Johnny Madsen Cover
Johnny Madsen Cover
Johnny Madsen Cover
johnny madsen cover
- pays tribute to a true road poet

It's hard to be completely smart about Johnny Madsen. Genius or madman? Great artist or bodega musician? With Johnny Madsen, it's never either/or. He takes a broad approach and unites the profound art with the popular.

When the East Zealand trio Mastrup, Møller and Rasmussen interpret the acoustic side of Johnny Madsen, it is precisely with this in mind: To stick to the folk without compromising on art.

The trio is tightly coordinated. The music swings, sounds cool and itches in all the right places. You can be sure of a good atmosphere, lots of laughs, dance fever, and a chill or two when Mastrup, Møller and Rasmussen play Johnny Madsen's handheld folk/blues.

It can be difficult to get wise to Johnny Madsen, but it is not that difficult to get in a good mood from his songs.