACTA YOU NOT GOING TO KILL MY MODEM!