sometimes i make things
@yukishi3975 4 часа назад
I want to get help but my parents keep telling me to stop acting like I have some kind of disorder as an excuse to be lazy…
@sasha9916 9 часов назад
"You have absolutely nothing to work with, no notes, no fundation, you're running out of time, you're running out of time..." It hurts me so much, that's exactly what I'm going through and struggling with.
@lotuseater97 11 часов назад
Everyday. This happens to me everyday yet everyone in my family even my school teacher says that I'm just distracted and that's it and that there's nothing wrong with me, but I know I do so bad and no one would believe me, and I can't even get a diagnosis... :(
@neversaw 13 часов назад
The overstimulation i got from this video holy hell
@zakariaarif2647 13 часов назад
This short movie, literally appears in time, when this effect hit me the hardest.
@PowerFanFr 18 часов назад
as someone with adhd, this is probably the most relatble thing i have ever seen.
@Cathy-py2bk 19 часов назад
I’ve tried college for 4 years (2 @ a 4 year and 2 @ a community college).. still am. I want to do stem but the math and science exhaust me. I’ve failed courses, bc I don’t study and do the work everyday. The easy classes (general ed) I passed. I’m on adderall now. I don’t know how people get their degrees. I’m thinking of just doing business administration just cause I can talk to people easy and the one business class I took, I passed easily with an A. But I get jealous of people that graduated in engineering.. community college is definitely better than a 4 year, smaller classes… but wow, ppl who can consistently do school work.. I have to feel pressured to do it. I would love to hear y’all advice
@xoxotous4814 20 часов назад
Wow this was triggering
@Jade-hl2cf 22 часа назад
I used to think everyone felt like this
@monerahh_ День назад
i relate to all of these, idk if i have adhd tho, i camt just self diagnose myself, but how will i tell my mom?
@simphonix День назад
i have adhd ive got a few close friends but all the rest just uses my kindness i just found out yesterday its just hard to explain i forget everything teachers getting mad getting frustrated trwoing things around the room mom getting mad cuz i broken something it feels like im in and infinaite loop of boredom stress axiety disapointment ive been taking meds tehy barely help working day and night on a singular assigment all of that stuff most of the time i dont know whats happening sometimes i question my existens all i do is disapoint people
@aliene0110 День назад
"and you're reading a sentence" that repetition hurts my head so much 😭😭 but i relate to it, especially when I'm taking an exam, reading it over and over again but even if i keep repeating it in my head, it just won't make sense at all
@TDavis_333 День назад
Hhmmm, an uncomfortable but accurate depiction of ADHD that suddenly turned into a drug ad!
@Editz_ForYou. День назад
I hate it when people think that adhd is just being dumb. Im a giftrd girl but i have all symptoms of adhd. I related to this video so much! No one thinks i have adhd just because im smart. They dont understabd that ADHD doesnt have the word dumb wth it! Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder DOESNT mean dumb!!
@Samilaughs День назад
2:18 When the alarm brings you back to the video…
@CloneUnit-sq2vs 2 дня назад
This exact problem is why I'm failing college. I cant learn in lecture and keep track of myself outside of it. My college just cut my aid I now no longer can pay for college and my professors don't understand or know how to accomodate for me and neither do I. Amphetamines haven't worked the past few years I've tried them I'm maxed out now for bodyweight again on my meds and idk what to do.
@BrownGeorge-pw2xo 2 дня назад
I suffered severe anxiety and mental disorder 18 years ago as a teenage. Got diagnosed with ADHD. Spent my whole life fighting ADHD. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
@Ronkaja День назад
Congrats on your recovery. Most persons never realizes psilocybin can be used as a miracle medication to save lives. Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here.
@JanetRichardson-mq5es День назад
Can you help me with the reliable source 🙏. I'm 56 and have suffered for years with addiction, anxiety and severe ptsd, I got my panic attacks under control myself years ago and they have come back with a vengeance, I'm constantly trying to take full breaths but can't get the full satisfying breath out, it's absolutely crippling me, i live in Australia. I don't know much about these mushrooms. Really need a reliable source!! Can't wait to get them
@SusanaGomez-mp8sk День назад
YES very sure of Dr.benfungi. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
@Edennnn926 День назад
100% agree I used to have Psychosis and paranoid thoughts like "people thinking about me talking about me etc. Very odd behavior after getting off Adderall from 7-16. Antidepressants at 18-29. 31 now. I took way to much, but took about 20g of Gold caps (Psilocybin containing mushroom) I analyzed my entire life. The emotions that came out helped me understand behavior etc more. Wont ever need to do it again because I'm happy and contempt forever, but I wish more people did this to alter their perception of reality. Would help with healing much trauma
@VanRyan-bv7du День назад
How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta
@Sethyros 2 дня назад
I absolutely love this. This should be shown to people to educate them about ADHD. Most people see ADHD as just being hyperactive and not being able to fucus, but there is SO much more to it than that. Its not that you have trouble focusing, you struggle with regulating your focus - going between zoning out and hyperfocus where you forget anything around you exists. There is executive dysfunction which just sounds like an exuse and it is so hard trying to explain to someone that no, you just *cant* do the thing. ADHD is constantly fighting with *yourself*, its a fight where your brain is your enemy. This video is important to show people how ADHD people can struggle and that it is not just "being quirky"
@hala-si3pn 2 дня назад
Story of my life 💔💔💔💔💔
@okarianna7119 2 дня назад
literally me rn im distraced
@twix9682 2 дня назад
Most videos i see about ADHD tend to be somewhat quirky and funny and the comments are all the same. “I didn’t even pay attention to the video i got distracted lol”. Feel like most of those people just say they have it because they think it’s funny.
@ExacoMvm 2 дня назад
Literally me, but I don't need sticky notes nor I struggle with remembering things, it's more like form of procrastination and self sabotage and often poor focus/concentration. I might occasionally write notes to myself but more as a motivator, but they never work e.g. I set alarm for 10PM with a note "Work or Die!" to start working, but I'm like "fuck it let's do it 11PM" but now it's like 5AM and I still haven't started. It's hard to explain but imagine taking a hammer and trying to hit your hand, knee or forehead as hard as you can, you can't do it it's like instinct/reflex that's stopping you so same for me when it comes to certain "must do" tasks which often gets delayed until last day or even when it's already too late.
@y0nd3r 2 дня назад
Part of my problem with presumed adhd is that my brain spins out when I hear upspeak or vocal fry, which is why I can't finish this video. I just cant.
@onefatasscheetah9606 2 дня назад
Has anyone ever seen that Tide Stain Remover commercial? With the talking stain? THAT. THAT is what it feels like trying to pay attention to something that you KNOW bloody well is important, but all your brain hears is what sounds like the teacher in the Peanuts cartoon. "Wah-wah-wah? Wh-wah wahawawah!" You can't hear what they say over the voice in your own head telling you, pay attention! This is important! I have forgotten what I'm saying in the middle of a sentence or if we change direction while driving in a car. I have missed the turn to go the bank 3 times in literally 5 minutes (shoot, missed the turn...turned around...shoot, forgot to turn again - what is wrong with me?...turn around...HOW COULD I FORGET THE TURN AGAIN??). I forget important events that really, really matter whether they're in the past or in the future because I live in a 10 foot bubble. Anything outside of this bubble simply does not exist until it re-enters my view, when I'm reminded of it. If I'm ever interrogated by the police, just slap the cuffs on me and lock me up because I can't keep a timeline straight. Who was there? I can't remember. Well was it a man or a woman? I can't remember!! How long were you there? What time did you arrive or leave?? 😑 We don't process and store pieces of information in order of importance - they just get dumped into the bucket randomly. When we have to lay things out in front of us and show the order of importance, we can do that without a problem...but we can't register them in that order in our brains. When it comes to sorting tasks in our working memory, brain = bucket. However, given the freedom to follow our interests, we can take in and store VAST amounts of obscure, useless information in a highly organized filing system. And by the way, it's not an attention DEFICIT disorder; it's an attention DYSREGULATION disorder. We can hyperfocus so hard on things that we forget to eat, sleep, or pee. What we can't do is shift our focus as easily as others do. Having to force ourselves to focus on dopamine-draining tasks or drag ourselves out of a hyperfocus state is the mental and emotional equivalent of purposely hitting your thumb with a hammer. We talk too much and we waaay overshare. We don't know what your normal looks like, so it's hard to match neurotypicals in social interactions. And even though we are constantly making social faux pas, we notice everything. We see your body language, your speech patterns, your tone, the way you dress or groom yourself (although we might not notice you cut your hair because our memory of yesterday's hairstyle is long gone), your facial expressions and whether it matches what you say, and we notice what you DON'T say or do. That microsecond pause before you answered our question lets us know you're lying. The fact that your smile never reached your eyes tells us that you're being fake. And we will ruin every movie you watch with us because we'll blurt out how it ends - because we can see it coming. ADHD has its advantages, and I love the childlike way my brain works...sometimes. But those other times...this is a very real condition that we can't change or cure, and it has a significant negative impact on our quality of life, and the lives of those around us.
@daphnielapina4593 2 дня назад
@Str0ngSad 2 дня назад
@MarianneDoran 3 дня назад
this called me out in 8000 different languages
@soumyadiptadandapat2395 3 дня назад
It sounds like a bunch of bad habits and behaviour jumbled and packed into one mental state
@saiganeshshankar7652 3 дня назад
"you're reading a sentence" freaked me out ... very relatable and oddly comforting
@onyejefuanyebe5314 3 дня назад
I cried inside watching this, it comprehends me in unspeakable ways!
@theh9251 3 дня назад
I cant't get medication in my country because psycho stimulants are prohibited and the doctors believe that an adult could not have this disorder .. the suffering just continues to the infinite
@Random_Gamer-sh6pf 3 дня назад
Thank you for making this, explaining it to people is hard but hopefully I can show this video to a handful of people so they understand it better. Also, I really can't wait until I'm an adult and can get medicine for myself. My mom doesn't let me take ADHD meds, doesn't like the idea. Maybe showing her this video will help, but I sadly doubt it
@GASHBAHDZAxx 3 дня назад
ive been off my meds for 5 years and i finally went back on them bc while im home 80% of the time, not working, i NEVER sit down and when my partner comes home i tell him "my god im so exhausted, i spent TEN HOURS running around cleaning the house" and every single time, he said "....where?" it was far too tiring having my mind run and sleeping 5 hours in 5 days since it wouldnt shut off. I'm back on concerta and its so peaceful. the millions of voices in my head are gone, lol.
@SylveonsSecret 3 дня назад
if i could show this to my family and have them understand that this is what really goes on with me instead of just their forgetful, lazy, "unable to do anything for themselves" child, life would be so much easier.
@agonomia 3 дня назад
For me every thing is same except listening to the teacher. So do i have adhd??.
@Emily_garica 4 дня назад
people who have ADHD
@BlitzBlotz24 4 дня назад
I hated my meds when I took it I felt like a robot
@klaasbernd 4 дня назад
Long time ADD here. You can grow tolerant to the meds. If after about a decade you seem to keep falling into the same traps again. Go back and see if you need different meds. I miss the first few years of ritalin, but axemoksetine or something like that works okeish for me now. dexamphetamine made me nervous and depressed. Also anti-depressents didn't help. I stopped worrying, but didn't do anything. Also I'm supposed to learn intermediate imaging. I wanted to watch computer based work training on that. God this thing sucks. 38male...but, working in a high tech company. Still alive (Portal 2 reference). Take care everyone.
@aboudreauxtg 4 дня назад
For me this was really inaccurate. I had straight As in school, was first chair tuba, was on the swim team. To anyone else my life looked put together. But by the time I got home I was so exhausted from masking all day that I wouldn’t be able to get anything done at all. I thank God for my aunt who finally got my mom to realize that I had ADHD. Her son had it and she saw a lot of those symptoms in me.
@user-vv1bx6bn9z 4 дня назад
"it's been two weeks." "two weeks..?"
@Glitching_girl_XOXO 4 дня назад
Only if I could force my teachers to watch this….
@sledge3174 5 дней назад
This relates to me quite a bit, but I’m unsure because of the things here that I don’t relate to. I don’t want to self diagnose, and my mom believes I have ADHD. Thing is, my dad doesn’t. My dad is a teacher and my mom is a nurse. I’ve asked them if I could get an ADHD test some time but they’ve always said no, and because of that, I don’t want to ask them again because I feel like I would be perceived as annoying. Progressively, I’ve noticed that I’m doing worse in school. I can’t focus properly. When someone asks me a question or tries to help me with what I struggle with, I always tell them “I don’t know what I’m struggling with” and it gets more and more frustrating knowing that nobody can help me because I just. Can’t. Focus.
@horridhyrdangeasofficial 6 дней назад
ADHD is so many things, and learning to understand it as someone with ADHD even now is tough. I wish more people to see this.
@user-ub6gh9km4d 5 дней назад
I got it
@derekwade4042 6 дней назад
What a movie. I watched it with my autistic wife and she was so irritated about many things. Like the grey puppets in school. She was like: that's how it is for me. I always thought you adhd people saw all the tiny details in people around. And then I was explaining her due to all the guilt and shame you feel as having adhd and letting people down and all, you dissociate with your emotions and you numb yourself to deal with just somehow make it trough. And that's when you stop noticing and just feel like stumbling to somehow make it. And then she was like : ohhhhh .... see that's the good with ass persons.... you live in your own world where everyone outside looks the same. And you get used to it. But you probably don't feel like this at all. Lost. And I felt it was a beautiful moment of understanding each others worlds so mich better. ❤
@jacqslabz 6 дней назад
The more I learn about ADHD, the more convinced I am that anyone who says it isn't caused by trauma doesn't understand one or the other.
@pjm8609 6 дней назад
This film captures the feeling well. It’s absolutely exhausting
@siastheyoutuber6893 6 дней назад
This is a six minute video about ADHD, and I had to pause after 3 minutes because I started losing focus since I started thinking about all the stuffed I needed to do that I’m procrastinating because I can’t make myself get up(hence why I’m here on RU-vid). And I can’t even focus long enough to finish a six minute video on ADHD. Because I have ADHD.
@ashton4950 7 дней назад
“it helps” and then the few sticky notes drop, but not all. THIS is the messaging we’ve been missing. they’re not miracle drugs. our brains are still the way they are.
@spanish-inquisition2024 7 дней назад
Jesus... The fucking TIME!!! 😭 that's my life...