QSO Today Academy
QSO Today Academy
QSO Today Academy
The QSO Today Academy is the off shoot of the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, ham radio's first fully virtual amateur radio convention, created in August 2020, during the Covid-19 Pandemic when every live ham radio convention and hamfest was closed. The "Expo" has become the premier creator of amateur radio technical content to educate and inform amateur radio operators and the public about the hobby of "ham" radio. We have over 500 videos that will be posted.
@ManuelPinner 7 дней назад
you know you couldn't store this in the virtualbox on your PC and you can access virtualbox, and run this software through virtualbox this way you don't have to have it in your PC you have it in a virtual computer,
@franzliszt3195 7 дней назад
I could not find a reference for the 'dialectric loss'. Wikipedia gives P=Poe^{-kz\tan (delta) }, which is the same thing?
@franzliszt3195 7 дней назад
Very, very instructive. I see now why air variable capacitors are so good, and why commercial broadcast uses the vacuum capacitors -- all about loss factor caused heating.
@markhall3434 Месяц назад
Interested in 80/40 bands mostly. Building mine with 6" semi-Rigid aluminum Duct. They have 3", 4", 6" and 8" diameters. and yes Russian Federation 15KV Vac Variable. Going initially with 24 ft. circumference. The Vac Variable can easily fit inside the duct so makes a very nice package. Where are the inefficiencies in the Feed? What about a few turns around the duct and use Open Wire to a balanced tuner? How high of power can I do with 15KV?
@ManuelPinner 2 месяца назад
I also do have SDR angel, which is a sulfate define radio program, that has a feature to pick up Digital television, I use it with my SDR play RSD DX and dual, Subway define radios,
@Frisse 3 месяца назад
Ham pc is perhaps an april fools joke. I tried to install it and every thing i tried is telling me that the iso is to big for either usb stick or the dvd.
@CamilleCullen-ow6qj 3 месяца назад
Great video!! Robert K5TPC
@HannoBehrens 3 месяца назад
D0G is not a German callsign! Haha! Yes, you done really well. I am experimenting with loops for quite a while now. You did great work, I will destroy all what I have and start from scratch. This really gave me some new ideas. And I wasted money on material, that never really worked. Thank you! de dl7hh dDdDd
@vladimirpetrochenko 3 месяца назад
Mike and Tim, I got a little confused:) from what i was reading on a Flex site you want around 8-10db difference between no antenna and antenna. In you example on 40m when you left preamp at 0 it was only 4db difference! Am i missing something?
@NamasenITN 4 месяца назад
Any reference for capacitive feeding? It's the first time I encounter it.
@NamasenITN 4 месяца назад
I was almost unable to follow the talk, unless speeding it up to 1.5x. It must be my fault as I am not a native English speaker: the irregular and frequent pauses affected my comprehension.
@qsotodayvirtualhamexpo 3 месяца назад
We are looking at some new technology for cleaning up audio pauses and filler words. This might help for comprehension by non-native English speakers. Did you look at the transcription in English?
@davidforrest6751 5 месяцев назад
Is this antenna horizontally or vertically polarized?
@GoodGuyBiker 6 месяцев назад
Sorry to hear about your story with the family courts brother
@MikeMike-wc8on 8 месяцев назад
Is it the same as the Rattlegram?
@neb6229 5 месяцев назад
Yes but the one in the video seems to be a earlier version
@migalito1955 8 месяцев назад
I used 4 inch diameter aluminum dryer vent tubing. Mine is 4 foot square with a square made of 3/4 inch copper water pipe for the sense or inner loop. I eventually found by trial and error I could get a good impedance when the inner or sense loop had a 7 foot circumference. (Note, it was very easy to build my design using dryer vent tubing and the elbows did not require being split. I suggest using it the next time if you don't mind $8 for each fitting and each two foot length of tubing. 3 inch dryer vent is also available and slightly cheaper) I am very, very happy with the antenna.
@stargazer7644 8 месяцев назад
0:12 "Stunning good looks?" The instant that came up on the screen I was actually just commenting out loud how ugly these radios are. They look unbalanced, boxy and cheap. Not a good look for a $5k+ radio.
@Hamradio101 9 месяцев назад
Just a message Dave I have got ham pc, but was wondering if ham pi can be installed on the orange pi zero 2w? Thanks in advance Ray
@HamTechRadioScannerDrones 9 месяцев назад
Thanks this is so good .
@besmith00299 9 месяцев назад
Tried to download from source forge. It had no .img file. Tried another one that said .img and it had no bootable image. I am at a loss now and would really like to use this loaded Pi. Why does it have to be so difficult to just grab the file, mount it to an sd and go. THis one is a real bugger. Any help or ideas on this.
@Mach7RadioIntercepts 7 месяцев назад
Developer's choice. ISO files are probably easier to distribute and install, but this one goes out as an img file...
@DxIxNxGxO 9 месяцев назад
HELP lol. I have purchased a flex 3000. After install everything seemed fine but after a few minutes the audio on recieve becomes very bubbles for a few minutes then returns to normal? And help would be greatly appreciated.
@baconwhiskey821 9 месяцев назад
Appreciated the documented results across the bands and the SWR scans. Excellent!
@WillW7WRP 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for the video. How much fidelity could we expect with the FCC dropping the baud rate requirement?
@donaldsmith3048 9 месяцев назад
I already have WJTX and JS8Call loaded and running on my computer. Will loading this change them? Thank you for your work on this and other things! 73 W4DED
@davidwest2773 10 месяцев назад
Where is the explanation of the metal arm at the bottom? What is it for? Is that where you hooked the coax?
@SteelWolf13 10 месяцев назад
Good video. Now, every time he says "and uh," take a drink.
@JohnWallace74 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for the video.
@aeromech8563 10 месяцев назад
Hi from NSW Australia just subscribed 73s 🤠
@arthurgumbus3969 10 месяцев назад
I wonder WHY you are limiting your view to "under $1000" tuners.... if you are in High Power, then suitable high power trans match are needed to provide headroom. The components for high power are costly. So you should add in the Palstar HF-Auto with remote head accessory, and the Flex Tuner Genius. Art W1SWL
@ibotov 10 месяцев назад
No queues, no sms realtime forwarding, no sender/receiver ID. Almost unuseful. HFPager had done this years ago.
@lexiaontube 11 месяцев назад
Encryption any time soon ?
@joenemeth9606 4 месяца назад
Need 1k message size minimum + AES-256 symmetric crypto
@aquahood 11 месяцев назад
How are they being implemented? What model or for what software exists.
@aquahood 11 месяцев назад
We have now SIG53 and their pre-trained models been used?
@rbmwiv 11 месяцев назад
I am wanting to make a setup on a repeater. I think you said it would run on a raspberry pi in another video so I am going to be reading the ribbit radio sight.
@iprogramplus Год назад
Thank you so much. Do you have clearer slides for download?
@anthonyhughes8888 Год назад
great job N6RIP
@user-xc9cl3cu8d Год назад
Grt tyvm now i hv confirmed with ur presentation i can use aluminum tape wrapped aroungd a hula hoop of at least .5 minimum to around at least 5/8 diameter tubed hula hoop
@kn4yba80 Год назад
Good info, thanks for doing this.. 73
@michaelschwenkert9948 Год назад
Dear Paul, thank you for your video. There is a lot of information in it. Would it be possible to provide a comprehensive script or summary of the main facts you presented? I am member of a still small group of hams in Germany, who wants to develop a new source coding applicable to ham radio (of course open source). There are some ideas around we have and looking for contact to other enthusiasts about this subject. May I contact you sometime? Mike
@michaelclueless Год назад
Well, it’s a nice start for you. I noticed that you have a long stretch of wire acting as a partial feed line around the fence; those parallel strands with the resistor as a terminator will mostly cancel each other out, especially at longer wavelengths. I’d run the legs in different directions to avoid that. (One leg could run along the eaves.) I believe that explains the lack of superior performance over the attic loop, along with the proximity to the ground. Yeah, it’s hard to spot, but I don’t think it’s the right antenna configuration for you. I once ran an antenna in my attic, and my main problem was that the house’s electrical wiring was picking up too much of my signal, even at QRP levels. Lighting and appliances were affected, as well as broadcast television, and I felt it would have been cost- and labor-prohibitive to fix. I moved within a year. Welcome to amateur radio. I hope you have many happy adventures! 73 de KA4BGT
@cfjruth Год назад
Hi Michael! The wire along the fence is actually part of the antenna rather than being a feed line. Running the legs of the antenna in different directions as you suggest would make this antenna into a simple dipole. Those are fine antennas too, but not what I'm going for here. A dipole is good but only works on a single band. The BBTD or BBDL on the other hand gives up some efficiency in exchange for excellent broadbandedness (being able to work on every HF band). In order to do that, the antenna is designed around the two legs terminating at the resistor. I believe having most of the wire low to the ground is the main reason why the BBDL in my backyard didn't perform leaps and bounds ahead of the BBTD in my attic. If having parallel lengths of wire canceled each other out, then designs like the T2FD, folded dipoles or loops wouldn't work at all, yet they do. For more details, please check out the site where I got my design from: hflink.com/antenna RFI can certainly be more pronounced with attic antennas. Sorry to hear that you had issues with yours. In the three years I've had mine in my attic, I've had almost zero issues even at 100 watts. It causes no interference to our lights, computers, TV, etc. And none of our neighbors have complained either, including the one we share a wall with (being a townhouse). I'd love to be able to mount an antenna outdoors, high and in the clear, but moving isn't in the cards anytime soon. I'm glad for my attic antenna in the meantime. It has given me some 1,500 contacts, Worked All States, 67 DXCC entities and counting and many hours of enjoyment.
@arconeagain Год назад
This is a video on optimising a small loop antenna, and you can't get any more optimised than for single frequency use. Can you please specify for me what fraction of a wavelength is most ideal for performance and efficiency?
@MrApolloTom 6 месяцев назад
Probably 1/5 to 1/4 wavelength. Any larger and it gets difficult to get the capacitance low enough.
@arconeagain Год назад
So for 27mhz single band use, what would the optimum circumference be? The antenna will be a circle.(When you say 4ft or 6ft, I'm not sure what you're referring to. Diameter maybe, area??) So would the optimum length/circumference be just below a quarter wavelength? Or do you want to keep it a fair bit less than that. I was thinking 2.5 metres for, say, 27.355mhz. Half inch Heliax will be used.
@cdalton3169 Год назад
Very good discussion, guys! I too have worked that station that you referenced. Haha. He’s in Slovenia. Love your Flex radios. Contemplating getting one. Very nice.
@y_x2 Год назад
Python is another damn language to learn and you have to unlearn the other one that you know.
@glenpopiel74 Год назад
This is true, and as you saw in the presentation, I made a big thing about my lack of desire to learn yet another language. But, as it is, I have written code in nearly every computer language (and assembler) from the RTL (Resistor Transistor Logic) mainframe days forward, so in reality, what's one more language? Essentially, I feel like languages are just like the other tools in your toolbox, you choose the one best suited to the task at hand.
@danielebruneo Год назад
You are doing a great job. Love your project ❤
@tmiw Год назад
Thanks! (I'm the person who gave that presentation and who helps maintain the FreeDV project.) If you have any questions, definitely don't hesitate to let me know.
@therighthandnotes Год назад
This Ribbit digital text messaging mode for VHF/UHF communications is very useful for both recreational and emergency use. 73! Joel - DW2KBF
@robertnitschke89 Год назад
I had my Australian Ham Licence taken from me because I missed the due date for annual payment.
@sumanth5875 Год назад
I implore you to reupload this as 1080p. Ribbit is the sort of "next-gen" ham radio project that has the potential to introduce new blood into the hobby. I literally started my journey yesterday, but existing projects are essentially impenetrable to anyone just entering the field, and have the perception of cruft to them. Just the fact that Ribbit doesn't require cables or dongles makes it game changing.
@dennyoconnor8680 Год назад
You two are true experts on Flex. But, if I did not already have a Flex 3000 and figured out how to use the AGC(T) on my own to emulate how I have used the RF Gain as my audio volume control for the past 60 years, I would not have been able to follow this video other than superficially. Let me suggest that if you prepare a script as opposed to a wandering, off the cuffand stream of consciousness and have recorded examples to insert into a new taping on this topic, you will do a great service to your Flex owners/purchasers. Per the fellow above, let me suggest that Flex would be well served to make it a priority to improve noise reduction. Yes, I understand that I have old generation Flex software/hardware - the reason why does not involve cost. Still, the DX10 I have for my portable station is more capable in noise and interference reduction. I urge Flex to consider a hybrid version of the Yaesu hybrid scheme (hybrid-hybrid?) to allow the insertion of roofing filters during challenging conditions. I suspect the military would favor improvement. Because I like the Flex 3000/KE9NS so much in the short time I have used it (~ 1 year)I am looking at going to a 6600M/Genius for remote operation from our winter home come this next winter, but opinions of some current 6xxx owners that the NR is no better than it was on the older series gives me pause. Cordially, Doc - K8DO
@jochenkrebs9685 Год назад
The general question should be how much heat is produced in such tuners with 1KW and an antenna SWR of 3:1 and worse. And how long does it take to smoke. Why don't you do the key-down test and show what's really going on. Greetings from DL DH1KJ Joe
@ebazz1 Год назад
Hi Dave, nice video, very informative. Question sir, Can you setup Hampc on a flash drive with persistence? Thank you ernest Bazzinotti KC1LKB