An expats' video collection from Asia.
Two Soi Dogs doing their job
12 лет назад
The Airplane Hi-jacker
12 лет назад
Our Lovely Wedding 2009
13 лет назад
Tour de klong
13 лет назад
Mae Klong Railway View
13 лет назад
Into Mahachai Train Station
13 лет назад
Oktoberfest 2010
13 лет назад
Venusgrotte - Schloss Linderhof
13 лет назад
Thai Construction Workers at Work
14 лет назад
Death Railway Kanchanaburi
15 лет назад
Floating Market experience in Ampawa
15 лет назад
Halloween in Bangkok 2008 - Part II
15 лет назад
Halloween Bangkok Khaosan 2008
15 лет назад
Muay Thai at Lumpini Boxing Stadium
16 лет назад
Killing the roaches
16 лет назад
Doi Suthep Chiang Mai
16 лет назад
Erawan Waterfall Kanchanaburi
16 лет назад
Butterfly on Silversand
16 лет назад
Storm in Bangkok
16 лет назад
Highest peak of Thailand
16 лет назад
@ottomanleather3052 6 лет назад
Da guckt der Deutsche doof nööö?!
@DtodaH 11 лет назад
As always it's good to see safety taken seriously in Thailand
@DtodaH 11 лет назад
Where do I get work boots like that?
@alaskannarwhal 11 лет назад
natural waterslides! oh that's lovely and magnificent
@richardvang3190 12 лет назад
so headach to watch your video
@pizzasemmel95 12 лет назад
Hahahahaha :DDDD Fehler: Südkurve: ihr treuesten der Treuen :'D ich schmeiß mich weg xD Dann: bitteschön, hier ist eure mannschaft, das ist der FC Bayern.. und typisch wie immer hört man nur die gästefans :D also bei 0:53 hört man mehr pfeifen als jubeln^^ jawoll bayernfans :D fcn <3
@locouk 13 лет назад
@hakjaolai I was referring to 1 American kid weighing the same as 7 Thai kids..
@terrylunsford352 6 лет назад
American kid would be to fat and lazy to climb on top of board.
@PeetForYouAll 13 лет назад
Amazing that they (POW) do by bared hand.
@BabyBBB01 13 лет назад
China take over Laos communist everything in Laos communist is belong to China, from now on China will kicking Laos communist azzhole
@locouk 13 лет назад
It take up to 7 Thai kids to do what 1 American kid would do! :)
@4bbc 13 лет назад
@thisisnotyours1 What exactly is your duty?
@racenemo 13 лет назад
The pilons have no fuction at all if they don't hit the bottom Lovely way of constructing in AMAZING THAILAND
@ssj04 13 лет назад
@nsantolick you have no clue McDonalds gives you cancel and ect.
@juiced2death 13 лет назад
@ThaiairwaysTG955 how do u know its not like u can afford it
@WildlifeSeriaLKiller 14 лет назад
@hsuanstr too long to be a porcupine. It was a weasel...a fat one....
@hsuanstr 14 лет назад
thanks for sharing this vid. are you sure it was a weasel? it looked more like a porcupine
@hsuanstr 14 лет назад
i want to try hamster
@tuszoo1 14 лет назад
I've been to luang pra bang twice and i think it was very nice. it was much better than in vientiane. i would love to go back and visit luang pra bang again.
@carlstevendyehey 14 лет назад
@nsantolick maybe coz mcdonalds for them dude are the ones having the strangest food not them.haha.xD
@SteveCarras 14 лет назад
That category might be better "Comedy", NOT "Pets and Animal;s" !!!!
@easyDebit 14 лет назад
ich war auch dabei ich war genau wo die arminia fans dann links waren ich glaub sie/du warst/waren vor oder hinter oder neber mir :DDD
@barthoedemaker 15 лет назад
local people go there in the weekends, many little " suck " fish in the water, good for skin.
@dariocadoppi8 15 лет назад
wow thats so nice
@hannebaum1990 15 лет назад
ich war auch daa :-)
@ThorKipperberg 16 лет назад
no "mini" tornado does this,. actually there is no such thing as a Mini tornado,. A tornado is a Violent rotating column of air created in thunderstorms, and warm rising air,. and If its categorised as a tornado its always violent in force,even in small scale,. this storm was probably F1-F2(maybe weak F3)as you can see on the dammage of the trees,. to break it like that it needs great powerfull winds(hurricane forced)and that is not Mini in any ways!,.
@nsantolick 16 лет назад
Why don't these people just get jobs already, so they can go to McDonalds like normal people???
@syrien07 16 лет назад
nice landscape.
@hoeyhoey 16 лет назад
I think in 2009
@mikesocoo 16 лет назад
look like a whale
@mikesocoo 16 лет назад
when this project complete?
@FatherHeathen 16 лет назад
Mmm, tasty.
@xxquiker 16 лет назад
Thai airways said unlike SIngapore airlines who has the money to put a 5 star hotel in the a380. Thai will just stick 500 seats on the a380. Wont be a comfy flight on thai a380 i presume
@ddsddddd 17 лет назад
Ha Ha ....! I like too!
@kimsomnic1960 17 лет назад
wow a big plane.