@Valhalla88888 3 дня назад
Kate Forbes should be the Scottish CEO of Scotland!!!
@17jameslogan 7 дней назад
Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig le Duolingo. Tha e glè mhath!
@mariagreych 18 дней назад
Я русская, но изучаю гэльский язык. Говорить мне не с кем, но я на нём пою. Я испытываю какие-то странные глубоко- волнительные чувства, когда произношу гэльские слова. Слова любого языка несут на себе отпечаток ДНК. Наш ученый-генетик, доктор биологических наук, создатель волновой генетики Петр Гаряев доказал, что слово обладает свойствами гена. Как поэт, я оберегаю чистоту русского языка. А гэльский язык не зря был запрещён - это попытка стереть дух и силу народа, в котором течёт древнейшая кровь, и чья глубинная история сакральна. Только проявляясь через родной язык, кровь и дух могут сиять.
@greenlichtie 20 дней назад
Makes a change from talking bollocks I guess🙄
@daviddevenny6005 Месяц назад
I am scottish and i wish i could speak Gaelic,,sad it,s not used more often,,lovely language
@patbash5718 Месяц назад
On the ball
@水橋真晴 Месяц назад
As a foreigner, the Scottish Gaelic sounds like German+Russian
@gerald-dw7vp Месяц назад
Carson nach eil nas mò dhaoine anns a' Phàrlamaid? Nach eil na buill eile den Phàrlamaid a' tighinn ach nuair a tha ùidh aca san adhbhar rin a bheilear a' dèiligeadh?
@skipstopstart Месяц назад
An Irish person could definitely understand the vast majority of this if fluent. From someone with a lot of exposure to 'southern-gaelic' this sounds like a norwegian who learned irish as their second language, fascinating the difference in intonation and accent😁
@hooverbaglegs Месяц назад
So wonderful to hear our sister language spoken like this. What a beautiful language it is! O Gymru â chariad
@michealcurrie8272 Месяц назад
@Egglover2 Месяц назад
Tha mi a’ guidhe gum biodh a’ Ghàidhlig air a cleachdadh nas motha bidh mi a’ dol gu sgoil Ghàidhlig ach tha caraidean agam ann an sgoiltean Beurla agus tha mi air mo chlisgeadh gu bheil Fraingis is Spàinntis cruaidh ach chan eil iad Gàidhlig!
@The1Green4Man Месяц назад
Wonderful, it reminds me of the elves from middle earth, like the elves, we must not let it’s beauty fade from the world.
@FloydHamel Месяц назад
I love it! I hope the language grows. Reclaim the Gaelic!
@bixthefin3651 2 месяца назад
I've lived in scotland my whole life and thats the first time ive heard someone speak Gaelic even thought its on every police car, every sign and every ambulance even though the word for them are very samilar to the english word for it and the police officers dont speak it.
@skipstopstart Месяц назад
Does scottish gaelic use: "h'eambalains" for ambulance or "otharcharr"? In Ireland they use "otharcharr".
@teangaire 2 месяца назад
Irish is my first language. I am amazed at how I understand much of what Kate is saying. Not everything, but most of what she is saying is familiar to me. I would not take long to get that language if I lived amongst its speakers for a while. I know that "ionsachan" is in my language "foghlaim" or "learning", but I learned this from listening to Gaelic online. Is í an Ghaeilge an teanga atá agam féin. Dochreidte an méid a thuigim agus mé ag éisteacht le Kate. Ní thuigim chuile shórt ach is féidir liom an chiall a bhaint as an méid adeir sí. Níorbh fhada ag foghlaim mé dá mbeinn i mo chónaí i measc cainteoirí na teanga sin, muis. Tuigim cúpla focal go háirid as a bheith ag éisteacht le Gaelic ar na meáin shóisialta.
@sunnyvasic 2 месяца назад
Gaelic sounds a lot like Icelandic language, its pretty cool...my Dad is Russian and he speaks a bit of Finnish, but Gaelic is very unique
@burnbogan 2 месяца назад
I’m Australian with Scottish roots and I’ve visited Scotland once and hope to go next year. I’m Became interested in Scottish Gaelic , and learning very slowly via dualingo. I heard it is a dying language so I hope she can revive it in Scotland
@Melvorgazh 2 месяца назад
Don't trust bloody Unesco!
@Melvorgazh 2 месяца назад
Bad subtitles
@simonmhood69 2 месяца назад
Bullshit talk.. As Ireland are smashed for immigrants and sien fein have fucked your own people.. Get to fk latchiko.
@Sbiper 2 месяца назад
More truth right there than in the entire mainstream media.
@reinpinebook825 2 месяца назад
I think she has to ask herself since she knows the answer why Gaelic doesn't get much juice as Cymru. Don't know if it is just me or maybe we should ask if the Londoners will agree to the "language of a rival". Besides, it serves as a punishment for Alba's children after that consecutive referenda of the decade. You really have to go out of London's yoke.
@ericmalcolm1466 3 месяца назад
Well done
@BOBMAX68 3 месяца назад
Living in England, I missed out on benefits other Europeans were allowed: Germans, Polish. even the French were granted assistance to find employment (eg Licence assistance, mobilty grants etc). I was told that as an 'English speaker' I was not considered 'Foreign Enough' for those same aids. I told her to Kiss My Arse in Gaelic, She was oblivious.
@RcsN505 3 месяца назад
Isn't she a homophobe? One would think that minorities would support one another...
@MrVidification 3 месяца назад
You should direct that at all min groups, given others have even stricter standards and barriers when it comes to no reform of belief or practices within places of worship
@manjunathahindi5956 3 месяца назад
Free Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 from British🇬🇧
@williammcmillan9344 3 месяца назад
It's a dead language no body is interested just a waste of money on signs and buildings . Stop living in the past
@cgrr8090 3 месяца назад
Hope she leads the SNP
@moonhope5602 3 месяца назад
How Scottish people allowed their language disappear by colonialism, it's shameful, I'm not Scottish but at least o wish the culture and the language with faith kept. Fight for your language and national identity Scottish people.
@04Redeemed 3 месяца назад
an bhfuil cad agaim dul go dti an leithereas mar se do thoile. that's about as much as stuck with me from school 😂
@marnoch4632 3 месяца назад
Can you believe that Scot’s are not taught our own language in schools. Just stop and think about that. We’re taught German, French, Italian, not our own language. It’s insanity.
@nikenpermanasari2224 3 месяца назад
the combination old egyptian language + germany
@bobyoung9509 3 месяца назад
Or is this the latest SNP plot... soit won't be as easy as usual to catch them in the lie ?
@JohnLynessPhDCEngCMath 3 месяца назад
Maith thú Kate 1
@wilsonflood4393 4 месяца назад
Her accent is not very good.
@Kazuya720 4 месяца назад
All sounds like "go kill all Orcs" :D and "for Frodo!"
@matrixhalox 4 месяца назад
I watched this so many times it gives me so much courage when learning Gaelic.
@BrunoHenrique-jr1uj 4 месяца назад
@eatenonion246 4 месяца назад
My mum taught her
@alasdairblack393 5 месяцев назад
She speaks so clearly it makes it much easier to understand, this encourages learners.
@Deejaay83urj38 5 месяцев назад
That . . is beautiful
@kensmaman 5 месяцев назад
I live in France but I am so in love with the sound of Scottish Gaelic that I’m trying to learn some through Duolingo. I don’t really know how far one can hope to go with Duolingo because I haven’t used it before but I guess any amount of Gaelic that I manage to learn from it will be more than I knew before. I don’t know if I will ever really get to use it because apparently even in Scotland there aren’t a lot of people that speak it fluently. Either way I’m so happy to learn it. I hope the Scottish people don’t let their language die. It is a real treasure.
@JenXOfficialEDM 2 месяца назад
Agreed. I feel this way about my beloved Cymraeg. Duolingo is great for beginners, and then Glossika is good for intermediate learners, using real speakers instead of synthesized voices. Scottish, Manx and Cymraeg are free on it. The lessons get repetitive however it's nice to learn from a real human's voice, and not a robot.
@m.m.shapero8788 5 месяцев назад
As a Scottish American, I find this to be nothing short of a miracle For centuries, the British government has tried to strip everything about the Scottish culture away to to oblivion To be forever lost to the winds of time Our music Our musical instruments Our Clan Tartans Much was outlawed Hearing her fight for the survival of our ancient language is awe inspiring and heroic Ms Forbes I thank you very much for keeping it alive
@b19gow76 5 месяцев назад
I'm alright with protecting gaelic but it's clear the snps goal is actually to destroy English in Scotland
@t8polestarcyan22 5 месяцев назад
Please keep your beautiful language esp Gaelic.
@nerminsnowhuseinbasic9340 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful and somehow strange sounding language
@jordanaus75 5 месяцев назад
Wow! A striking and beautiful sounding language. Why don't they teach schools in Gaelic-medium throughout all of Scotland?
@sassykosmo1793 5 месяцев назад
I remember back when I was in high school, and was informed that Fife wasn't on the list of regions that teaches Gaelic, I almost walked out in protest.
@JenXOfficialEDM 2 месяца назад
I read that there is a shortage of teachers! :( Maybe if enough people learn it, they can get a job teaching it.
@shiozza 6 месяцев назад
If you care about your culture then learn your language, even if only a tiny bit everyday, even if you never become anywhere near proficient, if you claim to love your culture, please try!
@EuanMacmichael-y8z 6 месяцев назад
Kate Forbes should have been first minister for Scotland. Scotland needs a Gaelic seeking first minister 😊😊