Islam Jaber
Islam Jaber
Islam Jaber
A video series covering the inventiveness of Muslims during the Golden Age of Islam, and the impact we’ve had on the world in ways we may not have been aware of. In learning and researching for this project, my perspective on who the true masterminds in the progression of our civilization has changed
Stop Wasting Time - be Motivated
3 года назад
Crime in New York City
3 года назад
Top 5 Muslim Athletes of all Time
3 года назад
Don't talk to me!  - Mohammed Hijab
4 года назад
Why are we afraid of Darkness?
4 года назад
One word changes everything
4 года назад
Life lesson from a bamboo tree
4 года назад
Episode 10: Secrets of English Words
4 года назад
Episode 9: Exploring Medicine
4 года назад
Episode 8: Secret of Universities
4 года назад
Episode 7: Magic of Chemistry
4 года назад
Episode 6: Secret of Mathematics
4 года назад
Episode 5: Cleanliness
4 года назад
Episode 3: Coffee, a Muslim Drink?
4 года назад
Episode 2: Invention of the Camera
4 года назад
@edwinperez9878 13 часов назад
It can’t be supreme authority to the gospel when the Quran contradicts the prophets and the gospel brings them All to flourishen. Everything said with the prophet came true through Jesus.
@Bangladeshballeditz День назад
One thing I want to say to narcissist daily: Apologize to god, not your viewers
@ishqnoor 4 дня назад
The narration itself is not sound. He SAAW did not die from poisoning. If Allah SWT saved Isa AS from crucifixion - you think He will let HabibAllah SAAW die from poisoning!? Not only are there issues in the chain, the hadith contradicts itself.
@StyleZEdiTZ 2 дня назад
Islam is a big demonic contractiction
@hemi9855 4 дня назад
He's not talking about the 7 variations? Are you stupid? there are massive variants in the different qurans that DO contradict each other. Did you bother paying attention to what was said?
@chickabean4734 6 дней назад
Brooke 😂. U do hv 2 gods. Or yur version of the trinity. Muhammad, angel gaberial n allah aka satan.
@sadikahmed7077 6 дней назад
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@mr.angelosonassis3069 6 дней назад
The Koran does not confirm the Gospels, but instead contradicts them repeatedly, thus, the Koran is false, Islam is false, and Mohammed is a false prophet. Allah is a false god who doesn't know what is in the New Testament. Therefore, Muslims may abandon Islam with confidence.
@TheBabasaly 6 дней назад
Palestinians are hostages of their own action and radical ideologies. Victimhood never wins. We might be living at a time it is championed, but in real life terms it gets people nowhere. Without lies, islam dies.
@zahidmansur4750 6 дней назад
Bro is so stupid
@Anonws 7 дней назад
All these Muslims who barely know Arabic have no ground, go have this discussion with CP
@BookerFakeToughGuy 8 дней назад
@fahadarakkal7321 8 дней назад
7 ahruf lol... the video shows more than 7 qurans Which all are the 7 ahruf qurans from them?😂 people are so blind
@bodega6758 9 дней назад
He is proving them right 😂😂
@quickbites271 11 дней назад
Watch the video properly. He says more
@angelzsymphony4387 11 дней назад
Little knowledge is bad for you friend I feel sorry for you😢
@Anonymous-gf2lh 11 дней назад
Alhamdulillah ❤. Subscribed
@andrydarmawan5992 13 дней назад
Don't lie there are 30 ish version of Quran. Just admit it. It is said just 1 version but the fact more than just 1 ypu can't lie like the old days. You think we are stupid??
@Dopedude603 13 дней назад
Islam is a lie anyways what are you trying to lie😂😂😂
@user-kp9zr6ok5w 14 дней назад
😂😂😂😂U r a ZIONIST covered by Muslim name😂😂😂😂U learning Islam from Ur mother not scholar of Islam😂😂😂😂😂
@dylanyewchyn6851 15 дней назад
Theres more than 7 here, I was honestly looking into islam and wanting to give it a chance. After the whole Mohamed slept with a 9 year old and hearing people defend it im good. Hearing the debates of muslims is outrageous, you men do not debate you argue and refuse to answer questions, or run around them. Kinda of sucks
@adamkhan1296 15 дней назад
The antichrist's representative and his misfit minions... 😂😂😂 sad.
@GeustgamingLastgeus 15 дней назад
Nahh hes a fake liar and created his own relgion dont sub to nas dqily he actauly drink bear and doesnt prayer maby think about isreal and pa,istine he is geetting ireal out of trouble he admited palist8nians died and some moved out and some passed away truth is isreal started a war f8rst and they sill want more space free palistine and may alllah protect them
@DeloutreApologetics 15 дней назад
He said show a verse or passage in the quran that shows without doubt that the gospel and Torah are corrupted. You "answered" the challenge by showing a verse that says the quran confirms them? You're bout as sharp as a basketball
@Zizou25219 15 дней назад
Should all Muslim stop following him …
@muhammedshafni9134 15 дней назад
Nas is the definition of Asshole
@rafyoraza4032 16 дней назад
Nasdaily equal to Zai ya Nun...we know!
@Wisowa 16 дней назад
@khalatelomara 16 дней назад
yes ... you are a good mozlem :-D you can't see islam at all
@Wakilahmed-d3t 16 дней назад
He isn’t a Muslim he is a Mozlem
@anam7970 17 дней назад
Idc I hate him
@onurdaglar1726 17 дней назад
He once made a video where he said he created his own religion called "Nasism"
@rayq352 17 дней назад
The man in the video holding the Qurans probably doesn’t know how to read Arabic but somehow "knows" they're all "different."
@TwoNamesTwoPeople 18 дней назад
In the end it’s still covering your women. Maybe you should teach your men to be more well behaved rather than limiting your girls.
@ScpFoundationarea64 19 дней назад
If you drink alcohol or if you smoke, gamble, date, be fay or anything. Then you cannot be known as a muslim as those all are absolutely haram
@shazwimalik6087 19 дней назад
I dont even think hes a muslim, i think hes a zionist who act like a muslim
@1hour391 19 дней назад
I mean he's not a Muslim anymore Of course who could have predicted that a "good Muslim" drinking dating publicly Would leave Islam
@colejohnson7314 19 дней назад
The Quran states in Surah 6:115 and 18:27 that no one can change allah’s word, then goes on to say that Jews have changed the Torah (aka God’s word) so how do you claim that allah’s word is unchangable in one breath and changed in another? The Quran also states that Jesus AND Muhammad confirmed the Torah that the Jews had at the time of Jesus and Muhammad so if the Torah has been confirmed by your dog of a prophet, rectify this in Genesis, the first book of the Torah that YOUR prophet confirms. Genesis 1:26 “and God said let US make them in OUR image, in OUR likeness” your book self refutes itself so many times is laughable.
@celestialknight2339 19 дней назад
This is 100% false, and the irony is that you yourself don’t obsess over the delivery man whenever he drops off your Amazon package-so why hold double-standards? The package is obviously more valuable than the package-deliverer, and the “messenger” (rasūl) is nothing without the actual _”MESSAGE”_ (risālah). *_”Muhammad was NO MORE than a messenger-before whom other messengers had already come and gone!…”_* ~ _The Qur’an, Sūrah Āl-Imrān, 3:144_ You also unintentionally mock the Qur’an, which actually DOES say that the Messenger is only a “deliverer”: *_”The messenger’s SOLE duty is to convey the message!”_* ~ _Qur’an 5:99_ As for the Hadith, they very seldom “explain” or “shine light” on the Qur’an, but instead contradict, clash, oppose, violate, abrogate, and transgress the Quran’s plain & simple teachings, by making Halāl things Harām, and Harām things Halāl. They are clearly written by two different authors, and are enemies rather than friends. Most Muslims throughout civilization (especially early converts) never even had Hadith, since Bukhari & Muslim (and others) hadn’t even made their compilations yet, and most Hadith collectors kept their stashes of Hadith private & personal-among a group of few students at most-but not sharing them to the masses. The actual MESSAGE (of one God, Judgement Day, repentance, good deeds, charity, worship, etc.) - was all that mattered to 99% of believers, most of whom were illiterate to begin with throughout history. But today, we pass around Bukhari & Muslim like candy bars on the street, and even uneducated people without training or knowledge have a full copy of it in their home sitting next to the Qur’an (as if Allah the Almighty revealed two books-which He didn’t), and they are a huge source of confusion, doubt, and even apostasy in our Islamic world today. And even the educated scholars have a role to play in this-because the Hadith were not meant to be co-equal to the Qur’an from the get-go. This is why on Judgement Day, the Prophet will NOT condemn those who abandoned his “Sunnah” (a concept totally alien to the Qur’an to begin with, ironically only appearing as _’the Sunnah [ways & habits] of ALLAH’),_ but rather: *_”And the messenger will say, "My Lord! My people have abandoned THIS QUR’AN!"_* ~ _Qur’an __25:30_ I pray that we wake up and start taking God’s word seriously, and realize that we have unfortunately fallen into the same trap as the People of the Scripture before us-who accepted other books & writings alongside their scripture, which caused them to go far, far astray. The Almighty warned us, but we did not listen. *_”…They were misled and deluded in their own religion, by what they had been fabricating!”_* ~ _Qur’an __3:24_ *_”These are the Ayāt of Allah which We recite to you with the truth! So in which HADITH apart from Allah and His Ayāt will they believe and trust?”_* ~ _Qur’an 45:6_
@SOG-xb4qh 19 дней назад
Arabic or English as stated his Aorta was severed as fact.
@The-SCP-Foundation536 19 дней назад
As a Christian and read the name of the video I just said "that's cap🧢", he's pretty good for being a not muslim, And btw I agree, he's pretty much spreading miss-information
@JaylinBezuidenhout-v5l 19 дней назад
It does not say quran 5 v 48 its corrupted..this muslim argument does not make sense like most muslims..i wont become a muslim because i dont believe in a heaven with each man with 72 virgins..
@SatoriLeclair 19 дней назад
He is right, when I was watching bad daily I was 14 years old, but after seeing that he isn’t a good Muslim and he won’t teach me anything good I stopped watching his videos
@fajarpranata6880 21 день назад
So don't you ever say you're Muslim cuz you're not
@XcrystalnightX 21 день назад
Agree 👍💯
@WtfOmw 22 дня назад
You still didn’t show what he asked for. Religion is people wasting time arguing over nothing but fantasies.
@SaeedJunaeed 22 дня назад
@SpaceQuest-360 22 дня назад
He is anti muslim
@jamesmartel505 22 дня назад
It is clear that the Bible remains uncorrupted, as you've demonstrated. You also support David's view. Your argument is based on the premise that you believe Allah revealed the Quran as an authority “over” the Bible, . However, the issue lies in the fact that Allah never states that the Quran is the answer key to his previous scripture. Instead, Allah affirms that the Quran is a confirmation of the previous scripture and an authority "on" them, indicating that the Quran ensures their authenticity. Lastly, in context According to ibn katir “ surah 5:48, the Divinely Revealed Books that praised the Qur'an and mentioned that it would be sent down from Allah to His servant and Messenger Muhammad. The Qur'an was revealed as was 👉🏿foretold in the previous Scriptures. 👉🏿This fact increased faith in the previous Scriptures for the sincere who have knowledge of “these!” Scriptures, 👈🏿those who adhered to Allah's commands and Laws and believed in His Messengers”
@huaweinova5979 23 дня назад
Don't trust this guy ( nas daily) hahaha don't trust him, that's it
@mamadumusajalloh4758 23 дня назад
He a scum of the earth