@LizCreator 6 месяцев назад
I don’t think that DD understood what foreshadowing means and why not everything can not or should not be changed for shock value. Their shallow approach for shock and awe destroyed John, Dany, the night king, the prince who was promised, all the backbone of game of thrones and traumatised the fans. I think some things like a good organic writing unfortunately can’t be taught, it’s talent and instinct and if you respect the audience’s expectations, that after all the writer is cultivating through hints and foreshadowing, the audience is going to respect the script and glorify it. What happened here was the exact opposite, we all felt cheated and betrayed, like we were watching a different show all the others seasons. Does this feel better DD? They should have never turn their back on martins consulting, how the hell did they ever thought they could keep up with such a project without the original writer in the team? It totally swallowed them.
@CokeVoAYCE Год назад
arya goes from scared traumatized little girl coping and becoming grittier learning to survive in life to a super-assassin that can beat anyone in sword combat and can kill the night king alone lol🤣
@tuanoful Год назад
We hope to get lots of differences
@friday13michael Год назад
If only Rian Johnson had seen this.
@NetoJ0N Год назад
Pls keep dany alive in the books
@marisolbocaranda5636 Год назад
Well Brandon Stark as king Is goofie common
@normalguycap 2 года назад
Video game devs are petty like this where they arbitrarily change things because fans guess it. Keep the good stuff, let a person or two feel smart. To think otherwise is to be stupidly full of hubris.
@ivanastruhar9811 2 года назад
The Night King, the most terrifying being there is, the ultimate villain, the commander of the dead, the master of zombie dragon, the nightmarish myth of Westeros PROVING TRUE, the enemy of life, the harbinger of doom, the..... wielder of a 4 seconds long (!) gentle (!) hand grip of subversion that allows little girls to perform slow-mo ninja tricks whilst observing them as if they were a 5th grade math problem. If performed properly, the gentle hand grip of subversion™ does no harm to the receiver, leaves no bruises, snaps no necks, swells no tonsils. chokes no children ex machina. Disclaimer: The gentle hand grip of subversion™ can only be practiced by the true masters who've been meditating and preparing for it for thousands of years. Do not try this at home.
@bonielsen653 2 года назад
To me it looks as if most writers don't understand that, yes subverting expectation is sometimes a good thing. A subversion within the established rules and logic of the story (The Red Wedding is a brilliant example). But i see 2 different reason for why the "oh sh*t they figured it out!" approach fails Reason 1. The clues and foreshadowing you laid out no longer make sense, or you have to stretch them beyond suspension of disbelief. Reason 2. The people who were clever enough to figure it out will most likely see through it anyway, and will be robbed of the genuine sense of accomplishment that leads to people becoming life-long fans of something.
@altafkalam2716 2 года назад
Vince Gilligan once said, "Good endings need to be satisfying to the audience much more than they need to be surprising or shocking" What Arya did is indeed "subverting your expectations" but is it satisfying? Is it in line with 7 seasons and almost a decade of the rest of the series? NOPE.
@wizardsofscript 3 года назад
I agree with George on this, so now that The Blacklist has led so many clues on foreshadowing who Reddington really is, are they going to retcon so Red is the chambermaid or an alien? Jon Bokenkamp has left the series, so that's not a good sign.
@blakeprocter5818 4 года назад
He jokes about the aliens, but it does make me wonder if a fantasy/science-fiction crossover could work? You have some planet that is in an age of medieval fantasy that comes under attack by extraterrestrials. Could make for an interesting idea.
@ThePreciseClimber 2 года назад
A certain old Czech novel, Gooka and the Dragon People, did SOMETHING like this. It featured a rather standard medieval fantasy world with dragons and other creatures. Except one enemy faction, the Marin-Danin, was suspiciously high-tech. The big twist of the story was that the setting, Janatris, was actually another planet populated by astronauts from Earth that crashed on it centuries ago. Dragons and other creatures are actually genetic experiments from the spaceship and the spaceship itself is located beneath the Marin-Danin fortress - they hogged all the advanced knowledge for themselves.
@majoranna9224 4 года назад
"The danger with magic is that the victory could be unearned. Suddenly you're in the last chapter and you wind up with a deus ex machina. The hero suddenly remembers that if he can just get some of this particular magical plant, then he can brew a potion and solve his problem. And that's a cheat. That feels very unsatisfying. It cheapens the work. Well-done fantasy - something like Tolkien - he sets Lord of the Rings up perfectly, right at the beginning. The only way to get rid of the ring, the only way, is to take it to Mount Doom and throw it in the fires from which it comes. You know that right from the first. And if we'd gone through all that, and then at the end of the book suddenly Gandalf had said, wait a minute, I just remembered, here's this other spell, oh, I can get rid of the ring easily! You would have hated that. That would have been all wrong. Magic can ruin things. Magic should never be the solution. Magic can be part of the problem." www.austinchronicle.com/daily/books/2013-08-29/lonestarcon-3-the-george-r-r-martin-interview/
@lovekeshsaini9878 4 года назад
D&D did lazy writing. They just killed The Night King and that thread was concluded. They made Daenerys burn the King’s Landing with Cersie and that thread was concluded. As GRRM said, they are bad writers and they did basic mistakes. They didn’t fulfil the promise that they gave when they revived Jon Snow, that we will see the epic fight between him and The Night King. Hope and know that GRRM’s version will be far better than this crap.
@ianvera4299 3 года назад
GRRM never said they were bad writers lol. That mediocre fantasy of Jon fighting the night king will never happen in the books.
@xcape4734 4 года назад
Aliens coming down and killing everyone would actually have been a better ending than what we got
@flaminmongrel6955 4 года назад
what are you guys on about? game of thrones ending wasn't even that surprising i mean it was fuckin fan service.
@Bloodgod40 5 лет назад
By the time D&D were done with season 8, "aliens coming down" would have been a better ending than what we got.
@unknownchannel3141 5 лет назад
@FingerinUrDaughter 5 лет назад
PROTIP: he just says they are different in hopes people will buy his shit tier books. there are only slight differences, the actual story is the same shit story.
@aurorathorn9497 5 лет назад
You know, this is all George's fucking laziness' fault.
@starhunter9085 5 лет назад
*This guy is an inspiration to every writer alive.*
@Darksaviour Год назад
He is slower than a snail at writing but he knows what he is talking about
@deathismycolor Год назад
@michakoniecpolski5677 Год назад
XD no lol
@savage7882 5 лет назад
This is the reason the star wars sequels sucked
@cilinders 5 лет назад
what is that song from beck, song written way back something about what he tought was a label that he thought would apply to him. and what does it has to do with the producers of the tv series and their physical apperance?
@Horrormaster13 5 лет назад
I will give the writers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss one thing, it has to take skill even I couldn't have done this to take a show this GREAT like Game of Thrones and make it this TERRIBLE this fast. I feel bad for the cast of this show, special effects people, people who worked to build all the sets for this show etc. They all deserved so MUCH better than this. Shame on you D&D, SHAME ON YOU!
@theboy1625 5 лет назад
I hope Dumb&Dumber know how much they’re hated right now where ever they are
@ytoverntflx 5 лет назад
Dude has been taking vacations after vacations and complains someone else did not complete his story well. Should have fucking completed it himself
@remyzandbergen4376 5 лет назад
well its a lot of whining, it certainly feels like the final is rushed but i love the characters and i love GoT. it was surprising but i can live with it. looking forward to the spin offs.
@mrbanana69 5 лет назад
Game of Thrones: Brotherhood is needed
@SivaR1020 5 лет назад
1:57 Is that why you did this? Gods may help you..
@Mustis91 5 лет назад
Well this kind of stuff happens when you don't finish your shit in time and others have to complete it for you :D But i don't complain. This way i'll have a good read in a few years
@jackblack9605 5 лет назад
But how will you subvert the audience expectation
@DoofusMonkey 5 лет назад
Stupid pointy boy waits for 10 thousand years to do his invasion. Gets killed by a fucking child.
@JohnSancti 5 лет назад
And i was surprised by what J.J.A. did to Star Wars, well, "there's always a dumber fish".
@ajjetha 5 лет назад
Aliens coming down would be a better ending to the show tbh
@IBennx77I 5 лет назад
So i just watched episode 1 and 2 of season 8 and i wonder how bad it will be, as they have 4 episodes left probably 4 hours to end a buildup that was made with 7 seasons.
@quicksilver5253 5 лет назад
D&D could not be any more stupid... for real now.. they might actually feel proud of themselves now that the whole planet is flaming them... You should have asked GRR Martin guidance you bonobos
@n.h.4616 5 лет назад
@holly6956 5 лет назад
The show recently ended and I found out I'm pregnant with my 2nd Child. I'm going as GRRM this Halloween. Gonna be the best preggo cosplay!❤️ I hope the books get finished.
@ludvanbeethoven1 5 лет назад
Omg, the aliens is exactly what D&D did! Cheat everyone out of a good, logical, coherent story that is based on the foundation of what 7 seasons already laid out and made aliens come down. Surprise, everyone! If a coin flip changed dany into an evil, mad queen so suddenly then I can't help but think god flipped a coin and made D&D terrible writers so suddenly as well.... it's honestly mind-boggling why they did this. D&D kept saying how there will always be some people unhappy with their ending. Well, did they decide then to just forcefully make the largest number of people they could unhappy on purpose?
@goodiegoodygumdrops 5 лет назад
ludvanbeethoven1 I mean the first, what, 4 seasons they had the books to go off of. And even then they put shit in the show for shock value.
@THE_TonyFielding 5 лет назад
Season 8 is this sadly.
@goodiegoodygumdrops 5 лет назад
Tony Fielding Yup. I agree. The first 4 seasons were the best. (Because of course they had the books to go off of.) 8 was a huge disappointment
@BratvaTV 5 лет назад
Why do people think he's talking about D&D as if they changed something right at the last minute. All this stuff had been planned out way in advance and GM has said this any time he's asked if he reads fan theories.
@CarlosElPeruacho 5 лет назад
Changing a story because some people guessed correctly is either punishing people for paying attention or being clever, or it's a statement about your ability to write a story that isn't completely obvious(lacks subtlety or creativity)
@dArKp4th 5 лет назад
Honestly aliens would probably be better than what we got now
@legendsend3520 5 лет назад
I think george is partly to blame here. I understand it takes ages to write well but as s result of delays the got show was left fo its own devices, and left us with a bitter taste. TV writers are not to be trusted with gold.
@Unf0rget 5 лет назад
Its almost like ruining a story because a minuscule circle of hardcores guessed one puzzle piece is a dumb reflex. Cries in star wars.
@MrBaronCabron 5 лет назад
Reminder: dnd said they had visuals for the final season for 5 years so wanted to make it perfect, yet completely ignored every other seasons character development and didn't care enough to realise there was not one, but two coffee cups/water bottles in a scene. Truly hacks.
@theviewer6889 5 лет назад
Wait, where was the second? I know about the Starbucks one, Where's the other?
@MrBaronCabron 5 лет назад
@@theviewer6889 during when grey worm sent tyrion to the Lords when he was given hand of the king by bran.
@ov3rkill 5 лет назад
If only there were aliens in the finale, that would've been better.
@discipleofthecapedbaldy962 5 лет назад
He says the right things... but I can't help think he basically sold out the books to make the tv series, and then he sold out the tv series to finish the books. He knew damn well how irresponsible it would be to hand over the final season to D&D. And he knew when fans were dissatisfied with it, they'd turn to the books even more fervently. I bet he's roaring to go with those now. I think he'd make a cunning Master of Coin would Ol' George.
@goodiegoodygumdrops 5 лет назад
Disciple of the Caped Baldy Yup. I mean, the guy isn't stupid.
@glockenrein 5 лет назад
Dude. Less interviewing, more writing.
@subhvichaar 5 лет назад
GoT season 8 destroyed many characters in the following ways:- 1) Night King : He became like a joke of the year, we didn't see him fighting with any warrior..neither we know whether he could speak or not...Why he was after Bran...Why he didn't got killed by dragon fire...what was his main objectives and lots of questions..2) Jon : Writer seemed confused what to do with this character...in order to make show unpredictable like suspence thrillers, writer destroyed this character...Jon was the prince who was promised...he got resurrected...he was supposed to kill Night King and sit on the Iron Throne...as he was the only rightful heir.....3) Daenerys : She was a queen of kind heart & justice. She was like a savior...she had risen to make the world a better place to live in...she was the main character and like soul of the GoT..the whole story revolved around her...But since she was not supposed to sit in the throne, writer changed her character suddenly and made her a villain..she started killing innocents...what a pathetic writing...One queen who was just and kind hearted in her difficult days..who tied their dragons to give justice to peasants, who sacrificed her Dothraki army and dragon to save the livings from dead... suddenly she started killing innocents..Awfuk...if writer really wanted to kill Dany, she could have got killed by Night King...in the air..while she killed the Zombie Dragon with a Valerian steel sword and before dying she directed her army to follow Jon..But in order to make the show unpredictable, writer destroyed our beloved Queen's character and made her a villain.. very disappointing.... 4)Euron : Why Euron would fight Jaimie without any reason...He should have got killed by Theon or Yara...but writer destroyed his character also in this season.... 5)Bran Stark : the whole concept of 3-eyed-raven went useless...why he became that for which many people lost their lives including Hodor....what was the use of it...only to reveal Jon's identity & advocating the killing of Little Finger (which I hated because he saved Sansa so many times and once he also saved Jon's entire army)... 6) Area didn't kill any main character from her killing list..She should had killed Cersie atleast....7) White walkers General : We didn't see any general killing or fighting with warriors...they kept just staring and standing like statue..and got destroyed after Night King's death