Home of Panda_Sama_ on twitch, might upload VoDs of streams here maybe and clips of things too.
@khoinguyennguyen1790 2 месяца назад
gud vidddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
@shinudubla9168 4 месяца назад
❤ Good luck bro I got only 200
@tonbo4887 6 месяцев назад
One tapped her. This guy....
@steveg8707 6 месяцев назад
@RealmRecap 6 месяцев назад
damn, this game looks so good
@GLIEPNIR 8 месяцев назад
Yay for Ran and his fucking ability to ignore element disadvantage... And if you had the the EE with attack buff for Silver blade you could have won. Either way it was a gamble I feel... But yeah, Rng be Rng :/
@killer44444444444 8 месяцев назад
The elemental triangle is a lie, all units are secretly null element or ML LUL
@agearmaster1 8 месяцев назад
Nice Ken
@killer44444444444 8 месяцев назад
He really showed me who's the best
@Verfilgod146 Год назад
Hello, which character do you recommend in reroll? I'm new
@killer44444444444 Год назад
For the new player banner that gives you 30 chances at a set of 10 summons I would say anything is fine, the hunt web event gives Sigret, the Moonlight lobby thing gives Arby/STene for PVP and some PVE and you can manage with FSTieria from story for farming too though arby farms better. Otherwise probably either: Ravi/Iseria for units sound good or: Rod of amaralys for the artifact (probably another 1 or 2 artis but I don't remember them all in that pool)
@legoshi9918 Год назад
Zahhak big boi dablage
@Shiki0414 Год назад
That's some masterful thumbnail game
@steveg8707 Год назад
Heres a comment for you panda
@rex.raymond Год назад
One method I find really good vs Senya+Choux defenses is using Roana+ green dps + tank. Choux and Lua (if that's the 3rd ally) will not target your green dps. Whenever they counterattack, you heal. The tank is there to absorb all of the incoming damage including Choux's Fwooosh. If the 3rd unit is Clilias, Trozet is perfect light bait. For a green dps I use Zahhak. Landy could work as well, I just have mine built for PvE at the moment.
@killer44444444444 Год назад
Might give them a try at some point, mostly just worried that Senya will just get a good amount of reflect back and that ends up killing me XD
@agearmaster1 Год назад
@edenlelinger3346 Год назад
Who is the waifu in the background 😮
@killer44444444444 Год назад
the one one the side? It's Brinus
@malikabduljabbar7021 Год назад
Great vidio panda as usual, and new thing to learn, btw the reason your w.schuri resist that reset cooldown delibet was 30% er stats there.
@killer44444444444 Год назад
I just assume that most people would at least throw a LITTLE effectiveness on her considering the reset is sort of important LUL
@Shiki0414 Год назад
Fwoosh is 40% chance from s1 but rarely happens. 15% tho, elbris and rem counter on single atks happen way too much. Sg sus xD
@killer44444444444 Год назад
Right side luck or something I guess XD
@Shiki0414 Год назад
Yep Vio was the only non invincible unit so aol attacked him
@malikabduljabbar7021 2 года назад
I like the way you put mage fooder to make rem s2 passive procs, good strats there.
@Shiki0414 2 года назад
What server are you on, Panda-sama?
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
@nguyentruongnguyen2378 2 года назад
I like your videos. Try your best!
@kyrisns2594 2 года назад
A.Ravi is on proof of Valor and Trozet took all the damage for her so that's why she barely got a scratch.
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
3.3k damage from Straze FeelsBadMan
@malikabduljabbar7021 2 года назад
Woah nice vidios as usual panda, finally i haf a reason to build ainos.
@ashwininate179 2 года назад
Bad Videos
@salat8735 2 года назад
That's why I don't save ML summons...
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
Yeah, it's pretty sad honestly, but saving is slightly more worth in my case since 3* is more likely and I own them all so nice to have some in reserve for the next set XD
@anno0a 2 года назад
Awwww... This video made me sad 😅
@Shiki0414 2 года назад
She had extra 15 crit against Celine but yeah still shitty rng. That's one of her many weaknesses, another rng you need to avoid. That's a decent rework they could give her that wouldn't make her stupid broken. Give her the can't crit bonus atk passive. Don't have her, want her for thighs but no mystics
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
I have another plan for her that'll still be RNG but hopefully work a bit better that I might try and get built soon-ish, the only problem being that it'll only maybe work on bruisers and they get a little RES sometimes :/ GL on the 4-5* ML tickets though if you get any when that comes around, might get her then.
@Shiki0414 2 года назад
@@killer44444444444 thanks, good luck on yours, too
@Shiki0414 2 года назад
200 effres is nothing against a dedicated debuffer
@Shiki0414 2 года назад
And I don't know why you have violet on shepherd and riolet on mldb, ideally it should be reverse xD
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
Riolet was only just shoved on stuff for that last fight, he's not usually geared and I just like Shepard more on Violet so that if he gets a counter out he can do more damage on the S3 he starts with rather than only the S1's Also I get that 200 eff res is nothing but you would think it would at least do SOMETHING considering Doris managed to avoid one of the debuffs with 15%
@Shiki0414 2 года назад
@@killer44444444444 ah so it was intentional. I see. Coz 15% is op and sg rng is sus hahaha
@malikabduljabbar7021 2 года назад
Good luck man for next gvg, cause end of this season so near.
@malikabduljabbar7021 2 года назад
Woah counter straze + sigurd exist lmao
@malikabduljabbar7021 2 года назад
6* awaken for rimuru when panda?
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
Probably never considering he didn't work out too well, you gotta earn your stars
@agearmaster1 2 года назад
Git gud streamer!
@agearmaster1 2 года назад
Aww you nerf A lots only 240spd :(
@kaz5188 2 года назад
Panda has clairvoyance
@kaz5188 2 года назад
Love these videos with virtual avatar and commentary Pandaaaaa
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
Appreciate it :)
@agearmaster1 2 года назад
Try to have E7 on the title somehow. like: [your title] - EPIC SEVEN
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
@agearmaster1 2 года назад
@@killer44444444444 LOL
@heaflcif 2 года назад
Well if it isn't my man. How are you doing? I recently started clean on MapleStory, on EU Reboot. Reboot is great progresswise.
@killer44444444444 2 года назад
ayy it's been a while, I'm doing good thanks, just mostly streaming stuff on Twitch atm like E7 and Genshin. If I get in the mood for Maple again I might just try Reboot since I just kept making new chars on the normal server instead, I like the damage I get from having like all the classes at 60ish XD. Hope you're doing good too
@heaflcif 2 года назад
@@killer44444444444 Great to hear! I played quite a bit of Genshin myself :). Now I'm just waiting untill theres a ton of content out to play again on Genshin. I'm doing better than in my teens definitely (back then) XD. Got my bachelor in teaching.
@shadowNooob 11 лет назад
what do proficiencies do? help u upgrade ur abilities?
@redsunz17 12 лет назад
hi there,how do i get the smithing skills?
@wakanzeee46 12 лет назад
shu 4 is also good
@TheKirbycog 12 лет назад
Add me on psn : Onioppa
@CrownedGaming 12 лет назад
lol GG. Radiant sphere always wins the day.
@rezzaman55 12 лет назад
what does proficiency even do?
@MrMochiman4 12 лет назад
@Lillithmon well i have orochi x so :P
@MrMochiman4 12 лет назад
@Lillithmon its a lot more time tho
@Videogamefreak16 13 лет назад
i need more friends who play this >_> too few play this awesome game
@toptonychick 13 лет назад
Good work, Joe!
@PurpleVWasabi 13 лет назад
The easiest way to max bonds is by using you sworn allies. GT:TASHIOX7
@PurpleVWasabi 13 лет назад
The easiest way to max you bond is by playing with your sworn allies. If you need help GT:TASHIROX7
@toptonychick 13 лет назад
Good work, Joe!
@toptonychick 13 лет назад
Great work, Joe!
@toptonychick 13 лет назад
Great work, Joe!