Absolutely perverted. There’s nothing funny about that baby scene there whatsoever Alan have you been to the Diddy parties? I can’t believe Hollywood gets away with that crap.
Zachary Knight Galifianakis (Wilkesboro, Carolina del Norte, 1 de octubre de 1969), conocido como Zach Galifianakis, es un actor, actor de voz y comediante estadounidense, célebre por numerosos papeles en películas y apariciones en televisión, incluido su propio programa Comedy Central Presents Special. Inicialmente apenas si fue considerado como un comediante underground, pero en 2009 ganó una considerable popularidad gracias a su actuación en la exitosa comedia The Hangover. 54 AÑOS. (55)
Alan in the first Hangover movie: A fun, but idiotic friend who NEVER wanted to cause any trouble in the first place. Alan in the second Hangover movie: An idiotic jerk who mainly cares about himself and hanging out with his friends. Alan in the third Hangover movie: Manages to mature and change himself near the end of the third Hangover movie as he even DIDN'T drug anybody at this time, but rather Chow instead.