Whale Sanctuary Project
Whale Sanctuary Project
Whale Sanctuary Project
The Whale Sanctuary Project is creating a model seaside sanctuary where whales and dolphins can be rehabilitated or can live permanently in an environment that maximizes well-being and autonomy and is as close as possible to their natural habitat.
Spring Update Chat with Q&A 2024
4 месяца назад
Choose Sanctuary
7 месяцев назад
How Does a Whale Say Thank You?
10 месяцев назад
Spring Update 2023
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“Ask us Anything” Webinar 2022
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Sanctuary Tour from the Water
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Our Work Boat Goes to Work
2 года назад
The Amazing Vocalizations of Belugas
2 года назад
World Orca Day with  Ingrid Visser
2 года назад
“Who” Are Beluga Whales?
2 года назад
“Ask Us Anything!” webinar
2 года назад
WSP Operations Center Tour
2 года назад
A Whale Sanctuary Tour by Drone
2 года назад
From Keiko to Kiska
2 года назад
@P1TD0G Год назад
Pha loves Pa…
@AnnetteLouiseBickford Год назад
So good -- thank you!
@seese9456 Год назад
These intelligent beings are like humans in solitary confinement, because they can't function without social interactions without getting "stir-crazy"
@AH-ph3cb Год назад
People who counter argue this presentation fail to realize how much data goes into this. She needs to condense her findings and reword it to an audience that likely may not fully understand neuroscience. wHeRe aRe tHe FaCtS? How do you doorknobs expect her to condense decades of research, MRIs, collaborations and cross examinations into a 1-2 hour lecture? We would be here all day if she had to break every point down. I doubt the people challenging her actually take the time to read all of the published research.
@theappler9516 Год назад
fr people are forgetting that this is a lecture open to the general public, majority of people there wont have a huge understanding of animal neurology and paleontology and evolutionary history
@umtheelementofconfusion Год назад
SORRY IM GOING TO BE THE ONE YOU COME AFTER BUT FIRST LETS LISTEN CLOSELY! 38:52 She admitted that her and her team of researchers were making an assumption and that they could be wrong and not know what the Paralimbic lobe really does. Alright, first of all she never mentions seaworld not once (this is for all the people that go directly to seaworld for blame of these things) and in 45:27 brings up a slide showing life range, in the slide the life range for a captive orca she clearly says does not exceed 20 years. Sorry but YES THEY DO! Seaworld has proven that with the age of their orcas. Here is something to think about if their communication intelligent then why is it if they get caught in fishing string the other orcas don't help to set them free? If they are in trouble they are able to communicate that, but when their pod arrives to save them why don't they know what to do?
@AH-ph3cb Год назад
A couple of outliers extending beyond 20 years old does not have merit against the average premature death rate at seaworld. While I am a scientist with blood and body fluids, the principle with averaging data and leveraging bias still applies regardless. What a ridiculous comment.
@AH-ph3cb Год назад
They die in nets because man put them there. Their evolution precedes us by millions of years. They don't need us, if anything we are a hindrance and a burden.
@ArsinoeVI 7 месяцев назад
many captive orcas do not reach the age of twenty and exceptions are not generalities you can do “cherry-picking”, it will not change the fact that captive orcas live less than wild orcas while in general a captive animal lives longer and I don't see where you're going with your last question? I found almost nothing about orcas caught in fishing string just two cases of orcas with fishing line wrapped around their necks making them suffocate and you may have very sophisticated communication without hands you can't do anything... although they are not 100% sure that the Paralimbic lobe is linked to emotions This remains the most probable hypothesis and even if it wasn't orcas remain the animals (including humans) with the largest insular cortex linked to emotions and consciousness
@threatlevelworldwide1544 Год назад
Love what yall are doing with the sanctuary, but those "evolution" theories are false.
@umtheelementofconfusion Год назад
Thank you very much, yes they are.
@TalithaKum236 2 года назад
8:35 min "Then something happened" :-)))))))
@davinccihubbard3742 2 года назад
Orcas are surely smarter than this idiot in front of the screen saying to audience that sea mammals came from dynausors Likes 50 million years ago
@horse-lover68 2 года назад
@lauradyal1347 2 года назад
We retire police dogs but unfortunately we enslave orcas for a few spins and splashes! Lolita needs to go to sea...they all do!!!!
@ImaGodandsatan 2 года назад
Were is the admin of this world server?🤔 So i can change my class to orca!😍
@janjohnson3116 2 года назад
This is really fascinating !
@tarlcabbot6880 2 года назад
Why does that woman stand up there and flat out lie? I found at least a dozen holes in her narrative.
@dakini365 2 года назад
Feel free to list the 12, Tarl.
@s3hunna 2 года назад
So say what they are….?? Or did you just need some attention
@leogama3422 2 года назад
How many whale fossils have you ever studied? Let me guess...
@umtheelementofconfusion Год назад
Don't worry about those other comments, I listed them it may not be twelve but its better than nothing. :)
@migzmulla8942 2 года назад
You guys should get as many captive orca’s as you can and train and acclimate them together to the wild.. so maybe doing so they can become their own pod and have a much better successful transition to the wild with their new pod.. I ADORE WHAT YOU GUYS ARE TRYING AND WISH YOU LUCK.. IT WOULD BE BEAUTIFUL IF YOU WAS TO GET A COUPLE CAPTIVE ORCA’S AND DO A MASS PROJECT TO CREATE A NEW POD OF ORCA’S TO BE FREE’D
@billymeadows328 3 года назад
If an orca could use a pencil, even the dumbest orca could make Einstein look dumb.
@billymeadows328 3 года назад
Evolution is a lie, Every last life form on earth is a very specific design.
@dakini365 2 года назад
Perhaps you don't understand the word Evolution. No worries.
@sandyjones4393 3 года назад
Twice the size brain than human, we're not so smart.
@jeanku 2 года назад
clearly you are one of those... twice the size of the brain on how much the size of the body.
@adelvoid1530 3 года назад
what a wonderful person and lecture
@solosailorsv8065 3 года назад
So the Paralibic lobe, connecting insticts and higher thought, hasn't evolved yet in humans..... THAT explains a lot . . .
@horse-lover68 3 года назад
Yes that's true. They have no problem with their invirement
@bellathebestautisticgirl247 3 года назад
Blackfish 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@justme7217 3 года назад
This video makes me ask this ? IF CETACEANS ARE AS SMART AS YOU SAY THEY ARE THEN WHY DOES THIS YOU TUBE CHANNELS SANCTUARY NEED TO KEEP ALL THE OCCUPANTS ENCLOSED FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES??????? FOR SURE THEY ARE SMART ENOUGH.....to know when its good for them to reenter their world and as for the ones dealing with mental issues from their captivity for sure with their level of intelligence they have the possibility to recover enough that they are ready at some point to return to there world even if they fail isn’t it their choice. We are saying that we acknowledge that they are as if not more intelligent than us humans but that they don’t deserve the same right as intelligent beings to make a choice for themselves as to how the remainder of their life is spent and are never to be allowed the freedom to actually go home back to their world in the ocean where they can reconnect with their family and friends. Just bc the sanctuary would give these intelligent beings a bigger cage doesn’t mean that it’s not still bondage. Sanctuaries are normally for those animals who have no where on their home on the land to live and it be safe. These sanctuaries are also for animals like birds as example that are not considered to be what we consider intelligent,definitely not considered as equal to our level of intelligence, and have no place left to call home. Now if My memory serves me correctly their is
@osiris_blanche 3 года назад
Even with humans, every child has the need to learn & adapt. It DOES NOT come naturally. At some point your brain stops growing, but the memory & trauma remains psychological or otherwise. We can't compare our brains to an Orca in human terms, for they have skills humans can never achieve either (vise-versa). But by "animalistic instincts" we are very much the same.
@justme7217 3 года назад
@@osiris_blanche I get your reply and I’m curious if you have watched Dr. Lori’s video “How I feel in love with cetacean brain” bc it explains what they know about their brains and level of intelligence and from what I can gather their intelligence is most likely higher than that of the average American and while they do have different skills than us a beings intelligence gives them advantage over the obstacles of learning something new. It’s not like once your brain stops growing that you stop being able to learn. People in there 70s at one time had never seen a cell phone but they learned how to work them and I’m Pretty sure when cell phones came out their brains had already stopped growing. Yes memories and traumas remain even long after they were done but as intelligent beings you can learn to cope and overcome them. Take for instance the children on the Dr. Phil show who had lived in a foster home much of their childhood where the parents made them sleep in cages with alarms and abused them physically and emotionally they where able with help to overcome this and be productive humans in society. They were not just taken out of that home and placed in a facility where they could never rejoin society. The point I am trying to make with these comments and the one I made on the video “what is a sanctuary “ by Dr.Lori is that I want these creatures to be freed from there tanks and I think a environment like the sanctuary wants to provide is ideal however I don’t agree with the sanctuary’s plan to house but not rehabilitate these intelligent creatures in the hope of returning as many as possible back to the place they belong the ocean. This sanctuary has no intentions from what I have gathered from their explanation of what a sanctuary is to ever rehabilitate of release any of the cetaceans that come to their sanctuary. If u have not yet watched the video “what is a sanctuary” or the video”animal intelligence and the search for life beyond earth” I suggest that you do bc I would love to know your thoughts on there plans for the cetaceans to not be rehabilitated bc a sanctuary is not a rehabilitation facility and the fact that all the cetaceans will remain in there sanctuary for the remainder of their lives while there search for more answers on their intellect and brain is explored by Doctors like Dr.Lori.
@justme7217 3 года назад
I know this comment is probably a little late to get an answer to my ? But I’m gonna ask it any way if cetaceans are as smart as you say they are then why does the sanctuary need to keep all the occupants enclosed for the rest of their lives ? For sure they are smart enough to know when its good for them to reenter their world and as for the ones dealing with mental issues from their captivity for sure with their level of intelligence they have the possibility to recover enough that they are ready at some point to return to there world even if they fail isn’t it their choice. We are saying that we acknowledge that they are as if not more intelligent than us humans but that they don’t deserve the same right as intelligent beings to make a choice for themselves as to how the remainder of their life is spent and are never to be allowed the freedom to actually go home back to their world in the ocean where they can reconnect with their family and friends. Just bc the sanctuary would give these intelligent beings a bigger cage doesn’t mean that it’s not still bondage. Sanctuaries are normally for those animals who have no where on their home on the land to live and it be safe. These sanctuaries are also for animals like birds as example that are not considered to be what we consider intelligent and definitely not considered as equal to our level of intelligence.Now if my memory serves me correctly the oceans cover way more of this planet than land does so they have plenty of their home left to live in. Also I don’t know of anyone being accepted into a pod of orcas or any cetacean for that matter and living a yr or more completely in their world observing or living their ways therefore how can we say what is safe for them and what is possible for them bc we have no true knowledge of their lives in their world. If u where taken from your family one night and held hostage for seconds,minutes,hours, days,months, years even decades would you want someone to rescue you and then say “I know you must be ready to go home and see your family and friends and I know those conditions you were forced to live in where awful however you can never go home but I do promise to make this hostage situation a lot better than the last one” ????????????
@WhaleSanctuaryProject 3 года назад
Dear "Just Me", Yes, we would be very happy to return captive whales to the wild, just as you would. Here are two relevant cases in point: First, check out our Whale Aid Russia series of posts at whalesanctuaryproject.org/whale-aid-russia/ when we worked closely with the Russian government and with Russian non-profits to return 97 orcas and beluga whales to the ocean. They had been captured illegally for sale to Chinese entertainment parks, but they had only been away from their ocean homes for a year and it was a workable situation. Then check out this post: whalesanctuaryproject.org/reintroducing-keiko-to-the-wild-the-free-willy-whale/ --- about what it took to return Keiko, the whale in the 1992 "Free Willy" movie, to the ocean. Keiko was lucky in that he had at least been BORN in the ocean. Even so, it took SIX YEARS before he was ready to swim free. Most whales at entertainment parks today were born there and have never seen the ocean. They have never seen a live fish and (like Keiko) wouldn't know what to do with it. There are two orcas at entertainment parks in the United States who were born in the ocean and and still have family who live in the region from where they were captured. In their cases, there is still a possibility of at least returning them to where they would be close to their families and might just possibly be able and willing to rejoin them. Every possible effort would be made to do that. But however intelligent they are (and they are indeed!), they are cultural beings, meaning that as youngsters, they learn everything they need to know from their mothers and aunts in order to live successfully in the ocean. And if they don't learn all of this as youngsters, it's not going to work. Imagine yourself being born in a closet, never seeing the outside world, and then suddenly, let's say in your mid-thirties, suddenly being taken out and dropped into a completely alien environment. Before you could learn enough to survive, you'd most likely starve, regardless of your intelligence. All in all, intelligence is not the only consideration when it comes to giving whales back their lives, however ideal that would be. Check out those two posts mentioned above and write to us at info@whalesanctuary.org and let us know what you think.
@justme7217 3 года назад
Your scenario of me trapped in closet for the 1st 30 years or so of my life and then being released into the unknown and starving to death no matter how intelligent is more than likely what could happen HOWEVER.... IF I WAS LET OUT OF THE CLOSET INTO THE HANDS OF EDUCATED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE DOCTORS ETC ETC AND INTRODUCED INTO MY NATURAL YET UNKNOWN TO ME HABITAT TO LIVE ALONG SIDE MY OWN KIND FOR SURE WITH HELP OF THE PROFESSIONALS AND TIME SPENT LEARNING AND LIVING WITH MY OWN I WOULD EVENTUALLY HAVE THE SKILLS NEEDED TO VENTURE OUT INTO MY REAL HOME THATS THE GOOD THING ABOUT HAVING THE KIND OF INTELLIGENCE THAT CETACEANS AND HUMANS HAVE WE CAN KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SOMETHING AND WITH SOME WILLINGNESS , SOME HELP FROM THOSE WITH KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE WE CAN RETAIN THE NEEDED INFORMATION AND ACTUALLY PUT IT TO USE I understand this may not be possible for all the cetaceans but it should be possible for some of them... UNFORTUNATELY DR.LORIE MAKES VERY CLEAR THAT A SANCTUARY IS NOT A REHABILITATION CENTER AND THAT THE ANIMALS ARE TO LIVE OUT THE REMAINDER OF THEIR LIVES IN THE SANCTUARY WITHOUT FORCED BREEDING AND UNNATURAL LIVING CONDITIONS. IM JUST A LITTLE CONFUSED BY HER STATEMENTS OF WHAT A SANCTUARY IS AND YOUR STATEMENT saying ALL EFFORTS TO RETURN CERTAIN ONES WOULD BE MADE I am not trying to be rude but you can’t explain a sanctuary as Dr.Lorie did in several videos I have watched so far and then say you will try to release them back into their true natural home.... now you can possibly say that about the ones who never actually go to the sanctuary but the ones who do according to Dr.Lorie in the ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE AND SEARCH FOR LIFE BEYOND EARTH VIDEO the cetaceans in your sanctuary will live the remainder of their lives there and your goal is to one day go out of business once all the cetaceans that where in parks and such have been relocated to sanctuary and have all died in the sanctuary also according to the Dr. this will not be anytime soon and it will be generations from now until this happens due to their long life span and the number still in captivity. Now I’m no Dr. but generations is a long time I’m assuming at least 100 years. SO IN SIMPLETON or LAYMAN WORDS SHE IS SAYING THAT IN A PERIOD OF AT LEAST 100 YEARS THOUSANDS OF CETACEANS COULD COME INTO THE SANCTUARY AND NOT 1 CETACEAN WILL BE REHABILITATED AND RELEASED BACK INTO THE ACTUAL OCEAN BECAUSE THE SANCTUARY IS NOT A REHABILITATION FACILITY AND THESE CETACEANS ONCE PLACED IN THE SANCTUARY ARE GIVEN THIS NATURAL HABITAT INCLOSURE TO LIVE OUT THE REST OF THEIR LIVES WITHOUT A CHANCE OF BEING REINTRODUCED INTO THE WILD. So like a stated earlier I am confused is she incorrect in her explanations or am I missing something...........
@yasminesimpson4235 4 года назад
It is Abuse , these animals should not be held captive for any reason , leave them alone , Of course the place is liken to a jail because that’s exactly what it is . What is going to happen to these animals? What plans for there future are in place ? There are so many whales held here are they each getting enough food ? Who honestly gets pleasure from seeing a magnificent animal taken from the wild and forced to exist in abject misery in a whale jail ? IT IS ATROCIOUS CRUEL VILE EVIL ABUSE . 💔🤬💔🤬💔🤬💔🤬💔🤬💔🤬💔🤬💔🤬🇬🇧
@my2cents980 4 года назад
At this point its extremely foolish to think humans are smarter then ORCAS! They use they brains, their entire brains 🧠 in ways our small minds can’t even wrap our heads around!! Before you actually listen to this insulting video, do yourself a favor.......there is far more advanced information out at this point! Look up the orca whisper and all the work with hundreds and thousands of hands on experience , in the water researching for over 30 years! This video is simply a bunch of crap! If you love ❤️ these extremely brilliant sentient beings........give them loads more credit! Our abilities are simply different as humans but definitely NOT SMARTER!
@my2cents980 4 года назад
I’ve heard many scientists on the topic of the top APEX predator ORCAS.......and your science seems to be out dated ! ORCAS are KING using more of their XTRA LARGE brains ( largest of ALL mammals/brain to body ratio ) they actually use much more then humans and dolphins or anything else!
@WhaleSanctuaryProject 4 года назад
Thank you for your comment. Our understanding of the brains of orcas and other cetaceans is growing all the time, year by year. So keep checking for our latest webinars and posts where we include the latest information.
@williambillybutcher4374 3 года назад
@Zamolxes77 4 года назад
My guess why humans went to the Moon and dolphins didn't: We evolved around using tools, dolphins evolved around using eco location, sound. A space ship is basically a tool and to date, nobody can fathom how you can get to the Moon using sound. In my opinion, dolphins have to pass through at least one more paradigm shift, from using sound to using tools, or something else, but I can't tell what that "else" might be.
@Lincorn1 3 года назад
For humans to develop (and any other animal) everything else that existed was also needed, without everything else we would not have evolved. Just as we need everything else to even exist.
@markus9415 3 года назад
@Zamolxes77 In regards to the vocal cords and the opposite thumb.. Yes we are the most advanced species able to use tools... Brainpower on the other hand.. The orca has twice the neurons :D Has a seperate part in the brain dedicated to language and emotion. In that regard we are far behind and we know much less than we actually think we know. Sometimes i wonder how our arrogance evolved..... Planes came into existence by looking at the birds.. "Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better"
@yumyumlolly 3 года назад
I think we only progressed so far because we have hands to build complicated tools and structures
@markus9415 3 года назад
@@yumyumlolly Opposite thumbs. But we are not the only mammels that use tools :). Thumbs aren't unique. Our vocal cords are though. But the orca has a few characteristics even we don't have and are truly unique in nature.
@yumyumlolly 3 года назад
@@markus9415 yeah I know other animals use tools too like the Chimpanzees and such :). I was talking about Orcas not having hands so it's hard to use that as a measure for intelligence. Overall, I think they are a very intelligent, complexed and compassionate species.
@Zamolxes77 4 года назад
11:11 They found a Monolith :)
@timeless74 3 года назад
Something happen ???? 🤷
@Zamolxes77 4 года назад
This is an absolute disgrace. 2400 views on an year old video about Orcas and intelligence. If Kim Kardashian posted something about ass, or Delphine about soaking her cunt in water, they have hundreds of million of views in hours. Makes me wonder about the "intelligence" of human race. I'm afraid Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy and Idiocracy were right. Evolution doesn't favor intelligence, but ability to reproduce.
@rorke6092 4 года назад
Thanks for the upload!
@mrgaming4626 4 года назад
come back homie
@sarahsvideologs6213 4 года назад
That one dislike is surely from SeaWorld.
@jaymarcase9737 3 года назад
Sarah Gulifardo hahahahah
@horse-lover68 3 года назад
@horse-lover68 3 года назад
@@jaymarcase9737 you are an idiot and you know it
@jaymarcase9737 3 года назад
@@horse-lover68 very true.
@gregorsmith 2 года назад
The evil cult
@texasforever7887 4 года назад
Seaside sanctuary for the rest of the captive whales needs to be done but don't try to rerelease. What happened to Keiko pisses me off to this day. We abandoned and murdered him.
@CleverClover2023 4 года назад
No one abandoned or murdered him. Yes he wasnt a release candidate. There were lots of things done that hindered his chances of being wild again. No one knew where his family was, he was always being trained to do things instead of being reconditioned to be wild and taught to be independent. Some captive wild born whales have a chance at being rehabed and released, but not all of them.
@cristinaregalado1440 4 года назад
He wasn't abandoned, please watch ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-OKBEuoaxL-U.html . It shows the behind the scenes of Keikos release and how much preparation it took. But he was never ever abandoned
@Tyrannosaurine 4 года назад
Totally screwed up Tilikum, as well. What we did to that poor whale is a tragedy and it’s no surprise he acted out in the way he did. It is surely OUR fault, not his.
@my2cents980 4 года назад
Justin Vavala your 💯 % correct! How do you think a human would have behaved! They striped him and every other orcas basically to a mental hospital room with padded walls , no windows , starving them throwing dead fish down there throats in hot chemically treated water where they all get bad skin diseases, sunburns, hundreds of deadly mosquito bites ( which has killed them) they all have ulcers and a plethora of medication! Stuck in solitary confinement for there usual SHORT lives ! They usually last just a couple years before they smash their heads in and commit suicide! we know what happens to human prisoners! Imagine 40 years of torture! Hundreds of studies are done regarding their mortality rate........and by the way-orcas have been know to use tools! They have that 3rd section that we no little about! They don’t FU*#Up there environment and pollute and destroy mother earth they also are the only Apex predator that does not war with each other they are highly evolved way more so than humans who have been killing each other for thousands and thousands of years we can’t even get that straight also these animals have a better sense of family then humanity could ever wrap their head a round! I could go on forever!
@SageRosemaryTime 3 года назад
@@my2cents980 Well said . .I'm curious . . .What tools have they used ?
@texasforever7887 4 года назад
After talking about the brains and the captive orcas I'm extremely depressed right now. It's like living in a sensory deprivation chamber in solitary confinement. Talk about going insane 😩
@wadepatton2433 4 года назад
Free diving with the whales and porpoises--on my to do list!
@leanonford 4 года назад
I just watched the documentary on Netflix after watching blackfish years ago and you are doing a phenomenal job trying to help these majestic animals. I am so grateful that theRe are people in this world like all of you at the whale sanctuary project who will stand up for what is right and do something about the injustices that are so apparent here.
@timbarnett3898 4 года назад
I had several encounters but had one major contact with 5 member pod! I have picture of his dorsal fin an would try to identify him, thanks! Tim
@toiakaripa3505 4 года назад
This is the worst like youtube channel I mean i like the whole project but dame how do you expect people to be able to help if this is the best you guys can come up with...why have you not spoken with Ingrid Vesier...
@73sennin 4 года назад
read the descri^ption this is not the whale sanctuary this is the whale jail in russia.
@melissamelendez4419 4 года назад
I can only imagine their joy when these whales experience the currents of the oceans for the first time. It'll be a sight to see. I hope I see these sanctuaries come to pass soon. 💙🐳💙
@veritasetaequitas4310 5 лет назад
Anything that can recognize itself in a mirror should not be in captivity.
@cristinaregalado1440 5 лет назад
thanks for keeping us updated, lets hope a solution can be found and this animals can be back were they belong
@cristinaregalado1440 5 лет назад
thanks for documenting the process.
@cristinaregalado1440 5 лет назад
thank you!
@j.s.2281 5 лет назад
Thank you for the update! I am glad they are considering rehabilitating them for release. These animals sitring there for so long was so meaningless.
@michelejankelow617 5 лет назад
Wonderful if these sanctuaries would come into being for dolphins and whales! I think that Lolita and Corky( in spite of their age) need to feel the ocean against their skin and hear their families again! Yes there is a risk but now we need to examine how conscience and know this cannot go on any long! The video is professional and intelligent and I thank you!
@W4RJ 5 лет назад
I support The Whale Sanctuary Project with a donation today. The Whale Sanctuary Project 4100 Kanab Canyon Road Kanab UT 84741 whalesanctuaryproject.org/
@j.s.2281 5 лет назад
Any updates?
@orcawithdrip827 4 года назад
J. S. J-50 was declared dead
@theorcaproject9600 3 года назад
Scarlett died in 2018... 😔
@heikogrimm9710 5 лет назад
Finaly some people that can see beyond the Dollars. Hope the next hearing is as supportive as this. Thanks for uploading
@christianvendette304 5 лет назад
Please people wake up, this must end! Stop visiting these parks. Compassion and respest for all life!
@garionporter5961 5 лет назад
@7676lina 3 года назад
Bruv I agree...
@tysavoy5593 5 лет назад
So long coming and so wonderful to see this happening ! I am so proud to be Canadian.