@ekklesiabible8188 2 дня назад
It never ceases to amaze me how people with good analytical reasoning when learning truth about the easy to see deceiver and the charlatan Joseph Smith even when you read his first published “Mormon Bible” and then see how people actually love the multitude of lies and love to live and promote the false teaching of Joseph Smith is totally beyond amazing. To see people love the wicked the actions before their eyes acts the Adultery of their prophet Joseph Smith It makes me fear the actual validity of the makers of the ancient languages of my so called “Holy Bible”. Smith did not know the word “Church” is never written just once in the ancient languages of the Bible. How come when he claims to be a is a prophet of a god?
@GeorgeDemetz 7 дней назад
This is an idiotic moron who is obviously no historian and no theologian, but it would take me all day yo debunk all his crap! However, one example of his cherry picking BS is about the eleven winesses who saw the plates and "hefted" them!!! Of the three witnesses who hefted the plates and saw the angel all fell away from the church because of a musunderstanding with Josrph Smith, and yet NONE of them to their dying day denied their testimony!! What better proof could you ask for than this (as opposed to his third hand stupid stories and cherry picking BS)?!? He is an apostate fool!!!
@djadams7795 5 дней назад
Amen brother
@djadams7795 5 дней назад
Thhx is an idiot
@ScrypKat56 9 дней назад
The United States government threatened to take away the LDS churches tax status as a “church” because they would not allow people of color to join the church. Soon after that threat the LDS church started allowing people of color to join. That told me all I needed to know about the Mormon church.
@djadams7795 5 дней назад
False. Get your facts straight, kid.
@CliffordClaytonGorovoy 10 дней назад
They've got Alot of problems. And they don't know any lawyers in NY.😮 😮😮😮. Get your tithes back
@Dnn411 14 дней назад
the Mormons is not a church…..anymore. It’s a business, registered business. A mega mega real estate development company. When the “conference”’s just talk about the many many many “new real estate buildings”. ( in Utah….seems like it’s meant to build in every zip code….not on honest attendance records of said buildings.
@Hughejazshole 28 дней назад
@djadams7795 Месяц назад
@tthx165 15 дней назад
As you show you cant even write an intelligent comment, twinkle toes. Learn English.
@djadams7795 5 дней назад
@thhx Only an idiot would say that.😊
@DavidEffiong-x2u Месяц назад
Your research as you claim are all useless to me and can never pervert my believe in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything the church stand for and teaches all point us to God and His Son Jesus Christ so why are you bothering yourself posting rubbish, only the unstable and insane people will believe all this lies you're putting on. Go yourself and pray and seek for God direction concerning this restored gospel and stop fooling yourself, I'm on a save ground, I'm a member and will always be a member of The Lord True Church, the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints.
@tthx165 Месяц назад
Maybe you should try watching it first Mormon. We both know you didnt. man, you Mormons do love to lie.
@djadams7795 Месяц назад
​​@@tthx165He knows your fake video is garbage and so do I just like your fake Jesus and Zionist Jewww funded Scoffield Bible lie, stupid boy.
@djadams7795 29 дней назад
Thhx is stupid stooge little boy
@ralphwiggam7630 15 дней назад
What in this video is incorrect?
@tthx165 15 дней назад
@@ralphwiggam7630 He would have to watch it but Mormons cant watch anything they comment on, they just lie.
@takashi-lee3943 Месяц назад
In my experience Mormons (yeah, yeah i know LDS) are extremely kind and caring people, but the LDS church is horrible.
@ralphwiggam7630 15 дней назад
We as members have no idea we're being liied to ...
@jeffpowers6861 Месяц назад
Smith was a con man and a propagandist. Disprove the following statement: All religions are founded on a lie. Faith-based reasoning is not allowed - just facts.
@djadams7795 15 дней назад
Retarded loser
@FOHguy Месяц назад
I lived in Salt Lake City as a teenager. The one thing I remember about Mormons. As a rule, the higher Daddy was in the church, the wilder the daughter was.
@ambarvalia9757 2 месяца назад
@Akrafena 2 месяца назад
Idk why these have been getting recommended to me. First was those "convert to Orthodoxy" edits by 12 year olds* who think racism is sigma male skibidi rizz. Then was the Catholics who were not obnoxious, but they also had similar edits and were all monarchists. And now this. I am not a member of the LDS church or any of their splinter movements (RLDS etc.) At least there is some humor and aside from a few most people are as civil a debate on-line can be. *those people are just prots who joined for the A E S T H E T I C
@djadams7795 2 месяца назад
@ralphwiggam7630 15 дней назад
? Huh?
@tthx165 15 дней назад
Learn English.
@djadams7795 2 месяца назад
Let's do a side by side comparison between the life of Joseph Smith Jr and the Universal church leaders levels of debauchery from the 4th century onward. Let's see who was the real scoundrels.
@josephsmith6457 2 месяца назад
Why people feel a desire to debunk a church i dont understand. People believe what they want. Some believe adam and eve were real and an old man built a boat during a rain storm
@ralphwiggam7630 15 дней назад
Because this "church" is a $300 billion dollar globe-spanning mega corporation founded on liies. It continues to liie and destroy people's lives. Until it stops harmiing people, it deserves to be exposed as the fraudd that it is ...
@litebkt 2 месяца назад
My belief waned when I studied the origins and archeological history of the Old Testament. This scam is 2500 years old.
@djadams7795 3 месяца назад
Michael Jordan is a poor role model for kids, Sacrificed his own father to pay his gambling debts. And was a mediocre basketball player. They deleted comments because they can't stand truth informing them they are full of crap, not saved and follow false gospel and a fake spirit Jesus with a fake canon.
@djadams7795 3 месяца назад
BS video from the Devil.
@jmz8086 3 месяца назад
Such a great video. Mormons are so fucking stupid to believe all this bullshit lol.
@djadams7795 3 месяца назад
Wrong, loser. This video is so stupid and you're a gullible asshole.
@kjvjay 3 месяца назад
@@djadams7795 *You mean, as a Mormon, you do not believe what Joseph Smith taught?* As depicted in this video, Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, taught his followers, “GOD HIMSELF WAS ONCE AS WE ARE NOW, AND IS AN EXALTED MAN, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens. That is the great secret. If the veil was rent today, and the great God who holds this world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by his power, was to make himself visible-I say, *if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in form-like yourselves, in all the person, image, and very form as a man;…”* “We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity, I will refute that idea, and will take away and do away the veil, so that you may see It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the *character of God.. AND THAT HE WAS ONCE A MAN LIKE US;* yea, that God himself the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth the same as Jesus Christ himself did; ... to know the only wise and true God; and *YOU HAVE GOT TO LEARN HOW TO BE GODS YOURSELVES,* and priests to God, *THE SAME AS ALL GODS HAVE DONE BEFORE YOU.”* Smith announced this brand new teaching at a funeral for Elder King Follett who accidentally fell into a well and was killed. The funeral took place during the time of General Conference, Sunday, Nauvoo, Illinois, April 7 1844, 14 years after Smith had written the Book of Mormon. Also at this time, Smith was campaigning to become President of the United States. -------------------- *Obviously is not referring to the God of the Bible and Christians, who was, is and will always be the Lord God Almighty, was never a man on another earth that became a Mormon polygamist exalted man god.* God of the Bible and Christians declares, “Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) ------------------------------------------------------------- The above quote from Joseph Smith is published in the following official LDS publications; Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages 345-346, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10th prophet of LDS; History of the Church, Vol. 6 of 7 (1843-1844) pages 302-17; Achieving a Celestial Marriage, page 129, Published by: Church of Jesus Christ of Larter-day Saints My Kingdom Shall Roll Forth, Pub. 1979, page 7, Published by: Church of Jesus Christ of Larter-day Saints Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6 of 26, pages 3-4.
@djadams7795 3 месяца назад
Wrong loser
@kjvjay 2 месяца назад
*The Mormon Church and their temples are not needed.* Unless you feel like paying them 10% of your total income, get a Temple Recommend from a Mormon bishop so you may participate in their temple rituals, which include, Masonic type handshakes, secret passwords, and wearing underwear with sewn in Masonic symbols. All so you may PRETEND that someday you might, perhaps, maybe, possibly become a Mormon polygamist exalted man god or a goddess wife to your Mormon polygamist exalted man god husband. To have forgiveness of sin and God’s gift of eternal life in the presence of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is through repentance, faith and trust in real Jesus Christ of the Bible only and not through any church. As it is written, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23) “For the wages of sin is death; but the *GIFT OF GOD* IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.” (Romans 6:23) Jesus said, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3) Jesus said, “…know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) Do Not let the Mormon Church make merchandise of you with their feign words.
@mg-ew2xf 4 месяца назад
Eh, sure, it's implausible. But it's based on an implausible source. 22:40 That's also one of the many problems with the Exodus. 40 years of that many people wandering the desert would leave behind more evidence. "God did it" works for the book of Mormon as easily as it does for the Bible.
@djadams7795 3 месяца назад
The Catholics and protestant churches are all fake and false.
@reubenanderson4888 4 месяца назад
I just wanna add my witness to your comments to say that I am a very active Mormon and you simply do not now know what you’re talking about. I’ve heard all this stuff before and I know that thisvideo is nothing but trash
@djadams7795 4 месяца назад
Truth. This video is trash. 🗑️
@ralphwiggam7630 15 дней назад
What do you think in this video is wrong?
@tristannacrapo321 4 месяца назад
My heart hurts so much for the wives of Joseph Smith. They suffered so much to then be purposefully forgotten by the church. The church tries to make it sound like IF Joseph did have plural wives, that it was for the greater good. The LDS church members need to open their eyes.
@djadams7795 3 месяца назад
@djadams7795 3 месяца назад
you need to open your eyes, bud.
@slottibarfast5402 5 месяцев назад
Wonder how many people other than mormons have chalenged their own religion. How many catholics have read the history of the Vatican, the torture, burning of heretics, the antisemitic and slavery oromoted by the church. How about Protestants all the wars fought over who would win the state religion and then either convert expell or kill iff the other religions. The protestants had their fair share of antisemitic beliefs and did little to condemn slavery. Every member if every faith needs to take a long hard look at what they believe before condemning someone elses beliefs. I am an athiest and believe me there is much wrong with us as a group. Not doing anything much to make the world a better place, a smug attitude of superiority that does little ir nothing to promote our ideas. How many arpthiests are out there pretending to be religious just to get along with family or to get ahead at work etc.
@jamesstrawn6087 5 месяцев назад
The book by John Lee, who remained a faithful Mormon until his execution, describes the early revelation of being "sealed" which Joseph explained to Lee (in Missouri if I remember correctly). Lee then engaged in the same practice & his (19) wives ended up with Brigham Young after Lee's death.
@djadams7795 5 месяцев назад
are you really trying to disparage my ancestors? You are a shameful disrespectful idiot who should not be allowed to breed. Perhaps a padded room where you can't hurt anyone.
@tthx165 4 месяца назад
You are correct its no wonder so many "men" (use that term loosely) are given to little children since its founder married a 14 year old child.
@tthx165 4 месяца назад
@@djadams7795 What he is saying is historical fact imbecile.
@djadams7795 4 месяца назад
​@@tthx165Those women would have died without help, because the men were murdered by imbeciles like you back East. Keep hiding your comments, loser.
@jamesstrawn6087 5 месяцев назад
I cannot fathom how anyone who reads the BOM can conclude it is inspired. Whoever did write it was endeavoring to replicate the stye of the KJV without knowing the languages from which that translation was taken nor the (English) grammar involved in the style that was being copied in the BOM. So, LO LO LO and it came to pass and it came to pass (etc. etc.)
@donsho09 5 месяцев назад
MORONi was a roman soldier 😂😂
@johntuffy5721 5 месяцев назад
religion is a mental illness
@djadams7795 5 месяцев назад
your mom is a mental retard.
@tthx165 5 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Speaking of "mental retard" Good lord you are so stupid, you again can't even insult someone with the pathetic amount of English you actually know. That is why you sit at home all day everyday collecting disability living off the government dime while you complain about the government and insult people over a subject you show you know nothing about. You talk all big how you are going to fighting someone yet you can never ever actually show up and you are too much of a coward to even appear on a zoom call.
@djadams7795 5 месяцев назад
​​​@@tthx165"Lying dogface pony soldier". - Joe Biden, claims he is Catholic, and is your Father Matthew 16:23 Get thee behind me, Satan - Jesus Christ, founder of my faith, and is my Father. Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man.
@MarleneKerr-p6x 6 месяцев назад
This video isnt truth
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
Kenzie K came up thru Nickelodeon and took inappropriate showers with Dan Schneider.
@kenziek6707 5 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 Coward, you never reply to me and have to run off to other comments to lie about me. You know this is defamation, you have crossed the line from offering an opion to stating something you know is fiction as fact for the sole purpose of damaging my reputation.
@djadams7795 5 месяцев назад
Kenzie K huge coward pedo enabler. You don't have a reply button or a reputation.
@kenziek6707 5 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 What a gutless troll you are, you dont reply because you are nothing but a gutless coward. You dont know the first thing about the church either. YOU are the one that defends pedos you have done so multiple times. Joseph Smith was a pedo that's why you think you love him so much, but you dont know squat the church, you aren't even a member. The only rep you have is the one you created for yourself in this chat, after you got one of your accounts removed for racial slurs and making threats. "ou don't have a reply button or a reputation." Dork, I am the one using reply here dumb ass.
@kenziek6707 5 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 And I realize you are a huge idiot but, hey dork the LDS church owns 139,640 Shares of Paramount which owns nickelodeon, you really are THAT stupid. Oh and it just bought more at the beginning of the year idiot. The LDS church LOVES Dan and helped supported him just as it loves jodi hildebrandt and paid her and sent Mormons her way. Its hard to believe someone could be as dumb as you. Oh yea and it also owns stock in the jab you hate so much. J&J and Pfizer so get your vaccine because the Church wants you to " we urge individuals to be vaccinated." HAHAHAHAHA!!!! The First Presidency Urges Latter-day Saints to Wear Face Masks When Needed and Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19
@MarleneKerr-p6x 6 месяцев назад
If you follow the prophet and authorities you will have peace and everlasting joy
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
And child sex crimes, fines from the irs for lying and who can forget Mormon greed, 130 billion dollars and it still begs and begs and begs for more. You didnt even watch the video Mormon, yet you lie, and im ply you did. You Mormons lie a lot, its why you guys are known as "lying for the lord" . Well that and child sex crimes since such a high [percentage of you Mormons are into little children. I am so hopefully that we will see an end to your chu4rches tax exempt status, it has enough money, doesn't need any more.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
Tthx is a chomo, Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man.
@tthx165 5 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 No thats fully on you with your past statements and defense of chomos.
@djadams7795 5 месяцев назад
@@tthx165 Fully you, chomo Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man
@tthx165 5 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 No that's for you chomo adams, its why you are so obsessed with it., LDS turn out to be child sex predators at a much higher rate than NonMormons, its the only thing you actually do know about in the church and probably the only reason you are one. Wow, you really have nothing else going on other than commenting on a youtube video you have never seen. Well, no surprise someone as dumb as you can't have a job sit at home all day sucking off disability complaining how hard it is for you. What an imbecile you are Twinkle toes.
@brotherinchrist72 6 месяцев назад
I was heavily indoctrinated into Mormonism in the early 1980's ~ 2000's and many things I share with what I was taught at that time are flat out denied by many LDS apologists today, regardless of all the facts, truth, proof, hard evidence, even everything listed in this video, many will flat out deny or lie about, or claim that I am just another anti-Mormon who hates Mormons, etc, and only trying to hurt the LDS church. Every time I explain to these people, I have no hatred in my heart of any kind, but a Christ like love and am compelled to warn them, along with those in other false religions, because I truly care for their eternal salvation. I am very grateful for any LDS member that actually takes the time to research and seek all truths, no matter where it may take them, who will ask the hard questions, and seek truth, even when their own LDS leadership will do everything to persuade them from seeking those truths, claiming it will only confuse them. The confusion only comes from Satan, and when someone actually spends time reading and studying the Bible and let the Bible speak for itself as the inerrant word of God, the Spirit will open your eyes, and you will gain understanding and see things very differently. Most LDS members get hung up on the following passages in Isaiah, since they completely contradict the Polytheistic doctrine of Mormonism along with dispelling any notion that you can become a "God" yourself one day. What I find most LDS members try and do, is add to this by saying, "of this world" meaning, they are still under the deception that the God of the Bible is someone only proclaiming to be the only God "of this world" and knows of no other God "of this world" instead of allowing God's word to be plain and simple truths. Whenever there are contradictions between the Bible and the doctrines of Mormonism, they fall back to "But the Bible was corrupted and precious truths lost" but then quickly use many of the same passages in the Bible and change the meaning and interpretation to fit their theology. It is a convenient mechanism implanted in many LDS members today because this is how Satan operates. If we as Christians do not stand firm in God's truth, his word, the Bible alone, and expose the darkness, the lies, the false doctrines of Mormonism and others, then we are doing them and others a disservice for we are essentially standing back and letting these people die in their sins, in their false doctrines, believing in a false Christ. Many LDS members will say they believe in the same Jesus, the same God as we do, even citing the Bible. We have to ask them to describe their God, their Jesus to us in deeper detail. If the LDS member is truthful, they will tell you they believe that Jesus and Lucifer were spirit brothers who each proposed a plan of salvation in some pre-existence council and God the Father choose Jesus plan, and Lucifer rebelled as a result. Then if the LDS member is truthful again, they will tell us that they believe that God the Father was once a man as we are today, who had to prove their faithfulness and earn their Exaltation, which to Mormons means, eternal progression, and eventually became our God, and this has been going on for all eternity, and there are countless worlds in the cosmos with their own "God" like our God, and they all have their own worlds and populated them with their spirit children. These teachings are completely counter to what the Bible actually teaches us, and thus, a different God, a different Christ, a different gospel.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
You are a clueless idiot. This video is false . Your three headed fake trinitarian spirit Jesus is a lie. Go figure you've fallen from God's grace. Your paid liar pastor appreciates your contribution to his lavish lifestyle. You were probably never really baptized.😊
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
You don't know what you're talking about. Almost 200 years and the witch-hunt continues. Just another AI generated fake account that won't answer. Go fake rapture yourself. Haha
@brotherinchrist72 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Hard to dismiss hard proof, evidence, physical objects that we have today from the history of Mormonism, but we also are told in the Scriptures how some would fall away and trust in other doctrines, and be deceived for they do not trust in the inerrant word of God, which is the bible alone.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
​@@brotherinchrist72 There isn't a shred of proof you speak of. We didn't fall away from anything. The church was restored because the conditions in the mainstream were teaching falsehoods. Even Martin Luther pointed it out. Which Bible? Early Christians didn't have one. SDA's have their own version. Esdras was a true prophet of God. The book of Enoch is scripture too. The Bible is not complete. Jesus said "My people perish from lack of knowledge.". He meant Bible only fake Christianity who thinks only the Bible is worthy of study.
@tthx165 5 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Its funny, you really have nothing aside from personal insults and complete ignorance, you arent man enough to watch the video, you aren't man enough to debate anyone, even on video , you are just a gutless troll with nothing going on all day but sitting in youtube making comments
@John-uo2bx 6 месяцев назад
Is the most organized cult on earth.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
At your mom's
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 What an idiot, seriously. Why do nt you tell him about your magic powers you claim he has, that will impress him. Maybe one of your threats will work, or maybe that child thing youre into since so many lds are getting convicted of it and your "prophet" married a little 14 year old child when he was 35. That will convince him its not a cult.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
​​​@@tthx165I'm seriously replying an idiot right now. It was just a. sealing. You got nothing.. Enjoy hell, troll.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Says the troll that couldn't spell for beans on his first comment. My god, even after seriously rewriting your idiotic babbling you still cant write in complete sentences. Your writing is as poor as your reading. No wonder you sit at home all day.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 "Plural marriage" means "plural marriage" idiot. Once again we see your inability to read at even the 5th grade level, but I shoudl be glad you managed to strain your brain enough to spell "sealing" correctly this time, even if the whole sentience thing is still too much for you.
@godsoffspring4195 6 месяцев назад
And the 200 year old witch hunt continues! The content of this video parallels the intent, likeness and intelligence of the J/6 committee. :>)
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 You're so funny and such a coward McFappy the Magic Mormon. Neither of you two can speak to the video as you are both cowards and haven't even watched it. " parallels the intent, likeness" Parallels the "likeness"? Look up what, "likeness" means sometime. You two belong together as your ability to communicate is so poor you cant even insult someone properly.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
I forgot Kenzie K. Sticks and stones..... Lol
@godsoffspring4195 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 @tthx165 is the likeness of Jem7 and the intelligence of Maxine Waters. 😆
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
@@godsoffspring4195 I'd compare tthx to the black Democrat congressman who said that "If too many people inhabit Guam it could flip over. ". 🤣 lol
@godsoffspring4195 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 ... Hank Johnson. :>)
@APocketBookOfInspiration 6 месяцев назад
Been inactive for many years, but a member for many more. The LDS church is a peaceful church, but how I long to fellowship in a church with none of the paraphernalia, just fellowshipping with true believers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the God of Isreal, Abraham and Issac. I guess, "worship God in spirit and truth" is key.
@kenziek6707 6 месяцев назад
You mean like DJ Adams calling people "whore", "bitch" and such? That "peaceful" to you Mormon? Here's an Idea Mormon, how about you actually watch the video you are commenting on instead of just spamming away for your fake "god". " but how I long to fellowship in a church with none of the paraphernalia, just fellowshipping with true believers" Really? you mean like your members like Mormon Eric Jones who was just sentenced to 2 20 year terms for sexually abusing am 18 month old infant? Turns out the church knew about it and when he sexually abused 2 other family members but of course, didnt do a thing to stop it. Or maybe you mean members like Mitchell McKee, he was the Utah Highway patrolman that was arrested for human trafficking of a child, forcible sodomy, sexual exploitation of a minor, enticing a minor and dealing in materials harmful to minors? Proud Church member for over 20 years and the church even recommended him as a therapist like they did with that child abuser from 8 passengers. Or maybe you like the 40+ bishops that have been arrested for sexual related crimes the vast majority of which for sex with children.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
Kenzie K is a liar. His religion is rife with child trafficking and sex crimes. His pastors are child rapists. He is projecting his fake religion. He is a huge liar. Kenzie K, the troll. Sue me if I'm lying, Kenzie you loser.
@kenziek6707 6 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 Kenzie K is a liar. " His religion is rife with child trafficking and sex crimes." Well we see how well you read you idiot, I dont have a religion or a church. The last church i was member of was your church, unlike you I actually read the Scriptures and know the church. You keep saying I am somehow catholic and then you said I was part of the Government, you are as delusional as you are stupid. Good lord, idiot. Not only did you show before you have a special affi9nity for Minor attracted children, Your church has criminals that like children like : Bishop George William Aaron Bishop John Goodrich Bishop James Hayes Bishop Keither richard Price Bishop Scott Dale Owen Bishop Douglas Stoddard Bishop Floyd C Jennings Bishop Shawn Tyler Mortensen Bishop Geoffrey James Powell Bishop Marvin Ross Harker Bishop Donnie Rue Boring Bishop Carl Matthew Johnson Bishop Stewart Allsford Bishop Shawn Cory Gooden Bishop Geoffrey James Powell Bishop Donald Ray Tolman Bishop Keith Lorraine Gillins Bishop Keith Richard Price Bishop Richard Blaine Sampson Bishop James Hayes Bishop Luis Gonzales Bishop Glendon Templeton Bishop Keith Robert Vallejo Bishop Fleming Westover Bishop James Haskell Bishop George William Aaron Bishop Paul Douglas Burdick Bishop Arlo Kay Atkin Bishop Stewart Allsford Bishop Gordon Brent Bodily Bishop Gary Reese Bishop Charles John "Chuck" Blome Bishop Ron Phelps Bishop David James Gomez Bishop Chester Lewis Meek Bishop Arlo Atkins Bishop Rex Furness Bishop Clerk Bruce A. McAskill Bishop Lon Harvey Kennard Bishop Luis Gonzales Bishop David Maxwell Bishop Paul William Newman Bishop James Denos Bishiop Michael Lynn Bronson Bishop Spencer Dixon Bishop Errol Kent Pilling Bishop Alberto Reyes Bishop Joseph Neipp Nicholas Pierre Faivre Bishop Dylan Kevin Whiting Bishop James Douglas Robinson Bishop David N. Moss Bishop Francis Heber Fuller Bishop Jefferey Head Bishop Steven Berry Bishop Martin Joseph MacNeill Bishop Samuel H. Gardner Bishop Steven Murdock Bishop Todd Michael Edwards Bishop Timothy McCleve Bishop Paul Burdick Bishop Lon Kennard, Sr Bishop Michael Wayne Coleman To name but a FEW of the perverse bishops. You want to call the LDS church a bunch of Chomos, feel free, idiot.
@kenziek6707 6 месяцев назад
@APocketBookOfInspiration Why is it Mormons are scared little bitch bois like DJ Adams who can't even read?
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795Says the lying pile of crap that you are. How about those magic powers you claimed you had you lying POS.
@deweydewey6714 6 месяцев назад
Also, haplagroup X2 DNA tied to Israelites has been found in the great lakes area (where the Lord sent Joseph Smith to) and a few other places! No one that didn't finish grade three could have written a Book of Mormon in the space of few months!!! You have a lot of speculation but no truth in you!!! You are a very ignorant fool whom Satan uses to fight against the Lord's restored church!!!
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
The "Lord sent him"? Was that after or before this "Lord" sent "an angel with sword drawn" to kill him unless he married that little 14 year old child? "haplagroup X2 DNA" Whats a, "hapagroup"?!?!? Oh, you mean, "haplogroup" Might want to try to get the spelling right before you pretend you're an expert in it again Mormon. Also, you dont know what you are blabbering about stop pretending you have the sliest clue about DNA for starters you didn't even spell "haplogroup" correctly and second No haplogroup X2a in the US is not the same as haplogroup X2b X2b, X2c, X2d, X2e and X2f in in the Middle east. Those letters behind the word you cant even spell, they mean things. You have been listening to that dullard, Meldrum who even your own church discredits. Stop pretending you know this stuff and copying your arguments from idiots that cant even spell it right. Mormons, and I thought the ones on this list already were off their rocker. Still not as good as the Mormon below calling others, "duche bag" though. I love when Mormons steal tier arguments from Rodney Meldrum who also doesn't understand genetics at the high school level (despite lying about being a "scientist" ). Why dont you guys at least use someone like Daniel T. Taggart who founded Ancestry.com ? That's right, he got in a wee bit of trouble for Rap*ng 15 year old friend of his daughter, I am shocked you guys even consider that a crime anymore.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
Nobody raped anyone except your dad raped you. Joseph wasn't married to anyone except His frickin wife. The "seakings" were and are not marriages. Lying for your Lord Ba'al again tthx no real name Loser thinks he can spell.😊
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
Just give tthx a few sheckels and he shill for his Khazarian masters.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795Once more you show what a gutless coward you are, as you can't even use, "reply". I get you have problems with basic language and inability to spell, but the church even produced an essay on the subject where even they admit it. People flush things in their toilet that have higher intelligence than you posses. You even edit your mindless comments and they still have crappy grammar and need to be corrected for spelling. What an idiot you are twinkle-toes.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795I get that you have severe problems with English, but the LDS church has this on their Website: "After receiving a revelation commanding him to practice plural marriage, Joseph Smith married multiple wives and introduced the practice to close associates." You and Dewey are almost as dumb as each other. If it wasn't for the fact Dewy at least knows what a complete sentence is, unlike you, I would think you were the same person.
@deweydewey6714 6 месяцев назад
I am a convert to the church who has studied theology and Mormon doctrine for more than 60 years so it is very easy for me to see, unlike many here, what an ignorant fool you are! You need to check out what the latest scholars are saying about the Book of Abraham, and not only that, even a non scholar should be able to look at that and see the knife, the moving arms and legs and the open eyes, and easily see that it is a man ready to be sacrificed!!! The first vision does have differences, but they do not conflict!!! The Father and Don are separate beings you moron! The Biblical accounts state the He is seen sitting at the right hand of the Father! Wouldn't it be stupid to pray to yourself?!? You're an idiot!! There were eleven witnesses that saw the plates and three saw the plates and the angel!! All three of the witnesses that saw the angels feel in disfavor with Joseph and left the church, but until their deaths they NEVER denied their testimony!!! The urim and thumim were seer stones, moron!!! I have seen one of the seer stones!!!No evidence?!? You are really sn ignorant fool! You need to see all of the evidence that has been discovered! You need to see videos by Wayne May and especially Rod Mildrum!!! It also has been proven that horses were here for hundreds of years before Columbus!!! Also, the Book of Kings (about 1,000 BC) it mentions steel!!! Continued...
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
Sure you did, sure, the fool here is you Mormon, pretending you know stuff you clearly dont. You have already shown you like to lie about what you know so why should anyone take the word of a pathetic liar like you who cant e4ven watch the video he is commenting on. "The first vision does have differences, but they do not conflict!!" Do you even know what the differences are? I have my doubts you have shown you're not exactly a deep thinker before. In one version is was just an "angel" in another it was your "god" who ordered him to marry a little child and the Jesus who murdered millions int he book of Mormon with him. To "Normal" people that's an issue, but to deep researcher like you who just is so accomplished in rational thought and research you don't see a conlict? Do you even know what the word "conflict" means? I have my doubts you know what that word is any more than you know what a "haplagroup" (as you so foolishly spell it) is.
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
It's so clear low IQ losers like fake names like tthxx have no clue what's truth. The guy lacks testicular fortitude.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795You lack testicles and IQ you cowing fool.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795Again you even lack the guts to "reply" because you are scared of me and hope I dont notice your idiotic "reply". As if DJAdams is your real name given you're one the biggest cowards on all of You Tube and wont even debate someone over video. Both of you pretend to be experts on subjects you know nothing about, but at least Dewey picked a subject that has the potential to get down int he weeds about. You are so stupid you claimed you read multiple languages when you can't even read English or spell on the 4th grade level. . You both show what a fraud Mormonism is and how you have to lie to back the church built on lies. Mormons are frauds just liek the false church. I bet Dewey at least knows the basic Doctrine unlike you DJ Twinkle toes.
@kenziek6707 6 месяцев назад
@@tthx165 He has been reporting every response to him for a long, long time. He used to block people then act like he was still replying to them. When YT changed a while all that went away.
@jamesdixon2860 6 месяцев назад
The people making this video keep making the deceptive and misleading claim that very few church members know these things. Almost all church members know these things. None of them are secret and the only reason the people making this video believes the true things that he is saying is because the church has made them public. It is very easy to go to the church scriptures app and go to history and find all of these things. Any mature member of the church knows these things. The battles In the book of Mormon were not millions. They were tens of thousands and It is unknown the civilizations that were already there that they mixed with. The final battles do say millions but clearly it wasn't that many. The numbers in the Old testament are also not believable.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
How many accounts do you have anyway James?
@sanguillotine 6 месяцев назад
James, have you considered that the transparency of the Mormon Church may have changed in the 12 years between the publishing of this video and now? Could it be that 12 years ago, some of this information was not well known by many members of the church, but since then it has become public and widespread? I know very little about how the Mormon Church operates or what is and isn’t common knowledge among its members, but I do know that it’s much easier to find information on just about anything nowadays than it was in 2012 and years prior.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@sanguillotineHAHAHAHA Now thats a good one!!!! The "transparancey" of the church that was fined millions of dollars for knowingly lying to the IRS, the transparency of the church that is in several lawsuits for lying about knowing of sexual abuse that was happening to little children in part of the boy scout program. Funny stuff! The church isnt any more transparent than you actually watched the video you are commenting on. If the church is transparent then tell me why is it so few of you meatheads actually know the church admits Joseph Smith married a 14 year old child?
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
Tthx is a liar.
@jamesdixon2860 6 месяцев назад
@@sanguillotine I didn't realize this was 12 years old but it was totally transparent then as well It's just a lot easier to find now because of the internet and the fact that the church has organized it into an app and published it on the internet so it's really easy for people to find all of these things. In the past it wasn't as easy because the internet did not yet exist but it was still quite public and very well known.
@williamunderwood1762 6 месяцев назад
Explained away is more like it.
@gregoryglavinovich9259 7 месяцев назад
Anunnaki created a lot of the religions
@djadams7795 6 месяцев назад
Like yours
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 I would say, "like yours" but we know your corrupt religion was invented by a chomo who married a little 14 year old child.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795Chomo worshiper JD Adams.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795Come on show him how smart you are how you claim you are a "historian" and can read and write in 3 languages yet are so blasted stupid and your command of of your Native (and we all know only) language of English is so poor you cant even insult someone while claiming to be an expert in communication. I still love you calling people, ""duche bag", that's funny. I still like your claiming to have magical powers to read peoples minds or be told things by your chomo "god". Its so funny how desperate all you Mormons are and the idiotic stories you all make up to support your corrupt and dishonest religion. You need to work on that more there, Twinkle toes, because other Mormons pretend can Walk on Water, See into the future, have been on UFOs, have telekinesis yet all you can muster is pretending you have clairvoyance? Your paranoia also amuses me, from your thinking everyone is a Catholic to everyone must be a Government agent and the Pope is a hologram. Sooner or later, the nation will learn from delusional people like Adam Lanza, Nikolas Cruz and you need to be locked up.
@ralphwiggam7630 6 месяцев назад
@@tthx165 This h8tful olld fhool goes by many names ... if you see "TELLSLIES4REAL" it is also him ... some other accounts may he his as well ...
@insanehyperexe101 7 месяцев назад
I will debunk mormonism with just one sentence “it’s teachings of the americas doesn’t line up at all with historical evidence”
@insanehyperexe101 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 you must’ve studied history from the mcdonald’s toilet. Btw the book of mormon is not biblical at all. and if you want i can list the problems
@insanehyperexe101 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 wrong
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
​@@insanehyperexe101The Catholic cult rapes kids. I'm right.
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
​@@insanehyperexe101I can study how you got so stupid here.
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
Take my comments down. What a LOSER!? THE CATHOLIC CULT RAPES KIDS.
@camillespatz5081 8 месяцев назад
I just recently resigned. My mind travels over everything I have learned all the time. This information has helped soothed my mind. Thank you so much. This information is very helpful.
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
Click bait scumbag
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Real big talker until someone challenges you to a recorded meeting and then you cower out. Talk about scumbags. "LOSER TROLL HELL IS WAITING" HHAHAHAHAHAHA You don't even know what commas do! What an imbecile you are seriously, "Loser troll hell" is "waiting" for what exactly? Learn English sometime, troll boi.
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
Both your mom's are LOSER TROLLS wearing combat boots.
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
Hell awaits you both.
@sejoueralberts5361 8 месяцев назад
Excellent video 😊
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
No doubt the resident LDS troll, DJ Adams, will start attacking you. If he does just know his reaction will be the way any LDS defender will feel about it. Most wont say it, as they will openly lie to you any chance they get, but they will feel that way. You can tell a lot about a cult by what its members will tell you. I have been told everything from "we dont believe we will become Gods" to "D&C is not doctrine" only problem is, i was a member for a short time. Regardless just know if he does, he hasn't even watched the video, and he is a wee bit off his rocker as half a year ago he claimed the pope is "just a hologram". And no, I am not catholic by any stretch.
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
Click bait duche bag
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Yea, again you talk really tough when you aren't running away and cowering in fear DJ Adams, what a loser you are, seriously.
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 "bait duche bag" Maybe you should learn how to spell, "douche" right before you try using it as an insult imbecile. Going to edit that comment too now imbecile?
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795Showing us your great powers of literacy there Twinkle Toes?
@giuseppelogiurato5718 8 месяцев назад
I just watched the NewNameNoah temple videos a few days ago: initiatories/garments/name, endowment (movie, prayer, "the veil", CR), sealings, proxy baptisms, etc. I'm not even Mormon, but I can imagine the stress and trauma of going through such a thing, not to mention the disappointment and confusion. Anyway, I've been binging on LDS stuff ever since! Let's just say, after finally seeing what goes on in the temple, I have a whole new outlook on Mormonism; less fear, more pity. I will definitely never look at a missionary the same. Poor kids.
@djadams7795 8 месяцев назад
You're an idiot. These anti Mormon video are lies lies lies. Hard to believe people, like you, are so stupid and gullible.
@djadams7795 8 месяцев назад
Despite thes😢 stupid videos men and women are coming unto Christ all over the world.
@tthx165 8 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Oh you mean to spell out "these" that's ok, I understand that is advanced spelling for you. Again, you have no clue what you even write about. Mormon Doctrine is not complex, it cant be because of the IQ of most of its members, but still you cant even grasp they dont believe in Sheol (which you cant even spell right for that matter) or hell. You are nothing but a troll pretending he belongs to a church he knows nothing about in order to make up for some inadequacy. I don't know, maybe your parents didn't love you enough, who cares.
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
@@tthx165 if you think he is unintelligent you should go a little further back to his buddy, Godsoffspring. He can't even figure out what a sentence is. Both are complete dim witty and know squat about the church, and I bet neither of them were actually members but at least this dullard can spell "latter day saints" which is more than Godsoffspring could do. Thier hero they both looked up, Eric Lawton appears he finally got in a wee bit of trouble with the code of conduct in australia. There have been a couple guesses made, it seems to be down to him lying about being a government official and a stolen valor idiot. All 3 are delusional, DJ said the pope is just a hologram. Godsoffspring thinks he is better at MMA than the world champion and Eric said the pc and Internet were invented in Australia and that he was serving in the australian army and his unit was in vietnam long after Australia was out of vietnam and he couldn't even remember what rank he was. DJ used to have another account that got banned by the name heaven is 4 real. He used to threaten to beat people up and when anyone would take him up on his offer and try to arrange a meet DJ would disappear for a few weeks.
@djadams7795 8 месяцев назад
No you are the troll and you know nothing.
@hlnbee 8 месяцев назад
I can’t imagine polygamy as being a good thing!
@djadams7795 8 месяцев назад
Well I can understand it would be extremely difficult.
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
Because its not, only to the perverse and immoral does it make sense. Its like Joseph Smith Child bride, its why so many LDS bishops and missionaries are getting arrested for having S** with children, they figure if he can do it why cant they. Even the Utah Assistant Attorney General, The guy who made music for the LDS website, several tabernacle singers, professors at BYU, many Ward and steak Presidents, Elders Quorum presidents, etc were arrested last year. To say nothing of the tons of bishops and missionaries. Heck a LDS missionary even appeared got Hansed on Hansen V Predator, several have been busted on lesser known YT predator shows. its why in 1995 legislative season, Utah’s legislature revoked mandatory sentences for convicted child abusers, all those voting to revoke were LDS or Mormon. its why you have things like after 1973 the rate of sexual assaults by juveniles in Utah tripled; 77 percent of Utah’s juvenile sex offenders are between thirteen and eighteen. 1973, That is when the LDS church started having its old 50-70 year old creepy old men talk to young children in extreme detail behind closed doors. Sexual crimes in Utah is massively under reported by as much as 5 to 1. This si because the LDS always treat the victims it is because it is their fault and has been shown in multiple lawsuits the LDS does all it can to protect child predators.
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Hey Twinkle Toes, it's not even legal.
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795No you're the fairy here, Twinkle toes, as your interaction with your buddy on this page shows. its so easy to see how you roll twinkle toes. I bet you almost look as girly as Joseph Smith did with that girly bun marrying all those ugly scag women and little children. Oh well, it's not like twinkle toes fairies like you can be picky.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795You're a gutless little coward, just like Joseph smith. Running from one state to the other to avoid prosecution, because he was nothing but a slimy POS like you.
@danilobulseco1064 8 месяцев назад
You hate the restored church and the book of mormon because they undermine the very foundations of mainstream divided Christianity. You dont have the complete papyri. You have only fragments from the burned document.
@tthx165 8 месяцев назад
Mormonism doesn't have even the smallest fragment of reformed Egyptian let alone any fragment of the original book of Mormon at all. There has never, ever been a single example of "reformed Egyptian" ever found on the entire Earth. You want to go on and on how Christians who believe in the bible only have a few thousand manuscripts? Yea, shows you dont know the first thing about your own religion. Just astonishing how narcissistic and ignorant all LDS are, couldn't ask for a better example of the Dunning Kruger effect.
@djadams7795 8 месяцев назад
​@@tthx165Joseph Smith jr was a true prophet of God. You are an idiot too.
@tthx165 8 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Oh Imbecile is here. Back to wow me with more of your excellent prose and witt you learned from being a "historian"? I am still amazed that you being nothing but a LDS Poser (since you dont even know their most basic doctrines) are even trying. But I guess you're here to defend the pedos you look up to.
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795How would you know anyway Twinkle toes? It's not like you can read well, we all know you would actually be WORSE at reading King James English than you are your native and only language of Modern English; or are we to believe that this is a magical power from this "god" that made you believe such sewage? That would be the same magical power you are trying to convince me that allows an imbecile like you to mentally see my car (which you cant describe one factual thing about) instead of the vain imagination of a small, cowering idiot pretending he has magic powers on the web. I swear Twinkle Toes, fools like you are so entertaining with your pretend abilities trying to impress. It's almost as good as when you pretend you are quite the tough guy instead of the sniveling coward you continually display you are.
@charleslloyd7762 8 месяцев назад
I was molested by a group of Mormon men when I was 14. Don't tell or they will steal everything you own, turn your whole family against you, have you arrested on false charges, not let you go to your parents funeral.
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
LOL Have to love the teeth gritting hatred Mormons like DJ have for anyone who isnt part of their cult. Yea, Mormons tend to be less than stable as DJ shows.
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 Not at all surprising to see you defending pedos, but given some of your earlier statements its not too hard to see your own proclivities in this area DJ. Thats why you throw such a hissy hit, its what you Mormons do and what you are known for.
@djadams7795 8 месяцев назад
@@kenziek6707 The Mormons are NOT PEDOS. GFYS LOSER
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 Nope defnding pedos is all you. Granted so many of you lds are into children its why so many of your bishops are getting arrested for it. Its the Mormon thing to do, its what you love about the LDS church. Your Mormon Buddy godsoffspring even said he had no problem at all with a 35+ uyear old havign sex with a 14 year old, and you like your buddy. The Mormons are NOT PEDOS. GFYS LOSER Oh like: Joseph Smith? how about Michael Adam Davis who was a registered Sex offender when your church said your "spirit testified" for him and made him an Elders quorum president? Funny stuff your "spirit" is a pedo too. How about: Bishop Douglas Stoddard Your Mormon Bishop molested boys 8 years old Bishop Greg Scott Dew who sexually abused teenage girls. or Bishop James Denos who molested his own daughters while he was a bishop? How about the list of LDS Pedo bishops that have been caught like: Bishop George William Aaron Bishop John Goodrich Bishop James Hayes M Bishop Keither Bishop Scott Dale Owen Bishop Marvin Ross Harker Bishop Donnie Rue Boring Bishop Carl Matthew Johnson Bishop Stewart Allsford Bishop Shawn Cory Gooden Bishop Geoffrey James Powell Bishop Donald Ray Tolman Bishop Keith Lorraine Gillins Bishop Keith Richard Price Bishop Richard Blaine Sampson Bishop James Hayes Bishop Luis Gonzales Bishop Glendon Templeton Bishop Keith Robert Vallejo Bishop Fleming Westover Bishop James Haskell Bishop Carl Johnson Bishop George William Aaron Bishop Paul Douglas Burdick Bishop Arlo Kay Atkin Bishop Stewart Allsford Bishop Gordon Brent Bodily Bishop Gary Reese Bishop Charles John "Chuck" Blome Bishop Ron Phelps Bishop David James Gomez Bishop Chester Lewis Meek Bishop Arlo Atkins Bishop Rex Furness Bishop Clerk Bruce A. McAskill Bishop Lon Harvey Kennard Bishop Luis Gonzales Bishop David Maxwell Bishop Paul William Newman Bishiop Michael Lynn Bronson Bishop Spencer Dixon Bishop Errol Kent Pilling Bishop Alberto Reyes Bishop Joseph Neipp Bishop Dylan Kevin Whiting Bishop James Douglas Robinson Bishop David N. Moss Bishop Francis Heber Fuller Bishop Jefferey Head Bishop Steven Berry Bishop Martin Joseph MacNeill Bishop Samuel H. Gardner Bishop Steven Murdock Bishop Todd Michael Edwards Bishop Timothy McCleve Bishop Paul Burdick Bishop Lon Kennard, Sr Bishop Michael Wayne Coleman To name but a few.
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
@djadams7795 I still find it amusing on top of everything else you don t even know the most basic things about the LDS church or its beliefs that is so funny. But again, you are the person who tried claiming he was a "historian" after you showed several times you can't read or write at even the high school level. Being a "historian" requires a LOT of reading, something you fall seriously short in. Its no surprise you do nothing but sit at home all the time like most wards of the state. Don't even know the difference between "to" and "too" and have to wind up deleting half your comments before you get your butt reported.
@eclipse-sh1qmZ3mOtcua 9 месяцев назад
That was very enlightening. Thank you for putting together a very good analysis!
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
Very disingenuous comment. You are a liar.
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
Judgement day your words shall condemn you.
@kenziek6707 8 месяцев назад
Gotta love the behavior of LDS when they defend thier church. Whats funny is, @djadams7795 couldn't even watch the video. Yea he talks a big game, even got in trouble for making some threats, but he has a history of doing that and then running away when someone takes him up on them. Isnt that right @djadams7795? Yes @djadams7795 what a big man you are....not.
@tthx165 8 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 I told you to stop using words you dont even know the meaning of. It is amazing how poorly educated every Mormon is here.
@tthx165 6 месяцев назад
​@@djadams7795Being judged buy a god that is such an idiot he can't spell any better than you can? That is so stupid when giving instructions for a fictional ancient submarine forgets to put a way for people to breathe? A God that is so immoral as your church taught had physical sex with Mary who your idiotic church teaches was under the age of 14? The latter part sounds more like an LDS bishop given how LDS are into children so much. What about the millions of senseless deaths your god caused in the book of Mormon for something they had nothing to do with? How about how your god commands Abraham to lie in the book of Abraham? Your god sounds more like a corrupted 25 year old pervert that was prone to temper tantrums than any sort of deity. I know reading isn't your strong suit, but given the LDS webpage is written at the 5th grade level because a great portion of LDS members also can't read at the high school level maybe you should at least look up what your church teaches on the subject of Heaven and Hell.
@keremkelleboz6959 9 месяцев назад
When I clicked on this video, I thought it was pretty recent. This opinion did not change as I watched it. Only when I scrolled down and saw 4-5 year old comments did I realize that this video is 12 years old. You sir were far ahead of your time. Bravo!
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
Its been false all these years. This video is pure bullshit propaganda.
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
Stupid bot
@tthx165 8 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 How would you know youre not man enough to even watch it. You're not man for anything DJ Adams, that's why you nothing but sit behind a computer and t6alk about how tough you are.
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795It still amuses me you calling anything "propaganda" there Twinkle Toes.
@djadams7795 7 месяцев назад
@@tthx165 shut up, nerd.
@JigsawPuzzleConnection 9 месяцев назад
My KJV is the only one for me.
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
Doesn't make you saved
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
In fact it doesn't mean anything.
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
Hell is still large enough for you
@JigsawPuzzleConnection 9 месяцев назад
Only believing in what Jesus did on the cross and living right does.
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
The power of the cross only will effect those baptized into the church of Jesus Christ.
@lindaglover7088 9 месяцев назад
I listened to this and have come to the conclusion anyone that believes in this "religion " 😂😂😂 deserves the silly things it teaches. I had to laugh over and over through out the different things in the invention of this crazy religion. Its so clear that once Joseph Smith saw he could get a few people in his control he began to work very hard to invent more and more ridiculous ideas to mislead more stupid people to follow him. He was a con artist with a new idea. Use religion to get things you really craved. He wanted money he didn't have to labor for. He wanted power over people. He want to have sex with any woman he so desired. I wonder did he have a way of rating them. He was one of the most despicable men in that era in time. It sounds like he talked his way into young womens panties with outrageous lies straight from ,you guessed it, hell 🔥🔥🔥🔥. He knly wanted to have sex with these women ,he never took into his home and provided any support for. Again a most despicable fool. We all probably can guess where Joseph Smiths eternity is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@djadams7795 9 месяцев назад
Well the video is garbage. Joseph Smith in in paradise. Sorry you believe this video for stupid gullible people.
@tthx165 8 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 I dont find your claim to be inconsistent being you support pedos several times, so of course you're going to elevate the pedophile that started the LDS church.
@tthx165 7 месяцев назад
@@djadams7795 Again Twinkle Toes, we see you don't understand basic English.