Eurotrip 2013
11 лет назад
Amsterdam From The Sky
11 лет назад
Zero-gravity in 3...2...1...
11 лет назад
And We Have Liftoff! (May 9th 2013)
11 лет назад
There Are No Miracle People
12 лет назад
Sam Harris demolishes Christianity
12 лет назад
Isaac Newton
13 лет назад
@cadencollinsworth7658 8 часов назад
Excellent excellent excellent argument! God has given us as humans free will. Who does the killing? Us. Time and time again God justifies killing because of the other sides evil doings. God being who he is, will he help the evil doers that kill, ravage, and rape everything in sight or would he help and justify the side of the "innocent" (and I say that lightly as we all sin.)? We also can't ignore the fact that there is a very real evil just on the other side of our world. It says in Matthew 7:13-14 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. 14 How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.".
@broad-meadow-sky 23 часа назад
Maybe hell is this earth after it has been engulfed in flames, and it is given to all the lost souls, and they will no longer have the opportunity to be in God's presence. He will have created a New Heavens and a New Earth beyond the reach of these lost souls.
@schmetterling4477 8 часов назад
I have never been in god's presence and I didn't miss him even for a single minute. I miss every one of our pets more than god. What does that tell you about the importance of god?
@broad-meadow-sky 23 часа назад
The Lord makes it rain on both the wicked and the righteous. We all experience pain, and suffering, and death, it doesn't matter if you are a believer or not; we are given the opportunity to Choose Love and God's Righteousness. You are not forced to believe. God has decreed an end for this earth, and it is reserved for fire. God allows humankind free will; If He did not, then we would be mindless drones. We choose to Love God and His Righteousness, just as he chooses us. Satan has free will too. God allows His creations to live their lives, and do unto others as they would have others do unto them. God could step in and manipulate every aspect, but it would not be real people choosing Him, rather than satan, or the doctrines of Humankind. There would be no journey, and no end. It would be like He was running a simulation. It isn't a simulation; our lives are real. He does not interfere unless He absolutely must, or at the behest of those who pray to Him ceaselessly. There would be no story, and no Real individual characters, no honest experience, if God was down here manipulating and controlling every single aspect of every single persons life, at all times. His Spirit is present in those who love Him, but they too walk in their flesh often. Humankind is weak and sinful. This is a consequence of our seeking after our basic instincts, desires, and inclinations. We are supposed to rise above our fleshly wants and desires, to a new level of understanding and consciousness. When your body dies on this earth, your spirit lives on. Hell is the absence of the presence of God. The spirit does not die, not until the second death arrives for those who have earned it. We cannot be certain what that is exactly, other than spiritual death, and the absence of God's presence, as I mentioned above. Maybe hell is this earth after it has been consumed in fire, and it is given to all the lost souls, and they will no longer have the opportunity to be in God's presence. He will have created a New Heavens and a New Earth beyond the reach of these lost souls.
@schmetterling4477 8 часов назад
If it doesn't matter if I am a believer or not, then what do I need this bullshit for?
@ead886 День назад
I grew up poor and christian, my family always said to "fully rely on god" they all have mental health issues, stayed poor for a long time no matter how many times i prayed it away, until i left the religion, and now im putting things in my own habds and getting my life together
@broad-meadow-sky День назад
@eddyeldridge7427 Freedom of speech Bubba. I have a lot to say Bubba. Is that alright with you supreme leader?
@broad-meadow-sky День назад
@eddyeldridge7427 You may get somewhere with all of that ego, but it will not be a place among Good people. You may get to the top climbing over others, but your fall will be Great. No one will truly Love you, but they will all say they do. So if you like a plastic, self-centered, earth destroying kind of life, then go for it Eddy; I wont hold you back. Fly little bird, Fly!! Shew!
@broad-meadow-sky День назад
@eddyeldridge7427 You see, you will never get anywhere thinking you are always right, and that you are superior to others. No matter your level of education, or life experience, you should always treat everyone with respect, and hear them out. You come at them hot, and they have a right to defend themselves. Come Correct, and we may actually achieve some level of success as a species; or at least as two individual Human Beings living their short little lives.
@subarumatt6652 День назад
I think this guy needs to read the Bible a time or two. Seems to me like he missed the point of a few pretty important things.
@schmetterling4477 8 часов назад
What's important about a talking donkey? :-)
@Morale72 День назад
This video is viewing everything from a human understanding, what you need to understand is that God is all knowing and knows exactly what would happen what will happen and what could happen, just because bad things happen and we don't understand how that's fair does not disprove God.
@schmetterling4477 8 часов назад
If god always knew that I would go to hell, then why bother? :-)
@_Giga.Chad_ 2 дня назад
iF gOd rEal wHy bAd ThinG hApPen
@RiseofChristendom 2 дня назад
😂😂😂and Jesus is still king
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
You can't even prove he existed
@RiseofChristendom 2 дня назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 countless secular and non secular historians including romans and Jews writ about Jesus not to mention he is the most well documented being on this planet far more than Alexandra the great any much more. + Christ is Lord
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
@@RiseofChristendom How many wrote about him while he was alive? Alexander the Great has several contemporary accounts. How many does Jesus have?
@RiseofChristendom 2 дня назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 how many writ about Alexandra the great or genghis khan while they was alive? I could name many more
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
@@RiseofChristendom Several. Both also had contemporary works of art depicting their likeness. Jesus didn't. Did you not know that? Or were you hoping I didn't?
@alexmirante9972 2 дня назад
Don’t think so
@UNIRockLIVE 2 дня назад
Issue 1, the point of christianity is not to safeguard blablabla... It is to educate people on why we are seperated from benevolent God)(we do wrong, wicked, sin) and how we can stop doing those things to keep our souls after death. His 2 - we experience loss of children and other tragedy bec is shapes us and builds our perseverance. GOD MAKES, no caps, everything right on the last day. He is repeating points with his children dying rhetoric.
@UNIRockLIVE 2 дня назад
Wont let me edit, continued Tennis without the net Obviously this man isnt applying his same logic to both sides, if christianity is playing without the net atheism is without the court
@UNIRockLIVE 2 дня назад
(this faith is perfection of narcissism) Another lie, God loves everyone. God hates wickedness, sin, narcissism doesnt allow everyone the same standards to follow. God does. God is ultimate justice
@UNIRockLIVE 2 дня назад
(God doesnt do good things to others) lie. Every good thing is from God. Even good things the wicked gain. Its fair. He also repeats his child rhetoric. Lol😅 he really thinks that argument works
@UNIRockLIVE 2 дня назад
I listened longer but he didnt introduce any new argument he just repeated. Ill close by proving this man wrong. Ill type it below this
@UNIRockLIVE 2 дня назад
Final. There is no evidence (scientific) for or against God. So to find out if God exists we must ask ourselves if there is a reason we would be on earth and God would not be here. Then we would take the answers to that question and would see if logic says that it is true or if logic says the other side is true. It is very logical that we would be separated from God because God must be benevolent for him to exist. If you want to go study a little bit of Theology and then come back it would save me from typing a book so God is benevolent and God loves us enough to give us a chance to keep our souls by putting us on Earth the only caveat is that we must prepare our soul to be able to face God and not be destroyed because of benevolent God Must Destroy sin or evil if it becomes face with it Just sitting with the logic on both sides neither side wins until you apply the Bible I was an atheist for my entire life until I read the Bible a few years ago the Bible actually provides all of the logic needed to be able to prove that God does exist and it tips the scale into God's favor
@oishi2637 2 дня назад
Can even a single rational person tell me how the universe was created? I bet you can't
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
The Big Bang
@schmetterling4477 8 часов назад
Relativity. Your move, child. ;-)
@funkesarumi 3 дня назад
This is devil talking
@schmetterling4477 8 часов назад
Which one? We created so many of them. ;-)
@Seraphim33AD 3 дня назад
How unfortunate Sam has never experienced something supernatural. That’s what made me a believer.
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
Did you experience it? Or just something mundane you assumed was supernatural?
@schmetterling4477 8 часов назад
You didn't, either. At most you experienced a malfunction of your brain.
@86godhand 3 дня назад
Yeah but arent the three major religions believe those same things. So…
@goncasaguiar9016 3 дня назад
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” ❤
@VoteTrumpsaveAmerica 3 дня назад
You clearly do not understand God or who he is. You need to study the Bible not just read it once. Children do not go to hell. The reason bad things happen is because we live in a fallen state and cursed world. God is so real and loves us all. If you truly understand this and realize that if u humble yourself and truly seek truth he will make sure you get truth. None of us are innocent. If you only look for reasons to disprove him he will also make sure you find those reasons.
@christianweber1347 4 дня назад
Not very convincing. Elementary arguments. Whiny resentful tone. Weird how all atheists sound more like they’re angry at god rather than not believing in god.
@christianweber1347 4 дня назад
Yes Sam nice job exposing the Jews!
@maseratiupgrades4363 4 дня назад
The sinner must stay 'short-sighted' in a self -induced blindness. So, needing to worship a false god to be lulled into a sense of protection from what may possibly lie in wait for him down the road ahead, he chooses as his own religion with it's own sin-compliant 'god', atheism and an atheist support group. He thus surrounds himself with lie-infested aphorisms of 'freedom of thought', 'freedom of ones own will', and 'science' which amounts to no more than limited idolatrous Greek Hellenism whereby various 'spirits' are, individually, in control of various observable phenomena. With the same Hellenistic thought scheme, scientific theories and hypotheses are the various names that, at least partially (and never fully) explain today's observable phenomena, are limited to partially explaining present and past phenomena but are not predictive of an unseen future. What follows is the self-trickery of the assiduous sinner in arriving at the irrational conclusion that the claimed future event (a prison-hell for the God of all's rejecting sinners), unsupportable by a biased selection of present observable phenomena, is not to be entertained and is completely ruled out! Simply put, just because a future event cannot be proved in the present does not mean that it will not occur!.
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
But why should we assume it will?
@maseratiupgrades4363 День назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 There is a promise of great benefit and no down-side risk in assuming it, if it were to occur; and only bad for those who don't assume it.
@eddyeldridge7427 День назад
@@maseratiupgrades4363 That is demonstrably false for many reasons. For example, all the bigotry and hatred committed in the name of this promise. Ruining and ending lives, the only lives we get, in preparation for a second one that isn't coming. How is that not a bad thing? Do you simply not care?
@maseratiupgrades4363 День назад
​@@eddyeldridge7427 Unfortunately, Hypocrisy is everywhere on both sides of the fence. However, self-deprecation by not being true to ones own pet argument is doubly damaging when the argument is not rational. This brings us to the same rational assertion: 'Simply put, just because a future event cannot be proved in the present does not mean that it will not occur!.'
@eddyeldridge7427 День назад
@@maseratiupgrades4363 Why should we prepare for your scary future? Why can't I just make up an even scarier future that can only be avoided by not accepting religion?
@NightmareRex6 5 дней назад
"god" lied to me when bible says "you will move mountains" yet i cant even command a bottle to stop wasting out! becuase of the CRAPPY physics engine!
@NightmareRex6 5 дней назад
be a good steward????? I CANT with the phsycs engine crappy like that!
@CrusadeOfDesire 4 дня назад
Awful bait.
@emgtexas 3 дня назад
Praying for you a lot of the Bible is metaphors
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
​@@emgtexas Is God only a metaphor?
@emgtexas День назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 no, that isn’t what I said. The Bible is full of metaphors like “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” nobody is actually comforting him with a rod and a staff, but it’s a metaphor showing god is always with him. That’s one example.
@jossslin 5 дней назад
All I’ll say is this. Some people have been chosen by God to do certain things. Some of them are remarkable jobs. But nobody is a remarkable person. I know this because many amazing things have been done by unremarkable people. If God is real, then our lives on earth aren’t a spec of sand in the desert when it comes to our existence. This life is a constant test. Ever heard the quote, the good die young? And the other quote, die a hero, or live ling enough to become a villain? These are true. We think as premature death as evil, but what if living forever is a punishment, and going to heaven early is a reward? I don’t think we are fully capable of understanding the divine concept/reality of time and existence .. at all!
@JusticeZammert 5 дней назад
This man is a genius.
@sean_patsfield925 5 дней назад
I was raised Christian, specifically baptist. Growing up, it was Jesus or nothing and I always took the Bible at face value. But, after 5 years in the Marines traveling the world and seeing all kinds of stuff, good and bad, I don’t know anymore. My old religion doesn’t make sense. Actually, every religion doesn’t. This is a fantastic speech.
@michaelbabb6504 3 дня назад
Hey Sean I’m a Christian and since you seem on the edge I wanna just talk to you about Jesus. I don’t know what your church life was like but, for me personally it was full of people who seemed hypocritical. I would hear them say Jesus is LORD and then for the most part just ignore Him until church next week. The point I’m trying to make is don’t follow other Christian’s they are hypocrites me included. We all fall short of the glory of God. So that’s why it is most important to read the word of God see the life of Jesus those are what Christianity is about. And as for what he said in the videos where in the Bible does it describe what happens to those who have not heard the word of God. I do not know what happens to them. The Bible never states what happens in that case. However what I do know is that God is fair he is not going to let anyone go to hell without a faire shot at heaven. And when it comes to children dying Jesus gave his life for what? So that we could enter his kingdom. He did not come to save us on this world but instead to save us in the next. So when people ask why do kids die of cancer. I say I do not know and that is the truth. But I then say God did not provide a cure for cancer but he did provide a cure to death. He goes the step further to those children who died they are in heaven. Father in heaven bless Sean do not let him fall away from you. Father work your will in his life bring him back into your loving embrace, bless him and his family in Jesus’s name amen. God bless you in your life Sean.
@eddyeldridge7427 2 дня назад
​@@michaelbabb6504 Can you even prove Jesus existed?
@michaelbabb6504 День назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 there are a lot of arguments for the existence of Jesus if you want evidence I would watch the movie case for Christ. That will do a better job than I can of laying out the evidence. But for me it only partially the facts that brought me to Christ. When I took the first steps of following the teachings of Christ and seeing how they affected my attitude that’s when I started to believe. Because he saved me from porn addiction mainly. Not proud of it but it did happen. And when I followed Christ’s teachings I was delivered from that. And that was all the proof I needed. So eddy I would say read the gospels and try to live them out for like a week or so. And if nothing happens inside of you that’s the proof you need against Christ. But I am confident that you will change for the better. I pray that you read the gospels and that the Holy Spirit with you introduces you to Jesus Christ for he provides peace in the storms of life, he gives a promise that whatever you go through the father will reward you in heaven. Amen.
@DanielMarius-k5j 6 дней назад
100 % truth !!!!
@lilgrasshoppa9263 6 дней назад
This video explains good points I’m not religious bc I think science can explain everything and if we don’t have answers to something now we will eventually get it. I don’t believe in some fairy tale that tells me I need to praise some man who allows people to suffer daily allowed for slaves allowed for children to die. I feel like religion was just a way to explain existence to humans who didn’t understand science and that was the best possible explanation at the time and if I’m not mistaken I think it was the church that threw Galileo in jail bc he said we revolve around the sun.
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
Religion wasn't created to explain things. Judaism, in particular, came out of the loss of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel to foreign invaders. It is a political construct, not a prescientific one. Even a cursory read of the OT will tell you that it's all about politics. That politics doesn't exist any longer. Any political advantage that the Jewish people might have wanted to achieve by believing in their god is completely irrelevant today.
@gyanprakashraj4062 7 дней назад
180😂😂😂+ IQ HU MAIN...😂😂😂
@crossgilliland7280 7 дней назад
I pray you all dont believe this rhetoric and blasphemy, this man uses highly inflated generalizations and manipulation to affect the minds of those hes speaking to. Simole tactics like tone of voice and shaping his entire argument around only his view of religion stating it like its fact the man himself has never orovided evidence against the existence of god, only cherry picking out of context scripture and making up moral dilemmas to manipulate you
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
Let me give you some attention, then. It's clear that god isn't giving you enough. :-)
@crossgilliland7280 6 дней назад
@@schmetterling4477 your reply is riddled with self righteousness, and ignorance which would most likely explain the lack of meaningful relationships in your life I pray you find peace and love
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
@@crossgilliland7280 If you pray for me, then I will think for you. God knows you need all the support in the thinking department that you can get. ;-)
@crossgilliland7280 6 дней назад
@@schmetterling4477 you claim in starved for attention yet you insult me to gain the attention of others reading these comments my God provides me with the ability to value you, someone who chastises me and vilifies my beliefs while everyone sees what your God does for you. You are hateful and rude for no other reason besides making yourself feel better. I pity you brother
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
@@crossgilliland7280 I wasn't rude to you. I noticed that you were lonely and I was paying attention to you. Now it is pretty clear why you are such a failure in the interpersonal relationship department. You can not take yes for an answer. :-)
@Gabe9412 8 дней назад
He says there is no evidence that hell exists and then he lists the historical documentation of Jesus saying hell exists (biblical evidence)
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
The bible contains a talking donkey. Books with talking animals in them are fairytale books. ;-)
@fruitfuI 8 дней назад
“Bad things happen so God isn’t real!! Wahh!!” What a joke. He argues from emotion like a 12 year old girl
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
No, bad things happen so any god that may exist is automatically a psychopath who isn't stepping in to prevent them. :-)
@fruitfuI 6 дней назад
@@schmetterling4477 30 iq moment
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
@@fruitfuI You are overestimating yourself. :-)
@fruitfuI 6 дней назад
@@schmetterling4477 that argument has been debunked. You aren’t destroying 2,000 years of theology with “why bad stuff happen waahhhh”. Not even worth my time
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
@@fruitfuI Dude, you are lonely, the ladies don't give a frell about you and I am the only person who is talking to you. That seems like a no-brainer to me. Either you talk to me or you will be completely alone again. ;-)
@anthonycardinale5449 8 дней назад
Thank you for the analysis of narcissism in believing that God is good to me, but...
@deakander484 8 дней назад
Christ is King
@denaco7534 8 дней назад
The Bible teaches that salvation and eternal life come through faith in Jesus Christ, but it does not explicitly say that those raised in other religions automatically go to hell. A key verse is John 14:6, where Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This emphasizes that salvation is found in Christ, but it doesn’t provide detailed instructions on the fate of those who have not heard of or accepted Christ explicitly. The Bible also speaks of God's justice and mercy. For example, Romans 2:12-16 suggests that people will be judged based on what they know and their response to the truth they have been given, which implies some level of accountability for people who have not heard of Christ in the traditional sense. Ultimately, Christian theology leaves some of these questions open to interpretation, with various denominations offering different perspectives. Some emphasize the necessity of faith in Christ for salvation, while others focus on God's grace and justice for those who have not encountered the Christian faith in a meaningful way.
@FaithKeepers1 9 дней назад
As a christian, i love hearing opposing views. It's important to be open minded, that's how i went from atheist to a christian in the first place. You need to have your views challenged so you can find your own belief. The more opposing views i face, the more i research religion, history, science. The stronger a christian i become.
@stephs4647 2 дня назад
Could you share what helped your conversion? My bf doesn't believe but he's curious and asking questions
@FaithKeepers1 2 дня назад
@stephs4647 I really only started reading the bible out of curiosity at the time, as I'd never done so before. What really pushed me into believing it was the real history supporting the resurrection. What Josephus and Tacitus wrote (historians from the 1st century) their writings give credibility to the gosepls. Also what happened to the Apostles. The fact that they were willing to be put to death for believing what they did. To me, is just clear evidence that what they saw was the truth.
@FaithKeepers1 2 дня назад
A massive argument that non believers will say is that christianity is just something made up for power and control over people. When in reality, the apostles (and early church leaders for that matter) were persecuted for their belief, they gained no power at all, they suffered for what they believed. All of this just adds credibility that Jesus came back from the dead. The fact that the apostles, early church leaders and early Christians were persecuted and put to death for what they were saying. Let's not forget that christianity was illegal in the roman empire for its first 400 years
@nehemmanokaran9974 9 дней назад
Jesus Chrst is God !! may Jesus bless you . Satan uses many tricks to distract and to make ppl to go out of Jesus. Your salvation matters finaly after death . May God Jesus bless you ! Halelujah !1 old testament is situational !!
@John_the_Paul 10 дней назад
4:04 I mean… that’s the whole point of dying for our sins.
@josiaphus 11 дней назад
You can’t even complain about the death of children with no basis for morality.
@eddyeldridge7427 10 дней назад
The basis is empathy. Christianity has no basis because it's not about morality, it's about blind obedience.
@puddingpop6058 9 дней назад
​@eddyeldridge7427 where does it come from and why should it be accepted as objectively correct?
@eddyeldridge7427 9 дней назад
@@puddingpop6058 Where does what come from? Also, morality cannot be objective. Whether your god exists or not, it can only be inter subjective. Its a set of rules we jointly agree on. Simply insisting its objective because you think that somehow makes them stronger doesn't make any of that true.
@puddingpop6058 9 дней назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 yeah whatever murder is objectively wrong as are many other things. If someone thinks it's morally ok they are wrong.
@puddingpop6058 9 дней назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 where does morality come from?
@CommanderRusty-777 11 дней назад
As a Christian this video does not destroy the faith it's more aimed at the personal emotions and feelings of the viewer which is supposed to fuel anger and hatred to God. This video just says God Is Evil which he is not if you read 1st Corinthians 13:4 you'll see that God is the embodiment of love. 0:34 and actually there are Witnesses who had a post death experience and almost went to hell you can search it on RU-vid and watch their testimonies about it if you're interested also the Bible describes hell as separation from God which means that everything good is not existent everything god is isn't there. 2:03 Yes a lot of children die every minute in this world but God is righteous but do you really think that he will send these children to hell if he is love?? And at one point most of the people will have the chance to find Jesus if they seek the truth like in India also there are Missionaries posted all over the world trying to spread the gospel to these people. Jesus even says the truth will set you free. In John 14:6 he says he's the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through him. 6:21 Also Christianity does not oppose slavery or killing non-believers Jesus teaches that we should pray for our enemies and Forgive Them also part of slavery is aimed at the part where Israelites we're in captivity of the Egyptians were they were the slaves. A lot has changed through the New Testament let's take the rule eye for an Eye a tooth for a tooth instead we as Christians are suppose to give the other cheek if someone hits us.
@CommanderRusty-777 11 дней назад
And remember we as humans have free will which god gave us when he created us and after Adam and Eve were cast out of paradise sin came through Satan since then Satan has been the ruler of this world but remember God is supreme. Evil does not come from God it comes from the devil which is often spread through people who made Satan their god. Satan is the embodiment of hate and pride which effects good people. And through our free will God has limited his power and that's why he does not directly steps into our lives and just does his will that would interfere with our free will. So we as humans have to make a decision follow Jesus Christ or follow the world.
@eddyeldridge7427 10 дней назад
Did Satan have free will?
@broad-meadow-sky 12 дней назад
I have watched all of the episodes of The Great Debate many many times. I don't tell you this for accolades. On the contrary. I tell you this so that you may understand my perspective and a bit of my educational background. I come prepared. I truly care, and I understand your rhetorical and philosophical stances, and your logical pathways, much better than you understand mine. Not said in pride. Prove me wrong.
@broad-meadow-sky 12 дней назад
Lawrence Krauss
@broad-meadow-sky 12 дней назад
Your disbelief does not qualify you as superior to one who does believe. That is merely a delusion interwoven through the web of constructs, preconceived notions, ideals and emotions that you identify with (your Ego). Some background info: I Have listened to most of the famous skeptics, and atheists. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc., etc., as well as atheistic scientists like Lawrence Krauss and Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and so many others. I have studied Jung, and Freud, Joseph Campbell, C.S Lewis, many of the great authors. I have studied many of the teachings of both western and eastern philosophers, I have watched a ton of the skeptic's speeches and debates. I have researched and analyzed many of their theories, as well as those of the great scientists and thinkers, and writers of the past. I fully understand the contemporary skeptic's perspectives, but they are incapable of understanding mine in their present state of self-assurance and egotism.
@eddyeldridge7427 12 дней назад
Why should anyone care what your perspective is? Sounds far more arrogant that you've made multiple comments under the impression anyone would care.
@broad-meadow-sky День назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 I knew you would not care, and that is a sign of your Arrogance, not mine. You didn't even humble yourself enough to pay attention, you child. Go away, and stop speaking, until you return with some respect on your lips, and after you have actually paid attention to what is being said. You have only proven yourself to be both incapable of communicating effectively, and to be a rude son of a bitch. Now you get ZERO Respect, until you have learned to show some respect. You have done nothing here, but proven my hypothesis to be Valid.
@broad-meadow-sky День назад
​@@eddyeldridge7427 Why should anyone care, you Narcissistic asshole? Well, maybe because I give a fuck, and I have solutions. Also, because it isn't about me, you arrogant child. Here are few questions to further gauge the magnitude of your indifference, you little prick: Did you graduate in the top of your class in Environmental Science? Did you study the entire planet, all of the countries, their histories, their wars, their culture and music? Did you work in nearly every industry? Do you know just about everyone in your city? Do you grow your own food and medicine? Do you recycle your plastic, and your waste? Have you been a preacher and educator for 20 years now? Did you train hundreds of women in a professional position as their Team Captain? Did you Help to educate and feed, and motivate the homeless? Are you a Soldier? This is just an introduction, so you understand. I have no need to gloat, but you do have a need of some time for Humbling yourself. You will never learn otherwise. I know, you don't care. We get it Bubba. Move on then, and don't make pointless, fruitless comments on my post. Have you studied philosophy, psychology, art history, Geology, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Theoretical Physics, Calculus, Statistics, Trig, Soil Remediation, Water Filtration, Soil Science, Permaculture, Agriculture, Sustainable farming, Closed-loop Recycling, Taoism, Economics, Computer Architecture, Architecture, Computer Science, Programming, Web Design, Theology, Buddhism, Christianity, Oncology, Physics, Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc., etc.? Have you owned your own online store? Have you put any of this into practice? Did you raise someone else's daughter for 7 years, and help her mother start a business with her own artwork, fulfilling her life's dream? Are you a storyteller and a songwriter? Are you a multi-instrumentalists, and a composer? Are you a Singer and a guitarist? Are you a Pianist, a Sound Engineer, a Producer? No, I doubt you have done any of these things. I doubt you are any of these things, but please do tell me if I am wrong. I will humble myself to accept I was wrong about you. Will you do the same? Probably not, right, because you are a self-centered egoist; that is apparent.
@broad-meadow-sky День назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 Some characteristics of egoists include: Believing they are superior to others in skill and intelligence Bullying or insulting others Being too self-centered to care about others
@broad-meadow-sky День назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 You see, you will never get anywhere thinking you are always right, and that you are superior to others. No matter your level of education, or life experience, you should always treat everyone with respect, and hear them out. You come at them hot, and they have a right to defend themselves. Come Correct, and we may actually achieve some level of success as a species; or at least as two individual Human Beings living their short little lives.
@tangomango1376 12 дней назад
Watched the whole thing and as a depressed Christian with a mustard seed of faith I must say Sam Harris quite literally made true talking points to the Islamic religious extremism that happens in other countries, the majority of Christians wouldn’t do close to half the sickening things those extremist have done. Religion has many cons due to peoples ignorance and own freewill, if we actually follow the basic simplest principles taught by Jesus then the world would be better off however there’s no stopping natural disasters and death because that is gonna happen no matter what therefore why is Christianity a problem in anyway especially in this current perverted society we live in…
@eddyeldridge7427 12 дней назад
And of Jesus's many teachings, which are you referring to?
@TheVictoryMomentum 7 дней назад
​@@eddyeldridge7427Jesus has lots of teachings to love each other, forgive, and pray for each other. Ofc, those might not be what he was talking about but im just telling you so you can have an answer. The world would already be a much better place just from following the 10 commandments alone.
@eddyeldridge7427 7 дней назад
@@TheVictoryMomentum You mean the commandments that couldn't say anything about slavery or SA because 4 needed to be devoted to saying how to worship God? Doesn't sound very moral.
@TheVictoryMomentum 7 дней назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 your denying the whole point i made in the first sentence. Would people that love each other do SA? And im saying the 10 commandments as a moral compass, you can just ignore the ones about how to worship Jesus if you really just want to see which ones are moral.
@TheVictoryMomentum 7 дней назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 following the commandments alone doesn't make you a good christian and have good morals. Being a christian is not even about religion, its a relationship with God.
@ryanbernier2930 13 дней назад
I've never believed in religion, but if god or jesus or the Holy Trinity because yall can't make up your damn mind if he was a spirit or human form and oh yea thats right mary the mother of jesus but didnt have intercourse with god to conceive jesus who is a spirit and also god bunch of wierdos like does that make any sence like seriously people, im definitely not the smartest person in the bunch but yall shit makes no sence like absolutely none
@tangomango1376 12 дней назад
I mean I don’t blame you however why not just follow the simple morals given from the Bible? Where’s the harm in that? Why so scared
@deakander484 8 дней назад
It's fine, the Holy Trinity is one of the hardest things to understand. God is one being that has three faces. The Father in Heaven. Jesus on Earth. And the Holy Spirit within each person.
@joemama70908 13 дней назад
3:01 the only reason people go to hell is because they choose to. We don’t go to the hell based off of who we believe in who we didn’t believe in we go to hell based off of the sins we committed. Romans 6:23 for the wage of sin is death. Death meaning spiritual death (hell). However, Christ is the antidote from this hence why people call it the good news
@richardgregory3684 13 дней назад
Not true, you don;t even know your own religion. Christianity says th eonly way to heaven is via Jesus. You HAVE to believe in him.
@joemama70908 13 дней назад
@@richardgregory3684 I don’t think you understood the comment. We don’t go to HELL for who we believe but we do go to heaven for who we believe. Everyone deserves judgement we’re not special just because we’re Christian but the reason we’re going to heaven is because we’re allowing Christ to pay for our sins vs letting ourselves perish
@richardgregory3684 12 дней назад
@@joemama70908 It's a laughably obvious scam, people are actually taken in by such nonsense?
@joemama70908 12 дней назад
@@richardgregory3684 I wouldn’t call it nonsense, if you died and rose from the dead I would listen to anything you have to say
@richardgregory3684 12 дней назад
@@joemama70908 Well no one ever has, it's just a story in a book of myths without the lsightest credible evidence for it ever happening. It's not even original, there are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of resurrection tales. Including many of a deity coming ot earth in human form, performign miracles, dying, resurrecting/ascending in their god form. Your bible isn;t even original!
@mmmmburgerz9442 13 дней назад
The amount of atheists is sky rocketing due to recent and past events. Good, people’s eyes are opening.
@Rob-c7p 13 дней назад
Who determines what is good?
@thichchuianti 12 дней назад
@@Rob-c7pno one
@deakander484 8 дней назад
I would argue there's a shift in the other direction actually, most people are finding their way to God and resisting Satan.
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
@@deakander484 So you didn't read the statistics, either. OK. Who cares what you didn't read. ;-)
@elo3640 13 дней назад
lol "sam harris demolishes christianity" he made the base neandrethal argument that "if God good why world bad" . lets assume there is no God, are there still 9 million children dying? are there still murder and disease? yes. Like, whats your point? that its wrong to believe that those children are in heaven right now? since when is a longing for righteousness and justice, something that should be demolished? Baffling.
@eddyeldridge7427 13 дней назад
It's called the problem of evil. If god can stop the suffering, but doesn't, he's not good. If he wants to stop it but can't, he's not powerful. If he wants to stop it and can, then why is there suffering? So, he's either evil, weak, or doesn't exist. Either way, not something to worship.
@elo3640 13 дней назад
@@eddyeldridge7427 You failed to understand my point: What benefit does the alternative secularist/atheistic perspective give you if all the ‘inherent evil qualities’ still exist? Nothing is the answer; if anything, it justifies the perceived ‘evil’ because this whole standard of good and evil is from a fairy book in which you don’t even believe in. Same reason the Declaration of Independence uses Creator and NOT government in this context: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Foolish.
@eddyeldridge7427 13 дней назад
@@elo3640 I understood your point, but I first needed you to understand the point I made. After you understand that, I can correct your next point. Unless you're unwilling to admit you could be wrong. Most xians can't sincerely do that.
@richardgregory3684 13 дней назад
@@elo3640 _What benefit does the alternative secularist/atheistic perspective give you if all the ‘inherent evil qualities’ still exist? Nothing is the answer_ Why would it have to give a benefit to be true? You are literally arguing that belief in god is justified because it makes people feel better. _if anything, it justifies the perceived ‘evil’ because this whole standard of good and evil is from a fairy book in which you don’t even believe in_ Secular moraility is based in reason, empathy and arrived at by debate and consensus. Christian moraility is simply "whatever god says it is". This includes exterminating whole tribes of people, including their children, because god ordering it renders it a good thing to do. _Same reason the Declaration of Independence uses Creator and NOT government in this context_ But that was written in the 18th century - so almost everyone was religious, and the existance of god in that soceity was accepted as a given. The Founding Fathers wanted to grant peopel rights from an authority that was higher than government, so they elected to say they came from god. At that time they would have considered that made that right untouchable, inalienable. The irony is that they were also rejecting the idea of an absolute monarch, a ruler who...claimed their authority came from god. The same god. LMAO.
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
@@elo3640 Well, for one thing humanists are not enslaving people and they aren't stoning their children to death for disobeying, either. I think those are very tangible benefits in favor of humanism. ;-)
@ColeCarden 13 дней назад
Did anyone expect anything less from the esteemed Sam Harris?
@BasketballGenises2 13 дней назад
@deakander484 8 дней назад
May God bless you brother
@schmetterling4477 6 дней назад
@@deakander484 He certainly didn't bless his keyboard. It's broken. ;-)
@CrusadeOfDesire 4 дня назад
You're pathetic.