Narrative Declaration
Narrative Declaration
Narrative Declaration
Narrative Declaration is a team of TTRPG veterans, producers, writers, artists, and actors banding together to bring you TTRPG live-plays from games such as Pathfinder Second Edition, Warhammer 40K, and more! We also create new worlds to explore, ferocious monsters, magic items, and more to your Table Top Role-Playing games in the form of professional PDFs to use at your table.
Check us out at narrativedeclaration.com/
@demonkingsparda 6 минут назад
Y'know, the whole Oran and Picktern bit at the end I thought for sure was gonna be the betrayal moment
@Grabnok 3 часа назад
Should i play the Kingmaker game?
@megasartshack 5 часов назад
Missed opportunity for someone to say "where's everyone going? Bingo?" after the horn
@Denki10 6 часов назад
omg i love froggy
@tahrey 7 часов назад
@tahrey 7 часов назад
Nearly 6 hours? *settles in with a pile of first-monitor work*
@nessesaryschoolthing 7 часов назад
Groetus awaits us...
@SpamSide_B 9 часов назад
Rolls for nihilism. Fails. Gains positive outlook on life.
@blake7810 9 часов назад
When you're so depressing even the undead don't even wanna hang out with you
@Alexander_the_dumb 9 часов назад
Thats what? The third nat 1?
@Wanderingsage7 9 часов назад
I head canon that he failed the diplomacy so hard that the dwarf leaves groteous and becomes an optimistic bringer of joy.
@chalmersmathew4831 11 часов назад
Ah yes, the three checks for philosophy: Roll for nihilism, Roll for absurdism, and, of course, Roll for Therapy!
@yamahadrag69 11 часов назад
Fell is right on the money. I hate Harrim so much. For anyone curious, Harrim is a dwarf who is actively hoping for the death of all things in creation because that's easier than just admitting he sucks at blacksmithing.
@jman8725 10 часов назад
Its weird as grotus isn't considered a god of nihilism and he's a chaotic neutral deity which is weird
@amiablereaper 8 часов назад
​@@jman8725Groeteus is the god of the end of the universe, however
@ViniciusSouza-sr4rb 7 часов назад
​@jman8725 I agree. Imo it'd make more sense if groetus was neutral evil, but I guess since it opposes pharasma a chaotic neutral alignment makes some sense.
@castbet9183 4 часа назад
Wanna know something funny? I played a Magus and my character has modest intelligence (normally intelligence is my lowest). And most of time my character acts like the most unhinged lunatic so no one would take him seriously and he orchestrated a whole conspiracy just to torment this dwarf
@eniqmo6144 11 часов назад
Oh hell yah I love kingmaker
@ceruleanidiot 11 часов назад
"Freedom is merely privilege extended Unless enjoyed by one and all" ... surprised people know the bragg version of the internationale, he has like 1 record sale. then again he told everyone to bootleg his stuff, so might be more widespread.
@DetectiveLance 11 часов назад
How to feel better about yourself: doomsayers
@joshuachapman247 12 часов назад
@ChrisbyFlanker 15 часов назад
Glubtok hinders!!
@defies4626 20 часов назад
The people's condemned inhabited ruin!
@Ruiso7 23 часа назад
Everyone needs a goth mommy.
@void-creature День назад
The helmet stayed on
@dungeonmaster16 День назад
around 56:00 on art: alternative is grab the portrait art of key characters from the kingmaker video game. the art for that is more fitting when meeting characters in non combat situaitons. if ppl ask: yes there is a video game that is based on kingmaker from pf1, this is the pf2e remake. if wonder on spoilers, the designers of the remake did say they brought in some key things like npcs from the games into this BUT most events that go down been altered alot. so even if you played the video game or original 1e versions stuff been altered to be like an actual remake then a remaster. so yeah you could go to the video game right now and play it. or i just realized this: fear of spoilers. considering this kingmaker is aremake of pf1e version plus the video game to some degree. again remake so the ychanged up some story parts, events and such from 1e and video game but stuff like the barbarian iconic amiri from the video game is here.
@Wanderingsage7 День назад
I mean... 40 isn't a bad deal considering the absolute chaos they're putting the underworld through.
@PartyDemoness День назад
I love that I can hear myself screaming in the background. It's my favorite part.
@dungeonmaster16 День назад
.... wait on thaumaturge with bastion question. implement weapon: shield + mirror implement. exploit weakness on foe, succeed then make copy of yourself on other end of foe. if foe does concentrate/move/manipulate action do BOTH you and mirror copy deal damamge to it or only one of you?
@Wanderingsage7 День назад
29:28 what about finding the blacksmith to make it whole?
@tahrey День назад
Wasn't Merk female in the previous ep, including character art? I know it's the spacefaring future of a magical society in another galaxy and all, but switching gender in the space of a few minutes whilst elbows deep in the middle of an actual mission seems both fast and sudden even for a goblin... Then again, kinda the Gfluid ideal as a contrast to Duuran's settled enby ID. Could be fun to play with. Also totally up for a future return of the chucklefonks, if only to get more use out of Salty's designs for them as they're all brilliant (...and Odo's voice for Lyssa :D) Interesting how Lyssa, Duuran and Adex are kind of opposite to their players' characters in Rotgrind (haven't got to wind back to Warhams Fantasy yet so can't comment about that) whereas Erndil and Speaker seem to be playing themselves again ;) but that itself is no bad thing. If you find something you do well, etc... But, I can kinda see why SF1e might not be a favoured system, whilst the setting, characters and encounters were interesting, the mechanics for the encounters themselves just seemed to make for drawn-out frustration. Not actually run across any 3.5e DnD stuff myself (late arrival so 5e only), but hopefully SF2e is more like PF2e and works as a 5e answer to it rather than 4e (which seems to be almost universally reviled for some reason?)... Happy to wait until there's a system framework that they can be utilised in a more comfortable and flowing way therefore.
@Wanderingsage7 День назад
'a high rolling Platypus?' 'Perry the high rolling Platypus?!?!. Glad to see you finally got a raise buddy!'
@willplume1555 День назад
@Wanderingsage7 День назад
1:15:57 I mean, potato cookies are a thing so hey, side hustle
@Deridus День назад
We have GOT to find a way to end the censorship.
@milimachathestrange День назад
What archetype of summoner is fell?
@wolfstarheart День назад
I have been listening to episodes during work and I will be so sad when I catch up and have to wait for episodes to come out
@defies4626 2 дня назад
Baldric Legally Distinct Disney Knockoff Purgatory *gooooooooooo*~ Also, here comes the unholy hell of Sir Victrix pushing the squelchy one over the edge
@liallen9380 2 дня назад
Ooooh. So that's why his head's on fire. Now I get it! (DISCLAIMER: This post is facetious.)
@defies4626 2 дня назад
Oran **MONCH**
@lachlanhorder1660 2 дня назад
i literally played this character years ago, a warforged who was a boxer in another life, didn't take a dive and so a cartel stuffed his brain in a machine so they could control him and make him fight forever.
@tahrey 2 дня назад
Hmmmmmm, the objects that the other people in the vignettes have, but this group don't ... but the Gooners seem to have something talisman-like that has hints of Auntie Drown about it. Maybe they're going to crossover cameo once their Infinity Gauntlet expy has been Made Whole?
@Wanderingsage7 2 дня назад
Conserve, not preserve. Slight but distinct difference.
@joshuachapman247 2 дня назад
When you goth so hard, your dice become emo.
@tahrey 2 дня назад
Ooooh its the coercive domestic abuse demon ... DEEPLY creepy in ways that the Cockatrice and Hag couldn't be. I support Tellem's commitment to wiping it out. Also I guess there's no equivalent to the myth of Persephone on Tyne...?
@alphaandomega4422 2 дня назад
Geren just wanted an out, to escape the goth drow gf, but RNG said "NO, CONTENT!"
@JuiceofApple107 2 дня назад
Every Helmeted Character: I know what the ladies like.
@KoboldGamer 2 дня назад
So what race is Geren? (don't correct me).
@tahrey День назад
Some kind of Dullahan it said at the start I think?
@dungeonmaster16 День назад
@@tahrey the dullahan is more of the theme he reaching for. honestly for fleshwarp ancestry there is no "race" oer say besides say what you look like. you could say you a mix and match of various human, elf, gnome, dwarf and such flesh stiched by magic. now if you want ancestry features besides fleshwarp then doing mixed heritage ancestry feat is an option. main ancestry fleshwarp, secondary your choice.
@Wanderingsage7 2 дня назад
I mean... If he ever figures out a potato peeler spell...
@tahrey 2 дня назад
Please please please if Gray gets an upgraded set of fancy returning curved throwing axes, can they be flavoured as "Grand Ma-mbeles"?