Pilgrims Pass
Pilgrims Pass
Pilgrims Pass
Quo Vadis?

Why 40k Triggers People
3 месяца назад
Vagabond: Chasing the Invincible Story
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Attack on Avatar: When East Meets West
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WRONG Kind of Strong: Female Characters
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Sword Art Online Had a Point, Bro
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Why Eowyn is the EPITOME of Femininity
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The Imperfections of Avatar
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Why Humanity NEEDS Super Soldiers
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The Failed Masculinity of Gollum
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Is Mario Racist?
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Why is Sci Fi so Religious?
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Tolkien's Christmas Poem
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Alex Jones explains Dune
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@pedropikapika 17 минут назад
You're cringe lol
@frogsaup 20 минут назад
is he wokle woking so woke oh no. 40k is not fucking anti progressive, its a satirical setting made to represent a horrific future, its a unprogressed world not an anti progressive world. you speak with such a narrow minded and un-nuanced version of progressivism.
@Solus_186 Час назад
The NSDAP was just Communism for White people.
@ConsueloWubba 2 часа назад
You get a cookie for correctly pointing out that the Imperium is not fascist. Also, the only thing keeping the Imperium alive is FAITH IN GOD.
@juamu1132 3 часа назад
well warhammer 40k is facist, it was created on the 80's during thatcher's term.
@pufferfish4204 6 часов назад
Hatred of xenos in the Imperium is not racism, but a rational reaction, Is it possible to love the Orks, the stupid tower savages? Or the Eldar, who with their whoredom gave birth to an entire god of chaos? Or the Tau - a chemical dictatorship that loves to brainwash? Or the Necrons, literally alive robots that hate life?
@FranRojo91 7 часов назад
Surprisingly well made video! first one i see from you and what a treat! You actually made my head spin and reframe myself and my habits inside that infinte never ending cycle
@vikingskuld 7 часов назад
I think 40k is Heaven, i would drop my life here and happily go kill xenos for the Emporer LOL. Im not sure what that says about me but hel yeah sign me up lol.
@Khorne_of_the_Hill 13 часов назад
America has to purge our own bloated bureaucracy before we can help the rest of you, but if any country can pull it off it's us; I can think of no people as fundamentally intolerant of being told what to do by useless sops with an overinflated notion of their own importance as we are. Rednecks, our most vital resource, just need to collectively realize that our chaotic behavior, indignant obstinance, and access to military-grade equipment and fertilizer would make us extremely dangerous if we'd stop being indolent drug addicts so often and we'll be golden lmao
@ssilent8202 14 часов назад
It really is just the modern left huh
@ssilent8202 14 часов назад
Calling Star Trek “San Francisco in space” is probably the single most accurate description I’ve ever heard in all my life
@ssilent8202 14 часов назад
So the current writers and drama tourists have zero knowledge of the 40k universe and play themselves because of it. Who could’ve possibly guessed
@Khorne_of_the_Hill 15 часов назад
I feel I should point out that libertarians hate giant corporations as much as everyone else; the libertarian point of view is that they basically couldn't exist without government bureaucracy to protect them from fair capitalistic competition
@coltonreeves6893 15 часов назад
Pretty good video, I agree with most of your arguments except maybe the central point of it all. There is no "message" or theme or point to Warhammer 40,000 except that it's cool. That's really it. It doesn't exist because it's trying to satirize science-fiction, or because it wants to illustrate the worst aspects of human nature, or to make some commentary on the nature of struggle. Warhammer 40,000 exists the way it does because a bunch of nerds in Nottingham back in the 1980s thought the idea of roided up superhumans in power armor fighting alien demons in space cathedrals was badass as hell. And they were right. All of the lore that sprouted up around 40k in the ensuing years was in the direct pursuit of the goal of selling more miniature army men to do cool shit on the battlefield. The Space Marines aren't genetically modified and removed from general society because it's a commentary on the nature of humanity and what actually makes us human. The Imperium isn't hyper-religious because of the failure of progressive policies in its past. The buildings aren't Gothic because of the need to draw parallels with the fractured and disharmonious nature of European political institutions in the Middle Ages. It's literally just because it looks cool. It exists because some nerds in the 1980s thought the words "space marine" and "God-Emperor" sounded cool. That's it, there's no deeper message. Sure there are plenty of authors and content creators in the decades since that have expanded on the lore and tried to get their own messages across, but that should really be addressed on a case-by-case basis because the setting itself as it was originally envisioned had nothing to do with any of that. tl;dr people need to stop injecting politics and counter-politics into Warhammer 40k because it's a board game where superhuman soldiers fight aliens and demons in outer space, and that's all it's meant to be. Any discussion beyond the Rule of Cool is like trying to have a discussion on how G.I. Joe was actually about the horrors of the military-industrial complex and gunboat diplomacy, when in reality it was also just to sell toys to children.
@redguy2215 16 часов назад
I can't believe the dragonborn died before the greybeards! Lol!
@paulchavez3039 17 часов назад
The whole premise of the warhammer universe is that we would not want to live in it. It's horrible. It's grim and dark and fucked up. Social progressivism has no place in a world where all beings are in constant nightmarish survival mode. In the real, current world, let us continue to work to make life more beautiful and inclusive for all, and what-not. Freedom to be who we are and love who we want without bigoted fascist autocrats using xenophobic fear-mongering and runaway capitalism to grab us by the pussy with impunity... but in the world of Warhammer... STFU and DIE FOR THE EMPEROR, HERETIC! 😂 To enjoy this type of media, I think it's best to just turn off your brain and enjoy being a casual edge-lord for the time it takes you to take out your opponents army. If u can't appreciate grim/dark settings, that's totally fine, we can watch my little pony: friendship is magic, instead. That shit is cute as hell 😂❤
@thenewme_Pal 19 часов назад
Not even 2 minutes in and i hear the word "grimdark" 😑
@vgamedude9811 20 часов назад
At the very end I think that really sums up what I like about 40k. It's something different. Any sort of outlook like the one presented in 40k has no representation in modernity. I'm also fond of the cyclical view of history and civilization. I'm not a super fan and I have plenty of issues with the setting but at least its different than most things out there.
@vgamedude9811 21 час назад
Evola gang rise up
@JayJager 21 час назад
This makes me like 40k even more
@solaris_ 22 часа назад
People do misuse a lot of terminology, purposefully or not, and it makes it difficult to discuss these things.
@Khorne_of_the_Hill 22 часа назад
I don't know how people can delude themselves into thinking there's any real difference between belief in simulation theory and belief in a monotheistic God that created everything everywhere
@Khorne_of_the_Hill День назад
It's insane that we've managed to convince some women to not take pride in the fact that women literally grew all of humanity inside their own body. The Idea that men and women are somehow in competition is so wildly illogical and dystopian that I don't understand how people can buy into it
@bosobot День назад
type of mfs who read the bible and make a 37 min video of how it promotes atheism
@bosobot День назад
another case of conservatives not being able to digest satire and take things at face value. 37 mins of getting things wrong
@vgamedude9811 20 часов назад
not an argument.
The "Imperium is NOT Fascist" section reminds of Judge Dredd, which is my own personal favorite Sci Fi franchise. Tons of the authors who work on jt talk about how they think they are depicting fascism, but they just... aren't. The Judge Dredd universe's Mega City One and Judge system actually come CLOSE under the criteria of the five pillars of fascism that you outline in your video on fascism, but they fall quite short of clearing fascism by that definition (namely, missing the relentless march of history pillar and mostly failing the uniformity pillar) Amusingly, even by the terrible standards of Umberto Eco, they only hold 3-4 out of the 14 "fascist" qualities. Lots of artists really just don't understand the difference between authoritarian and fascist.
@mattbroussard7409 День назад
If we were discovered by the Imperium of 40k Exterminatus would be declared immediately. Excellent video!
@aleisternight2970 День назад
You seem to define fascism as fascists defined it, which I don't think it's wrong, especially at a time during which fascist ideology nostalgia is in power in Italy.
@Khorne_of_the_Hill День назад
If society always matched towards "progress", we'd all be Roman
@kotorsith День назад
So Slanesh is real and is taking over Gamesworkshop. Heretics
@rainyseason5867 День назад
and every deadric god fighting each other for your soul
@oscarlindahl5662 День назад
Starship troopers is literally a parody of fascist war propaganda lmao
@imustbust998 День назад
"This isn't meant to be a simple culture war video [...] although it kind of is" okay lmao
@Ethnicgnome День назад
42 minutes of saying "erm acktually not all authoritarian dictatorships are technically fascist." ok? ,but like you understand what people mean. 29:48 holy shit... never mind people are stupid.
@gusfring8451 День назад
You should watch a documentary called “Ukraine on Fire.” It’s free on RU-vid and provides insight into recent political& social tensions between Russia and Ukraine.
@raymondluca7779 День назад
11:10 you are also not human anymore
@raymondluca7779 День назад
9:46 rofl the evil chaos faction is the trans...no wonder they want to infect Warhammer so bad...also no wonder all these streamers love the non-light factions and put down the light factions HAHAHA
@Levieuxde1837 День назад
"RIP 40k, what’s left that these monsters haven’t defiled yet?"
@as7river День назад
Aragorn may be the epitome of masculinity, but Sam is the real, absolute Chad. He followed Frodo the throughout the whole journey, through all his struggles with the ring, he had to put up with Gollum, he came back when Frodo sent him away, and he single handedly defeated Shelob. Sam is the ultimate definition of a man.
@AFK0099 День назад
I love this video. I like that AoT has some fascist imagery because it actually highlights why fascist agendas don't work and that we need compation otherwise humanity is just disparity. I think starship troopers is more authoritarian. My only disagreement is that everyone shouldn't be a soldier to engage in politics. The senator in Star wars is scary because he has the means to bypass the needs of the people and force individuals to fight against their own self-interest. Not because he hasn't bled for the state. I see your point though that the appeal to conviction and volunteerism of the common soldier is not fascist. I just disagree with the over complication of the American career soldier.
@riv4lm4n День назад
I don't even understand this debate, you have gods trying to take over reality, funky fungi people wanting to beat you up for a laugh, hungry hungry bugs showing up to consume all, and other unexplored horrors ALL bearing down on humanity whose fight for survival is fueled by corpse starch. It's not really a time or place for rainbows and tolerance, it's a place where you go down the basement to clean a spill as a janitor and find a cult trying to bring litteral deamons inside. Yeah yeah love is love very cool, now grab this lasgun and hold the line.
@ozgurergul9693 2 дня назад
@PilgrimsPass День назад
Thank you very much!
@captaintruth 2 дня назад
If they keep saying how much they hate this game. They are literally going to cement it as a timeless classic. They do not understand the internet or gamers do they 😂 People will turn this into a religion 😂
@Josh_isSlow 2 дня назад
The AI stuff in the video looks like garbage, but other than that pretty thought provoking and interesting video.
@cicero7409 2 дня назад
Great song choice at the end homie.
@TheThansen669 2 дня назад
Leftists: what are your pronouns? Slaanesh Cultist: I'm glad you asked! *gets out the Power Point presentation*
@drake0074 2 дня назад
Great video!
@samrogers2585 2 дня назад
The kingdoms in Lord of the Rings are monarchies.
@gusfring8451 2 дня назад
3:10 you’re the first youtuber I’ve ever met to mention Red Rising. ❤
@EggsBenedict-te4nj 2 дня назад
If they're going to keep remastering Skyrim then I wish that they'd atleast add alternative endings and choices.