Diocese of Monterey
Diocese of Monterey
Diocese of Monterey
Bishop Daniel E. Garcia Easter Message 2024
6 месяцев назад
Bishop Daniel E. Garcia Message for Lent 2024
7 месяцев назад
Bishop Daniel E. Garcia Christmas Message 2023
9 месяцев назад
Bishop Daniel Garcia Oct. Message
2 года назад
Please keep Texas in prayer...
3 года назад
Lenten message 2021
3 года назад
AMA 2021 Spanish
3 года назад
AMA 2021 English
3 года назад
Catholic Charities Thanksgiving Mass
3 года назад
Blessed Is The Nation
3 года назад
USCCB Disaster Relief Message
4 года назад
Open Wide Our Hearts: Race and Racism
4 года назад
@jesseca1272 Месяц назад
@JasonSimas 9 месяцев назад
Thank you Bishop Daniel.
@glorianatal5732 9 месяцев назад
Amén🙏 Feliz Navidad Fr Danny! Que Dios lo Bendiga 🙏
@glorianatal5732 Год назад
@jesseca1272 Год назад
Una noche, mientras estaba rezando delante de la Cruz, Cristo le había hablado, diciendo: "Fray Juan: píedeme lo que quisieres, que yo te lo concederé por Este servicio que me has hecho." A Esto, Juan respondío: "Señor, lo que quiero que me Des es trabajos que padecer por TI y que yo sea menospreciado y tenido en Poco."
@MCGamerD Год назад
En espanol tambien. Gracias. #vote #Cali No on prop. 1
@gquinnan Год назад
Women do have a "choice". They can "choose" to not engage in unprotected sex. And if/when they do, that innocent life does not deserve to die should that pregnancy be inconvenient. But I do agree, the Catholic Church needs to do more in support of mothers for whom a pregnancy is a hardship. And, yes, rape is not an option. But I'd like to see the stats of how many women are raped and become pregnant. My guess is that it is exceedingly rare.
@jgrunder Год назад
Bishop Garcia, while I do not wish any woman to have to suffer the horrible decision to abort any pregnancy, as a Christian and a Catholic I cannot be the one to throw the first stone if this is what they feel they must do. We should not be the judge of a woman’s private health care. Rather than spending millions of your parishioner’s donations on defeating Proposition 1, the Monterey diocese should spend that money on advertising the support to women you have suggested. God bless you.
@vikyavalos157 2 года назад
Por favor traigan esa misa tan solemne y Cristo céntrica enriquecedora se de varios testimonios de conversión gracias a ese hermoso rito!
@somewhereinspace2166 2 года назад
I already voted yes and mailed it in. People's bodies are their own choices. It's creepy the way some people, especially men, have their head so far up other people's uteruses. Mind your own healthcare decisions.
@maxmaximus2608 2 года назад
I'd say Prop 1 is very much necessary.
@ramirodelagarma6884 2 года назад
Excelentísimo Sr. Obispo: ¡qué alegría tan inmensa me ha causado su mensaje! Yo ahora resido en otra diócesis, pero como puede ver sigo de cerca todo lo que allá sucede. Si a Su Excelencia le parece bien, le ofrezco mi talento en favor de una Liturgia más inspiradora. El talento con que el Señor me bendijo es como entrenador de Proclamadores de la Palabra. Lo he hecho por seis años. Tengo un canal de RU-vid bajo mi nombre donde puede Ud. ver mi trabajo y su Ud., Señor Obispo, está interesado en que alguna de sus parroquias, reciba mis consejos, puede hacer contacto conmigo por medio del Padre Fredy Calvario, quien tiene mi número telefónico. Espero no ser imprudente al aclarar que esto es mi apostolado y de ninguna manera lo hago por lucro. Le pido humildemente su bendición. Gracias.
@bobingersoll1794 2 года назад
Thank you Bishop Danny and God Bless you. Please pray for me as I recover from my sarcoma surgery last Monday. God was with me and continues to walk by my side🙏
@ChildofGod98765 2 года назад
Please pray for me and my children this passover. I’m ready to give up. But my faith in Jesus won’t let me. I lost my job as a social worker because I declined the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and heart disease. I’m on a bunch of medications including blood thinners. I was denied my medical/religious exemption from Forsyth hospital. Since losing my job I’ve been struggling to make ends meet. I’m a single mother with two young autistic children. This month I’m facing homelessness. We have nowhere to go. Struggling daily to provide groceries. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed over my situation. I am so overwhelmed, it’s so hard on me. I am all alone no family nor friends to help me durning this time. Please keep me and my children in your prayers this easter. Even though I’m facing homelessness I still have FAITH God will provide!!!
@betto9gdl 2 года назад
I have never seen a lazy bishop like this one in my life. I hope that if is not happy in the diocese of Monterey he can resign and go back to where he came from.
@acovarrubias8 2 года назад
Your Excellency , why do you continue to allow pagan worship to continue at the San Juan Bautista Mission every year on the winter solstice? Singing to tonatio the sun god and tonatzin mother earth... with Fr Scott McCarthy performing native American blessings with incense and feathers... this is unacceptable... and not even once do they mention our Lord Jesus Christ . Especially when the main attraction is how the sun lights up the Tabernacle , but only to be blocked from view by spectators encouraged to walk onto the alter and bathe in the sunlight stating that they get blessing from the sunlight! This is sacrilegious! I and a few others have written you a few letters with no response.
@JoseRios-xp5en 3 года назад
Es un obispo modernista. un judas
@lauravillalobos8998 3 года назад
Qe dios me lo bendiga a lado de mamita María que bajó a su hijo de la Cruz y extendió sus brazos en la Cruz amen y para la gloria del padre y en el espíritu santo amen
@gloriasantos7535 3 года назад
Amen gloria A Dios Dios los colme de bendiciones 🙏
@ramirodelagarma6884 3 года назад
¡Que Dios bendiga su ministerio!
@lasantisimatrinidadylavirg4706 3 года назад
Este obispo con todo respeto tiene la con fianza puesta en la ciencia y no en Dios para mi vacuna está puesta en adiós y no en los hombres párese que no a le ido el catecismo de la iglesia y la biblia a si se disfraza el diablo que el señor tenga misericordia de de todos especial de a que llos que tienen puesta su confianza en una vacuna que esta echa de niños abordados todas están afectando a los inyectados creamos en Dios y no en los hombres estás vacunas no son éticas investiguen por favor nuestro señor es nuestra vacuna
@nenavalentin5706 3 года назад
@ladyoftheapocalypse8149 3 года назад
Part 4 The Church’s Judgement The media invariably reports the views of different Church bodies as “the Vatican”. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued judgements in 2008 and 2020. The Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL) released pronouncements in 2005 and 2017. These documents do not share the same weight or authority. “The CDF shares in the papal magisterium: both its 2008 Dignitas Personae and its 2020 note on anti-COVID-19 vaccines were examined by the respective reigning pontiff who himself ordered their publication. Of the two, Dignitas Personae is more authoritative, inasmuch as it is an instruction and as such “trumps” a note. The PAL, in contrast, is an advisory body. Its pronouncements are not part of the magisterium, nor is its task strictly speaking that of teaching. Nonetheless, the fact is that the ordinary Catholic is usually unaware of this difference, and the media typically do not discriminate: the PAL is presented as “the Vatican” no more and no less than the CDF.” (See www.catholicworldreport.com/2021/01/24/cooperation-appropriation and-vaccines-relying-on-fetal-stem-cell-research/) The Church’s most authoritative teaching so far has been Dignitas Personae (2008), which said that in cases where (1) there are no other choices, (2) where the danger is real, and (3) the safety of children is threatened, then (4) on a temporary basis, such vaccines may be used (5) but pressure must be put on governments, pharmaceutical companies, researchers etc to find an ethically acceptable alternative! Furthermore (6) no one can be compelled to receive vaccination; they have the right to refuse, although they should take precautions to reduce their role in the transmission of the disease during an epidemic. This second last point (5) is important to avoid scandal. The sin of scandal is not about being shocked or scandalised. It means one person’s actions misleading another person into thinking something sinful is not actually sinful and thus making them more liable to commit that sin. For example, giving Holy Communion to notoriously pro-abortion politicians who have publicly made known their views and actions to promote abortion. Failure by the clergy to warn such people, either to repent and amend their ways or to stop receiving Communion, is a failure to authentically love these people, and to be willing to jeopardise their eternal salvation. The sin of scandal occurs when ordinary Catholics are thus misled into believing that being pro-abortion is compatible with being a faithful Catholic. With abortion-dependent vaccines, to avoid or minimise the sin of scandal, all Christians and people of conscience need to protest to their governments, and health and pharmaceutical industries-to cease making, distributing and using vaccines and other medicines which are abortion-compromised, and instead to produce ethically-acceptable alternatives. When anyone says abortion-derived vaccines are “morally acceptable” without the need to protest the use of aborted foetal tissue, this is the sin of scandal. The pro-life witness of the Church is considerably weakened. To the secular world, it seems we Catholics claim to be pro-life but are hypocritically happy to benefit from the fruits of abortion! And worse, other Catholics are misled into thinking this is an acceptable compromise. That is why some Catholics may not be able to receive an abortion-derived vaccine under any circumstances. In conscience, their pro-life witness would not permit this compromise, even if they did protest against the unethical sourcing of the vaccine. In the Bible, King David, fleeing from his son Absalom, longs to drink water from Bethlehem. Three young bravos risk their lives to cross enemy lines to bring back this water for the king. “But he would not drink of it; he poured it out to the Lord, and said, Far be it from me, O Lord, that I should do this. Shall I drink the blood of the men who went at the risk of their lives?” (2 Sam 23:15-17; 1 Chr 11:17-19). Although the young soldiers were not killed, they risked their lives for this water. For David this water was the lifeblood of his men, and he would not dishonour them by looking to his own needs. He poured out the water upon the ground, returning it to God-because the life of every human being belongs to God alone. All persons of conscience must be respected, those who likewise wish the foetal cell lines and their products to be committed to God, interred in the ground, since respect for human dignity demands it. The sin of scandal is a good place to mention “love of neighbour”. Often, well-meaning Christians may say that abortion-derived vaccines should be received out of love for neighbour-to protect their health by building herd immunity, etc. There is also a higher love of neighbour to which we are called. Remember that although these vaccines could be received under certain circumstances, the producers of such vaccines themselves, including the researchers and abortionists are endangering their souls. Dr Stanley Plotkin played a key role in the discovery of the rubella vaccine and is a leading vaccinologist. A continued tolerance of abortion-tainted medicines endangers souls like his. Plotkin admits, “The Catholic Church has actually issued a document on that [issue of abortion derived vaccines] which says that individuals who need the vaccines should receive the vaccines, regardless of that fact [that they were derived from abortions]; it implies that I am the individual who will go to hell because of the use of aborted tissue-which I am glad to do.” (Testimony of Dr Stanley Alan Plotkin, M.D. at a vaccine court case at Oakland County, Michigan (Jan 11, 2018). See time-stamp 17:30:44-17:31:13 at ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Y9gWzTlpiDI.html) Summary 1) The use of the morally-tainted vaccines is acceptable only if it is necessary, and there are no other alternatives, and a person protests their production, working to avoid the sin of scandal; 2) Moral necessity to receive such vaccines may include grave pressure or the need to take vaccines to keep one’s job, e.g., medical staff in hospitals; 3) In all cases, the Church and all people need to protest the production of these vaccines, and abortions, including abortions for medical research; 4) In no case should use of such vaccines be called a moral duty, or be praised; at best, like cannibalism in case of dire necessity, their use is regrettable; 5) A separate issue is the medical necessity of these vaccines (does the pandemic genuinely warrant the use of vaccines), and their safety (the COVID vaccines are experimental, and some are novel in their mode of action); these issues are still disputed by those with the relevant scientific competence; therefore, reluctance by the general public to submit to vaccination is all the more understandable; 6) Morally acceptable vaccines do exist, or will be made available shortly-they may be difficult to access depending on where you live; 7) No one may be compelled to be vaccinated against their conscience. 8) While the virtue of justice, strictly speaking, does not forbid reception of these vaccines, the virtue of charity may lead Christians to forgo them, both for their own souls and in witness to the dignity of life.
@ladyoftheapocalypse8149 3 года назад
The Morality of Receiving Abortion-Derived Vaccines Fr Leon Pereira O.P. I am a medical doctor and a moral theologian. The views I put forward here are my own, and not of any institution to which I belong, or of any place to which I am currently assigned. I write this simply as a scientist, a moral theologian, and a faithful Catholic. There is a lot of information (true and false) available on COVID vaccines. In this article I hope to add clarity regarding the science, morality, and the Church’s teaching on these matters. Fetal Cell Lines The problem for the consciences of many people is that the manufacture of many modern vaccines involves the use of cells derived from aborted babies (known as “foetal cell lines”). It is argued that the babies themselves were not killed for these tissues samples; but this ignores the close cooperation that must exist between the harvester and the abortionist for living samples to be extracted. It is also argued that the foetal cells are far removed from the original foetus, through the passage of time and genetic manipulation; but this ignores the fact that the cells in our own bodies are far removed (through time and some genetic mutation) from the original cells we had as foetuses, but they are still discernibly our cells. Foetal cell lines, whatever the passage of time or genetic modification, are still objectively cells from a foetus, and often from a specific organ or tissue. In this context of collaboration between abortionist and harvester, it is a misleading half-truth to say these children were not killed for their tissues. Finally, it is said that no further abortions are required for such cell lines; the truth is, no abortions were ever required nor ever will be-but the hunt for new foetal cell lines continues. The lack of any sustained objection from us allows this “industry” to continue unchecked and unchallenged.
@delilahvillalba3120 3 года назад
Thank you Bishop Garcia, I will donate and pray! Penny V
@susankeubar6175 3 года назад
Thanks for the information Bishop, sorry for the victims.
@bernamaya1 3 года назад
Bishop Garcia. Thank you for this special blessings. We arrived in San Antonio to visit my parents & celebrate my Dad 85th bday on Tue It’s so heartbreaking no electricity or water, stores closed and many homeless dying. Today was the first day stores opened but many people still don’t have water. Keep them in prayers 🙏🏽
@marianneramsey500 3 года назад
What on earth is this now? Have you fixed the cruxifix above the altar at the Carmel Mission? Or is Jesus still wearing ‘girlie-panties’ instead of the traditional cloth? Blasphemy!!!! You,’bishop’,are missing in action as usual ! Spineless !!!!!
@fmshyanguya5351 3 года назад
“We are grateful for the joy of worshiping in our Churches again.” Thanks be to God and the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and the Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena. But the Catholic Church and her Bishops? MIA!
@fmshyanguya5351 3 года назад
@ladyoftheapocalypse8149 3 года назад
@ladyoftheapocalypse8149 3 года назад
So, the claim that Moderna’s vaccine is “ethically uncontroversial” because it has no connection to unethically derived materials does not seem to be supported as both the development of the spike protein sequence, the mRNA expression in testing, and the lipid nanoparticle delivery system are described as using the HEK293 cell line derived from an aborted fetus.
@fmshyanguya5351 3 года назад
Statement from The Most Reverend Joseph V. Brennan, D.D. in collaboration with Right to Life of Central California - dioceseoffresno.org/stories/statement-from-the-most-reverend-joseph-v-brennan-d-d-in-collaboration-with-right-to-life-of-central-california-2/
@ladyoftheapocalypse8149 3 года назад
@glorianatal5732 3 года назад
@helendelrio258 3 года назад
Open the Church Bishop! Save our souls that's your job.
@rosiebauman9054 3 года назад
Open the Churches, Bishop Danny!!!!!! Enough is enough.
@rosiebauman9054 3 года назад
@SantaAnaRoadWildman I am well aware that Gov. Newsom is an idiot and responsible for mandating Churches stay closed, while he goes to expensive lunches with family and friends - "Do as I say, not as I do" I believe the Bishop should defy the order and open the doors - WE HAVE A RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF WORSHIP.
@JasonSimas 3 года назад
Here is the official statement from the USCCB: "Neither Pfizer nor Moderna used morally compromised cell lines in the design, development, or production of the vaccine. A confirmatory ** test **, however, employing the commonly used, but morally compromised HEK293 cell line was performed on both vaccines. Thus, while neither vaccine is completely free from any connection to morally compromised cell lines, in this case the connection is very remote from the initial evil of the abortion. In view of the gravity of the current pandemic and the lack of availability of alternative vaccines, the reasons to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are sufficiently serious to justify their use, despite their remote connection to morally compromised cell lines."
@cecizeni 3 года назад
Ok,, as Dr. Stacy Trasancos had talked about on the Drew Mariana show was that this was the chance for the USCCB to demand they develop a vaccine does not in any way use any part in the beginning the end the middle of a vaccine of aborted baby cells, and they didn't step up. there is way to develop a vaccine that doesn't use anything from an abortion.
@marianneramsey500 3 года назад
Liar!!! Are you getting paid for this bishop?You let us all down! Are we having ANY Christmas mass???? You are SPINELESS!!!!!👎🏻
@teresavirgen1698 3 года назад
They are used in the development. Why these lies. I'm not taking any vaccine that used murdered children in it's creation
@JasonSimas 3 года назад
I am sorry for the confusion. The Moderna and Pfizer did use the cells for testing, but not for development. The Bishop's determined that, "In view of the gravity of the current pandemic and the lack of availability of alternative vaccines, the reasons to accept the new COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are sufficiently serious to justify their use, despite their remote connection to morally compromised cell lines."
@mynameisNames 3 года назад
The state government declares that Mass is nonessential and the bishops agree. Abandoned!
@cecizeni 3 года назад
I listen to revelant radio and the Drew mariani show had Dr Stacy Trasancos a doctor and scientist who worked with DuPont she said that the vaccine did indeed use aborted baby cells at the beginning of the development and because of that I will not be taking that vaccine.. you can listen to it yourself if you go to the archives of the Drew mariani show on revelant radio.
@JasonSimas 3 года назад
Hi Cindy, this is true only about the AstraZenica vaccine. The US Bishops researched and determiend that the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines which only used the cell lines in testing. www.usccb.org/news/2020/us-bishop-chairmen-pro-life-and-doctrine-address-ethical-concerns-new-covid-19-vaccines
@cecizeni 3 года назад
@@JasonSimas no this is the second day I heard that the vaccine the moderna and the first one the Pfizer I think there were both used in the beginning on cells from aborted babies.. this is from another physician scientist doctor on a talk show the Drew mariani show from a different doctor I heard this from it may be remote but it's still used those cells in the beginning to determine how they were going to develop the vaccine.
@Busymomx5 3 года назад
Thank you Bishop!
@helendelrio258 3 года назад
Our Bishop told us not to take it here in Fresno. Nobody knows what they are talking about. I will not take a vaccine for a 99% survival rate! You take it Bishop .
@bernamaya1 3 года назад
Thank you for this important information & education our community🙏🏽 Blessings Bishops Danny Garcia
@nanettethomas4980 4 года назад
St. Junipero Serro pray for us , 🙏🙏🙏Amen.
@MrsCatholic4life 4 года назад
Amen. St. Junipero Serra -- Santo Junipero Serra, ruega por nosotros!
@marianneramsey500 4 года назад
Open up the churches and tend to the emergencies in the Catholic church,i.e. the scandals from the top(Vatican)down!! Have you fixed the crucefix above the altar in Carmel Mission? Jesus is still wearing little ‘girl-panties’ instead of a shroud! You,bishop,are SPINELESS!!! Be serious and fix the shameful circumstances in your diocese before collecting $ for anything else,or give away the government money you reveived during the ‘pandemic’ so far for the fires
@helendelrio258 4 года назад
Open the Church!!!!!!
@lauravillalobos8998 4 года назад
Por el papá fesco mándale la paz y no la gerra amén amén amén