Anti-Bullying Alliance
Anti-Bullying Alliance
Anti-Bullying Alliance
The Anti-bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals working together to stop bullying and create safe environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn.

We welcome membership from any organisation or individual that supports this vision. ABA also supports a growing network of almost 1000 schools and colleges across the country.

The ABA coordinates Anti-Bullying Week each November and is the national voice for evidence based practice in relation to the prevention of bullying between children and young people.

You can find out more on our website www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk.

We are hosted by the National Children's Bureau.

ABA isn’t able to give advice to individuals. But you can receive support and advice from other places: anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/tools-information/advice-and-support. If you feel your life or another’s is in danger, we advise contacting emergency services (if you are in the UK it is 999).

Encouraging pupils to report bullying
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Having Boundaries With Banter
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Banter vs Bullying What's The Difference
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Making Boundaries Clear with Banter
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Intervening When Someone Is Getting Bullied
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Understanding Bullying Part 2
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Beth yw Bwlio?
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