Igor Ledochowski
Igor Ledochowski
Igor Ledochowski
@erikaledney5015 Месяц назад
Where i can get to know about hypnosis diploma school?
@denniskneulman 2 месяца назад
I became ppoor
@lisal3928 7 месяцев назад
The mirroring is so true - aware of it especially at a dinner party sitting a table - where everyone is talking and then one person picks up their glass to take a drink - in symphony (including myself) everyone else picks of their glass for a drink - just amazing
@lunasmama84 7 месяцев назад
The link to the money in your mind site doesn't work?
@Micky2009-s4s 8 месяцев назад
You should see what comes after this clip
@Davlavi 10 месяцев назад
This great demonstration.
@SidRandom Год назад
Seemed like he was about to make a point and then the video ended /shrug.
@nikhilamaidas2487 Год назад
I think the link is broken
@divineone2135 Год назад
Hey what's happened to hypnosis training academy here on youtube Igor ???
@boskadoff Год назад
Same question from me, I really miss it!
@orihemekurosaki Год назад
Where can I watch the full video please? I really want to learn how this could be done..
@SeganHealthHacker Год назад
One of the guys I like the most to check doing change work. And I've seen many, many ppl doing it.
@SeganHealthHacker Год назад
Wow. Exactly 10y ago. Miss this guy, what he's been up to? Alas, am not living in London anymore.
@Bushcraft242 Год назад
Thank you igor
@Bushcraft242 Год назад
Thank you
@Bushcraft242 Год назад
Stop smoking 🚬 procrastination bodybuilding lose weight stop pain set goals better sleep stop the past better financial future
@Bushcraft242 Год назад
My instructor certified by mandel
@Bushcraft242 Год назад
As a certified hypnotist igor is amazing
@jessegoff Год назад
A root. Not a fuck-up.
@jessegoff Год назад
I believe I am a frog of Queen Elizabeth!
@SBCONCEPT Год назад
I want to learn hypnosis
@ronwhitehouse23 Год назад
What a transformational video.
@ronwhitehouse23 Год назад
Did she or didn't she?
@ronwhitehouse23 Год назад
A lot of this video has. been edited. Why?
@danielsoto2758 Год назад
Toms River, NJ.
@danielsoto2758 Год назад
My name is Jesse Goff and born August 11th 1989. 2:43 in the afternoon. I want to allow $250,000 cash flow and accumulation each year with increase with my Broadway musical I'm writing called the 3 realities, annual yoga chakra classes, $12,000 energy healing schedules, minimum group $12,000, and acoustic tours musical at yoga indie events, I could do a reading of another person and make aware their inner child which way it requires. things are always working out for me.
@danielsoto2758 Год назад
7th child
@jutta-midwife Год назад
Oh I love it but th link above is not working , I would love to take this training :)
@chucklivinlarge563 Год назад
Igor, Could you please repost your Metaphor video (the hero’s journey)? Thanks a million, Chuck
@discharge2331 Год назад
Why does that guy keep moving the microphone about ? Total distraction .
I absolutely Love this exercise We’ve all had really powerful moments And by just remembering you are Actually going into a Trance like State And those feelings you are feeling Are actually picked up as intention By the Observer Wow ! Hypnotic Responses are Magic! Uplifting!
@apollosun2913 2 года назад
That was confusing.
@williamfelton8585 2 года назад
I am a professional hypnotherapist. The mind is an amazing thing! I had a client who had suffered a compression injury to the neck. The doctors removed two vertebrae and replaced them with cadaver parts. They told this person get used to life with no feeling in your legs and feet, this is as good as it is going to get. I worked with them several years later, for about an hour, then took them to a beach club where they were complaining and slapping at their legs. They told me the mosquitoes had never bothered them before. You should have seen their face when I asked if that was because they could not feel them before. Their mind had bypassed the nerve damaged area and restored the feeling to their legs and feet. And it was REALLY fast. I specialize in this type of stuff. I see it all the time.
@denniskneulman 7 месяцев назад
Feelings are created in the brain , ( only short term feelings of pain , like sticking your hand into a fire , are supposed to be warning of not doing that again as it will damage the body ) Your story is a classical conditioning of pavlovian conditioning , you have made someone concious of the sensations in their body , BUT did you improve their well being ? Un conciously they where slapping at their legs , so they already where doing the right thing to help their bodys get rid of intruders, You only made them concious of the feeling of a mosquito and body awareness but didn,t do anything special to improve their well being. If the mosquitos never botherd them before , it was because they had enough immunological anti doses for that , so their mind or brain has time to deal with the practical stuff . Thing outside only become bothering when BAD hypnotists believe you need to have feelings for something minor like slapping a mosquito from your legs because it is a normal reaction , and you don,t have to have a concious feeling with that. You have made them aware of feelings in the body ( that,s all ) and therefore un armed a suggestion of a docter or med proffesional into believing someone is not capable of feelings. WHAT you have done is nothing but un doing a suggestion by a dokter or med specialist who has been working on the mechanics and functional system. Just because they learned different outcomes about feelings doesn,t mean they are wrong . As a matter of fact , they have been right in helping the person in a bodily mechanical functional way , the only thing you have done is un do a suggestion , no need to bloat around and think you are special . As i am especially not , THAT,s WHY I QUIT HYPNOTHERAPY and SIMPLE PSYCHOLiGY , you can screw peoples live , when you don,t dive into the medical and biological ( cell mechanisms ) and combine all the knowledge and start screaming halleluya and healing , just because you dis empowerd a suggestion or believe.
@jessegoff6266 2 года назад
I commented on your instagram.
@hermetic3696 2 года назад
You are the placebo 👁❤️🙏🔥
@alancurrie4529 2 года назад
I used techniques today influenced by this video Igor and the change was amazing ..
@alancurrie4529 2 года назад
That was amazing to watch , thank you .. powerful .. I may store that memory as Jellybean !
@paulodeoliveira1501 2 года назад
Ok but... Where is this training?
@DivyaanshThakur 3 года назад
Use of VAK, Tag questions, Rapport were excellent
@Bushcraft242 3 года назад
Awsome learning great respect
@joanaramosphotography6457 3 года назад
The most stylish hypnotist around.
@joanaramosphotography6457 3 года назад
That smooth "there you go" set...
@elfuego121212 3 года назад
Straight up intimidation
@benbaldwin7558 3 года назад
Gosh.... I want to watch the next part of this where he explains it. Love this
@NewFutureFantasy 3 года назад
Rock on Igor. It's a win-win situation. God bless you.
@soul-etude 3 года назад
Hello, I have a question. What if I am already having the three elements you are talking about, but just had bad luck over my life that distracted me from achieving the goal. I have been through difficult relationships and surely it did not play well for me financially, I am just getting out of it and suddenly have a health issue, dealing with it, but apart from that, may I still have already the mind-set, strategizing, unconscious beliefs that are right?
@soul-etude 3 года назад
Hi Igor, I really appreciate the way you teach. The staff from so many years ago (2020 now) still is relevant to me even after all of the most prominent other teachings. Seems like many different approaches converge in one place. And I really love the way you explain. Thank you for sharing your gift!
@hannasmith3961 3 года назад
@Qwijebo 4 года назад
Anyone is capable of doing this
@juanbarreto6178 4 года назад
There are a few components to courses in hypnotherapy. One resource I found which successfully combines these is the Hyper Hypno Blueprint (check it out on google) without a doubt the most useful guide i've heard of. look at the interesting info .
@angelbreath6539 4 года назад
Hello my friend, tis Jamie P. here from Kenpo, London. You will always be my bitch xx
@熊康-b2r 4 года назад