Daichou World
Daichou World
Daichou World
Hello Everyone! I am Daichou! Take you to experience the most authentic Shenzhen life! Share exclusive life digital experience tips!
If there is content here that interests you, please follow me!

Traditional media person who has lived in Shenzhen, Guangdong for 30 years
He is the super daddy of Neuroblastoma sister July(Qiqi) & Healthy brother JOJO(Jiujiu)!

By chance, I quit my job to take care of my baby and started my self-media career! Recording the real life of [a family with two children fighting cancer]!

Let you experience the most authentic life in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China and share your personal hobbies!
If there is content here that interests you, please follow me!

Contact and business cooperation (please note the content): daichouworld@gmail.com

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