Sohn Jee
Sohn Jee
Sohn Jee
Hi! My name is Sohn Jee. The purpose of this channel is to foster a better understanding of ourselves and others. By knowing ourselves we learn more and ascend higher towards acceptance of self and our community. Join me and let’s grow together.

If you would like private life coaching, live face to face communication, personal oracle, and/or tarot readings: www.sohnjee.com.

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@13DarkMelody 11 часов назад
These dudes just need Jodi Arias in their lives 😂😂😂
@13DarkMelody 11 часов назад
Also,he has the phantom ex syndrome where he acts like he’s still not over a heartbreak from over four years ago that he caused by being an asshole. And it wasn’t even a serious relationship. He was a kid & it was on again off again. He told me in an angry text during one of our arguments that this whole time he didn’t even see our relationship as official. I retorted,”That how your ex felt! He also says that he doesn’t do relationships & I said that he never has & he says that that’s not true😂 Who the Hell lets their adolescent children live with their boyfriends/girlfriends ??? No wonder he’s messed up. He acts like the stress from the breakup caused his schizophrenic break when it was meth. Pathetic. Why would he beg for her back but not me??? He’s more indirect & cautious with me.
@13DarkMelody 12 часов назад
I dated the son of a friend that I grew up with & he was so nervous & shy that as he lifted my hand to his lips to kiss my hand he was shaking. I know I am intimidating, for many men have told me this fact. My uncle is a Cancer& his wife is a Scorpio & they have been together for over 20 years now & it is a great marriage! In the beginning our relationship was great! But…I blew up on him after discovering that he had tried contacting his ex,his only other girlfriend in his life from school times,who wants absolutely nothing to do with him,also a Scorpio btw. I think he was feeling abandoned maybe because I was not paying enough attention to him. Who knows? He is also a meth addict who has the most bizarre mother son enmeshment relationship that I have ever seen in my life. She is also an addict who enables his addiction! He has schizo affective disorder. He got sober on his own when we first got together with a few brief relapses here & there but he was basically thriving! He was so attentive,loving,cuddly,apologetic,clingy,we had sex more frequently the more well that he got,his friends love me & these are friends he’s had since grade school! But after I seen his message to his ex which she sent me screenshots of & him smoking meth,I slapped him on the back of the head in a fit of rage. He didn’t message her anything dirty,but still it was disrespectful to me regardless. His ex gave me a list of why she broke up with him. He was so hurt by my blow up that he blocked me on everything except Snapchat. Then he inched closer & closer to me over the winter. We reconciled briefly for two nights & two days just for him to flip a switch & give me the silent treatment on my birthday. His friends were so disappointed when we broke up & tried getting yo back together. I gave him a second chance this spring & he moved back in this summer but he had changed. He was still using so his mood swings were off the charts. He is a fearful avoidant thanks to his addict parents,and it greatly affects his hot & cold behavior after being triggered. The night before we broke up he thought that I was cheating on him when I just went for a short drive to meditate. He was all mopey & asked if I was out playing paddy cake cause he woke up & I was gone. He looked so sad. But he cared. And I loved him. The sober kind & emotional him. But this weird addict that acts as if he is possessed & who talks to walls.😢 All he cares about is his mom. He treats her like a girlfriend & it’s weird. Blows up her phone,shows up at her work multiple times,follows her everywhere & has meltdowns if she needs a break from him but we all know that happens she withholds drugs from him. He has no friends except a few of his sober childhood friends who are with me on supporting his sobriety. When we got back together he rejected me three times when I tried to have sex with him,the third time it turned into an argument & he left for a few days. We never spent time together anymore,he was standoffish,left before I woke up or while I was at work & didn’t return til I went to bed or was going to bed. At first we slept together & cuddled but then after the fight when he came back he slept downstairs or on the other side of the bed with his clothes on facing away from me. I could sense that he was holding a grudge against me & was punishing me by withholding sex & affection. I caught him self pleasuring multiple times & the night we fought about sex he was on top & suddenly he got this blank sad look on his face & said,”I don’t know”, which is never good when he says it & I asked what was wrong & he said,”I don’t want to”. Then he told me that he like girls & that I’m a woman. That really girly girls turn him on. I am kind of a tomboy but still feminine & his ex is the same. Then I remember her telling me that porn was a problem & that he chose porn & self pleasure over intimacy with her. His friends told me that he cheated on her. She told me that he messaged other girls but right after the breakup. She said he would scream at her if he thought that she was flirting when she wasn’t,that he criticized her about her appearance,that she gave up friends,hobbies & jobs because of him,that she spent all of her time & money on him. I heard from friends that she complained that she wanted to spend more time with him cause he spent most of his time with his friends but one friend says she broke up with my ex cause he was too clingy. After she dumped him he showed up at her work & house but when we broke up he leaned avoidant the first time but anxious the second time & now he is deactivating again leading avoidant. He’s a dumpster fire for sure & if he fucks with me I will stamp him out. But he comes back for more. He wants to be friends but then wants to be together. Then we broke up & he acts like my friend & acted like a roommate the second time round. He has like 30 fake profile scanners on his friends list on facebook that he’s never done before on any of his accounts like he’s super desperate. He told our friends that I am the most beautiful woman he’s been with & that you’d think someone that beautiful will never come into your life & that he feels inadequate & felt rejected. He’s also jealous of my ex who I run back to whenever my cancer & I break up so I think he’s upset about that. Currently he moved back into this meth motel with his mom uptown. We didn’t even breakup. He just went there. After he said he was coming home & that was in September. He’s all nice to me one day & then acts like I don’t matter the next. He says it’s a big deal to him how his addiction enabling mother is being treated by these abusive loser addict men that she keeps choosing like it’s his job to protect her when she couldn’t protect him. She prioritizes these boyfriends over her son who feels abandoned. And I’m like well what about how I’m being treated??? Last time we hung out I asked him if he was lifting weights & I felt his arms & he said,”If you want me that bad just tell me”. I patted him on his head & told him,”Just because a woman is being nice to you does not mean that she wants you”. He used to tell me if I don’t like it then he doesn’t like it. We are inseparable,a team he said,he was my best friend,my side kick. He was so worried about being fat because he ate in place of the meth. I love him shy & cute & emotional but this thing is not my ex. It’s some demon. And I am disgusted by it. He asked me to go for a walk & I said,”Why would I want to do that”? I’ve ditched him,I’ve yelled at him & called him names etc but he keeps coming back for more. If he wants to play games we play by my rules & I have no mercy & no remorse so it’s game on. I have no shame. I will prey on that weakness. 😊
@13DarkMelody 12 часов назад
I dated the son of a friend that I grew up with & he was so nervous & shy that as he lifted my hand to his lips to kiss my hand he was shaking. I know I am intimidating, for many men have told me this fact. My uncle is a Cancer& his wife is a Scorpio & they have been together for over 20 years now & it is a great marriage! In the beginning our relationship was great! But…I blew up on him after discovering that he had tried contacting his ex,his only other girlfriend in his life from school times,who wants absolutely nothing to do with him,also a Scorpio btw. I think he was feeling abandoned maybe because I was not paying enough attention to him. Who knows? He is also a meth addict who has the most bizarre mother son enmeshment relationship that I have ever seen in my life. She is also an addict who enables his addiction! He has schizo affective disorder. He got sober on his own when we first got together with a few brief relapses here & there but he was basically thriving! He was so attentive,loving,cuddly,apologetic,clingy,we had sex more frequently the more well that he got,his friends love me & these are friends he’s had since grade school! But after I seen his message to his ex which she sent me screenshots of & him smoking meth,I slapped him on the back of the head in a fit of rage. He didn’t message her anything dirty,but still it was disrespectful to me regardless. His ex gave me a list of why she broke up with him. He was so hurt by my blow up that he blocked me on everything except Snapchat. Then he inched closer & closer to me over the winter. We reconciled briefly for two nights & two days just for him to flip a switch & give me the silent treatment on my birthday. His friends were so disappointed when we broke up & tried getting yo back together. I gave him a second chance this spring & he moved back in this summer but he had changed. He was still using so his mood swings were off the charts. He is a fearful avoidant thanks to his addict parents,and it greatly affects his hot & cold behavior after being triggered. The night before we broke up he thought that I was cheating on him when I just went for a short drive to meditate. He was all mopey & asked if I was out playing paddy cake cause he woke up & I was gone. He looked so sad. But he cared. And I loved him. The sober kind & emotional him. But this weird addict that acts as if he is possessed & who talks to walls.😢 All he cares about is his mom. He treats her like a girlfriend & it’s weird. Blows up her phone,shows up at her work multiple times,follows her everywhere & has meltdowns if she needs a break from him but we all know that happens she withholds drugs from him. He has no friends except a few of his sober childhood friends who are with me on supporting his sobriety. When we got back together he rejected me three times when I tried to have sex with him,the third time it turned into an argument & he left for a few days. We never spent time together anymore,he was standoffish,left before I woke up or while I was at work & didn’t return til I went to bed or was going to bed. At first we slept together & cuddled but then after the fight when he came back he slept downstairs or on the other side of the bed with his clothes on facing away from me. I could sense that he was holding a grudge against me & was punishing me by withholding sex & affection. I caught him self pleasuring multiple times & the night we fought about sex he was on top & suddenly he got this blank sad look on his face & said,”I don’t know”, which is never good when he says it & I asked what was wrong & he said,”I don’t want to”. Then he told me that he like girls & that I’m a woman. That really girly girls turn him on. I am kind of a tomboy but still feminine & his ex is the same. Then I remember her telling me that porn was a problem & that he chose porn & self pleasure over intimacy with her. His friends told me that he cheated on her. She told me that he messaged other girls but right after the breakup. She said he would scream at her if he thought that she was flirting when she wasn’t,that he criticized her about her appearance,that she gave up friends,hobbies & jobs because of him,that she spent all of her time & money on him. I heard from friends that she complained that she wanted to spend more time with him cause he spent most of his time with his friends but one friend says she broke up with my ex cause he was too clingy. After she dumped him he showed up at her work & house but when we broke up he leaned avoidant the first time but anxious the second time & now he is deactivating again leading avoidant. He’s a dumpster fire for sure & if he fucks with me I will stamp him out. But he comes back for more. He wants to be friends but then wants to be together. Then we broke up & he acts like my friend & acted like a roommate the second time round. He has like 30 fake profile scanners on his friends list on facebook that he’s never done before on any of his accounts like he’s super desperate. He told our friends that I am the most beautiful woman he’s been with & that you’d think someone that beautiful will never come into your life & that he feels inadequate & felt rejected. He’s also jealous of my ex who I run back to whenever my cancer & I break up so I think he’s upset about that. Currently he moved back into this meth motel with his mom uptown. We didn’t even breakup. He just went there. After he said he was coming home & that was in September. He’s all nice to me one day & then acts like I don’t matter the next. He says it’s a big deal to him how his addiction enabling mother is being treated by these abusive loser addict men that she keeps choosing like it’s his job to protect her when she couldn’t protect him. She prioritizes these boyfriends over her son who feels abandoned. And I’m like well what about how I’m being treated??? Last time we hung out I asked him if he was lifting weights & I felt his arms & he said,”If you want me that bad just tell me”. I patted him on his head & told him,”Just because a woman is being nice to you does not mean that she wants you”. He used to tell me if I don’t like it then he doesn’t like it. We are inseparable,a team he said,he was my best friend,my side kick. He was so worried about being fat because he ate in place of the meth. I love him shy & cute & emotional but this thing is not my ex. It’s some demon. And I am disgusted by it. He asked me to go for a walk & I said,”Why would I want to do that”? I’ve ditched him,I’ve yelled at him & called him names etc but he keeps coming back for more. If he wants to play games we play by my rules & I have no mercy & no remorse so it’s game on. I have no shame. I will prey on that weakness. 😊
@divreenable 22 часа назад
I feel like scorpio amd aries don't event notice eachother until they become sexual and then their in it for the long haul 😂
@kamekapayne1063 2 дня назад
I’m a Capricorn woman & Hes a Capricorn man he does not use words he observes and is a doer,he likes to see growth and ambition in his woman.He likes to provide it makes him feel powerful,he likes compliments abut his looks and may come of insecure hes not he likes reassurance to stay fly.His credit is good and he will always want more.
@NoelLapere-c7t 3 дня назад
Girl! Earth sign females, run from Pisces men!!!! They are effen crazy!!!!
@prairierosetarot9 5 дней назад
@lynmeji 6 дней назад
All true. I am needing to rid myself of one right now. And I am a Cancer woman but I’m all the good in relationship with all the bad. Evil. For real. Some may be good I just NEVER met one
@feliciajenkins2406 8 дней назад
It took my Virgo man less than a month to say he loved me. We vibed together instantly but I also think the time he took working on himself and not dating for nearly 3 years, got him prepared for me. I am truly appreciative of that to be honest! He’s such a beautiful human being! Ur took me to say it first, but damn I had no shame because it’s truly how he had made me feel, so I was a bit nervous and kind of embarrassed to say it, but I had to be honest either way myself and with him…. Have absolutely no regrets about it either ❤️🙏🏽💪🏽
@IsaacAbraham-cz8rf 8 дней назад
That’s a lie by a Capricorn Capricorn is a good person
@MandyCarey-gf4iy 11 дней назад
Yay!! 23 of october
@DJSTOEK 12 дней назад
@TracyNewton-q3b 13 дней назад
My taurus friend is so yummy.who ever gets him,well,i will be checking her out,lol.
@Professional_Nobody 13 дней назад
It’s all about if your asc and DESC line up. I’m sag female, taurus sun in my 7th, my Jupiter in his 7th, it’s a match, babies
@divreenable 14 дней назад
If a scorpio male is playing too hard to get is it just over ? Or is that them trying to get back at you ???? Im confused as an aries
@TheJaiNetwork 16 дней назад
As a Virgo, you want space? Ohhhh be careful what you wish for, you might just get it...Blocked
@aniciaramcharan4549 17 дней назад
No scorpio can't get into my head😂😂
@diamondjohnson8869 20 дней назад
I feel so bad for y’all my man don’t dooo none of these things like genuinely he love everything abt me and if I ask him for advice he loveees to put his input but he not rude if he don’t have nun nice to say he won’t say it even if he mad idk maybe cos he got a Scorpio moon but I feel bad for yallll😭
@nkemazikiwe6629 21 день назад
4 months in he wants to know where I am, what I'm doing, and y. Where I am going and with whom. And when he calls, oh boy. He wants to go on vacation with me already. I am a pisces lady. Yes, he does take good care of me.
@sunlight947 22 дня назад
you are reading all this from bustle site right? i just read that page. same words
@johnjohnson-cn5lw 22 дня назад
Her voice is so nerve racking… cause get to the point🤦🏾‍♀️
@SabinaRusu-mg5ym 23 дня назад
What about pisces-aries cusp and another piesces-aries cusp?
@Aventurine. 23 дня назад
This Taurus guy I’m talking to is perfect, he’s just a little shorter than my usual type 😂❤ I love your personality, you are hilarous. Thank you for the insight
@HermitGod369 23 дня назад
I think cancers should date in there later years. It reminds me of capricorn being born mature then naturally cancer are born immaturely because they say we switch roles as we get old. So whatever age you think a capricorn is when they are born thats the age cancer will mature .
@NkengeRice 23 дня назад
Cancer ♋🦀 Dead A$$, spot on
@monikas1113 23 дня назад
Humanitarian? Nah, my father is na aqua and he's far from being humanitarian.
@MsShaw-xn1qo 24 дня назад
That voice don’t be extra otherwise very nice
@MaryElizabeth-g1b 25 дней назад
@kalonjeebless 25 дней назад
Capricorn ♑️ 🐐 will likely be part of the 3
@777filippos 26 дней назад
Thanks for the info 🙂
@lovemessages92 26 дней назад
Yeah they are so complicated lol I've met 2 they playing pull and push ahahaha. If you don't have patience you will just giving up on them 🤣
@capturedmoments1101 27 дней назад
Perfect! I'm a Virgo and my Taurus guy is soooo amazing! He's so perfect. I compliment his needs and he compliments mine.. I really can't imagine that a guy like him will love me like he does... And meeen! we got together like after 9 days we've known each other 🤣🤣🤣
@Aventurine. Месяц назад
I love your energy 😂❤
@regiesama934 Месяц назад
You are true
@ronaldtaylor51 Месяц назад
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 all this negativity how do you negative commenters act? What did y’all do?
@ronaldtaylor51 Месяц назад
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 all this negativity how do you negative commenters act? What did y’all do?
@chizu1111 Месяц назад
haha loved the energy. Taurus here❤
@sarisari6299 Месяц назад
6 years 😂
@genetterichard9934 Месяц назад
My son is a libra and I would never be with him if i was not his mom libras are lazy and users
@manofsonNebille Месяц назад
I am a man
@manofsonNebille Месяц назад
I dont do that things
@manofsonNebille Месяц назад
No they dont
@manofsonNebille Месяц назад
I am a man ok thake you
@manofsonNebille Месяц назад
I sìsster god son here the truth and liegh
@orridgenalcurlsncoir9253 Месяц назад
There's a reason they named a deadly disease 'cancer'.
@TheLOOKSGirl Месяц назад
I guess my Taurus lied to me he said that he loved me spends a lot of time call me frequently but he’s tight and cheap isn’t consistent doesn’t communicate at all so I’m confused
@dwaynejackson2967 Месяц назад
Saggittarius should be mumber two...because you can't do you when you with somebody else, selfish asf
@deborahbrenizer5617 Месяц назад
On point. It's been 7 years. We got to the point where we r past the u r my buddy. Yes capricorn loves hard,loves support, I give him that but he is not use to it. Together we r a powerful couple.
@Im_deesh_ Месяц назад
I don’t be wanting to check n ask the ppl around me how they’re doin 🤦🏽‍♀️ i really don’t like to get into emotions esp if im not supposed to fix it . I can listen but what if they always expect it . I like to be in my own word not to offend but ion want to talk about ppl problems cuz i disable them when i do . Aries ⬆️ Aquarius 🌙 Capricorn ☀️ #19 I can barly deal with any sign cusp included 🤦🏽‍♀️